Three more parallel texts of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde from ms. LI in St. John's college, Cambridge; ms. no. 61 in Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, and the Harleian ms. 1239 in the British museum; put forth by F.J. Furnivall ... with a note on Chaucer's borrowings from Benoît de Sainte-More by G.C. Macaulay ....
Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910., Macaulay, G. C. (George Campbell), 1852-1915., Benoît, de Sainte-More, active 12th century.

[St. John's College, Cambridge, L. 1.]

(1) (Proem.)
THe dowble sorowe of Troilus to tellen. [fol. 1a] [ 1]
That was the kyng Priamus son of Troye.
In lowynge how his auentures fellen.
ffro wo to wele and after out of Ioye. [ 4]
My purpos is / or that I parte fro ye.
Theisphone thow help me for tendite.
Thise woful vers that wepen as I write. [ 7]
(2) (Invocation.)
To the clepe I thow goddesse of torment. [ 8]
Thow cruel furye sorwynge euere in peyne.
Help me þat am the sorwful Instrument.
That helpith louers as I kan to pleyne. [ 11]
ffor wel it sit the sothe for to seyne.
A woful wight to han a drery fere.
And to a sorwful tale a sory chere. [ 14]
ffor I þat god of loues seruantȝ serue. [ 15]
Ne dar to loue for myn vnliklynesse.
Preien for sped al sholde .I. ther for sterue.
Se fer am I from his help in dirknesse. [ 18]
But natheles yif this may don gladnesse.
Vn to any louer and his cause auaile.
Haue he my thonk / and myn be this trauaile. [ 21]
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But ye louers þat bathen in gladnesse. [ 22]
yif any drope of pite in yow be.
Remembreth yow on passed heuynesse.
That ye han felt / and on the aduersite. [ 25]
Of other folk / and thinketh how þat ye.
Han felt þat loue dorste yow displese.
Or ye han wonne hym with to gret an ese. [ 28]
And preyeth for hem þat ben in the cas. [ 29]
Of Troilus. as ye may after heere.
That loue hem brynge in heuenne to solas.
And eke for me preyeth to god so deere. [ 32]
That I haue myght to schewe in som manere.
Swich peyne and wo as loues folk endure.
In Troilus vnsely auenture. [ 35]
And biddeth ek for hem þat ben desespeyred. [fol. 1b] [ 36]
In loue / þat neuer nil recouered be.
And ek for hem þat falsly ben apeyred.
Thorw wikkyd tonges / be it he or she. [ 39]
Thus biddeth god for his benygnete.
So graunte hem soone out of þis world to pace.
That ben despeyred out of loues grace. [ 42]
And biddeth ek for hem þat ben at ese. [ 43]
That god hem graunte ay good perseueraunce.
And sende hem myght hir ladys so to plese.
That it to loue be worschipp and plesaunce. [ 46]
ffor so hope I my soule best auaunce.
To preye for hem þat loues seruantȝ be.
And write hir wo and lyue in charite. [ 49]
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And for to haue of hem compassioun. [ 50]
As thogh I weere hir owne brother deere.
Now herkneth with a good entencioun.
ffor now wol I gon streyght to my matere. [ 53]
In which ye may the double sorwes heere.
Of Troilus in louynge of Criseide.
And how þat she for sook hym or she deyde. [ 56]
(9) (Story.)
IT is wel wist how þat the grekys stronge. [ 57]
In armes with a thowsand shipes wente.
To Troyewardes and the cite longe.
Assegeden / wel x yer or they stente. [ 60]
And in diuerse wyse and oon entente.
The Rauyssynge to wreken of Eleyne.
By Parys don / they wroughten al hir peyne. [ 63]
Now fil it so þat in the town ther was. [ 64]
Dwellynge a lord of gret auctorite.
A gret deuyn þat cleped was calcas.
That in science so expert was þat he. [ 67]
Knew wel þat Troye sholde destroied be.
By answere of his god þat hight thus.
Dann phebus or Appollo delphicus. [ 70]
So when þat kalcas knew by calculynge. [fol. 2a] [ 71]
And ek by answere of this Appollo.
That grekys sholden swich a poeple brynge.
Thorw which þat Troye most be for do. [ 74]
He caste onon out of the town to go.
ffor wel wist he by sort þat Troye sholde.
Destroyed ben / ye wolde who so nolde. [ 77]
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ffor which for to departen softely. [ 78]
Took purpos ful this for knowynge wyse.
And to þe grekys oost ful pryuyly.
He stal anon and they in curteys wyse. [ 81]
Hym deden bothen worschipe and seruyse.
In trust þat he hath konnynge hem to reede.
In euery peril which þat is to drede. [ 84]
The noyse vp ros whan it was first espied. [ 85]
Thorw al the town / and generaly was spoken.
That kalcas traytour fled was and alied.
Wyth hem of grece and casten to ben wroken. [ 88]
On hym þat falsly hadde his feyth so broken.
And seyden he and al his kyn at ones.
Ben worthi for to brennen fel and bones. [ 91]
Now hadde calcas left in þis meschaunce. [ 92]
Al vnwist of this fals and wykked dede.
His dowghtir which þat was in grete penaunce.
ffor of hir lif sho was ful soore in drede. [ 95]
As sho þat nyste what was beste to rede.
ffor bothe a wydewe was she and alone.
Of any frende to whome she dorste hire mone. [ 98]
Criseide was this lady name al ryght. [ 99]
As to my dom in al Troyes Citee.
Nas non so fair for passyng euery wyght.
So angelik was hire natif beaute. [ 102]
That lik a thyng inmortale semed she.
As is an heuenyssh parfite creature.
That down were sent in scornynge of nature. [ 105]
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This lady which þat herde al day at ere. [fol. 2b] [ 106]
Hir fadris shame / his falsnesse and treson.
wel neygh out of hir wit for sorwe and fere.
In widewis habit blak of samyt broun. [ 109]
On knees she fil biforn Ector adown.
with pitous vois / and tendirly wepynge.
Hys mercy bad hir siluen excusynge. [ 112]
Now was this Ector pitous of nature. [ 113]
And saw þat she was sorwfully bigone.
And þat she was so fair a creature.
Of his goodnesse he gladede hir anone. [ 116]
And seide / lat yowre fadres treison agone.
fforth with meschaunce / and ye yowre self in Ioye.
Dwelleth with vs whil ȝow good list in Troye. [ 119]
And al thonour þat men may don yow haue. [ 120]
As ferforth as yowr fadir dwelled heere.
Ye shol han / and yowr body shal men saue.
As fer as I may aught enquere and heere. [ 123]
And she hym thanked with ful humble cheere.
And oftir wolde and it had ben his wille.
And tooke hire leue and hom and held hir stille. [ 126]
And in hir hous she abood wyth swich meyne. [ 127]
As til hir honour nede was to holde.
And whil she was dwellynge in þat Cite.
Kepte hir astate / and bothe of yonge and olde. [ 130]
fful wel beloued / and wel men of hir tolde.
But wheithir þat sche children hadde or non.
I rede it nat / ther for I late it gon. [ 133]
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The thinges fellen as they don of were. [ 134]
By twixen hem of Troye and grekes ofte.
ffor som day boghten thei of Troye it dere.
And eft þe grekes fownden no thing softe. [ 137]
The folk of Troye / and thus fortune on lofte.
And wonder ofte 1. [The original words erased, under eft is written by a later hand.] gan hem whielen bothe.
Aftir hir cours / ay whil þat thei were wrothe.
But how this town com to destruccion. [fol. 3a] [ 141]
Ne falleth naught to purpos me to telle.
ffor it were heere a long disgression.
ffro my matere and yow to long to dwelle. [ 144]
But the troian gestes as they felle.
In omer / or in dares / or in dite.
who so þat kan may rede hem as they write. [ 147]
But though þat grekes hem of Troye shetten. [ 148]
And hir Cite bysegede al a boute.
Hir olde vsage nolde they nat letten.
As for to honoure hir goddes ful deuoute. [ 151]
But aldermost in honour out of doute.
They hadde a relik / het palladion.
That was hire trust a bouen euerychon. [ 154]
And so bifil whan comen was þe tyme. [ 155]
Of aperil / when clothed is þe mede.
with newe grene of lusty veer the pryme.
And swote smellen floures whyte and reede. [ 158]
In sondry wises shewed as I reede.
The folk of Troye hir obseruaunces olde.
Palladions feste for to holde. [ 161]
Page  7(24)
And to þe temple in al hire beste wise. [ 162]
In general ther wente mony a wyght.
To herknen of Palladion seruyse.
And namely so mony a lusty knyght. [ 165]
So mony a lady fressh and mayden bryght.
fful wel arayed bothe þe meste and þe leste.
Ye bothe for the seson and the feeste. [ 168]
A mong this oother folk was Criseida. [ 169]
In widwes habit blak / but natheles.
Right as our first letter is now an .a.
In beaute first so stood she makeles. [ 172]
Hir goodly lokynge gladede al þe prees.
Nas neuir yit seyn thing / to ben preysed derre.
Nor vnder kloude blake / so bright a sterre. [ 175]
As was Criseyde as folk seyde euerychone. [fol. 3b] [ 176]
That hir beholden in hir blake wede.
And yit she stood ful lowe and stil alone.
Byhyndyn oother folk in litel brede. [ 179]
And ney þe dore. ay vndir shames drede.
Symple of atir and debonar of chere.
with ful assured lokynge and manere. [ 182]
This Troilus as he was wont to gide. [ 183]
His yonge knyghtees ladde hem vp and down.
In thilke large temple on euery syde.
Biholdyng ay the ladyes of þe town. [ 186]
Now her now ther for no deuocion.
Hadde he to non / to reuen hym his reste.
But gan to preyse and lakken whom him leste. [ 189]
Page  8(28)
And in his walke full faste he gan to wayten. [ 190]
yif knyght or squier of his compaygnye.
Gan for to sike / or lete hise eyen bayten.
On any woman þat he koude espye. [ 193]
He wolde smyle and holden it folie.
And seye hym thus / god wote she slepth ful softe.
ffor loue of the / whan thow tornest ful ofte. [ 196]
I haue herd told pardieux of yowr lyuynge. [ 197]
Ye loueris / and yowr lewed obseruaunces.
And which a labour folk han in wynnynge.
Of loue / and in the kepynge which doutaunces. [ 200]
And whan yowr praye is lost wo and penanaunces.
O. verray fooles nyce and blynde ben ye.
Ther nys nat oon kan war by oother be. [ 203]
And with þat word he gan caste vp the browe. [ 204]
Ascances lo / is this nat wisly spoken.
At which the god of loue gan loken rowe.
Right for despite / and shop for to ben wroken. [ 207]
And kidde anon his bowe nas nat broken.
ffor sodeynly he hitte hym at the fulle.
And yit as proud a pecok kan he pulle. [ 210]
O blynde world .o. blynde entencion. [fol. 4a] [ 211]
How often falleth alle theffect contraire.
Of surquidrie and foule presumpcion.
ffor kaught is proud and kaught is debonaire. [ 214]
This Troilus is cloumben on the staire.
And litil weneth þat he mot descenden.
But alday faileth thing þat fooles wenden. [ 217]
Page  9(32)
As proud bayard gynneth for to skippe. [ 218]
Out of the wey so priketh him his corn.
Til he a lassh haue of þe longe whippe.
Than thinketh he thought I praunce al beforn. [ 221]
ffirst in the trais ful fat and newe shorn.
Yit am I but an hors and horses lawe.
I mot endure and with my feeres drawe. [ 224]
So ferde it by this fierse and proud knyght. [ 225]
Thought he a worthi kynges sone were.
And wende no thing hadde had swich myght.
Ayein his wil þat sholde his herte stiere [ 228]
yit with a look his herte wax a feere.
That he þat now was most in pride aboue.
wax sodeynly most subget vn to loue. [ 231]
ffor thi ensaumple taketh of this man. [ 232]
Ye wise / proude / and worthy folkes alle.
To scornen loue / which that so sone kan.
The fredom of yowre hertes to hym thralle. [ 235]
ffor euere it was / and euere it shal be falle
That loue is he þat al thynge may byndde.
ffor may no man for do þe lawe of kynde. [ 238]
That this be sothe hath prouede and doth yit. [ 239]
ffor this trow I ye knowen al or some.
Men reden nat þat folk han gretter wit.
Than they þat kan ben meste with loue Inome. [ 242]
And strangest folk ben ther with ouercome.
The worthyeste and gretteeste of degree.
This was and is and yit men shal it se. [ 245]
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And treweliche it sit wel to ben so. [fol. 4b] [ 246]
ffor alderwiseste han therwith ben plesed.
And they þat haue ben aldermoste in wo.
with loue haue ben conforted most and esed. [ 249]
And oft it hath þe cruel herte apesed.
And worthi folk / maad worthier of name.
And causeth most to dreden vice and shame. [ 252]
Now sith it may nat goodly ben withstonde. [ 253]
And is a thing so vertuous in kynde.
Refuseth nat to loue for to be bonde.
Syn as hym seluen list he may yow bynde. [ 256]
The yerde is bet þat bowen wol and wynde.
Than that þat brest / and therfor .I. yow reede.
To folwen loue / þat yow so wel kan leede. [ 259]
But for to tellen forth in special. [ 260]
As of this kynges sone of which I tolde.
And leten oother thing collaterall.
Of hym thenke I my tale forth to holde. [ 263]
Bothe of his Ioyes / and of his cares coolde.
And al his werk / as touchyng this matere.
ffor I it gan I wil ther to refere. [ 266]
With in þe temple he wente hym forth pleyinge. [ 267]
This Troilus of euery wyght aboute.
On this lady / and now on that lokynge.
wher so she were of towne or of with oute. [ 270]
And vp on cas byfil þat thorw a route.
His eye percede / and so depe it wente.
Til on Criseyde it smot / and ther it stente. [ 273]
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And sodeynly he wax ther with astoned. [ 274]
And gan hir bet beholde in thrifty wyse.
O mercy god thoughte he wher hastow woned.
That art so fair and goodly to deuyse. [ 277]
Ther with his herte gan to sprede and ryse.
And softe siked lest men myght hym heere.
And caughte ayein his first pleying cheere. [ 280]
She nas nat with the leeste of hir stature [fol. 5a] [ 281]
But al hir lymes so wele answerynge.
weeren to wommanhod / þat creature.
Nas neuere lasse mannyssh in semynge. [ 284]
And ek the pure wise of hir mouynge.
Shewed wel þat men myght in hir gesse.
Honour / estat and wommanly noblesse. [ 287]
To Troilus right wonder wele with alle. [ 288]
Gan for to lyke hir moeuynge and hir cheere.
which somdel deignous was / for she let falle.
Hir look / a lite aside / in swiche manere. [ 291]
Ascaunces what may I nat stonden heere.
And after þat hir lokynge gan she lyghte.
That neuere thought hym sen so good a syghte. [ 294]
And of hir look in hym ther gan to quyken. [ 295]
So gret desire / and swiche affeccioun.
That in his hertes botine gan to stiken.
Of hir / his fix and dep inpressioun. [ 298]
And though he erst had poured vp and downe.
He was tho glade hise hornes in to shrynke.
Vnnethes wiste he how to loke or wynke. [ 301]
Page  12(44)
Lo he þat leet hym seluen so konnynge. [ 302]
And scorned hem þat loues peynes dryen.
was ful vnwar þat loue hadde his dwellynge.
with in the subtil stremes of hir eyne. [ 305]
That sodeynly hym thought he felte deyen.
Right with hir look the spirit of his herte.
Blissed be loue þat kan thus folk conuerte. [ 308]
She this in blak likynge to troilus. [ 309]
Ouer al thing / he stood for to biholde.
Ne his desir / ne wher for he stood thus.
He neyther chere made ne word tolde. [ 312]
But fram a fer his manere for to holde.
On oother thing som tyme his look he caste.
And eft on hir / whil þat seruyse laste. [ 315]
And aftir this nat fullische al a whaped. [fol. 5b] [ 316]
Out of the temple al esiliche he wente.
Repentyng hym þat he hadde euere I Iaped.
Of loues folk. lest fully the descente. [ 319]
Of scorn / fille on hym self. but whate he mente.
Lest it weere wist on ony maner side.
Hys wo he gan dissimulen and hide. [ 322]
Whan he was fro the temple thus departed. [ 323]
He streyght anon vnto the paleys torneth.
Right with hir look thorw shoten and thorw darted.
Al feyneth he in lust þat he soiorneth. [ 326]
And al hys cheere and speche also he borneth.
And ay of loues seruantȝ euery while.
Hym selfe to wrye at hem he gan to smyle. [ 329]
Page  13(48)
And seyde lord so ye lyue al in leste. [ 330]
Ye loueris / for the konnyngeste of yow.
That seruyth most ententiflische and best.
Hym tit as often harme ther of as prow. [ 333]
Yowr hire is quyt ageyn / ye god woot how.
Naught wel / for wel / but scorn for good seruyse.
In fayth yowre ordre is ruled in good wyse. [ 336]
In noun certeyne ben alle yowre obseruaunces. [ 337]
But it a fewe sely poyntes be.
Ne no thing axketh so gret attendaunces.
As doth youre lay and that knowe alle ye. [ 340]
But þat is nat the worste as mote .I. the.
But tolde I yow the werste poynte I leeue.
Al seyde I sothe ye wolden at me greue. [ 343]
But tak this þat the loueris ofte escue. [ 344]
Or elles don of good entencioun.
fful ofte thy lady wol it mys construe.
And deme it harm by hir opynioun. [ 347]
And yit yif she for oother enchesoun.
Be wrothe than shaltow han a groyn anon.
Lorde wel is hym that may ben of yow oon. [ 350]
But for al this whan þat he say his tyme. [fol. 6a] [ 351]
He helde his pees / non oother boot hym gaynede.
ffor loue be gan hise fetheres so to lyme.
That wel vnnethe vntil his folk he faynede. [ 354]
That oother bisie nedes hym destreynede.
ffor wo was hym that what to don he nyste.
But bad his folk to gon wher þat hem liste. [ 357]
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And whan that he in chaumbre was allone. [ 358]
He down vp on his beddes feet hym sette.
And first he gan to sike and efte to grone.
And thought ay so on hir with outen lette. [ 361]
That as he sat and wook his spirit mette.
That he hir saugh / and temple / and al the wise.
Right of hir looke / and gan it newe auyse. [ 364]
Thus gan he make a mirrour of his mynde. [ 365]
In which he say al holly hir figure.
And þat he wel koude in his herte fynde.
It was to hym a right good auenture. [ 368]
To loue swich oon / and yif he dede his cure.
To seruen hir / yit myght he falle in grace.
Or ellis for oon of hir seruantȝ pace. [ 371]
Imaginynge that trauaylle nor grame. [ 372]
Ne myght for so goodly oon be lorne.
As she / ne hym for his desir no shame.
Al weere it wist / but in pris and vp borne. [ 375]
Of al loueris wel moore than byforne.
Thus argumented he in begynnynge.
Ful vnauysed of his wo commynge. [ 378]
Thus tooke he purpos loues craft to suwe. [ 379]
And thought he wolde wirkyn pryuyly.
ffirste to hiden his desir in muwe.
ffrom euery wight I born al outerly. [ 382]
But he myghte oght recouered ben ther by.
Remembryng hym / þat loue to wide I blowe.
Yelt bitter fruyt / though swete seed be sowe. [ 385]
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And ouere al this muchel moore he thought. [fol. 6b] [ 386]
what for to speke / and what to holden inne.
And what to arten hir to loue he soghte.
And on a song anon ryght to begynne. [ 389]
And gan loud on his sorwe for to wynne.
For with good hope he gan fullysche assente.
Criscide for to loue and naught repente. [ 392]
And of his song nat only the sentence. [ 393]
As writ myn auctour called lollius.
But pleynly saue our tonges difference.
I dar wel say in al þat Troilus. [ 396]
Seyde in his song / loo euery worde right thus.
As .I. shal seyn / and who so list it heere.
Lo next this verse ye may it fynden heere. [ 399]
(58) (Troilus's Song, from Petrarch's 88th Sonnet.)
Yif no loue is o god what fele .I. so. [ 400]
And yif loue is / what thing and which is he.
yif loue be good / from whennes comth my wo.
yif it be wilke a wonder thinketh me. [ 403]
whenne euery torment and aduersite.
That comth of hym may to me sauory thinke.
ffor ay thurst I the moore þat ich it drynke. [ 406]
(59) (From Petrarch.)
And yif þat at myn owne lust I brenne. [ 407]
ffrom whennes comyth my waylynge and my pleynte.
yif harme agree me I wher to pleyne I thenne.
I noot. / ne whi vnwery þat I feynte. [ 410]
O quyke deth / o swete harm so queynte.
How may of the in me swich quantite.
But yif that I consente þat it be. [ 413]
Page  16(60) (From Petrarch.)
And yif þat I consente .I. wrongfully. [ 414]
Compleyne .I.-wis thus possed to and fro.
Al steereles with Inne a boot am .I.
A mydde the see betwixen wyndes two. [ 417]
That in contrarie stonden euer mo.
Allas what is this wondir maladie.
ffor hete of cold / for colde of hete I dye. [ 420]
(End of Troilus's Song from Petrarch's 88th Sonnet.)
And to the god of loue thus seyde he. [fol. 7a] [ 421]
with pitous vois / .a. lord now yowres is.
Mi spirit which þat aught youres be.
Yow thanke I lord þat han me brought to this. [ 424]
But wheither goddesse or womman .I.-wis.
She be I not / which þat ye do me serue.
But as hir man .I. wol ay lyue and sterue. [ 427]
ye stonden in hir eyen myghtyly. [ 428]
As in a plase vnto your vertu digne.
wherfore lorde yif my seruyse or .I.
May liken yow / so beth to me benyngne. [ 431]
ffor myn estat roial here I resigne.
In to hir hand / and with ful humble cheere.
By come hir man as to my lady deere. [ 434]
In hym ne deynede sparen blood real. [ 435]
The fir of loue / the wher fro god me blesse.
Ne hym forbar in no degree for al.
Hys vertu or his excellent prowesse. [ 438]
But held hym als his thral lowe in destresse.
And brende hym so in sondry wisse ay newe.
That sexty tyme a day he lost his hewe. [ 441]
Page  17(64)
So mochel day fro day his owne thought. [ 442]
ffor lust to hir / gan quyken and encresce.
That euerych oother charge he sette at nought.
fforthy ful ofte his hoote fir to cesse. [ 445]
To sen hir goodly look / he gan to preese.
ffor ther by to ben esed wel he wende.
And ay the neer he was the moore he brende. [ 448]
ffor ay the neer the fir the hotter is. [ 449]
This trow I knoweth al this compaignye.
But wer he fer or neer I dar say this.
By nyght or day for wisdom or folye. [ 452]
His herte which þat is his brestes ye.
Was ay on hir þat fayrer was to seene.
Than euere weere Eleyne or Polyxene. [ 455]
Ek of the day ther passed naught an houre. [fol. 7b] [ 456]
That to hym self a thousande tyme he seyde.
Good goodly to whom serue I laboure.
As I best kan. now wold god Criseyde. [ 459]
Ye wolden on me rewe or þat I deyde.
My dere herte allas myn heele and hewe.
And lif is lost but ye wol on me rewe. [ 462]
Alle oothre dredes weeryn from hym fleedde. [ 463]
Bothe of thassege and hys sauacioun.
Ne in his desir non oothre fownes bredde.
But argumentȝ to his conclusioun. [ 466]
That she on hym wold han compassioun.
And he to ben hir man whil he may dure.
Lo here is lif and from the deth his cure. [ 469]
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The sharpe shoures felle of armes proue. [ 470]
That Ector or hise oother brethren deden.
Ne maade hym oonly ther for oonys moeue.
And yit was he wher so men wente or ryden. [ 473]
ffownde on the beste / and langest tyme abyden.
Ther peril was / and dede ek swich trauaile.
In armes that to thynk it was maruayle. [ 476]
But for non hate he to the grekys hadde. [ 477]
Ne also for the rescous of the town.
Ne made hym thus in armes for to madde.
But oonly lo / for this conclusioun. [ 480]
To liken hir the bet for his renoun.
ffro day to day in armes so he spedde.
That the grekys as the deth hym dredde. [ 483]
And fro this forth tho refte hym loue hys slepe. [ 484]
And made his mete his foo / and ek hys sorwe.
Gan multiplie / þat wo so took kepe.
It shewede in his hewe on eue and morwe. [ 487]
Therfore a title he gan hym for to borwe.
Of oother siknesse / list men of hym wende.
That the hoote fir of loue hym brende. [ 490]
And seyde he hadde a feuer and ferde amys. [fol. 8a] [ 491]
But how it was certeyne I kan nat seye.
yif þat his lady vnderstood nat this.
Or feynede hir she nyst / oon of the tweye. [ 494]
But wele rede I þat by no maner weye.
Ne semede it as þat she of hym roughte.
Or of his peyne. or what so euere he thoughte. [ 497]
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But than felte this Troilus swich wo. [ 498]
That he was wele ney wode / for ay his drede.
was this. þat she som wight hadde loued so.
That neuer of hym she wolde haue taken hede. [ 501]
ffor þat cause hym thought he felte his herte bleede.
Ne of his wo ne durste he nat bygynne.
To tellen hir / for al this worlde to wynne. [ 504]
But when he hadde a space from his care. [ 505]
Thus to hym self ful ofte he gan to pleyne.
He seyde o fool now artow in the snare.
That whilom Iapedest at loues peyne. [ 508]
Now artow hente now gnawgh thy owne cheyne.
Thow weere ay wont ich louer to reprehende.
Of thing fro which thow kanst the naught defende. [ 511]
What wol now euery louer seyne of the. [ 512]
Yif this be wist / but euere in thyn absence.
Laughen in scorn and seyn lo ther goth he.
That is the man of the gret sapience. [ 515]
That held vs loueris lest in reuerence.
Now thonked god he may gon in the daunce.
Of hem that loue list febly for tauaunce. [ 518]
But .o. thow woful Troilus god wolde. [ 519]
Sith thow most louen thorw thy destyne.
That thow byset weere on swich on þat sholde.
Know al thy wo al lakked hir pite. [ 522]
But also cold in loue towardes the.
Thy lady is as frost in wynter moone.
And thow for don / as snowgh in fir is soone. [ 525]
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God wold I weere aryued in the port. [fol. 8b] [ 526]
Of deth / to which my sorwe wol me leede.
A lord to me it weere a gret confort.
Than weere I quyt of languyssynge in drede. [ 529]
ffor be my hidde sorwe I blowe on breede.
I shal be Iaped ben a thousand tyme.
More than þat fool of whos folye men ryme. [ 532]
But now help god / and þe swete for whom. [ 533]
In pleyne kaught / þe neuer wyght so faste.
O mercy der herte / and help me from.
The deth / for I whil þat my lif may laste. [ 536]
More than my self wol loue yow to my laste.
And with som frendly look / gladdeth me sweete.
Thogh neuere no thing more ye me byhete. [ 539]
Thise wordes and ful mony another to. [ 540]
He spak and callede euere in his compleynte.
Hir name / for to tellen hir his wo.
Til noy that he in salte teeris dreynte. [ 543]
Al was for naught she harde nat his pleynte.
And whan þat he bethought on þat folye.
A thousand fold his wo gan to multiplye. [ 546]
By waylynge in his chaumbre thus allone. [ 547]
A frende of his þat called was Pandare.
Come oonys in vnwar and herde hym grone.
And saw his frende in swiche destresse and care. [ 550]
Allas quod he who causeth al this fare.
O mercy god what vnhap may this meene.
Han now thus sone grekys made yow leene. [ 553]
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Or hastow som remors of conscience. [ 554]
And art now falle in som deuocioun.
And waylest for thy synne and thyn offence.
And hast for ferde kaught attricioun. [ 557]
God saue hem þat byseged han oure town.
That so konne leye oure Iolyte on presse.
And brynge oure lusty folk to holynesse. [ 560]
Thise wordes seyde he for the nones alle. [fol. 9a] [ 561]
That with swich thing / he myght hym angry maken.
And with an angir don his sorwe falle.
As for the tyme / and his corage awaken. [ 564]
But wel wist he as fer as tonges spaken.
Ther nas no man of gretter hardynesse.
Than he / no more desirede worthynesse. [ 567]
That cas quod Troilus or what auenture. [ 568]
Hath gyded the to sen me languyssynge.
That am refus of euery creture.
But for the loue of god at my preyinge. [ 571]
Go henne away / for certes my deyinge.
wol the disese and I mot nedes deye.
Therfor go wey / ther nys no more to seye. [ 574]
But yif thow weene I be thus sik for drede. [ 575]
It is naught so / and therfor scorn nought.
Ther is a nother thing / .I. take of hede.
wel more than aught þat grekys han yit wroght. [ 578]
which cause is of my deth for sorwe and thought.
But thogh þat I now telle it the ne leste.
Be thow naught wrothe I hide it for the beste. [ 581]
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This pandar þat wel neyght malt for wo and routhe. [ 582]
fful often seyde allas what may this be.
Now frende quod he if euere loue or trouthe.
Hath ben or this / bytwix the and me. [ 585]
Ne do thow neuer swich a cruelte.
To hiden fro thi frende so gret a care.
wostow nat wel þat it am I Pandare. [ 588]
I wol parten with the al thi peyne. [ 589]
Yif it be so I do the no dyscomforte. *. [[Over erasure.]]
As it is frendes ryght soth for to seyne.
To entreparten wo as glad desporte. [ 592]
I haue and shal for trewe or fals report.
In wrong / and ryght I loued the al my lyue
Hyd nat thy wo fro me but tel it blyue. [ 595]
Than gan this sorwful Troilus to sike. [fol. 9b] [ 596]
And seide hym thus / god leeue it be my beste.
To telle it the / for sith it may the like.
Yit wol I telle it the thought myn herte breste. [ 599]
And wel wot I thow mayst do me no reste.
But list thow deme / I triste naught to the.
Now herke frende for thus it stant with me. [ 602]
Loue ayeins the which who so defendeth. [ 603]
Hym seluen most hym alderlest auayleth.
with desespeire so sorwfull me offendeth.
That streyght vnto the deth myn herte fayleth. [ 606]
Therto desire so brennyngly me assayleth.
That to be slayne it weere a grettere Ioye.
To me / than kyng of grece ben and Troye. [ 609]
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Suffiseth this my ful frende pandare. [ 610]
That I haue seyde for now wostow my wo.
And for the loue of god my coold care.
So hid it wel / .I. told neuere to mo. [ 613]
ffor harmys myghten folwen mo than two.
Yif it weere wist / but be thow in gladnesse.
And lat me sterue vnknowe of my destresse. [ 616]
How hastow thus vnkyndlisch and longe. [ 617]
Hid this fro me / thow fool quod Pandarus.
Paraunter thow mayst aftir swich oon longe.
That myn auys anon may helpen vs. [ 620]
This weere a wonder thing quod Troilus.
Thow koudest neuere in loue thi seluen wisse.
How deuel maystow bryngen me to blisse.' [ 623]
Ye Troilus now herke quod Pandare. [ 624]
Though .I. be nyce it happeth often so.
That oon þat exces doth ful Iuele fare.
By good conseil kan kepe his frende therfro. [ 627]
I haue my seluen seyne a blynd man go.
Ther as he fel þat koude loken wyde.
A fool may ek a wisman kyde. [ 630]
A wheston is no keruynge Instrument. [fol. 10a] [ 631]
But yet it maketh sharpe keruynge toolis.
And ther thow wost þat I haue aught myswente.
Eschew thow þat / for swich thing / to the scole is. [ 634]
Thus often wise men ben war be foolis.
Yif thow so do thy wite is wele by wared.
By his contrarie is euery thyng declared. [ 637]
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ffor how myght euer swettnesse han ben knowe. [ 638]
To hym þat neuere tastede bitternesse.
Ne no man wote what gladnesse is I trowe.
That neuere was in sorwe / or som destresse. [ 641]
Ek white be blak / by shame ek worthynesse.
Ech set by oother / mor for oother semyth.
As men may sen and so the wise it demyth. [ 644]
Syn thus of two contraries is oo loore. [ 645]
I þat haue in loue so ofte assayed.
Greuaunces oughte konne / and wel the moore.
Conseylen the of þat thow art amayed. [ 648]
And ek the noughte nat ben yuele apayed.
Though I desire / with the for to bere.
Thyn heuy charge / it shal the lasse dere. [ 651]
I wot wel þat it fareth thus by me. [ 652]
As to thy brother Parys an hierdesse,
which þat Icleped was Oenone.
wrot in a compleynte of hir heuynesse. [ 655]
Ye say the lettre þat she wrot I gesse.
Nay neuere yit I-wys quod Troilus.
Now quod Pandare herkeneth it was thus. [ 658]
(95) (Oenone's Letter to Paris. 1 st.)
Phebus þat first fonde art of medycyne. [ 659]
Quod she / and kouth in euery wightes care.
Remede and reed / by herbes he knewgh fyne.
Yit to hym self / his konnyng was ful bare. [ 662]
ffor loue hadde hym so bounden in the snare.
Al for the doughter of kyng Amete.
That al hys craft ne koude hise sorwes beete. [ 665]
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Ryght so far .I. vnhappely for me. [fol. 10b] [ 666]
I loue oon best / and þat me smerteth soore.
And yit paraunter kan I reden the.
And nat my self / reprocue me na moore. [ 669]
I haue no cause I woot wel for to soore.
As doth a hauk / þat listeth for to pley.
But to thyn help yit som what kan I seye. [ 672]
And of o thing right siker maystow be. [ 673]
That certein for to deyen in the peyne.
That I shal neuere mo discoueren the.
Ne by my trouthe I kepe nat restreyne. [ 676]
The fro thi loue / theygh þat it weere Eleyne.
That is thy brother wif / if ich it wiste.
Be what she be and loue hir as the liste. [ 679]
Therfor as frende fullich in me assure. [ 680]
And tel me plat now what is tenchesoun.
And fynaly cause of wo / þat ye endure.
ffor douteth no thing myn entencoun. [ 683]
Nis nat to yow of reprehensioun.
To speke as now / for no wight may byreue.
A man to loue / til that hym list to leue. [ 686]
And witeth wele þat bothe two ben vices. [ 687]
Mistrusten alle / or elles alle leue.
But wele I wote / ye (sic) mene of it no vice is.
ffor for to trusten som wight is a preue. [ 690]
Of trouthe / and forthi wold I fayn remeue.
Thy wronge conceyte. and do þe som wight triste.
Thy wo to telle / and tel me yif the liste. [ 693]
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The wise seith wo hym þat is allone. [ 694]
ffor and he falle / he hath non helpe to ryse.
And sith thow hast a felowe tel thy moone.
ffor this nys nat certeyne the nexte wyse. [ 697]
To wynnen loue / as techen vs the wyse.
To wolow and wepe as Niobe the quyene.
whos teeris yit in marbel ben Iseene. [ 700]
Lat be thi wepyng and thi drerynesse. [fol. 11a] [ 701]
And lat vs lissen wo with oother speche.
So may thi woful tyme seme lesse.
Delite nat in wo thi wo to seche. [ 704]
As don thise fooles þat hir sorwes eche.
with sorwe / whan they han mysauenture.
And listen naught / to seche hem oother cure. [ 707]
Men seyne to wrecche is consolacioun. [ 708]
To haue another felawe in his peyne.
That oughte wel ben oure opynioun.
ffor bothen thow and I of loue we pleyne. [ 711]
So ful of sorow am I soth for to seyne.
That certeynly no moore harde grace.
May sitte on me / for whi ther is no spase. [ 714]
Yif god wile thow art nat agast of me. [ 715]
List I wolde of thy lady the bygile.
Thow woost thy self whome þat I loue parde.
As I best kan / gon sithen longe while. [ 718]
And sith thow wost I do it for no gile.
And seist I am he that thow trustest moost.
Tel me somewhat sith al my wo thow woost. [ 721]
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Yit Troilus for al this no worde seyde. [ 722]
But longe he lay as stille as he ded were.
And aftir this with sikynge he abreyde.
And to Pandarus vois he lente his ere. [ 725]
And vp hys eyen caste he þat in feere.
was Pandarus. list þat in frenesye.
He sholde falle / or ellis soone dye. [ 728]
And cryde awake ful wonderlisch and sharpe. [ 729]
what slombrestow as in a litargie.
Or artow like an asse to the harpe.
That herith sown whan men the strenghes plye. [ 732]
But in his mynde of þat no melodye.
May synken / hym to gladen for that he.
So dul is / of his bestialite. [ 735]
And with that Pandare of his wordes stente. [fol. 11b] [ 736]
And Trolus yit hym no worde answerde.
ffor why to tellen was nat his entente.
To neuer no man / for whom þat he so ferde. [ 739]
ffor it is seyde men maketh ofte a yerde.
with which the maker is hym self Ibeeten.
In sondry manere as thise wise treten. [ 742]
And namelisch in his conseil tellynge. [ 743]
That toucheth loue / þat ought ben secree.
ffor of hym self / it wole Inought out sprynge.
But yif þat it the bet gouerned be. [ 746]
Ek som tyme it is a craft to seme flee.
ffor thing / which in effect men honten faste.
Al this gan Troilus in his herte caste. [ 749]
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But neuertheles / whan he hadde herd hym crye. [ 750]
Awake / he gan to siken wonder soore.
And seyde / frende thought þat I stille lye.
I nam nat deef / now pees and crye no moore. [ 753]
ffor I haue herde thy wordes and thy loore.
But suffre me my meschief to bywalen.
ffor thy prouerbes / may me naught auaylen. [ 756]
ffor oother cure kanstow non for me. [ 757]
Ek I nil nat be cured I wol deye.
what knowe I of the queene Niobe.
Lat be thyne olde ensaumples I the preye. [ 760]
No quod Pandarus ther for I saye.
Swich is delite of folis to beweepe.
Hir wo / but seken boote they ne kepe. [ 763]
Now knowe I yt (sic) ther resoun in the faylleth. [ 764]
But tel me if I wist what she weere.
ffor whom þat the al this mysaunter ayleth.
Dorst thow þat I tolde in hir ere. [ 767]
Thy wo / sith thow darst naught for feere.
And hir bysought / on the to han som routhe.
why nay quod he by god and bi my trouthe. [ 770]
What nat as bisily quod Pandarus. [fol. 12a] [ 771]
As though myn owne lif laye on this nede.
No certes brother quod this Troilus.
And why / for that thow sholdest neuer spede. [ 774]
wostow þat wel / ye þat is out of drede.
Quod Troilus / for al þat euere þe konne.
She nyl to no swich wrechche as I ben wonne. [ 777]
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Quod Pandarus allas what may this be. [ 778]
That thow dispeirede art thus causeles.
what lyueth naught thi lady bendiste.
How wostow so þat thow art graceles. [ 781]
Swich euyl is nat alwey bootoles.
why put nat inpossible thus thy cure.
Sith thing / to come is ofte in auenture. [ 784]
I graunte wel þat thow endurest woo. [ 785]
As sharp as doth he ticius in helle.
whos stomak fowghles tyren euere mo.
That heghten voltouris as bookes telle. [ 788]
But I may nat endure that thow dwelle.
In so vnskylful an opynyoun.
That of thy wo is no curacioun. [ 791]
But oones nyltow for thy cowarde herte. [ 792]
And for thyn Ire and foolissħ willfulnesse.
ffor wantrust / tellen of thy sorwes smerte.
Ne to thyn owen help don bysynesse. [ 795]
As moche as speke a resoun moore or lesse.
Bot list as he þat lest of nothing reche.
what womman koude loue swiche a wrechche. [ 798]
What may she demen oother of thy deth. [ 799]
Yif thow thus deye / and she not whi it is.
But þat for feere is yolden vp thi brethe.
For grekys han byseged vs I wis. [ 802]
Lorde which a thonk shaltow han of this.
Thus wol she seyn and al the town at onys.
The wrechch is ded / the deuyl haue his bonys. [ 805]
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Thow mayst allone here wepe and crye and knele. [fol. 12b] [ 806]
But loue a womman that she woot it noughte.
And she wol quyte it that thow shalt nat feele.
Vnknowe vnkist / and lost þat is vnsought. [ 809]
what many a man hath loue ful deere Ibought.
Twenty wynter þat his lady wiste.
That neuere yit his lady mouth he kiste. [ 812]
What sholde he therfor falle in despayre. [ 813]
Or be recreaunte for his owne teene.
Or slen hym self / al be his lady faire.
Nay. nay. but euere in oon be fressch and grene. [ 816]
To serue and loue his deere hertees queene.
And think it is a guerdoun hir to serue.
A thousand fold moor than he kan desserue. [ 819]
And of that word / took hede Troilus. [ 820]
And thoughte anon what folye he was Inne.
And how that soth hym seide Pandarus.
That for to sleyne hym self myght he nat wynne. [ 823]
But bothe don vnmanhed and a synne.
And of his deth his lady naught to wite.
ffor of his wo god woot she knewgh ful lite. [ 826]
And with that thought he gan ful soore sike. [ 827]
And seide allas what is me best to do.
To whom Pandare answerde yif the like.
The best is þat thow telle me thi woo. [ 830]
And haue my trouthe but thow fynde it so.
I be thi boote / or þat I be ful longe.
To pieces do me drawe and sithen honge. [ 833]
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Ye so seystow quod Troilus tho allas. [ 834]
But god woot it is naught þe rather so.
fful hard weere it to helpen in this cas.
ffor wel fynde I þat fortune is my foo. [ 837]
Ne alle the men þat ryden konne or go.
May of hir cruel whiel the harm withstonde.
ffor as hir list she pleyth with fre and bonde. [ 840]
Quod Pandarus than blamestow fortune. [fol. 13a] [ 841]
ffor thow art wroth / ye now at erst I se.
wostow nat wel þat fortune ys comune.
To euery manere wight in som degree. [ 844]
And yit thow hast this confort lo parde.
That as hir Ioyes moten ouer gone.
So mote hir sorwes passen euerychone. [ 847]
ffor yif hir whiel stynt any thing to torne. [ 848]
Than cessed she fortune anon to be.
Now sith hir whel be no wey may soiorne.
what wostow yif hir mutabilite. [ 851]
Right as thy seluen list wil don be the.
Or that she be nat fer fro thyn helpynge.
Paraunter thow hast cause for to synge. [ 854]
And therfore wostow what I the byseche. [ 855]
Lat be thy wo and tornynge to the gronde.
ffor who so list haue helpyng of his leche.
To hym byhoueth first vnwre his wonde. [ 858]
To Cerberus in helle / ay be I bownde.
were it for my suster al thy sorwe.
By my wil she sholde al be thyne to morwe. [ 861]
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Look vp I seye and telle me what sche is. [ 862]
Anon / that I may gon aboute thy nede.
Knowe ich hir ought / for my loue tel me this.
Than wolde I hopen rather for to spede. [ 865]
Tho gan the veyne of Troilus to blede.
ffor he was hit / and wex al rede for shame.
A ha quod Pandare her bygynneth game. [ 868]
And with that word he gan hym for to shake. [ 869]
And seyde thef / thow shalt hir name telle.
But tho gan sely Troilus for to quake.
As thowgh men sholde han lad hym in to helle. [ 872]
And seyde allas of al my wo the welle.
Than is my sweete foo called Criseyde.
And wel ney with the word for fere he deyde. [ 875]
And whan that Pandare harde hir name neuene. [fol. 13b] [ 876]
Lord he was glad / and seyde frende so dere.
Now fare aright for Ioues name in heuene.
Loue hath byset the wel / be of good chere. [ 879]
ffor of good name wisdom and manere.
She hath Inought / and ek of gentilesse.
Yf she be fayre thow wost thy self I gesse. [ 882]
Ny neuere say a moore bountenous. [ 883]
Of hir astat / ne gladdere ne of speche.
A frendlier / na moore gracious.
ffor to do wel / ne lasse hadde nede to seche. [ 886]
what for to don / and al this bet to eche.
In honour to as fayr as she may strechche.
A kynges herte semyth by hirs a wrechche. [ 889]
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[*. [[This stanza is scritten in the margin in a later hand.]] And for thy look of good comfort thou be
for certainly þe first poynt is this
of noble courage, and well ordaine the
to han peace within himself Iwis
so oughtest þou for nought but good it is
to loven well and in a worthy place
men ought not clepe it happe but grace]
And also think / and therwith glade the. [ 897]
That sith thy lady vertuous is al.
So folweth it þat ther is som pite.
Amonges al this oothre in general. [ 900]
And forthi / see þat thow in special.
Requere nat / þat is ayein hir name.
ffor vertu strechchet nat hym self to shame. [ 903]
But wel is me þat euere I was born. [ 904]
That thow byset art in so good a place.
ffor by my trouthe in loue I durst haue sworn.
The sholde neuere in loue han tid thus fayre a grace. [ 907]
And wostowe whi / for thow was wont to chace.
At loue in scorn./ and for despit hym calle.
Seint ydiot lord of this fooles alle. [ 910]
How often hase thow made thy nyce Iapes. [ 911]
And seyde þat loues seruantz euerychone.
Of nycete ben verray goddes apes.
And som wolden muchche hir mete allone. [ 914]
Ligging a bedde and make hem for to grone.
And som thow seydest hadde a blaunche feuere.
And preidest god he sholde neuer keuere. [ 917]
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And som of hem toke on hem for the colde. [fol. 14a] [ 918]
More than Inogh / so seidestow ful ofte.
And som han feyned ofte tyme and tolde.
How þat they waken whan they slepen softe. [ 921]
And thus they wolde han brought hem self alofte.
And natheles weere vndir at the laste.
Thus seidestow and Iapedest ful faste. [ 924]
Yit seidestow þat for the more part. [ 925]
Thise loueris wolde speke in general.
And thoughten þat it was a sekir art.
ffor faylyng / for tasayen ouer al. [ 928]
Now may I Iape of the if þat I shale.
But natheles thowgh þat I sholde deye.
That thow art non of tho I durste seye. [ 931]
Now bet thy breste and say to god of loue. [ 932]
Thy grace lord / for now I me repente.
Yif I mysspak / for now my self I loue.
Thus seye with alle thy herte in good entente. [ 935]
Quod Troilus a lord I me consente.
And preye to the my Iapes thow foryiue.
And I shal neuere more whil I leue. [ 938]
Thow seyst wel quod Pandarus and now I hope. [ 939]
That thow thi goddes wrathe hast al apesed.
And sithen thow hast wopen mony a drope.
And seyd swich thing wherwith thy god is plesed. [ 942]
Now wold neuere god but thow weere esed.
And think wele she of whome rist al thy wo.
Herafter may thy confort ben also. [ 945]
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ffor thilke grownde þat berth the wiedes wikke. [ 946]
Berth ek thise holsom herbes / as ful ofte.
Next the foule nethel rough and thikke.
The rose wexeth / swete / and smothe and softe. [ 949]
And next the valeye is the hil olofte.
And next the dirke nyght the gladde morwe.
And also Ioye is next the fyn of sorwe. [ 952]
Now look þat a tempre be thy bridell. [fol. 14b] [ 953]
And for the beste ay suffre to the tide.
Or ellis al oure labour is in ydell.
He hasteth wel þat wisly kan abide. [ 956]
Be diligent and trewe and ay wel hide.
Be lusty / fre perseuere / in thy seruyse.
And al is wel yif thow worke in this wyse. [ 959]
But he that parted is in euery plase. [ 960]
Is nowher hool / as writen clerkes wyse.
what wonder is though swich oon hafe no grace.
Ek wostow how it fareth of som seruyse. [ 963]
As plaunte a tre / or herbe in sondry wyse.
And on the morwen pulle it vp as blyue.
No wonder is though it may neuer thryue. [ 966]
And sith þat god of loue hath the bistowed. [ 967]
In place digne / vnto thy worthynesse.
Stonde faste / for to good port hastow rowed.
And of thy self for any heuynesse. [ 970]
Hope alwey wele / for but yif drerynesse.
Or ouer haste / oure bothe labour shende.
I hope of this to maken a good ende. [ 973]
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And wostow why I am the lasse afered. [ 974]
Of this matere with my nece trete.
ffor this haue I herd seyd of wyse lered.
was neuer man nor womman yit bygete. [ 977]
That was vnapt to suffre loues hete.
Celestial / or ellis loue of kynde.
ffor thi som grace I hope in hir to fynde. [ 980]
And for to spek of hir in special. [ 981]
Hir beaute to bythynken and hir yowthe.
It sit hir naught to ben celestial.
As yit / yif þat hir liste bothe and kouthe. [ 984]
But trewely it sate hir wel right nowthe.
A worthy knyght to louen and cherice.
And but she do I holde it for a vice. [ 987]
Wherfor I am and wol be ay redy. [fol. 15a] [ 988]
To peyne me to don yow this seruyse.
ffor bothe yow to plese this hope I.
Hereaftirwarde / for ye ben bothe wyse. [ 991]
And konne a conseil kepe in swich a wyse.
That no man shal the wiser of it be.
And so we may ben gladed al thre. [ 994]
Now by my trouthe I haue right now of the. [ 995]
A good conceyte / in my wit as I gesse.
And what it is I wol now þat thow se.
I thenke. sith þat loue of his goodnesse. [ 998]
Hath þe conuerted / out of wikkednesse.
That thow shalt ben / the best post I leeue.
Of al his lay / and moost his foos ay greue. [ 1001]
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Ensaumple whi / se now yhe grete clerkes. [ 1002]
That erren aldermoost ayein a lawe.
And ben conuerted from hir wikked werkys.
Thorwe grace of god / þat list hem to hym drawe. [ 1005]
Thanne ern they folk / þat han most god in awe.
And strengest feithed ben I vndirstonnde.
And konne an errour alderbest withstonde. [ 1008]
Whan Troilus had herde Pandare assented. [ 1009]
To ben his help in louynge of Cryseide.
wax of his wo / as who sey vnturmented.
But hotter wex his loue / and thanne he seyde. [ 1012]
with sobre chere / although his herte pleyde.
Now blisful venus helpe or that I sterue.
Of the Pandare I nowe som thank deserue. [ 1015]
But deere frende how shal my wo be lesse. [ 1016]
Til this be don / and good ek telle me this.
How woltow seyne of me and my destresse.
Lest she be wroth / this drede I moost Iwys. [ 1019]
Or nil nat heere / or trowen how it is.
Al this drede I / and ek for the manere.
Of the hir em she nyl no swich thyng heere. [ 1022]
Quod Pandarus / thow hast a ful grete care. [fol. 15b] [ 1023]
Lest þat the cherl may falle out of the moone.
why lorde I hate of the / the nyce fare.
why entermette of that thow hast to doone. [ 1026]
ffor goddes loue I bidde the a boone.
So lat malone. and it shal be thy beste.
whi frende quod he now do right as the leste. [ 1029]
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But herke Pandare o worde for I nolde. [ 1030]
That thow in me wendest so gret folye.
That to my lady I desiren sholde.
That toucheth harm / or any vilenye. [ 1033]
ffor dredeles me weere leuere dye.
Than she of me aught ellis vndirstoode.
But þat that myghte sownen into goode. [ 1036]
Tho lowgh this Pandare and anon answerde. [ 1037]
And I thi borugh / for no wight doth but so.
I roughte nat thought þat she stoode and herde.
How þat thow seyst / but farwel I wol go. [ 1040]
A dieu / be glad / god spede vs bothe two.
yif me þis labour and this besynesse.
And of my spede be thyne al þat swetneesse. [ 1043]
Tho troilus gan down on knees to falle. [ 1044]
And Pandarus in his armes hente faste.
And seyde / now fy on the grekis alle.
yit parde god shal helpe vs at the laste. [ 1047]
And dredeles yif þat my lif may laste.
And god to forn lo som of hem shal smerte.
And yit mathinketh this auaunt masterte. [ 1050]
Now Pandarus I kan no moore seye. [ 1051]
But thow wis / thow woost / thow maist / thow art al.
My lif my deth / hool in thyn honde I leye.
Help now quod he / yis by my trouth I shal. [ 1054]
God yelde the frende / and this in special.
Quod Troilus þat thow me recomaunde.
Til hir that may me to the deth comaunde. [ 1057]
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This Pandarus tho desirous to serue. [fol. 16a] [ 1058]
His ful frende / tho seyde in this manere.
ffarwel / and thenk I wol thi thonk deserue.
Haue her my trouth / and þat thow shalt wel heere. [ 1061]
And wente his wey thinkyng on this matere.
And how he best myght hir beseche of grace.
And fynde a tyme therto and a place. [ 1064]
ffor euery wight þat hath a hous to fownde. [ 1065]
Ne renneth naught the werke for to begynne.
with rakel honde but he wol bide a stonde.
And sende his hertes lyne out for withInne. [ 1068]
Aldirfirst his purpos for to wynne.
Al this Pandare in his herte thought.
And caste his werke wel wisly or he wrought. [ 1071]
But Troilus lay tho no lenger downe. [ 1072]
But vp anon vpon his steede bay.
And in the felde he pleyed the lyon.
who was that greke that with hym mette a day. [ 1075]
And in town his maner tho forth ay.
So goodly was / and gat hym so in grace.
That ech hym loued that loked on his face. [ 1078]
ffor he bycome the frendliest wight. [ 1079]
The gentileste / and ek the moost fre.
The thriftiest / and oon the best knyght.
That in his tyme was or myght be. [ 1082]
Dede were his Iapes and his cruelte.
His hye port / and his manere estraunge.
And ech of tho gan for a vertu chaunge. [ 1085]
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Now let vs stynte of Troilus a stownde. [ 1086]
That fareth lik a man þat hurt is soore.
And is somdel of akyng of his wowde.
Ilessed wel / but heled no del moore. [ 1089]
And as an esy pacient the loore.
Abit / of hym that goth aboute his cure.
And thus he drieth forth his auenture. [ 1092]
Explicit liber primus.
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[MS. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 61.]

(1) (Proem.)
THe double sorwe of Troilus to tellen. [fol. 1a] [ 1]
That was the kyng Priamus sone of Troye.
In louynge how his auentures fellen.
ffro wo to wele and after out of Ioie. [ 4]
My purpos is er that I parte froye.
Thesiphone thow help me for tendite.
Thise woful vers that wepen as I write. [ 7]
(2) (Invocation.)
To the clepe I thow goddesse of torment. [ 8]
Thow cruwel furie sorwynge euere yn peyne.
Help me that am the sorwful Instrument.
That helpeth loueres as I kan to pleyne. [ 11]
ffor wel sit it the sothe for to seyne.
A woful wight to han a drery feere.
And to a sorwful tale a sory chere. [ 14]
ffor I that god of loues seruantȝ serue. [ 15]
Ne dar to loue for myn vnliklynesse.
Preyen for speed al sholde .I. ther fore sterue.
So fer am I from his help in derknesse. [ 18]
But natheles if this may don gladnesse.
To any louere and his cause auaille.
Haue he my thonk and myn be this trauaille. [ 21]
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But ȝe loueres that bathen in gladnesse. [ 22]
If any drope of pyte in ȝow be.
Remembreth ȝow on passed heuynesse.
That ȝe han felt. and on the aduersite. [ 25]
Of othere folk. and thynketh how that ȝe.
Han felt that loue dorste ȝow displese.
Or ȝe han wonne hym with to grete an ese. [ 28]
And preieth for hem that ben in the cas. [ 29]
Of Troilus. as ȝe may after here.
That loue hem brynge in heuene to solas.
And ek for me preieth to god so dere. [ 32]
That I haue myght to shewe in som manere.
Swiche peyne and wo. as loues. folk endure.
In Troilus vnsely auenture. [ 35]
And biddeth ek for hem that ben desespeired. [fol. 1b] [ 36]
In loue that neuere nyl recouered be.
And ek for hem that falsly ben apeired.
Thorugh wikked tonges be it he or she. [ 39]
Thus biddeth god for his benignite.
To graunte hem soone owt of this world to pace.
That ben desespeired out of loues grace. [ 42]
And biddeth ek for hem that ben at ese. [ 43]
That god hem graunte ay good perseueraunce.
And send hem myght hire ladies so to plese.
That it to loue be worship and plesaunce. [ 46]
ffor so hope I my sowle best auaunce.
To prey for hem that loues seruauntȝ be.
And write hire wo and lyue in charite. [ 49]
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And for to haue of hem compassioun. [ 50]
As though I were hire owne brother dere.
Now herkneth with a good entencioun.
ffor now wil I gon streght to my matere. [ 53]
In which ȝe may the double sorwes here.
Of Troilus in louynge of Criseyde.
And how that she forsook hym er she deyde. [ 56]
(9) (Story.)
YT is wel wist how that the grekes stronge. [fol. 3a]
In armes with a thousand shippes wente.
To Troiewardes and the Cite longe.
Assegeden neigh ten ȝer er they stente. [ 60]
In diuerse wise and in oon entente.
The rauysshyng to wreken of Eleyne.
By Paris doun they wroughten al hir peyne. [ 63]
Now fel it so that in the town ther was. [ 64]
Dwellynge a lord of gret auctorite.
A gret deuyn that clepid was Calkas.
That in science so expert was that he. [ 67]
Knewe wel that Troie sholde destroied be.
By answere of his god that highte thus.
Dann Phebus or Appollo Delphicus. [ 70]
So whan this Calkas knewe by calkulynge. [ 71]
And ek by answer of this Appollo.
That grekes sholden swich a peple brynge.
Thorugh which that Troie moste ben for do. [ 74]
He caste anon oute of the town to go.
ffor wel wiste he by sort that Troye sholde.
Destroyed ben ȝe wolde who so nolde. [ 77]
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ffor which for to departen softely. [ 78]
Took purpos ful in this for knowynge wise.
And to the grekes oost ful pryuely.
He stal anon and they in curteys wise. [ 81]
Hym diden bothe worship an seruyce.
In trust that he hath konnynge hem to rede.
In euery peril which that is to drede [ 84]
The noise vp ros whan it was first aspied. [ 85]
Thorugh al the town and generaly was spoken.
That Calkas traitour fals fled was and allied.
With hem of Grece and casten to be wroken. [ 88]
On hym that falsly hadde his feith so broken.
And seyden he and al his kyn atones.
Ben worthi to be brent felle and bones. [ 91]
Now hadde Calkas lost in this meschaunce. [fol. 3b] [ 92]
Al vnwist of this false and wikked dede.
His doughter which that was in gret penaunce.
ffor of hire lif she was ful sore in drede. [ 95]
As she that nyst what was best to rede.
ffor bothe a widewe was she and allone.
Of any frend to whom she dorste hir mone. [ 98]
Criseyde was this lady name a right [fol. 4a] [ 99]
As to my doom in al Troies Cite.
Nas non so fair for passynge euery wight.
So aungelik was hir natif beaute. [ 102]
That lik a thing inmortal semed she.
As doth an heuenyssh perfit creature.
That down were sent in scornynge of nature. [ 105]
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This lady which that alday herd at ere. [ 106]
Hire fadres shame his falsnesse and tresoun.
wel neigh out of hir wit for sorwe and fere.
In widewes habet large of Samyt broun. [ 109]
On knees she fil biforn Ector a down.
with pitous vois and tendrely wepynge.
His mercy bad hir seluen excusynge. [ 112]
Now was this Ector pitous of nature. [ 113]
And saugh that she was sorwfully bigon.
And that she was so faire a creature.
Of his goodnesse he gladede hire anon. [ 116]
And seyde lat ȝoure fadres treson gon.
fforth with meschaunce and ȝe ȝoure self in Ioie.
Dwelleth with vs whil ȝow good list in Troie. [ 119]
And al thonour that men may don ȝow haue. [ 120]
As ferforth as ȝoure fader dwelled here.
Ȝe shul haue and ȝoure body shal men saue.
As fer as I may ought enquere or here. [ 123]
And she hym thonked with ful humble chere.
And ofter wolde and it hadde ben his wille.
and took hire leue and hom and held hir stille. [ 126]
And in hire hous she abood with swich meyne. [ 127]
As til hire honour nede was to holde.
And whil she was dwellynge in that Cite.
Kepte hir estat. and both of ȝonge and olde. [ 130]
fful wel biloued and wel men of hir tolde.
But wheither that she children hadde or noon.
I rede it naught ther fore I late it goon. [ 133]
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The thynges fellen as they don of werre. [fol. 4b] [ 134]
Bitwixen hem of Troie and grekes ofte.
ffor som day boughten they of Troie it derre.
And eft the grekes founden no thing softe. [ 137]
The folk of Troie and thus fortune on lofte.
Now vp now down gan hem to whilen bothe.
Aftir hir cours ay whil that thei were wrothe. [ 140]
But how this town com to destruccion. [fol. 5a] [ 141]
Ne falleth naught to purpos me to telle.
ffor it were a long disgression.
ffro my matere and ȝow to long to dwelle. [ 144]
But the Troian gestes as they felle.
In omer or in dares or in dite.
who so that kan may reden hem as they write. [ 147]
But though that grekes hem of Troie shetten. [ 148]
And hir Cite biseged al aboute.
Hire olde vsage nolde they nat letten.
As for to honour hir goddes ful deuoute. [ 151]
But aldirmost in honour out of doute.
Thei hadde a relik heet Palladion.
That was hire trist abouen euerichon. [ 154]
And so bifel whan comen was the tyme. [ 155]
Of aperil whan clothed is the mede.
with newe grene of lusty veer the pryme.
And swote smellen floures white and rede. [ 158]
In sondry wises shewed as I rede.
The folk of Troie hire obseruaunces olde.
Palladions feste for to holde. [ 161]
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And to the temple in al hir beste wise. [ 162]
In general ther went many a wight.
To herknen of Palladion the seruyce.
And namely so many a lusty knyght. [ 165]
So many a lady fressh and mayden bright.
fful wel arayed both moeste meyne and leste.
ȝe both for the seson and the feste. [ 168]
Among thise othere folk was Criseyda. [ 169]
In widewes habit but natheles.
Right as oure first lettre is now an .A.
In beaute first so stood she makeles. [ 172]
Hire goodly lokyng gladed al the prees.
Nas neuere ȝet seyn thyng to ben preysed derre.
Nor vnder cloude blak so bright a sterre. [ 175]
As was Criseyde as folk euerichone. [fol. 5b] [ 176]
That hir behelden in hir blake wede.
And ȝet she stood ful lowe and stille allone.
Byhynden other folk in litel brede. [ 179]
And neiȝ the dore ay vndre shames drede.
Simple of atire and debonaire of chere.
with ful assured lokyng and manere. [ 182]
This Troilus as he was wonte to gide. [fol. 6a] [ 183]
His ȝonge knyghtes lad hem vp and down.
In thilke large temple on euery side.
By holding ay the laddies of the town. [ 186]
Now here now there for no deuocion.
Hadde he to non to reuen hym his reste.
But gan to preisen and lakken whom hym leste. [ 189]
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And in his walke ful faste he gan to wayten. [ 190]
If knyght or squyer of his compaignie.
Gan for to syke or lete his eighen baiten.
Or any womman that he koude espye. [ 193]
He wolde smyle and halden it folye.
And seyde hym thus god woot she slepeth softe.
ffor loue of the whan thow turnest ful ofte. [ 196]
I haue herd tolde perdieux of ȝoure lyuynge. [ 197]
Ȝe loueres and ȝoure obseruaunces.
And which a labour folk han in wynnyng.
Of loue and in kepyng which doutaunces. [ 200]
And whan ȝoure prey is lost woo and penaunces.
O. veray fooles nyce and blynde be ȝe.
Ther nys 1. [[n (nys) erased.]] nat on kan war by other be. [ 203]
And with that worde he gan caste vp the browe. [ 204]
Ascaunces loo is this naught wisely spoken.
At which the god of loue gan loken rowe.
Right for despit. and shope for to ben wroken. [ 207]
He kidde a non his bowe nas naught broken.
ffor sodeynly he hitte hym atte fulle.
And ȝet as proude a pekok kan he pulle. [ 210]
O blynde worlde .o. blynde entencioun. [ 211]
How often falleth al the effect contraire.
Of surquiderie and foule presumpcioun
ffor kaught is proud and kauȝt is debonaire. [ 214]
This Troilus is clomben on the staire.
And litel weneth that he moot descenden.
But al day faileth thing that fooles wenden. [ 217]
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As proude bayard gynneth for to skippe. [fol. 6b] [ 218]
Out of the weye so pryketh hym his corn.
Til he a lasshe haue of the longe whippe.
Than thynketh he though I praunce al byforn. [ 221]
ffirst in the trays ful fat and new shorne.
Ȝet am I but an hors and horses lawe.
I moot endure and with my feres drawe. [ 224]
So ferde it by this fierse and proude knyght. [fol. 7a] [ 225]
Though he a worthy kynges sone were.
And wende no thing hadde had swiche myghte.
Aȝeyns his wille that shuld his herte stere [ 228]
Ȝet with a look his herte wax a fere.
That he that now was moost in pride aboue.
wax sodeynly moost subgit vnto loue. [ 231]
fforthy ensample taketh of this man. [ 232]
Ȝe wise proude and worthi folkes alle.
To seruen loue which so soon kanne.
The fredom of ȝoure hertes to hym thralle. [ 235]
ffor euere it was and euere it shal by falle.
That loue is he that alle thing may bynde.
ffor may no man for don the lawe of kynde. [ 238]
That this be soth hath preued and doth ȝet. [ 239]
ffor this trowe I ȝe knowen alle or some.
Men reden nat that folk han gretter witte.
Than they that han be moste with loue ynome. [ 242]
And strengest folk bien ther with ouercome.
The worthiest and grettest of degree.
This was and is and ȝet men shalle it see. [ 245]
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And trewelich it set wel to be so. [ 246]
ffor alderwisest han ther with ben plesed.
And they that han ben aldermost in wo.
with loue han ben comforted moost and esed. [ 249]
And ofte it hath the cruel herte apesed.
And worthi folk maad worthier of name.
And causeth moost to dreden vice and shame. [ 252]
And sith it may nat goodly ben with stonde. [ 253]
And is a thing so vertuouse in kynde.
Refuseth nat to loue for to ben bonde.
Syn as hym seluen liste he may ȝow blynde. [ 256]
Tho ȝerde is bet that bowen 1. [The n is erased in CCC.] wole and wynde.
Than that that brest and therfore .I. ȝow rede.
To folowen hym that so wele kan ȝow lede. [ 259]
But for to tellen forth in special. [fol. 8a] [ 260]
Of this kynges sone of which I tolde.
And leten other thinges collateral.
Of hym thenke I my tale forth to holde. [ 263]
Bothe of his Ioie and of his cares colde.
And al his werk as touching this matere.
ffor I it gan I wol therto refere. [ 266]
With Inne the temple he wente hym forth pleyinge. [ 267]
This Troilus of euery wight aboute.
On this lady and now on that lokynge.
where so she were of town or with oute. [ 270]
And vp on cas bifelle that thorugh a route.
His sighte procede and so depe it wente.
Til on Criseyde it smote and ther it stente. [ 273]
Page  11(40)
And sodeynly he wax ther with astoned. [ 274]
And gan hir bet biholde in thrifty wise.
O mercy god thoughte he wher hastow woned.
That art so feyre and goodly to deuise. [ 277]
Therwith his herte gan to sprede and rise.
And softe sighed lest men myghte hym here.
And cauȝt aȝeyn his firste pleyinge chere. [ 280]
She nas nat with the leste of hire stature. [ 281]
But alle hire lymes so wel answerynge.
weren to wommanhode that creature.
was neuere lasse mannyssh in semynge. [ 284]
And ek the pure wise of hire meuynge.
Shewed wel that man myght in hire gesse.
Honour estat and wommanly noblesse. [ 287]
To Troilus right wonder wel with alle. [ 288]
Gan for to like hire meuynge and hire chere.
which somdel deignous was for she lete falle.
Hire look a lite a side in swich manere. [ 291]
Ascaunces what may I nat stonden here.
And after that hir lokynge gan she lighte.
That neuere thoughte hym seen so good a syghte. [ 294]
And of hire look in him ther gan to quyken. [fol. 8b] [ 295]
So grete desire and such affeccioun.
Than in his herte botme gan to stiken.
Of hir his fixe and depe impressioun. [ 298]
And though he erst hadde poured vp and down.
He was tho glad his hornes in to shrinke.
Unnethes wiste he how to loke or wynke. [ 301]
Page  12(44)
Lo he that leet hym seluen so konnynge. [ 302]
And scorned hem that loues peynes dryen.
was ful vnwar that loue hadde his dwellynge.
with Inne the subtile stremes of hur eighen. [ 305]
That sodeynly hym thoughte he felte deyen.
Right with hire look the spirit in his herte.
Blissed be loue that kan thus folke conuerte. [ 308]
She this in blak likynge to Troilus. [fol. 9a] [ 309]
Ouer al thing he stood for to biholde.
Ne his desire ne wherfore he stood thus.
He neither cher made ne worde tolde. [ 312]
But fram a fer his manere for to holde.
On other thinges his look som tyme he caste.
And ofte on hire while that seruyse laste. [ 315]
And after this nat fullich al awhaped. [ 316]
Oute of the temple al esilich he wente.
Repentynge hym that he hadde euere I iaped.
Of loues folk. lest fully the descente. [ 319]
Of scorne fille on hym self. but what he mente.
Lest it were wist on any manere syde.
His woo he gan dissimulen 1. [MS. dissimilen.] and hide. [ 322]
Whan he was fro the temple thus deperted. [ 323]
He streght anon vnto his paleys torneth.
Right with hire look thorugh shoten and thorugh darted.
Al feyneth he in lust that he soiourneth. [ 326]
And alle his chere and speche also he borneth.
And ay of loue seruantȝ euery while.
Hym self to wrey at hem he gan to smyle. [ 329]
Page  13(48)
And seyde lord so ȝe lyue al in lest. [ 330]
Ȝe loueres for the konnyngeste of ȝow.
That seruen most ententiflich and best.
Hym tit as often harm ther of as prowe. [ 333]
Ȝoure hire is quyt aȝeyn ȝe god woot howe.
Nought wel for wel. but scorne for good seruyse.
In feith ȝoure ordre is piled in good wise. [ 336]
In veyn certeyn ben alle ȝoure obseruaunces. [ 337]
But if it a sely fewe pointes be.
Ne no thing asketh so gret attendaunces.
As doth ȝoure lay and that knowe alle ȝe. [ 340]
But that is nat the worste as mote .I. the.
But tolde I ȝow the worste point I leue.
Al seyde I soth ȝe wolden at me greue. [ 343]
But take this that ȝe loueres ofte eschuwe. [fol. 9b] [ 344]
Or elles doon of good entencioun.
fful ofte thi lady wol it mys construwe.
And deme it harm in hire oppynyoun. [ 347]
And ȝet if she for other enchesoun.
Be wroth than shaltow haue a groyne a non.
Lord wele is hym that may of ȝow ben oon. [ 350]
But for al this whan that he say his tyme. [fol. 10a] [ 351]
He held his pees non other boote hym gaygned.
for loue bigan his fetheres so to lyme.
That wel vnnethe vn til his folk he fayned. [ 354]
That other besy nedes hym destrayned.
ffor wo was hym that what to doon hym nyst.
But bad his folk to gon wher that hem liste. [ 357]
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And whan that he in the chambre was allone. [ 358]
He doun vp on his beddes feet hym sette.
And first he gan to sike and efte to grone.
And thought ay on hire so with outen lette. [ 361]
That as he satte and wooke his spirit mette.
That he hire sauȝ and temple and alle the wise.
Right of hire look and gan it newe a vise. [ 364]
Thus gan he make a mirour of his mynde. [ 365]
In which he saugh al holy hire figure.
And that he wel koude in his herte fynde.
It was to hym a right good auenture. [ 368]
To loue swich oon and if he dede his cure.
To seruen hir ȝet myghte he falle in grace.
Or ellis for oon of hire seruantȝ pace. [ 371]
Imagenynge that trauaille nor grace. [ 372]
Ne myghte for so goodly oon be lorne.
As she. ne hym for his desire ne shame.
Al were it wist but in pris and vp born. [ 375]
Of alle louers wel more than biforn.
Thus argumented he in his gynnynge.
fful vnauysed of his woo comynge. [ 378]
Thus took he purpos loues crafte to suwe. [ 379]
And thoughte he wolde werken pryuely.
ffirst to hiden his desire in muwe.
ffrom euery wight yborn al outrely. [ 382]
But he myghte ought recouered be therby.
Remembryng hym that loue to wide yblowe.
Ȝeldeth bittre fruyt though swete seed be sowe. [ 385]
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And ouere al this ȝet muchel more he thoughte. [fol. 11a] [ 386]
What for to speke and what to holden Inne.
And what to arten hire to loue he soughte.
And on a songe a non right to bygynne. [ 389]
And gan loude on his sorwe for to wynne.
ffor with good hope he gan fully assente.
Criseyde for to loue and nought repente. [ 392]
And of his songe naught only the sentence. 1. [MS. setence] [ 393]
As writ myn auctour called Lollius.
But pleinly saue oure tonges difference.
I dar wel seyn in al that Troilus. [ 396]
Seyde in his songe loo euery word right thus.
As .I. shal seyn. and who so list it here.
Loo next this vers he may it fynde here. [ 399]
(58) (Troilus's Song, from Petrarch's 88th Sonnet.)
If no loue is o god what fele .I. so. *. [Cantieus Troili.] [ 400]
And if loue is. what thinge and which is he.
If loue be good from whennes commeth my woo.
If it be wikke a wonder thynketh me. [ 403]
whenne euery torment and aduersite.
that cometh of hym may to me sauory thinke.
ffor ay thrust I the more that ich it drynke. [ 406]
(59) (From Petrarch.)
And if that at myn owen lust I brenne. [ 407]
ffrom whennes cometh my waillynge and my pleynte.
If harme a gree me wherto pleyne I thenne.
I noot. ne whi vnwery that I feynte. [ 410]
O quik deth o swete harme so queynte.
How may of the in me swich quantite.
But if that I consente that it be. [ 413]
Page  16(60) (From Petrarch.)
And if that I consente .I. wrongfully. [ 414]
Compleyne .I. wis thus possed to and fro.
Al sterlees with Inne a boot am .I.
Amydde the see bitwixen wyndes two. [ 417]
That Inne contrarie stonden euere mo.
Allas what is this wondre maladie.
ffor hote of colde for colde of hote I dye. [ 420]
(End of Troilus's Song from Petrarch's 88th Sonnet.)
And to the god of loue thus seyde he. [fol. 11b] [ 421]
with pitouse voise .o. lord now ȝoures is.
My spirit which that oughte ȝoures be.
Ȝow thanke I lord that han me broughte to this. [ 424]
But wheither goddesse or womman .I. wis.
She be I note which that ȝe do me serue.
But as hire man .I. wol ay lyue and sterue. [ 427]
Ȝe stonden in hir eighen myghtily. [fol. 12a] [ 428]
As in a place vnto ȝoure vertue digne.
wherfore lord if my seruice or .I.
May liken ȝow so beth to me benigne. [ 431]
ffor myn estat roial I here resigne.
In to hire honde and with ful humble chere.
Bi come hir man as to my lady dere. [ 434]
In hym ne deyned spare bloode roiale. [ 435]
The fyre of loue wherfro god me blisse.
Ne him forbar in no degree for alle.
His vertue or his excellent prowesse. [ 438]
But hilde hym as his thralle lowe in destresse.
And bringe hym so in soundry wise ay newe.
That sexti tyme a day he loste his hewe. [ 441]
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So muche day by day his owene thought. [ 442]
ffor lust to hire gan quiken and encresse.
That euery other charge he sett at noughte.
fforthi ful ofte his hote fire to cesse. [ 445]
To sen hire goodly loke he gan to presse.
ffor ther by to ben esed wel he wende.
And ay the ner he was the more he brende. [ 448]
ffor ay the ner the fire the hatter is. [ 449]
This trowe I knoweth al this compaignye.
But were he fer or ner I dar sey this.
By nyght or day for wisdome or folye [ 452]
His herte which that is bresteȝ eighe.
was ay on hire that fairer was to sene.
Than euere were Eleyne or Polixene. [ 455]
Ek of the day ther passed nouȝt an houre. [ 456]
That to hym self a thousand tyme he seyde.
God goodly to whom serue I laboure.
As I best kan. now wolde god Criseyde. [ 459]
Ȝe wolden on me rewe er that I deyde.
My dere herte allas myn hele and hewe.
And lif is lost but ȝe wol on me rewe. [ 462]
Alle other dredres weren from him fledde. [fol. 12b] [ 463]
Both of thassege and his sauacioun.
Nyn him desire noon other fewnes bredde.
But argumentes to his conclusioun. [ 466]
That she of him wolde han compassioun.
And he to ben hire man while he may dure.
Lo here his lif and from the deth his cure. [ 469]
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The sharpe shoures fil of armes preue. [fol. 13a] [ 470]
That Ector or his other brother diden.
Ne made hym only ther fore ones meue.
And ȝet was he where so men wente or riden. [ 473]
ffounde on the beste and longest tyme abiden.
Ther peril was and dide ek swich trauaille.
In armes that to thenke it was merucille. [ 476]
But for non hate he to the grekes hadde. [ 477]
Ne also for the rescouse of the towne.
Ne made hym thus in armes for to madde.
But only lo for this conclusioun. [ 480]
To liken hire the bet for his renoun.
ffro day to day in armes so he spedde.
That the grekes as the deth him dredde. [ 483]
And fro this forth tho refte hym loue his slepe. [ 484]
And made his mete his foo 1. [Between the lines in a different hand.] and ek his sorwe.
Gan multiplie that who so tok kepe.
It shewed in his hewe both eue and morwe. [ 487]
Thefor a title he gan him for to borwe.
Of other siknesse lest men of hym wende.
That the hote fire of loue hym brende. [ 490]
And seyde he hadde a feuere and ferd amys. [ 491]
But how it was serteyn kan I nat seye.
If that his lady vnderstood nat this.
Or feynede hire she nyste on of the tweye. [ 494]
But wel I rede that by no manere wey.
Ne semed it that she of hym roughte.
Or of his peyne. or what so euere he thoughte. [ 497]
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But thanne felte this Troilus swich wo. [ 498]
That he was wel neigh wood for ay his drede.
was this. that she som wight hadde loued so.
That neuere of hym she wolde han taken hede. [ 501]
ffor which hym thoughte he felte his herte blede.
Ne of his wo ne dorste he nat bygynne.
To tellen hir. for al this worlde to wynne. [ 504]
But whan he hadde a space from his care. [fol. 13b] [ 505]
Thus to hym self ful ofte he gan pleyne.
He seyde o fool now artow in the snare.
That whilom Iapedest at loues peyne. [ 508]
Now artow hente gnaw thin owen cheyne.
Thow were ay wonte eche louere reprehende.
Of thing fro which thow kanst the nat defende. [ 511]
What wol now euery louere seyn of the. [fol. 14a] [ 512]
If this be wist but euere in thin absence.
Laughen in scorne and seyn loo ther goth he.
That is the man of so grete sapience. [ 515]
And held vs loueres leest in reuerence.
Now thanked god he may gon in the daunce.
Of hem that loue list fiebli for to auaunce. [ 518]
But .o. thow woful Troilus god wolde. [ 519]
Sith thow most louen thorugh thi destine.
That thow beset were on swich oon that sholde.
Know al thi wo al lakked hir pitee. [ 522]
But also colde in loue towardes the.
Thi lady is as frost in wynter moone.
And thow fordon as snow in fire is soone. [ 525]
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God wold I were aryued in the porte. [ 526]
Of deth to which my sorwe wol me lede.
A lord to me it were a grete comforte.
Than were I quyte of languisshyng in drede. [ 529]
ffor by myn hidde sorwe I blowe on brede.
I shal by Iaped ben a thousand tyme.
More than that folk of whos folie men ryme. [ 532]
But now help god and the swete for whome. [ 533]
I pleyne. I. kaught the neuere wight so faste.
O mercy dere herte and help me from.
The deth. for I while that my lyf may laste. [ 536]
More than my self wole loue ȝow to my laste.
And with som frendly loke gladeth me swete.
Though neuere more thing ȝe me heete. [ 539]
Thise wordes and ful manye an other to. [ 540]
He spak and called euere in his compleynte.
Hire name. for to tellen hire is wo.
Til neiȝ that he in the salte teres dreynte. [ 543]
Al was for nought she herde nat his pleynte.
And whan that he bythought on that folie.
A thousand folde his wo gan multiplie. [ 546]
By wayling in his chambre thus alle one. [fol. 11b] [ 547]
A frend of his that called was Pandare.
Com oones in vnwar and herd hym groone.
And say his frende in swich destresse and care. [ 550]
Allas quod he who causeth al this fare.
O mercy god what vnhap may this meene.
Han now thus soone grekes maad ȝow leene. [ 553]
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Or hastow some remors of conscience. [fol. 15a] [ 554]
And art now falle in deuocioun.
And wailest for thi synne and thin offence.
And hast for fered caught attricioun. [ 557]
God saue hem that biseged han oure towne.
That so kan leye oure Iolite on presse.
And bringe oure losty folk to holynesse. [ 560]
This wordes seyde he for the nones alle. [ 561]
That with swich thinge he myght hym angry maken.
And with angre don his wo to falle.
As for the tyme and his corage awaken. [ 564]
But wel he wist after as tonges spaken.
Ther nas a man of gretter hardinesse.
Thanne he ne more desired worthinesse. [ 567]
What cas quod Troilus and what auenture. [ 568]
Hath gided the to sen me lange wisshinge.
That am refus of euery creature.
But for the loue of god at my preyinge. [ 571]
Go hennes awey for certes my deyinge.
wol the disese and I mot nedes deye.
Therfore go wey ther is na more to seye. [ 574]
But if thow wene I be thus sik for drede. [ 575]
It is naught so and therfore scorne nouȝt.
Ther is a nother thing .I. take of hede.
wel more than aught the grekes han ȝet wrought. [ 578]
which cause is of my deth for sorowe and thought.
But though that I now telle it the no leste.
Be thow nauȝt wroth I hide it for the beste. [ 581]
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This Pandare that neigh malt wo and routhe. [ 582]
fful ofte seyde allas what this be.
Now frend quod he if euere loue or trouthe.
Hath ben or is bitwixen the and me. [ 585]
Ne do thow neuere swich a crueltee
To hiden fro thi frende so grete a care.
wistow nauȝt wele that it am I Pandare. [ 588]
I wol parten with the alle thi peyne. [fol. 15b] [ 589]
If it be so I do the no comforte.
As it is frendes right soth for to seyne.
To entreparten wo as glad desporte. [ 592]
I haue and shal for trewe or fals report.
In wronge and right I loued the al my lyue
Hid nat thi wo fro me but telle it bilyue. [ 595]
Than gan this sorwful Troylus to syke. [fol. 16a] [ 596]
And seide hym thus god leue it be my beste.
To telle it the for sith it may the like.
Ȝet wol I telle it though myn herte breste. [ 599]
And wel woot I thow mayst do me no reste.
But leste thow do me I truste nat to the.
Now herke frende for thus it stant with me. [ 602]
Loue aȝeins the which wo so defendeth. [ 603]
Hym seluen most hym alderlest auaylleth.
with disespeyre so sorwfulli me offendeth.
That streight vnto the deth myn herte failleth. [ 606]
Therto desire so brynnyngly me assailleth
That to ben slayn it were a gretter Ioie.
To me than kyng of grece ben and Troye. [ 609]
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Suffiseth this my fulle frende Pandare. [ 610]
That I haue seyde for now wostow my wo.
And for the loue of god my cole care.
So hide it wel .I. tolde it neuere to mo. [ 613]
ffor harmes myghten fallen mo than two.
If it were wist but be thow in gladnesse.
And lat me sterue vnknowe of my destresse. [ 616]
How hastow thus vnkyndly and longe. [ 617]
Hid this fro me. thow fole quod Pandarus.
Peraunter thow myghte after swich oon longe.
That myn auys anoon may helpen vs. [ 620]
This were a wonder thing quod Troilus.
Thow koudest neuere in loue thi seluen wisse.
How deuel maistow brynge me to blisse. [ 623]
Ȝe Troilus now herke quod Pandare. [ 624]
Though .I. be nyce it happeth often so.
That oon that excesse doth ful yuele fare.
By good counseil kan kepe his frende ther fro. [ 627]
I haue my self ek seyn a blynde man goo.
Ther as he felle that couth loken wide.
A fool may ek a wiseman oft gide. [ 630]
A wheston is no keruyng instrument. [fol. 16b] [ 631]
But ȝet it maketh sharpe keruyng tolis.
And there thow woost that I haue auȝt myswent.
Eschuwe thow that. for swich to the scole is. [ 634]
Thus often wise men ben war by foolys.
If thow do so thi wit is wel bewared
By his contrarie is euery thyng declared. [ 637]
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for how myghte euere swetnesse nan ben knowe. [ 638]
To him that neuere tasted bitternesse.
Ne no man may ben Inly glad I trowe.
That neuere was in sorwe or som destresse. [ 641]
Eke with by blak by shame ek worthinesse.
Ech set by other more for other semeth.
As men may se and so the wyse it demeth. [ 644]
Sith thus of contraries is o lore. [fol. 17a] [ 645]
I that haue in loue so ofte assayed.
Greuances oughte konne and wel the more.
Counseillen the of that thow art amayed. [ 648]
Ek the ne aughte nat ben yuel appayed.
Though I desyre with the for to bere.
Thyn heuy charge it shal the lasse dere. [ 651]
I woot wel that it fareth thus be me. [ 652]
As to thi brother Paris and herdesse.
with 1. [(sie)] that Icleped was Oenone.
wrote in a compleynte of hir heuynesse. [ 655]
Ȝee say the lettre that she wrote I gesse.
Nay neuere ȝet ywys quod Troilus.
Now quod Pandare herkne it was thus. [ 658]
(95) (Oenone's Letter to Paris. 1 st.)
Phebus that first fand art of medicyne. [ 659]
Quod she. and couthe in euery wightes care.
Remedye and rede by herbes she knewe fyne.
Ȝet to hym self his konnyng was ful bare. [ 662]
ffor loue hadde hym so bounden in a snare.
Al for the doughter of the kyng amete.
That alle his crafte ne koude his sorwes bete. [ 665]
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Right so fare .I. vnhapply for me. [ 666]
I loue one best and that me smerteth sore.
And ȝet peraunter kan I redden the.
And nat my selue repreue me na more. [ 669]
I haue no cause I woot wel for to sore.
As doth an hauke that listeth for to pleye.
But to thin helpe ȝet somwhat kan I seye. [ 672]
And of o thyng right siker maistow be. [ 673]
That certein for to dyen in the peyne.
That I shal neuere mo discoueren the.
Ne by my trouthe I kepe nat restreyne. [ 676]
The fro thi loue theigh that it were Eleyn.
That is thi brother wif if ich it wiste.
Be what she be and loue hire as the liste. [ 679]
Therfore as frende fullich in me asseure. [fol. 17b] [ 680]
But telle me plat what is theuchesoun.
And finaly cause of wo that the endure.
ffor douteth no thyng myn entencioun. [ 683]
Nis nat to ȝow of reprehencioun
To speke as now for no wight may byreue.
A man to loue tyl that hym list to leue. [ 686]
And witteth wel that both two ben vices. [ 687]
Mistrusten alle or elles alle leue.
But wel I woot ȝe menen of it no vice es.
ffor to trusten som whight is a preue. [ 690]
Of trouth. and forthi wol I fayne remeue.
Thi wronge conseyte. and do the som wyght triste.
Thi wo to teel He. and tme if the liste. [ 693]
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The wise seith wo hym that is allone. [fol. 18a] [ 694]
ffor and he falle he hath non helpe to ryse.
And sith thow hast a felawe tel thi mone.
ffor this nys naught certein the nexte wyse. [ 697]
To wynnen loue as techen vs the wyse.
To walwe and wepe as Nyobe the queene.
whos teres ȝet in marble ben yseene. [ 700]
Lat be thy wepyng and thi drerynesse. [ 701]
And lat vs lissen wo with oother speche.
So may thy woful tyme seme lesse.
Delyte nat in wo thi for to seche. [ 704]
As don thise foles that hire sorwes eche.
with sorwe whan thei han mysauenture.
And listen naught to seche hem other cure. [ 707]
Men seyn to wrecche is consolacioun. [ 708]
To haue another felawe in hys peyne.
That owghte wel ben oure opynyoun.
ffor bothen thow and I of loue we pleyne. [ 711]
So ful of sorwe am I soth for to seyne.
That certeinly namore harde grace.
May sitte on me. for why ther is no space. [ 714]
If god wol thow art nat agast of me. [ 715]
Lest I wolde of thi lady the bygyle.
Thow woost thy self whom that I loue parde.
As I beste kan. gon sithen longe while. [ 718]
And sith thow woost I do it for no wyle.
And sith I am he that thow trusteth mooste.
Telle me somwhat syn al my wo thow wooste. [ 721]
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Ȝet Troilus for al this no worde seyde. [ 722]
But longe he ley as stylle as he dede were.
And after this with sikynge he abreyde.
And to Pandarus vois he lente his ere. [ 725]
And vp hise eighen caste that in feere.
was Pandarus. lest that he in frenesie.
Sholde falle or elles soone dye. [ 728]
And cryde awake ful wonderlich and sharpe. [fol. 18b] [ 729]
what slombrestow as in a litargie.
Or artow lik an asse to the harpe.
That hereth sown whan men the strynges pleye. [ 732]
But in his mynde of that no melodie.
May sinken hym to gladen for that he.
So dul ys of his bestialite. [ 735]
And with that Pandare of his wordes stente. [ 736]
And Troilus ȝet hym no thyng answerde.
ffor why to tellen nas nat his entente.
To neuere no man for whom that he so ferde. [ 739]
ffor it is seyde man maketh ofte a ȝerde.
with which the maker is hym self ybeten.
In sondry manere as thise wyse treten. [ 742]
And namlich in his counseil tellyng. [fol. 19a] [ 743]
That toucheth loue that ought ben secree.
ffor of him self it wol ynough oute sprynge.
But if that it the bet couered be. [ 746]
Ek som tyme it is a crafte to seme fle.
ffro thyng whyche in effect men hunte faste.
Al this gan Troilus in his herte caste. [ 749]
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But natheles whan he hadde herde hym crye. [ 750]
Awake{punctel} he gan to syken wonder soore.
And seyde frende though that I stylle lye.
I am nat deef now pees and crye namore. [ 753]
ffor I haue herd thi wordes and thi lore.
But suffre me my meschief bywaille.
ffor thi prouerbes may me naught auaille. [ 756]
Nor other cure kanstow non for me. [ 757]
Ek I nyl nat ben cured I wol deye.
what knowe I of the queene Nyobe.
Lat be thyne olde ensaumples I the preye. [ 760]
No quod Pandarus therfore I seye.
Swyche is delite of foles to bywepe.
Hire wo. but seken bote they ne kepe. [ 763]
Now knowe I that ther reson in the failleth. [ 764]
But telle me if I wiste what she were.
ffor whom that the al this mysauenture ailleth.
Dorste thow that I tolde in hire ere. [ 767]
Thi wo. sith thow darst naught thi self for feere.
And hire bysoughte on the to han som routhe.
why nay quod he by god and by my trouthe. [ 770]
What nat as bisyly quod Pandarus. [ 771]
As though myn owene lyf lay on this nede.
No certes brother quod Troilus.
And whi for that thow scholdest neuere spede. [ 774]
wostow that wel ȝe that is out of drede.
Quod Troilus for al that the konne.
She nyl to noon swich wrecche as I ben wonne. [ 777]
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Quod Pandarus allas what may this be. [fol. 19b] [ 778]
That thow dispeired art thus causeles.
what lyueth nat thi lady bendiste.
How wostow so that thow art graceles. [ 781]
Swich yuel is nat alwey bootles.
why put nat impossible thus thi cure.
Syn thyng to come is oft in auenture. [ 784]
I graunte wel that thow endurest wo. [ 785]
As sharp as dothe he Ticius in helle.
whos stomak foughles tiren euere moo.
That hightyn volturie as bokes telle. [ 788]
But I may nat endure that thow dwelle.
In so vnskilful an oppynyoun.
That of thi wo is no curacioun. [ 791]
But oones nyltow for thy coward herte. [fol. 20a] [ 792]
And for thyn Ire and folissh wilfulnesse.
ffor wantrust tellen of thy sorwes smerte.
Ne to thyn owen help don bysynesse. [ 795]
As muche as speke a resoun moore or lesse.
But list as he that lest of no thyng recche.
what womman koude louen swich a wrecche. [ 798]
What may she demem oother of thy deeth. [ 799]
If thow thus deye and she not why it is.
But that for feere is ȝolden vp thy breth.
ffor grekes han biseged vs I wys. [ 802]
Lord which a thonke than shaltow han of this.
Thus wol she seyn and al the town attones.
The wrecche is ded the deuel haue his bones. [ 805]
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Thow mayst allone here wepe and crye and knele. [ 806]
But loue a womman that she woot it nought.
And she wol quyte that thow shalt nat fele.
Unknow vnkist and lost that is vnsoughte. [ 809]
what may a man hath loue ful deere ybought.
Twenty wynter that his lady wiste.
That neuere ȝet his lady mouth kiste. [ 812]
What sholde he therfore fallen in dispayre. [ 813]
Or be recreant for his owne tene.
Or slen hym self al be his lady faire.
Nay. nay. but euere in oon be fresshe and grene. [ 816]
To serue and loue his deer hertes queene.
And thynk it is a guerdon hire to serue.
A thousand fold moore than he kan deserue. [ 819]
Of that word took hede Troilus. [ 820]
And thoughte a non what folie he was Inne.
And how that sothe hym seyde Pandarus.
That for to slen hym self myght he nat wynne. [ 823]
But bothe don vnmanhod and synne.
And of his deth his lady naught to wite.
ffor of his wo god woote she knewe ful lite. [ 826]
And with that thought he gan ful sore syke. [fol. 20b] [ 827]
And seyde allas what is me beste to do.
To whom Pandare answerde if the like.
The beste is that thow telle me al thi wo. [ 830]
And haue my trouthe but thow it fynde so,
I be thi boote er that it be ful longe.
To pieces do me drawe and sithen honge. [ 833]
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Ȝe so thow seyst quod Troilus tho allas. [ 834]
But god woot it is naught the rather so.
fful hard were it to helpen in this cas.
ffor wel fynde I that fortune is my fo. [ 837]
Ne al the men that riden konne or go.
May of hire cruel whiel the harme withstonde.
ffor as hire list she pleyeth with free and bonde. [ 840]
Quod Pandarus than blamestow fortune. [fol. 21a] [ 841]
ffor thow art wroth ȝe now at erst I see.
woost thow nat wel that fortune is comune.
To eueri manere wight in som degree. [ 844]
And ȝet thow hast this comfort lo perde.
That as hire Ioies moten ouergone.
So mote hire sorwes passen euerechone. [ 847]
ffor if hire whiel stynte any thyng to torne. [ 848]
Than cessed she fortune anon to be.
Now sith hire whiel by no way may soiourne.
what woostow if hire mutabilite. [ 851]
Right as thy seluen list wol don by the.
Or that she be naught fer fro thyn helpynge
Paraunter thow haste cause for to synge. [ 854]
And therfore wostow what I the biseche. [ 855]
Lat be thy wo and tornyng to the grounde.
ffor who so list haue helyng of his leche.
To hym byhoueth first vnwre his wownde. [ 858]
1. [This line omitted in CCC MS.] To Cerberus yn helle ay be I bounde.
were it for my suster al thy sorwe.
By my wil she sholde al be thyn to morwe. [ 861]
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Look vp I seye and telle me what she is. [ 862]
Anon that I may gon aboute thy nede.
Knewe ich hire aught for my loue telle me this.
Thanne wolde I hopen rather for to spede. [ 865]
Tho gan the veyne of Troilus to blede.
ffor he was hit and wax al reed for shame.
A ha quod Pandare here bygynneth game. [ 868]
And with that word he gan hym for to shake. [ 869]
And seyde thef thow shalt hyre name telle.
But tho gan sely Troilus for to quake.
As though men sholde han led hym in to helle. [ 872]
And seyde allas of al my wo the welle.
Thanne is my swete fo called Criseyde.
And wel neigh with þe word for feere he deide. [ 875]
And whann that Pandare herde hire name neuene. [fol. 21b]
Lord he was glad and seyde frende so deere.
Now fare aright for Ioues name in heuene.
Loue hath byset the wel be of good cheere. [ 879]
ffor of good name and wisdome and manere.
She hath ynough and ek of gentilesse.
If she be fayre thow woost thy self I gesse. [ 882]
Ne neuere saugh a more bountevous. [ 883]
Of hire estat. na gladder. ne of speche.
A frendlyer na more gracious.
ffor to do wel ne lasse hadde nede seche. [ 886]
what for to don and al this bette to eche.
In honour to as fer as she may strecche.
A kynges herte semeth by hyrs a wrecche. [ 889]
Page  33(128) *. [[Thynne 1532, Fol. C. lxxv.]]
[And for thy loke of good comforte thou be *. [[ed. 1542, Fol. clxxii.]
For certainly the first poynt is this *. [[certaynly fyrst thys]
Of noble corage / and wele ordayne the *. [[well]
A man to haue peace with him selfe ywis *. [[wyth hym ywys]
So oughtest thou / for nought but good it is *. [[, for /]
To louen wel / and in a worthy place
The ought nat clepe it happe / but grace] *. [[not , for /]]*. [[This stanza not in Caxton or Pynson.]]
And also thynk and therwith glade the. [fol. 22a] [ 897]
That sith thy lady vertuous is al.
So foloweth it that there is som pitee.
Amonges alle thise other in general. [ 900]
And forthi se that thow in speciale.
Requere naught that is aȝeyns hyre name.
ffor vertue streccheth naught hym self to shame. [ 903]
But wel is me that euere that I was borne. [ 904]
That thow biset art in so good a place.
ffor by my trouthe in loue I dorste haue sworne.
The sholde neuere han tid thus fayre a grace. [ 907]
And wostow why for thow were wonte to chace.
At loue in scorn. and for despit hem calle.
Seynt Idyot lord of thise foles alle. [ 910]
How often hastow maad thi nyce Iapes. [ 911]
And seyde that loues seruantz euerichone.
Of nycete ben verray goddes apes.
And some wolde mucche hire mete allone. [ 914]
Liggyng a bedde and make hem for to grone.
And som thow seydest hadde a blaunche feuere.
And preydest god he sholde neuere keuere. [ 917]
Page  34(132)
And som of hem took on hym for the colde. [ 918]
More than ynough so seydestow ful ofte.
And som han feyned ofte tyme and tolde.
How that they waken whan that thei slepen softe. [ 921]
And thus they wolde han brought hem self alofte.
And natheles were vnder at the laste.
Thus seydestow and Iapedest ful faste. [ 924]
Ȝet seydestow that for the moore parte. [ 925]
Thise loueres wolden speke in general.
And thoughten that it was a siker arte.
ffor fallyng for tassain ouere al. [ 928]
Now may I Iape of the if that I shal.
But natheles though that I sholde deye.
That thow art non of tho I dorste say. [ 931]
Now bet thi breste and sey to god of loue. [fol. 22b] [ 932]
Thy grace lord for now I me repente.
If I myspak for now my self I loue.
Thus sey with al thyn herte in good entente. [ 935]
Quod Troilus a lord I me consente.
And preye to the my Iapes thow forȝiue.
And I shal neuere more whyle I liue. [ 938]
Thow seist wel quod Pandarus and now I hope. [ 939]
That thow the goddes wrathe hast al apesed.
And sithen thow haste wopen many a drope.
And seyde swych thyng wherwith thi god is plesed. [ 942]
Now wolde neuere god but thow were esed.
And thynk wel she of whom rist al thi wo.
Hereafter may thy comfort be also. [ 945]
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ffor thilke grownde that bereth the wedes wikke. [fol. 23a]
Bereth ek thise holsom herbes as ful ofte.
Next the foule netle rough and thikke.
The rose waxeth swoote and smothe and softe. [ 949]
And nexte the valeye is the hulle olofte.
And next the derk nyght the glade morwe.
And also Ioie is next the fyn of sorwe. [ 952]
Now loke that a tempre be thi bridel. [ 953]
And for the beste ay suffre to the tyde.
Or elles al oure laboure is on ydel.
He hasteth wel that wisely kan abyde. [ 956]
Be diligent and trewe and ay wel hide.
Be lusty fre perseuere in thy seruyse.
And al is wel if thow werke in this wyse. [ 959]
But he that deperted is in eueri place. [ 960]
Is nowher hole as writen clerkes wyse.
what wonder is though swich oon haue grace.
Ek wostow how it fareth of som seruice. [ 963]
As plaunte a tree of herbe in sondry wyse.
And on the morwe pulle it as blyue.
No wonder is thought it may neuere thryue. [ 966]
And sith that god of loue hath the bistowed. [ 967]
In place digne vnto thi worthinesse.
Stonde faste for to good porte hastow rowed.
And of thi self for any heuynesse. [ 970]
Hope alwey wel for but if drerinesse.
Or ouere haste oure bothe labour shende.
I hope of this to maken a goode ende. [ 973]
Page  36(140)
And wostow why I am the lasse afered. [ 974]
Of this matere with my Nece trete.
ffor this haue I herde seyde of wyse lered.
was neuere man or womman ȝet bigete. [ 977]
That was vnapte to suffren lyues hete.
Celestial. or elles loue of kynde.
fforthy som grace I hope in hire fynde. [ 980]
And for to speke of hire in specyal. [fol. 23b] [ 981]
Hire beaute to bithynken and hire youthe.
It sit it naught to ben celestial.
As ȝet though that hire liste bothe and kowthe. [ 984]
But trewely it sate hire wel right nowthe.
A worthi knyght to louen and cherice.
And but she do I holde it for a vice. [ 987]
Wherfore I am and wol ben ay redy. [ 988]
To peyne me to do ȝow this seruyse.
ffor bothe ȝow to plese thus hope I.
Herafterward for ȝe ben both wyse. [ 991]
And konne it counseil kepe in swych a wyse.
That no man schal the wiser of it be.
And so we may ben gladed al thre. [ 994]
And by my trouthe I haue right now of the. [fol. 24a] [ 995]
A good conceyte in my wit as I gesse.
And what it is I wol now that thow se.
I thenk. sith that loue of his goodnesse. [ 998]
Hath the conuerted out of wikkednesse.
That thow shalt ben the best post I leue.
Of al his lay and moost his foos to greue. [ 1001]
Page  37(144)
Ensample why se now thise wise clerkes. [ 1002]
That erren aldermost aȝeyn a lawe.
And ben conuerted from hire wikked werkes.
Thorugh grace of god that list hem to hym drawe. [ 1005]
Thanne arn thise folk that han moost god in awe.
And strengest feythed ben I vndirstonde.
And konne an errowre alderbest withstonde. [ 1008]
Whan Troilus hadde herde Pandare assented. [ 1009]
To ben his help in louyng of Cryseyde.
Weex of his wo as who seith vntormented.
But hotter weex his loue and thus he seyde. [ 1012]
with sobre chere although his herte pleyde.
Now blisful venus help er that I sterue.
Of the Pandare I mowe som thank deserue. [ 1015]
But deere frende how shal my wo be lesse. [ 1016]
Til this be doon and good ek telle me this.
How wiltow seyn of me and my destresse.
Lest she be wrothe this drede I moost ywys. [ 1019]
Or nyl nat here or trowen how it is.
Alle this drede I. and eke for the manere.
Of the hire Em she nyl no swich thyng here. [ 1022]
Quod Pandarus thow hast a ful grete care. [ 1023]
Lest that the Cherl may falle oute of the moone.
Whi lord I hate of the thi nyce fare.
Whi entremete of that thow hast to doone. [ 1026]
ffor goddes loue I bidde the a boone.
So lat malone. and it shal be thi beste.
whi frende quod he now do right as the leste. [ 1029]
Page  38(148)
But herk Pandare o word for I nolde. [fol. 24b] [ 1030]
That thow in me wendest so grete folie.
That to my lady I desiren sholde.
That toucheth harm or any vilenye. [ 1033]
ffor dredeles me were leuere dye.
Than she of me aught elles vnderstode.
But that that myghte sownen in to goode. [ 1036]
Tho lough this Pandare and anon answerde. [ 1037]
And I thi borugh fy no wight doth but so.
I roughte naught though that she stood and herde.
How that thow seist. but farewel I wol go. [ 1040]
A dieu be glad god spede vs bothe two.
Ȝef me this labour and this bisynesse.
And of my spede be thyn al that swetnesse. [ 1043]
Tho Troilus gan doun on knees to falle. [fol. 25a] [ 1044]
And Pandare in his armes hente faste.
And seyde now fy on the Grekes alle.
Ȝet Pandare god shal helpe vs atte laste. [ 1047]
And dredelees if that my lyf may laste.
And god to forn lo som of hem shal smerte.
And ȝet mathenketh that this auant me sterte. [ 1050]
Now Pandare I kan na more seye. [ 1051]
But thow wis thow woost thow maist thow ar al.
My lif my deth hole in thyn honde I leye.
Help now quod he ȝis is my trowthe I shal. [ 1054]
God ȝelde the frend and this in special.
Quod Troilus that thow me recomande.
To hire that to the deth me may comande. [ 1057]
Page  39(152)
This Pandarus tho desirous to serue. [ 1058]
His fulle frende than seyde in this manere.
ffarwell and thenk I wol thi thank deserue.
Haue here my trowthe and that thow shalt wele here.
And went his wey thenkyng on this matere.
and how he best myghte hire biseche of grace.
And fynde a tyme therto and a place. [ 1064]
ffor eueri wight that hath an hous to founde. [ 1065]
Ne reynneth naught the werk for to bygynne.
with rakel hond but he wol bide a stounde.
And sende his hertes line out fro withInne. [ 1068]
Aldirfirst his purpos for to wynne.
Al this Pandare in his herte thoughte.
And caste his werk ful wisely or he wroughte. [ 1071]
But Troilus lay tho no lenger down. [ 1072]
But vp a non vpon his stede bay.
And in the feld he pleyde tho leoun.
who was that greke that with hym mette a day. [ 1075]
And in the town his manere tho forth ay.
Soo goodly was and gat hym so in grace.
That ecch hym loued that loked on his face. [ 1078]
ffor he bicome the frendliest wight. [fol. 25b] [ 1079]
The gentilest and ek the moost fre.
The thriftiest and oon the best knyght.
That in his tyme was or myght be. [ 1082]
Dede were his Iapes and his cruelte.
His heigh port and his manere estraunge.
And ecche of tho gan for a vertue chaunge. [ 1085]
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Now lat vs stynte of Troilus a stounde. [ 1086]
That fareth like a man that hurte is soore.
And is som deel of akyngge of his wownde.
Ylissed wel but heeled no deel moore. [ 1089]
And as an esy pacyent the loore.
Abit of hym that gooth aboute his cure.
And thus he dryeth forth his auenture. [ 1092]
Explicit liber primus.
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[Harleian 1239.]

(1) (Proem.)
THe double sorow of Troilus to telle [leaf 1] [ 1]
That was tho kynge Pryames sone of Troye
In lofyng how hys Auentures ffelle
Fro woo to wele and after owte of Ioye [ 4]
My purpos is or that I parte ȝow froye
Thesiphone thow helpe me to endite
Thes woofuɫɫ wers that wepen as I write [ 7]
(2) (Invocation.)
To the clepe I thow goddes of torment [ 8]
Thow cruel furye sorowyng euer in peyne
Helpe me that am that sorowful Instrument
That helpes louers as I can for to pleyne [ 11]
For wele sittes hit tho sothe for to seyne
A woofuɫɫ wyght to haue a drery fere
And to a sorowfuɫɫ tale a sory chere [ 14]
For I that god of love seruauntes serue [ 15]
Ne dar not to love for myne vnliklynesse
Preyen for spede aɫɫ schulde .I. therfore sterue
So ferre am I frome his helpe in derknnesse [ 18]
Botte natheles if thys may do gladnesse
To any lover and hys cause availe
Haue he thy þanke and myne be this travaile [ 21]
Page  2(4)
Bot ye loueres that bathen in gladnesse [ 22]
Ȝif ony drope of pitee in ȝow bee
Remembretħ ȝow on passed heuynesse
That ȝe haue felte and of thaduersite [ 25]
Of other folke and thynketh how that ye
Haue felte that loue durst ȝow displese
Or ȝe haue wonne hym with to grete an ese [ 28]
And prayes for hem that been in the cas [ 29]
Of troilus as ȝe may her-after here
That loue hem bryng in heuen to solas
And eke prayes to god that is so dere [ 32]
That I haue myght schewe in some manere
Suche peyne and woo as loues folke endure
In Troilus vncely aventure [ 35]
And biddes hem that been dispeyred [ 36]
In loue that neuer wyll recouered be
And eke for hem that falsly been appered
Thorogh wykked tonges be hyt he or sche [ 39]
Thus byddes god for his benignite
So grawnte hem sone owte of þis worlde to pace
That been despered owte of loues grace [ 42]
And eke byddeth for hem that been at ese [ 43]
That god hem grawnte aye gode perseuerawnce
And sende hem myght here ladyes so to plese
That it to loue bee worschipp and plesawnce [ 46]
For so hope I my sowle beste to avawnce
To prey for hem that loues seruantes bee
And wryte here woo and lyue in charite [ 49]
Page  3(8)
And for to haue on hem compassioun [ 50]
As though I were here owne brother dere
Now herkeneth with a gode intencioun
For nowe wyle I go streight to my matere [ 53]
In whiche ȝe schuɫɫ the double sorowes here
Of Troilus in louyng of Creseyde
And how that sche forsoke hym or sche deyde [ 56]
(9) (Story.)
IT ys wele wyst how that the grekes stronge [ 57]
In armes with a thowsand schyppes wente
To Troyewardes and tho Citee longe
Assegeden well ten ȝere or they stynte [ 60]
And in diuerse wyse and oone entente
Tho Ravischyng to wreken of Eleyne
By Paris done they wroghten al hir peyne [ 63]
Now feɫɫ hit soo that in the towne there was [leaf 1, back] [ 64]
Dwellyng a lorde of grete auctorite
A grete divine that cleped was Calcas
That in science soo expert was that he [ 67]
Knew weɫɫ that Troye schulde destroied bee
By answere of hys god that hyght thus
Dame Phebus or Apollo Delphicus [ 70]
Soo whane that Calkas knewe by calkelyng [ 71]
And eke by answer of this Apollo
That grekes schulde suche a peple bryng
Thorogh whiche that Troie most bee for-doo [ 74]
He cast a-non owte of the towne to goo
For wele wyst he by sorte that Troye schulde
Destroyed bee ȝee wolde who-so nolde [ 77]
Page  4(12)
For whiche for to depart schortly [ 78]
Toke purpos ffuɫɫ this forknowyng wise
And to the grekes hoste fuɫɫ priuely
He stale anon and they in curteys wise [ 81]
Hym diden bothe worschip and seruise
In tryst that he has knowyng hem to rede
In euery parell whiche that was to drede [ 84]
The noyce vp rose whan it was fyrst aspied [ 85]
Thorogh all the towne and openly was spokyn
That Calkas traytowre was fledde and allied
With hem of grece and casten to be wrokyn [ 88]
On hym that falsly had his feyth so brokyn
And seyden he and aɫɫ his kynne att onys
Ben worthy for to brenne felle and bonys [ 91]
Now had this Calkas loft in þis myschawnce [ 92]
Al vnwist of the false and wikked dede
His doughter whiche that was in grete penawnce
For of her lyf sche was ful ofte in drede [ 95]
As sche nyst what was best to rede
For bothe a widowe was sche and allone
Of ony frende to whome she durst her mone [ 98]
Creseide was this lady name al ryght [ 99]
As to my dome in al Troies citee
Vas noone so fayre for-passyng euery wight
So angelik was her face 1. [[face later]] her natif beaute [ 102]
That lyke a thinge Immortal semed sche
As Is an heuenlyche parfite creature
That downe were sent in scornyng of nature [ 105]
Page  5(16)
This lady whiche that alday herde at eere [ 106]
Her fadres schame. his falsnes and tresoun
Wel nygh owte of her witte for sorow and fere
In widowes habite blak of Samyte browne [ 109]
On knees she felle before Ector a downe
with pitous voys and tendrely wepyng
His mercy badde herself excusyng [ 112]
Now was this Ector pitows of nature [ 113]
And seyth that sche was so sorowfully begone
And that sche was so feyre a creature
Of his gudnes he gladed her annone. [ 116]
And seide lete ȝowre fadres treson̄ gon
Forthe with myschance and ȝe ȝowre self in Ioye
Dwellith with vs while ȝow gode lyst in Trye [ 119]
And alle tho honowre that men may do ȝow haue [ 120]
Als ferforthe as ȝowre fader dwelled here
Ȝe shul haue and ȝowre body schal men saue
As far as I may augħt enquere and here [ 123]
And sche hym thankith with ful humbly chere
And ofter wolde and hit had ben his wylle
And toke her leue and home and helde her stylle [ 126]
And in her hows sche abode with suche mene [leaf 2] [ 127]
As tyl her honowre nede was to be holde
And while sche was dwellyng in the Cite
Kept here estate and bothe of ȝonge and olde [ 130]
Ful wel beloued and wel men of her tolde
But whether that sche children had or noone
I rede it not therfore I lat it gone [ 133]
Page  6(20)
The thynges fellen as the do of werre [ 134]
Betwix hem of Troie and grekes ofte
For som day bothe they of Troie at derre
And eft the grekes fonde nothyng softe [ 137]
The folke of Troie and thus fortune on lofte
And vnder eft gan hem to wele bothe
Aftur her cowrse aye while they weren wrothe [ 140]
But how this towne come to distruccion̄ [ 141]
Ne falleth noght to purpos me to telle
For it were here a longe disgression̄
ffor my matere and ȝow longe to dwelle [ 144]
But the Troian Iestes as they felle
In Omere or in Dares or in Dite
who-so that can̄ may rede hem as thye write [ 147]
But though that grekes hem of Troie schotten [ 148]
And her Cite beseged al a-bowte
Her olde vsage nolde they noght letten
As for to honowre her goddes ful devoute [ 151]
But aldermoste in honowre oute of doute
Thei hade a relyk hight Palladion
That was her trust abouen euerychone [ 154]
And so befell whan comen was the tyme [ 155]
Of April whan clothed is the mede
with newe grene of lusty were the prime
And swete smellen flowres white and rede [ 158]
In sondry wyse schewed as I ȝow rede
The folke of Troie her obseruaunce olde
Palladions feste for to holde [ 161]
Page  7(24)
And to the temple in al her best wise [ 162]
In general there went many a wyght
To herken of Palladions seruise
And namely so many a lusty knyght [ 165]
So many a mayden fresche and lady dere
Ful wel arayed bothe tho moste and leste
Ȝee bothe for the seson and the feste [ 168]
Amonge these other folke was Creseida [ 169]
In widowes habite blake but natheles
Right as owre fyrst lettre is now an A
In bewte furst so stode sche makeles [ 172]
Here godely lokyng gladed al the prece
Was neuer seyn thyng to been preised derre
Ne vnder clowd blake so bright a sterre [ 175]
As was Creseide as folke seyd euerychone [ 176]
That her behelden in here blak wede
And ȝit sche stode ful stylle an lowe allone
Behynde othere folke in lytel brede [ 179]
And nygh tho dore aye vnder schames drede
Symple of attire and debonaire of chere
with ful assured lokyng and manere [ 182]
This Troilus as he was wonte to gyde [ 183]
His ȝonge knyghtes lade hem vpe and downe
In thilk large temple on euery syde
Beholdyng aye tho ladyes of the towne [ 186]
Nowe here now there for no deuocion̄
Had he to none to reven hym his reste
Bot gan to prese and lake whom hym lyste [ 189]
Page  8(28)
And in his walke ful fast he gan to wayten [leaf 2, back] [ 190]
If knyght or squier of his companye
Gan for to sike or lat his eyen bayten
On any woman that he cowde aspye [ 193]
He wolde smyle and holde hit a folye
And sey hym thus god wote sche slepes softe
For loue of the whan thow turnest ful ofte [ 196]
I haue herde telde pardieux of ȝowre lyvyng [ 197]
Ȝe louers and ȝowre lewde obseruance
And whiche a labour folke haue in wynnyng
Of loue and in tho keping of doutance [ 200]
And whane ȝowre pray is loste woo and penance
O veray foles nyce and blynde been ȝee
Ther ys not oone can war by other bee [ 203]
And with that worde he gan caste vpe his browe [ 204]
Ascawnce loo is not this wele spoken
At whiche the god of loue gan loken rowe
Right for despite and hope for to be wroken [ 207]
He kydde a-noon his bowe was not tobroken
ffor sodeinly he hit hym atte the fulle
And ȝit as prowde a pecok gan he pulle [ 210]
O. blynde worlde o blynde entencion̄ [ 211]
How often falles al tho effecte contraire
Of surquidry and fowle presumpsion̄
For caught is proude and caught is debonaire [ 214]
This troilus is clomben on tho staire
And litel wenes that he mot descenden̄
But alday failleth thyng that foles wenden̄ [ 217]
Page  9(32)
As prowde bayarde gynnys for to skyppe [ 218]
Owte of the waye so prikketh hym his corne
Tyl he a lasche haue of tho longe whippe
Thane thenkith he though I prawnce al be-forne [ 221]
Fyrst in the trays ful fatte and new schorn
ȝit am I bot an horse and horses lawe
I most endure and with my ferys drawe [ 224]
So farde hit by this ferse and prwde knyght [ 225]
Though he a worthy kyng sone were
And wende nothyng had hade suche myght
A-ȝen his wille that schulde his hert stere [ 228]
Ȝitte with a loke his herte wax on fire
That he that nowe was moste in pride a-boue
Wax sodeynly moste subget vn-to loue [ 231]
For-thy ensample taketh of his man̄ [ 232]
Ȝe wise prowde and worthy folkes alle
To scorne loue whiche that so soone can̄
Tho fredom of ȝowre hertys to hym thralle [ 235]
For euer yt was and euer his schal befalle
That loue ys he that al thyng may bynde
For may no man fordoo the lawe of kynde [ 238]
That this be sothe has proued and dothe ȝit [ 239]
For this trow I ȝe knowen alle or some
Men reden nat that folke haue gretter wit
Thene they that haue ben most wyth loue I-nome [ 242]
And strengest folke therwith been ouercome
Tho worthiest and grettest of degree
This was and is and ȝit men schal hit see [ 245]
Page  10(36)
And truly it sitte wel to be soo [ 246]
For alderwisest haue therwith been plesed
And they that haue been aldermoste in woo
With loue haue ben comforted moste and esed [ 249]
And ofte it has tho cruel herte appesed
And worthy folke made worthier of name
And causes moste to drede vice and schame [ 252]
Now sithen it may not godely be withstonde [leaf 3] [ 253]
And is a thyng so vertuows in kynde
Refuses not to loue for to be bownde
Syn as hym self lyst he may ȝow bynde [ 256]
Tho ȝerde is bette that bowe wolde and wynde
Than that. that brest and therfor I ȝow reede
To folowe loue that ȝow so wele can leede [ 259]
But for to telle forthe in speciall [ 260]
As of this kynges sone of whiche I tolde
And lette other thynges Collaturall
Of hym thynke I. my tale forthe to holde [ 263]
Bothe of his Ioye and of his care colde
And al his werke as towchyng this matere
For I be-gan hit. I wyl therto refere [ 266]
With-ynne the temple he went hym forthe pleyng [ 267]
This Troilus of euery wight a-bowte
On this lady and nowe on that lokyng
Whether so sche were of towne or of with-owte [ 270]
And vpon cas befeɫɫ that thorogh a rowte
His eye perced and so depe it went
That on Creseide it smote and there it stynte [ 273]
Page  11(40)
And sodeinly he wax therwith astoned [ 274]
And gan her bettur beholde in thrifty wise
O mercy god thought he where hastow wonned
That art so fayre and godely to devise [ 277]
Therwith his hert began to sprede and rise
And softly syke lest men myght hym here
And caught ayen his first pleying chere [ 280]
Sche was not with the leste of her stature [ 281]
But alle her lymmes so wele answeryng
Weren to wommanhode þat Creature
Nas neuer lasse mannysche in semyng [ 284]
And eke the pure wise of her moevyng
Schewed wele tha[t] men myght in her gesse
Honowre estate and womanly noblesse [ 287]
Tho Troilus right wonder wele with alle [ 288]
Gan for to lyke her moeuyng and her chere
Whiche somdel deignous was for sche lete falle
Her loke a-side in suyche manere [ 291]
Ascawnce what may I not stonden here
And after that her lokyng gan sche lyght
That neuer thoght hym seen so gode a sight [ 294]
And of her loke in hym ther gan to quycken [ 295]
So grete desire and suyche affeccion̄
That in his hertys botom it gan to stycken
Of hir his fixe and depe Impression̄ [ 298]
And thogh he erst hade poured vp and downe
He was tho gladde his hornes in to schrynke
Vnnethes wiste he how to loke or wynke [ 301]
Page  12(44)
Loo he that lette hym self so konnyng [ 302]
And scorned hem that loues peynes dryen
was ful vnware that loue had his dwellyng
with-ynne tho subtil stremes of here eyen [ 305]
That sodeinly hym thoght he felt dyen
Right with hir loke tho spirit of his herte
Blessed be loue that thus can folke conuerte [ 308]
Sche this in blake lykyng to Troilus [ 309]
Ouer al thynge he stode for to beholde
Ne his desire ne wherfore he stode thus
He nether chere made ne worde tolde [ 312]
But from aferre his manere for to holde
On other thynges some tyme his loke he caste
And eft on hire while that tho serues laste [ 315]
And after this nat fulliche al awhaped [leaf 3, back] [ 316]
Owte of tho temple al esely he wente
Repentyng hym that euery he had Iaped
Of loues folke lest fully tho discente [ 319]
Of scorn fell on hym self bot what he mente
Lest hit were wist on any maner syde
His woo he gan dissimelyn̄ and hyde [ 322]
Whan he was fro tho temple thus departed [ 323]
He streight a-non vnto the paleis turneth
Right with her loke thorogh schot and thorogh darted
Al feyneth he in lust that he soiorneth [ 326]
And al his chere and speche also he bourneth
And aye of loues seruantes euery while
Hym-self to wrye at hem he gan̄ to smyle [ 329]
Page  13(48)
And seid lord soo ȝe lyue alle in lyst [ 330]
Ȝe louers for the konnyngest of ȝow
That serues moste ententyfly and best
Hym tyt as ofte harme therof as prow [ 333]
Ȝowre hire is quyt a-ȝein. ȝe god wote how
Not wel for wel. bot scorne for gude servise
In feith ȝowre ordre is reuled in gode wyse [ 336]
In non certayn been alle ȝowre obseruance [ 337]
But hit a fewe cely poyntes bee
Nor nothing axeth so grete attendance
As dothe ȝowe lay and that knowe alle ȝe [ 340]
But that is not the warste as mote I the
But tolde I ȝow, tho warste poynt I leue
Al seid I sothe ȝe wolden at me greue [ 343]
But take this that ȝe louers oft escheue [ 344]
Or elles doon hit of gude entencion̄
Ful ofte thy lady wyl hit mys construe
And deme hit harme by here opynion̄ [ 347]
And ȝit if sche for other encheson̄
Be worthi than schal thow haue a grone a-non
Lorde wele is hym that may of ȝow been oon [ 350]
But for al this whan that he sawe his tyme [ 351]
He helde his pees noon other bote hym gayned
For loue began̄ his fethures so to lyme
That wel vnneth vntil his folke he feyned [ 354]
That other besy nedes hym distrened
For woo was hym that what to doo he nyst
But badde his folke to gon where that hem lyst [ 357]
Page  14(52)
And whan that he in chambre was a-lone [ 358]
He downe vpon̄ his beddes fete hym sette
And first he gan to syke and eft to grone
And thoght aye soo on her withowten lette [ 361]
That as he satte and woke his spirit mette
That he hir sawe and temple and al tho wise
Right of her loke and gan hit newe a-vyse [ 364]
Thus gan he make a mirrowr of his mynde [ 365]
In whiche he saw al holly her figure
And that he cowde wel in his hert fynde
It was to hym a right gude a-venture [ 368]
To loue suche oon and if he dide his cure
To serue her ȝit myght he falle in g[r]ace
Or elles for oon of hir seruaunce pace [ 371]
Imaginyng that trauaile ne grace [ 372]
Ne myght for so godely oon lorne
As sche ne hym for his desire noo schame
Al were hit wist but in pris and vp borne [ 375]
Of alle louers wel more than be-forne
Thus argumented he yn his ginnyng
Ful vnavised of his woo comyng [ 378]
Thus took he purpos loues craft to sewe *. [[2 leaves, 36 stanzas, lines 379-630, missing from Harl. 1239. Sup∣plied from Addit. 12,044,]] [lf. 7-9.]
And thought he werkyn wolde preuyly
First he hid his desir in mewe
From euery wight I-born al ouerly 1. [[ouerly later.]] [ 382]
But he myght aught recouered ben ther-by
Remembryng hym þat loue to wide I-blowe
Ȝelt bittir fruyt though swete seed be sowe [ 385]
Page  15(56)
¶ And ouyr al þis ȝit moche more he thought [ 386]
what for to spede and what for to holden ynne
And what to arten what to loue he sought
And on a song / anoon right to be-gynne [ 389]
And gan loude on his sorwe for to wynne
For with good hope he gan fully assent
Creseid for to loue and nought repent [ 392]
¶ And of this song nought only the sentence [ 393]
As writ myn auctor called lollius
But pleynly saue oure tonge difference
I dar wel seyn in al þat Troilus [ 396]
Seide in his song loo euery word right thus
As I shal seyn and who so lust it here
Loo next this vers he may [it] fynden here [ 399]
(58) (Troilus's Song, from Petrarch's 88th Sonnet.)
¶ If no loue is o god what fele y so [ 400]
And ȝif loue is what thyng and wheche is he
Ȝif loue be good fro whennes cometh my wo
Ȝif it be wykke a wondir thyngeth me [ 403]
whan euery torment and aduersite
That cometh of it may to my sauour thynke
For ay thrist I þe more þat I drynke [ 406]
(59) (From Petrarch.)
¶ And ȝif þat [at] myn owyne lust [I] brenne [ 407]
From whenues cometh my pleynyng and myn pleynt
Þif harm agreue me wher-to pleyne I thenne
I not ne whi vn-wery þat I feynt [ 410]
O quyk deth o swet harm so queynte
How may of the / on me suche quantyte
But if þat I consente þat it be [ 413]
Page  16(60) (From Petrarch.)
¶ And ȝif that I consente I wrongfully [ 414]
Compleyne y-wys thus possed to and fro
Al stereles witħ-Inne a bot am I
A-myd þe see be-twix wyndes too [ 417]
That in Contrary stonden euere moo
Allas what is this wonder maladye
For hete of cold / for cold of hete I deye [ 420]
(End of Troilus's Song from Petrarch's 88th Sonnet.)
(61) *. [[leaf 6, 10 stanzas, in before leaf 7 in Addit. 12,044.]]
And to the god of loue / thus seide he [leaf 6] [ 421]
with petous vois o lord now ȝoures is
Mi spirit wheche that / augħt ȝoures be
Ȝow thanke I lord that han me brouħt to this [ 424]
But whedir goddes or womman I-wys
She be / I nougħt wheche that ȝe do me serue
But as hir man I wolde ay leue and sterue [ 427]
¶ Ȝe stonden in hir eyen mygħtily [ 428]
As in a place vn-to ȝou verri digne
Wherfore lorde ȝif my seruyse or .I.
May liken ȝow so betħ to me benyngne [ 431]
For myn estat Roial here I resigne
In-to here hand and witħ [ful] humble chere
By-come hir man as to my lady dere [ 434]
¶ In hym ne deignetħ spare blood Roial [ 435]
The fire of loue fro þe wheche god me blesse
Ne hym for-barred in no degre for alle
His vertu or his excellent prowesse [ 438]
But hold hym as his thralle lowe in distresse
And brent hym so in sondri wise ay newe
That sixti tyme a day he lost his hewe [ 441]
Page  17(64)
So moche day be day his owyn thougħt [ 442]
For lust of hir gan quyken and encrece
That euerycħ othir charge he sette at nougħt
For-thi ful ofte his hoot fir to sece [ 445]
To sen hir goodly look he gan to prece
For therbi to ben esid wel he wende
And ay the nere he was the more he brendo [ 448]
¶ For ay þe nere the fere the hattere is [ 449]
This trowe I ./ knowitħ al this companye
But were he fer or nere / I dar sey this
Be nygħt or day / for wisdom or folie [ 452]
His herte wheche that is his brestis ye
Was ay on hire that fairere was to sene
Than euere was Eleyne or Pollixene [ 455]
¶ Eke of the day þar passid nougħ[t] half an hour [lf. 6, bk.]
That to hym self he A thousand tyme seide
God goodly to whom I serue and labour
As I best can now wolde gode Creseide [ 459]
Ȝe wolde on me rewe or that I deide
My dere herte Allas myn hele and myn hewe
And myn lif is lost but ȝe wole on me rewe [ 462]
¶ Alle other dedis weren from hym fledde [ 463]
Bothe of thassege and his sauacion
Ne in him desir noon othir fownes bredde
But argumentes to his conclusion̄ [ 466]
That she of hym wolde haue compassion̄
And he to ben hir man while he may dure
Lo here is lif and from the detħ is cure [ 469]
Page  18(68)
¶ The sharpe shoures fel of armes preve [ 470]
That Ector or his othir bretheren deden
Ne make hym ones therfore to meve
And ȝit was he where men wentyn and reden [ 473]
Founden oon the best and lengest tyme a-biden
There perile was and eek dede succħ trauaile
In Armes that to thynke it was meruaile [ 476]
¶ But for oon hate he to the Grekes hadde [ 477]
Ne also for the rescous of the toun
Ne made hym thus in armes for to madde
But only loo for this conclusioun [ 480]
To liken hire the bette for his renoun
From day to day in armes so he spedde
That the grekes as detħ hym dredde [ 483]
¶ And from this fortħ tho reft hym loue his slepe [ 484]
And made hym mete his Foo And ek his sorwe
Gan multeplie that who-so toke kepe
It shewed in his hewe bothe eue and morwe [ 487]
Therfore a litel he gan hym to borwe
Of othir seknesse lest men of hym wende
That the hote fire of loue hym for-brende [ 490]
¶ And seide he hadde a feuere and ferde amys [leaf 8] [ 491]
But how it was serteyn I can nougħt seye
Ȝif that his ladi vndirstood nougħt this
Or feyned hire she nyst oon of the tweye [ 494]
But wel y rede that be no manere weye
Ne semed it that she on hym rougħt
Nor of his peyne or what so euere he thought [ 497]
Page  19(72)
¶ But han felt this Troilus swiche woo [ 498]
That he was wol nygħt wood for ay his drede
Was this that she some wigħt hadde loued soo
That neuer of hym thougħt haue taken hede [ 501]
For wheche hym thougħt he felt his herte blede
Nor of his woo ne durst he nat be-gynne
To tellyn hir for al this world to wynne [ 504]
¶ But he hadde a space from his care [ 505]
Thus to hym self / ful ofte he gan to pleyne
He seide o foole now art þow in the snare
That whilom Iappedest at loues peyne [ 508]
Now art þow hent now gnawe þyn owyn cheyne
Thow were ay wont eche louere reprehende
Of thyng fro wheche thow canst the not defende [ 511]
¶ What wole now euery louere seyn of thee [ 512]
Ȝif this be wist but euere in þyn absence
laugħen in Scorne and seyn lo there gotħ hee
That is þe man of so gret sapience [ 515]
That helde vs louyers leest in reuerence
Now thanked be god he may gon in þe daunce
Of hem that loue lest febly for tenaunce [ 518]
¶ But o thow woful troylus god wolde [ 519]
Sithen þow most louen thorgħ thi destenye
That thow bisette were on swyche on þat sholde
Knowe al thi woo al lakked hir petee [ 522]
But also cold in lovue towardes thee
Thi lady is as frost in wynter mone
And thow for-doon as snowe in fir is soone [ 525]
Page  20(76)
¶ God wolde y were arryued in the port [leaf 8, back] [ 526]
Of deth̄ to wh[i]che my sorewes wole me lede
A lord to me it were a gret confort
Thanne were I quyt of langusshyng in drede [ 529]
For be myn hed sorwe I blowe on brede
I xal be Iaped be a thousand tyme
More than that folk of whos foly men ryme [ 532]
¶ But now helpe god and she swete for whom [ 533]
Pleyne I caugh̄t neuer wigh̄t so faste
O mercy dere herte and helpe from
The deth̄ for I wole that my lyf laste [ 536]
More than my self I wole loue ȝow to my last
And with̄ somme frendly look gladeth̄ me swete
Though̄ neuer mor thyng ȝe me be-hete [ 539]
¶ These wordes and ful many an othir to [ 540]
He spak and called euere in his compleynt
Hire name for to tellyn hir his wo
Til nygh̄ þat he in salte teres dreynt [ 543]
Al was for nough̄t she herde not his pleynt
And whanne þat he by-though̄t on that folye
A thousand fold his wo gan multeplye [ 546]
¶ By walkyng in his chambre thus a-lone [ 547]
A frend of his that called was pandare
Cam onys Inne on-war and herd hym grone
And sigh̄ his frend in suech̄ distresse and care [ 550]
Allas quod he ho causeth̄ al this fare
O mercy god what on-happe may this mene
Han now þus sone grekes mad ȝow lene [ 553]
Page  21(80)
¶ Or hastow some remors of consyence [ 554]
And art now falle in som deuocioun
And wailest for thy senne and thyn offence
And hast for ferd caugh̄t attricioun [ 557]
God saue hem þat be-seged han our toun
That so can leyn our Iolite on presse
And bryng oure / lusty folk to holynesse [ 560]
¶ These wordes seyde he for the nones alle [leaf 9] [ 561]
That with suych̄ thyng / he mygh̄t hym angry maken
And with mavgry don his wo to falle
As for the tyme and his corage awaken [ 564]
But wel he wyste as fer as tonges spaken
Ther nas a man of grettere hardynesse
Than he / ne more desired worthynesse [ 567]
¶ What cas quod Troylus or what auenture [ 568]
Hath gided the / to sen my langwysnesse
That am the refuse of euery creature
But for the loue of god / at my preynge [ 571]
Go hens awey / for certis my deyynge
Whil the d[i]sese and I mot / nede deye
Ther-fore go wey / there ne is no mor to seye [ 574]
¶ But ȝif thou wene I be þus seke for drede [ 575]
It is nough̄t so and þerfore scorne me nough̄t
Ther is an other thyng / I take of hede
Wel more than augh̄t / that Grekes han it wrough̄t [ 578]
Wheche cause is of my deth̄ / for sorwe and though̄t
But though̄ þat I. / nowe tell it the in lest
Be thou naugh̄t wroth̄ I hid it for the best [ 581]
Page  22(84)
¶ This Pandar that nygħ malt for woo and routhe [ 582]
Ful ofte seide allas what may this be
Now frende quod he / ȝif euere loue or trouthe
Hatħ ben or ys / be-twix the and me [ 585]
Ne do thow neuere / sweche a cruelte
To hiden fro thi frend / so gret a care
Wostow not wel / that I am Pandare [ 588]
¶ I wole parten witħ the / al thi peyne [ 589]
Ȝif it be so / I do the no counfort
As it is frendes rigħt / sotħ for to seyn
To entre partyng woo / as glad disport [ 592]
I haue and shal for trewe or fals report
In wrong and rigħt I loued the al my lyve
Hide not ȝour woo from me / but telle it blyve [ 595]
¶ Than gan this sorful Troylus to syke [leaf 9, back] [ 596]
And seide hym thus god leue it be my beste
To telle it thee for sitħ it may the lyke
Ȝit wole I telle it thougħ myn herte breste [ 599]
But wel wot I thou mast don me no reste
But lest þou deme I trist[e] not to the
Now herkene frend for þus it stant witħ me [ 602]
¶ Loue ayens þe wheche who-so defendetħ [ 603]
Hym seluyn moost / hym seluyn aldirlest auayletħ
Witħ despeir so soreweful me offendetħ
That streigħt on-to detħ myn herte failletħ [ 606]
Þer-to desir so brennyngly me assailetħ
That to ben slayn it were a grettere Ioye
To me than kyng of Grece ben and of troye [ 609]
Page  23(88)
¶ Suffisetħ this my frend Pandare [ 610]
That I haue seid for now wostow my wo
And for the loue of god my colde care
So hide it wel I told it neuere to mo [ 613]
For harmes mygħt folewen mo than to
Ȝif it were wist but be þow in gladnesse
And let me sterue vn-knowe of my distresse [ 616]
¶ Hougħ hastow thus vnkendely and long [ 617]
Hid this fro me thou fool quod Pandarus
Par auenture thow mygħt aftir siche on long
That myn avys a-noon may helpen vs [ 620]
Þis were a wundyre thyng quod Troylus
Thow coudest neuere in loue þi seluyn wisse
How mygħt þow bryng me to blisse [ 623]
¶ Thow Troilus now herken quod Pandare [ 624]
Þow I be nyce it happetħ often so
That on that exces doon ful euyl fare
By good counseɫɫ can kepe his frend ther-fro [ 627]
I haue my self seen eek a blynd man go
There as [he] fel that coude loken wyde
A fool may eke a wyseman ofte gyde [ 630]
A wheston is noo Kerving Instrument *. [[Harl. 1239,]] [leaf 4.] [ 631]
Bot ȝit hit makes scharpe keruyng toles
And there thou wost that I haue aught myswent
Escheue thou that for suche thing to the scole is [ 634]
Thus ought wyse men be war be folys
If thou so do thi wit is wel bewared
By his contrarie is euery thing declared [ 637]
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For how myght euer swetnes haue be knowe [ 638]
To hym that neuer tasted bitternesse
Ne no man may be Inly gladde I trowe
That neuer was in sorow or som destresse [ 641]
Eke white by blak by schame eke worthinesse
Iche sette by other more for other semeth
As men may se and so the wise it demeth [ 644]
Syn this of too contraries is wo lore [ 645]
I that haue in loue so ofte assaied
Greuances ought knowe and wel the more
Conseillen the of that thow art a-mayed [ 648]
And eke the aught not ben yuel a-ppayed
Thogh I desire with the for to bere
Thyn heuy charge hit schal the lesse dere [ 651]
I wot wel that it fareth thus by me [ 652]
As to thy brother Parys an hierdesse
Which that I-cleped was Cenone
Wrote in a compleynte of hire heuynesse [ 655]
Ȝe say tho lettre that she wrote I gesse
Nay neuer ȝit ywys quod Troilus
Now herkeneth quod Pandare it was thus [ 658]
(95) (Oenone's Letter to Paris. 1 st.)
Phebus that first fonde art of medicine [ 659]
Quod sche and cowde in euery wightes care
Remedie and rede by herbes he knew fine
Ȝit to hym self his konnyng was ful bare [ 662]
For loue had hym so bownden in a snare
Al for the doughter of kyng Amete
That al his crafte ne cowde his sorowes bete [ 665]
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Right so fare I vnhappily for me [ 666]
I loue oon best and that me smarteth sore
And ȝit paranter can I reden the
And not my self reproue me no more [ 669]
I haue no cause I wote wel for to sore
As dothe an hauke that lysteth for to playe
But to thyn helpe somwhat can I saye [ 672]
And of wo thing right siker maystow be [ 673]
That certeyne for to dye in the peyne
That I schal neuer to moo discouer the
Ne by my trouthe I kepe not restreyne [ 676]
The fro thi loue thogh that it were Eleyne
That is thi brother wyf if I it wyste
Be what sche be and loue her as the lyste [ 679]
Therfore as frende fullyche in me assure [ 680]
And telle me plat now what is thencheson̄
And finaly cause of wo that ȝe endure
For dowtes nothing myn entencion̄ [ 683]
Is not to yow of reprehencion̄
To speke as now for no wight may be-reve
A man to loue til hym lyst to leve [ 686]
And wittes wel bothe too been vices [ 687]
Mystrist alle or elles alle be-leve
But wel I wote the meene of hit no vice is
For to trusten sum man it is a proeue [ 690]
Of trouthe and for-thy wolde I fayne remoeve
Thy wronge conceite and do the som wight truste
Thy woo to telle and telle me ȝif the lyste [ 693]
Page  26(100)
The wise seith woo hym that is allone [leaf 4, back] [ 694]
For and he falle he has no helpe to rise
And sitħ thou hast a felow telle thy mone
For this is not certeyne the next vice [ 697]
To wynnen loue as techen vs tho wise
To walow and wepe as nybo tho quene
whos terys ȝit marble ben ysene [ 700]
Lat be thi wepyng and thy drerinesse [ 701]
And lat vs lessen woo with otheres speche
So may thy woful tyme seme lesse
Delite not in woo þi woo seche [ 704]
As done thes foles that hir sorowes eche
With sorowe when thay haue mysauenture
And lyst not to sechen other cure [ 707]
Men seyen to wreche is consolacion̄ [ 708]
To haue a-nother felow in his peyne
That ought wel ben owre oppynion̄
For bothe thou and I of loue we pleyne [ 711]
So ful of sorow am I sothe for to seyne
That certenly nomore harde grace
May sitte on me for-why ther is no space. [ 714]
If god wil thou art not a-gaste of me [ 715]
Lest I wolde of thy lady the begile
Thou wottyst thi-self whom that I loue parde
As I best can gon̄ sithen longe while [ 718]
And sithen thou wottist I do hit for no gyle
And seyst I am he whom thou tristest most
Telle me somwhat syn̄ al my woo thou wost [ 721]
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Ȝit Troilus for al this no worde seide [ 722]
But longe he lay as stylle as he dede were
And after this with sikyng he a-breyde
And to Pandarus voys he lent his ere [ 725]
And vp his eyen cast he that in fere
Was Pandarus lest that in a frenesie
He schulde falle or elles sone dye [ 728]
And cryed awake ful wonderly and scharpe [ 729]
what slombrestow as yn a litargie
Or artow lyke an asse to the harpe
That herys sone whane men the strynges pley [ 732]
Bot in his mynde of that no melodie
May synke in hym to gladen for that he
So dulle is of his bestialite [ 735]
And with that pandare of his wordes stynte [ 736]
And Troilus ȝit hym nothing answered
For-thi to tellen was not his entente
To neuer man̄ for whom he so farde [ 739]
For it is seide men maken oft a ȝarde
With whiche tho maker is hym self beten̄
In sondry manere as tho wise treten̄ [ 742]
And namely in his cownsel tellynge [ 743]
That touches loue that ought to been secree
For of hym self it wyl noght owte springe
Bo[t] if that hit tho better gouerned bee [ 746]
Eke somtyme it is craft to seme flee
ffor thing which in effecte men hunte faste
Alle this gan Troilus in his herte caste [ 749]
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But neuer the les whan he had herde hym crye [ 750]
A-wake. he gan to syke wonder sore
And seid frende thogh that I stylle lye
I am not defe now pes and crye no more [ 753]
For I haue harde thy prouerbes and thi lore
Bot suffre me my myschef to bewayllen
For thi prouerbes may me not a-vaillen [ 756]
Nor other cure canstow noon for me [leaf 5] [ 757]
Eke I wil not be cured I wil dye
What know I of the quene Nyobe
Let be thyn olde paroles I the praye [ 760]
No quod Pandare therfore I seye
Suche is delite of foles to be-wepe
Her woo but to seke bote thay ne kepe [ 763]
Now know I that reson in the feileth [ 764]
Bot telle me if I wist what sche were
For whom that al the this mysauenture ailleth
Dorst thou that I tolde her in hir ere [ 767]
Thy woo sithen thow derst not thi-self for fere
And hir besoght on the to haue som routhe
Why nay quod he by god and by my trouthe [ 770]
What not as bisely quod Pandarus [ 771]
As though myn owne lyf lay on this nede
No certes brother quod this Troilus
And why for that thou schuldest neuer spede [ 774]
Wostow that well. ȝe that is owte of drede
Quod Troilus for al that euer ȝe konne
Sche nyl to noon suche wrecche as I be wonne [ 777]
Page  29(112)
Quod Pandarus allas what may this be [ 778]
That thou dispered art thus causeles
what lyves not thy lady benedicite
How wostow soo that thou arte graceles [ 781]
Suche evel is not alwey boteles
Whi putte not Impossible thus thi cure
Syn thing to come is oft in a-venture [ 784]
I graunte wel that thou endurest woo [ 785]
As scharpe as dothe tho ticius in helle
Whos stomak foules tyren euer moo
That higħten vultures as bokes telle [ 788]
But I may not endure that thou dwelle
In so vnskilfull an opinion̄
That of thi woo is no curacion̄ [ 791]
But onys nyltow for thi coward hert [ 792]
And for thyn Ire and foly wilfulnes
For wantrust tellen of thy sorowes smart
Ne to thyn owne helpe doo besinesse [ 795]
As moche as speke a reson more or lesse
Bo[t] lyest as he that lyst of nothing recche
What woman̄ cowde loue suche a wrecche [ 798]
What may sche deme other of thy dethe [ 799]
If thou thus dye and sche not why hit is
Bot that for fere is ȝelden vp thy brethe
For grekes han beseged hus Iwis [ 802]
Lord what a thonke schalt thou haue of this
Thus wil sche sey and al tho town at onys
Tho wrecche is dede tho devil haue his bones [ 805]
Page  30(116)
Thou mayst allone here wepe erye and knele [ 806]
But loue a womman that sche wote it noght
And sche wil quyte the that thou schalt not fele
Vnknow vnkyst and lost that is not sowght [ 809]
What many a man̄ hathe loue ful dere bowght
Twenty wintur that his lady wist
That neuer ȝit his ladyes mothe he kyst [ 812]
What schulde he therfore falle in dispeer [ 813]
Or be recreant for his owne tene
Or slee hym self al be his lady faire
Nay nay but euer in oon be fresche and grene [ 816]
To serue and loue his dere hertys quene
And thynke it is a guerdon̄ hir to serue
A thousand folde more then he can deserue [ 819]
And of that worde toke hede Troilus [leaf 5, back] [ 820]
And thoght a-non what foly he was Inne
And how that sothe hym seid Pandarus
That for to slee hym self myght he not wynne [ 823]
But bothe do vnmanhode and a synne
And of his dethe his lady not to wyte
For of his woo god wote sche knew ful lyte [ 826]
And with that thoght he gan ful sore syke [ 827]
And seide allas what is me best to doo
To whom Pandere answered if the lyke
Tho best is that thou telle me al thi woo [ 830]
And haue my trouthe bot thou fynde it soo
I be thy bote or that I be ful longe
To peces do me drawe and sithen honge [ 833]
Page  31(120)
Ȝee so seys thow quod Troilus tho allas [ 834]
But god wote it is not tho rather soo
Ful hard were hit to helpe in this cas
For wel fynde I that fortune is my foo [ 837]
Ne alle tho folke that ride can or goo
May of hir cruel wele tho harme withstonde
For as her list sche pleys with free and bonde [ 840]
Quod Pandarus than blamestow fortune [ 841]
For thou art worthe ȝee now at erst I see
Wotyst not thou wel that fortune is comune
To euery maner wigħt in som degree [ 844]
And ȝit thou hast this comfort loo parde
That as her ioyes mosten ouer gon̄
So mote here sorowes passen euery-chon̄ [ 847]
For ȝif her whele stynt any thing to tourne [ 848]
Than cesed sche fortune a-non to bee
Now sitħ her whele by no wey may soiourne
What wostow ȝif her mutabilite [ 851]
Right as thiself lyst wole done by the
Or that sche be not fer fro thin helpyng
Perantur thou hast cause for to syng [ 854]
And therfore mostow whate I the beseche [ 855]
Lat be thy woo and tornyng to the grounde
For who-so list haue helyng of his leche
To hym bihoues first vnwry his wounde [ 858]
To cerberus in helle aye be I bounde
were hit for my sister all thy sorow
Be my wille sche scholde be thyn to morow [ 861]
Page  32(124)
Loke vp I say and telle me what sche is [ 862]
A-non that I may goo aboute thy nede
Know I her ought for my loue telle me this
Than wolde I hope the rather for to spede [ 865]
To gan the veyne of Troilus to spede
For he was hitte and waxid al rede for schame
A ha quod pandare here beginnes game [ 868]
And with that worde he gan hy[m] for to schake [ 869]
And seide thef thou schalt her name telle
But then gan cely Troilus for to quake
As thogh men schulde haue ledde hym in to helle [ 872]
And seide allas of al my woo the welle
Then is my swete foo called Creseide
And welnygh with the worde for fere he deide [ 875]
And whan that Pandare herde her name neuen [ 876]
Lord he was glade and seid frend so dere
Now fare a-right for Ioves name in heuene
Loue hathe besette the wel be of gode chere [ 879]
For of gode name wisdom and manere
Sche has I-nogh and eke of gentilnesse
If sche be faire thou wost thy-self I gesse [ 882]
Ne neuer saw a more bountevous [leaf 6] [ 883]
Of hir estate ne gladder ne of speche
A frendelier ne a more gracious
Forto doo wel ne lasse had ned to seche [ 886]
what forto done and al this bette to eche
In honowre to as far as sche may streche
A kynges hert semes by her a wreche
Page  33(128)
[And for-thi / looke of good confort that thou be *. [[Harl. 2392,]] [lf. 16, bk.]
for certenli / the firste poynt is this
of noble corage / thou ordeyne the
to haue pes / witħ thi seluen I-wis [ 893]
so ouhtest thou / for noght but good it is
to louyn weel / & in a worthi place
Men auħt not to clepe it hap / but grace] [ 896]
And also thinke and ther-with glade the [ 897]
That sithen thi lady vertuous is al
So folowith hit that there is som pitte
A-monges alle these other in general [ 900]
And for-thy se that thou in special
Requyre not that is a-ȝens her name
For vertu streccheth not hym self to schame [ 903]
1. [[Addit. 12,044,not in Harl. 1239.]] [lf. 13, bk.] [¶ But wel is me / that euere that I was borne [ 904]
Þat thow bisette art / in so good a place
For my trouthe / in loue I durst haue sworne
The shuldest neuere / a tyd / thus faire a grace [ 907]
And wostow why / for thow were wond to chace
At loue in scorne / and for despite hym calle
Seynt Idiot / lorde of these fooles alle [ 910]
¶ How often hastow made / thy nece Iapes [ 911]
And seyde / that loues seruauntes euerychone
Of nycete / ben verry goddes Apes
Lyggyng a bedde / and make hem for to grone [ 914]
And somme wold meche / he meten al-on
And somme thow seidist / hadde a blaunche feuere
And preidest god / he shulde neuere keuere [ 917]
Page  34(132)
[¶ And somme of hem / took on hym for the colde *. [[Addit. 12,044,]] [lf. 14]
More þanne I-now / so seydest þou ful ofte
And somme han feyned oftyn tyme / and tolde
How þat þey waken / whanne thei slepen softe [ 921]
And thus they wolde haue brougħt hem self a-lofte
And nathelees / were vndir at the laste
Thus seidest þou / and Impedist ful faste [ 924]
¶ Ȝyt seidest thow / that þe more part [ 925]
These loueres / wolde spekyn / in generaɫɫ
And thougħten that is / was a sekir art
For faylyng / for tassayen ouer aɫɫ [ 928]
Now may I Iape of the / ȝif þat y shaɫɫ
But natheles / thougħ þat I sholde deye
That þou art noon of thoo / I dar wel seye [ 931]
¶ Now bete thi brest / and sey to god of loue [ 932]
Thy grace lorde / for now y me repent
Ȝif I mysspak / for now my self I loue
Þus sey witħ al thyn herte / in good entent [ 935]
Quod Troylus / a lord I me repent
And prey to the / my Iapes thow for-ȝeue
And I schal neuere-more / whil I leue [ 938]
¶ Thow seist wel quod Pandarus / and now I hope [ 939]
That thow þi goddes wratthe hast al apesed
And syn thow hast wepyn / many a drope
And seide sweche thynk / wher-with þi god is plesed [ 942]
Wolde now neuere god / but þou were esed
And thynk wel she / of whom a-rist al þi wo
Here-aftir / may thi confort be also [ 945]
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[¶ For thilke ground / that bereth the weedes wykke [ 946]
Beretħ ek these blosmes / herbes as ful ofte *. [[Addit. 12,044]]
Next the foule netle / rougħ and þikke
The rose wexit sote. / smothe and softe [ 949]
And next þe valeye / is þe hiɫɫ a-lofte
And next the derke nygħt / .the glad morwe
And also Ioye is next / the fyn of sorwe [ 952]
¶ Now loke that / atempre be thy brydeɫɫ *. [[Addit. 12,044,]] [lf. 14, bk.]
And for the best / ay suffre to that tyde
Or ellis al labour / is on ydeɫɫ
He hastetħ wel / that wysely can a-byde [ 956]
Be diligent and trew / and ay wel hyde
Be lusty free / perseuere in thi seruyse
And al is wel / ȝif þou werche in this wyse [ 959]
¶ But he þat departid is / in euery place [ 960]
Is nougħ where hool / as wrytyn clerkys wyse
What wondir is / thougħ suyche on haue no grace
Eke wostow / how. it fareth of som seruyse [ 963]
As plant / a tre / or herbe in sondry wyse
And on the morwe / pul it be-liue
No wondir is / thougħ it may not thryue [ 966]
¶ And syn that god of loue / hatħ the be-stowed [ 967]
In place digne / on to þi wurthynesse
Stond fast for to good port hast þou rowed
And of thy self / for ony heuynesse [ 970]
Hope al-wey wel / for but ȝif drerynesse
Or honure hast oure bothis labour shende
I hope of this / to make a good ende] *. [[Addit. 12,044 bit ends.]]
Page  36(140)
And wotys thou not why I am the lesse a-ferde *. [[Harl. 1239,]] [leaf 6.] [ 974]
Of this matere with my nece to trete
For this haue I ofte herde sey and lerede
Was neuer man̄ nor woman̄ ȝit begete [ 977]
That was vnate to souffren loues hete
Celestyal or elles loue of kynde
For-thi som grace I hope in hir to fynde [ 980]
And for to speke of her in special [ 981]
Hir bewte to bethenk and hir ȝouthe
It sitte her noght to be celestial
As ȝit thogh that hir lyst bothe and couthe [ 984]
Bot truly it sitte hir wel right vouthe
A worthy knyght to loue and cherise
And bot sche doo I holde hit for a vice [ 987]
THerfore I am and wil be al redy [ 988]
To peyn me to do ȝow this servise
For bothe ȝow to plese this hope I
Herafterward for ȝe be bothe wise [ 991]
And can hit conseile kepe in suche wise
That no man̄ schal tho wiser of hit be
And so we may be glade alle thre [ 994]
And be my trouthe I haue right now of the [ 995]
A gude conseit in my witte as I gesse
And what it is I wil now that thou se
I thinke that sithe loue of his godenesse [ 998]
Has the conuerted oute of wikkednesse
That thou schalt be tho best post I weue
Of alle his laye and moste his foos greue [ 1001]
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Ensample why se now thees grete clerkes [ 1002]
That aldermoste a-ȝen lawe
Han ben conuerted from her wicked werkes
Thorogh grace of god that lyst hem to hym drawe [ 1005]
Than ar thoo folke that can moste gode in lawe
And strengest feithed as I vnderstonde
And konne an erroure alderbest withstonde [ 1008]
WHan Troilus had herd Pandare assented [ 1009]
To be his helpe in louyng of Creseide
Wax of his woo as who seis vnturmented
Bot hotter wax his loue and than he seide [ 1012]
With soure chere al-thoght his hert pleide
Now blestful Venus helpe or that I sterve
Of the Pandare I may som thanke deserue [ 1015]
But dere frende how schal my woo be lesse [ 1016]
Til this be done and gud eke telle me this
How wiltow sey of me and my distresse
Lest sche be wrothe this drede I most yvis [ 1019]
Or wil not here ne trowe what it is
Allas this drede I and eke for the manere
Of the hyre Eeme sche wil no suche thing here [ 1022]
QVod Pandarus thou hast a ful grete care [leaf 6, back] [ 1023]
Lest at the Churle falle owte of the mone
Why lord I hate of the thi nyce fare
Why entremete of that thou hast to done [ 1026]
For goddes loue I bidde the a bone
So lat me a-lone and hit schal be thi beste
Why frende quod he now do right as the lyste [ 1029]
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But herke Pandare wo worde for I nolde [ 1030]
That thou wendest in me so grete folye
That to my lady I desire schulde
That towcheth harme or ony vilanye [ 1033]
For dredeles me were leuer to dye
Then sche of me ought elles vnderstode
But that that myght sowne vnto gode [ 1036]
THenne lougħ Pandare and a-non answerede [ 1037]
And I thy borogh. fy no wight dos bot soo
I rought not thogh that sche stode and herde
How that thou seist but fare-wel I wil goo [ 1040]
A dieu be glad god spede vs bothe too
Ȝeve me this laboure and this besinesse
And of my spede be thine al the swetnesse [ 1043]
THo Troilus gan dovn on knees to falle [ 1044]
And Pandare in his armes hent faste
And seide now fy on tho grekes alle
Ȝit parde god schal helpe at the laste [ 1047]
And dredeles if that my lyf may laste
And god to-forne loo som of hem schal smerte
And ȝit me thinkes that this avant may sterte [ 1050]
Now Pandarus I can no more seye [ 1051]
But thou wise. thou wost. thou mayst. thou arte aɫɫ
My lif my dethe hole in thy honde I leye
Helpe now quod he. ȝis by my trouthe I schal [ 1054]
God ȝelde the frende as this in special
Quod Troilus that thou me recommaunde
Tyl hir that may me to the dethe commaunde [ 1057]
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THis Pandarus tho desyrus to serue [ 1058]
His ful frende tho seid in this manere
Fare-wel and that I wil thy thanke deserue
Haue her my trouthe and that thou schalt wel here [ 1061]
And went his weye thinkyng on this matere
And how he beste myght her beseche of grace
And fynde a leyser therto and a space [ 1064]
For euery wight that has a hous to fovnde [ 1065]
Ne renneth not tho warke for to begynne
With rakel honde but he wil byde a stounde
And sette hertis lyne oute fro with-Inne [ 1068]
Alderfirst his purpos for to wynne
Al this Pandare in his hert thought
And caste his werke ful wisely or he wrought [ 1071]
BVt Troilus lay then no lenger downe [ 1072]
Bot vp a-non vpon his stede bay
And in tho felde he pleyde tho lyone
Woo was tho greke that met with hym that day [ 1075]
And in tho towne his manere to fore ay
So godely was and gate hym so in grace
That eche hym loued that loked in his face [ 1078]
For he be-come tho frendelist wight [ 1079]
Tho gentillest and eke tho moste free
Tho thryftiest and won the beste knyght
That in his tyme was or myght bee [ 1082]
Dede were his Iapes and his cruelte
His higħ porte and his manere straunge
And eche of hem gan to a vertu chaunge [ 1085]
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Now Lat vs Stynt of Troilus a Stovnde [leaf 7] [ 1086]
That fares like a man̄ that hurt is sore
And is somdel aking of his wovnde
I-blessed wel but heled no del more [ 1089]
And as an esy pacient the lore
Abitte of hym that goth a-boute his cure.
And thus he dries forthe his a-venture [ 1092]
[End of Book I: no gap in MS.]