The myroure of Oure Ladye, containing a devotional treatise on divine service, with a translation of the offices used by the sisters of the Brigittine monastery of Sion, at Isleworth, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Edited from the original black-letter text of 1530 A.D., by John Henry Blunt.
Blunt, John Henry, 1823-1884., Gascoigne, Thomas, 1403-1458, supposed author., Syon Abbey (Isleworth, London, England)

[Folio .lxxxxv.] ¶ Oratio

Famulorum tuorum, Lorde god. we beseche the. *. [Collect for for∣giveness of sins through the prayer of our Lady.] forgyue the trespaces of thy seruantes. that we. that may not plese the. of oure owne dedes. mote be saued. by the prayer of the mother of oure lorde god thy sonne. Per eundem, By the same oure lorde cryste. Amen.