Peri Didaxeon : eine Sammlung von Rezepten in englischer Sprache aus dem 11.

48. Ad infirmitatem manuum.

To handum2. [Hs. handrum. Am Rande Jtem.] [ 5]

Þis lacecraeft sceal to þan handan, þe þaet fell of pyleþ: Nim betan ane handfulle and lactucan ane handfulle and coliandrone ane handfulle and cnuca eall togadere: nim þanne cruman and do on waeter and þa wyrt mid and wurme þanne wel þa wurtan on þan waeter and þa cruman mid: wrye þanne [ 10] clyþan þarof and bind uppan þa handan ane niht and do þus þa lange. þe hit beþurfe.