The Middle-English translation of Palladius De Re Rustica

Book V.

P. 140. 1 The following stanza is in larger writing by the same hand, and is underlined in red. 4 Euery. saithe. thenne] gl. inde vel hinc. 5 Iugement. 6 houre haue. 7 nowe. 8 Auerell. 9 Rubric] eius. In right margin opposite rubric: Aprill Aprill (sic). Atte. In right margin: primum cam. 13 &. 14 vppe. ariseth. 15 suffiseth. 16 [fol. 76a.] Title] Aprill. 19 vp. 22 &. P. 141. 23 seedes. 24 after. thinketh. 25 thi. 26 encreseth. 27 there. 30 In left margin opposite rubric: ij cam. nowe. 31 ytaugh vnder. In right margin: 38; b, c, d. 35 delues. 36 vppe. vntil. 37 him. 38 vpp. 39 moolde. &. vp. 40 vpp. &. 42 com∣myssure. 44 [fol. 77.] Title] Aprill. graff. 45 after. parcell. 47 sette. 49 grekes. Iules. 50 lande. P. 142. 53 Vnsette. 54 doluen. 55 commyn. 56 eree] gl. vel plowe. vpp. 58 Rubric] diuersis. In right margin: iij cam. 59 Brasik. serueth. 61 euery maner. 65 kyndes. 66 &. 68 Secounde. 70 vppe. 71 haue. 72 [fol. 77a.] Title] Aprill. P. 143. 80 Arage. 83 youthe &. 84 vpp. 86 vnnecessarie. 88 &. 89 plaunted. 90 Iuce. &. 94 thervppon. 95 vpp. 98 N. is it w. nowe. 100 [fol. 78.] Title] Aprill. horsmyntes] gl. sisimbrum. 101 Cucumber. 102 &. 103 plauntes. 105 moolde. g. & goldes. In right margin: de prima sacione intibe habetur: 57; a. 106 secoundly. moolde. P. 144. 107 Rubric] eius. inferuent. 108 Iuyn. londes. 109 &. loueth. 110 plaunte. 111 plauntes. 114 & vnder. 117 omit (in). 118 &. 119 wynter. 120 vtter. 121 loure] gl. tristis sit. horscombe] gl. strigilus. 122 &. enbaume. 128 [fol. 78a.] Title] Aprill. 129 &. temporate. In right margin: 60; e, f. 130 haue. 131 Kalendes. enoculate] gl. inoclare. 132 In right margin: 65; e. 133 Cicurtree. 134 graff. In right margin: 62; c, d. P. 145. 135 sette] gl. plantata. In right margin: 63; e, f, g, h. 136 In right margin: 65; d. 137 sette] gl. posita. 138 haue. In right margin: 6; e. 139 plaunte. 140 &. serue. 141 serue] gl. servire. 142 In left margin opposite rubric: v Cam. 143 vnces. 145 theroute] gl. sub diuo. 147 vndewy] gl. sine rore. 149 Rubric] nutriendis. &. In left margin: vj cam. Nowe Calues. 153 Commixt. Nowe. 154 lamber] Page  283 er over erasure. first. 156 [fol. 79.] Title] Aprill. Rubric] apibus inuesti∣gandis & alueariis. In right margin: vij cam. 158 &. 159 Vtilitee. P. 146. 163 Rubrik] gl. vel radul. 164 euery. 166 after whiderwarde. 169 comme. 170 Kytte oute. &. side] gl. latere. 171 &. 172 swete. wyne] gl. defructum. beside] gl. iuxta. 175 after. 181 sewe vppon. last be] bee. 184 [fol. 79a.] Title] Aprill. vnto. sewte. 190 & l. P. 147. 191 Nowe. &. 192 fire] sue. 194 &. haue. 195 on] in. shaue. 197 & vnder. 198 Vppe. &. 202 vnfeyned. 204 Nowe. nought. 205 Nowe. flee] slee. 206 malues. 207 brynkes. 211 Vchone. thinges. Catchword Aurel with. 212 [fol. 80.] Title] Aprill. Rubric: de Horis. In right margin: viij cam. Avrell. September. 213 Oon. twyes xij] gl. xxiv. twyes vij] gl. xiiij. 214 seuen. 216 & x. 217 & iij & ij & i. P. 148. 219 Rubric] & praefacio. Following stanza underlined in red. 221 saluatour. Iesse. 222 euerichon. 223 vs. vsyng. 225 vpborn.