Informacio Alredi Abbatis monasterij de Rieualle ad sororem suam inclusam: translata de latino in anglicum per Thomas N. [in Englische Studien 7 (1884)]

Capitulum IX.

Þis vertu of meknesse is a sur fundement of alle-maner vertues; whit-oute which fundement, what-so-euere þu wylt gostly reyse vp, hit falleþ doun. | Inicium omnis peccati superbia: Begynnyngge of alle synne is proude; which cast owte [ 220] an angel out of heuene, and man out of paradys. | And of þis cursede rote alþouȝ þer spryngge out manye venenous braunches, alle naþeles ben departed in to two spices: In to gostly and bodyly. Bodyly pruyde is, to be proud of bodyly ȝynges; gostly pruyde is, to be pruyd of gostly ȝyftes. | And forþermor bodyly pruyde is departed in tweyen, þat is to sayn: In to bost and vanite. Vanite is, as ofte as þe hand∣mayden [ 225] of Crist haþ a veyn-glorie in here herte þat sche is ycomen of gret blood and noble, and þerwit haþ a flehsly delytyngge þat sche haþ forsake richesse of þe wordle & nobleye and take here to pouerte, or ellis þat sche holde here-self Page  314 wondurliche holy and to be commendeþ 1). [l. commended.] þat sche haþ forsake grete and ryche mariages off worþy mennes sones, þat sche myȝte han be maried to—al þis is [ 230] vanite. | Also hit is a spice of vanite, ȝif þu coueyte to muche bodyly fairnesse, or þat þu delite þe to muche in gaynesse of þy celle, in diuerse peyntyngges or celures or swyche oþere tryfles—alle þyse iapes þu most flen as contrarie to þy professioun. | Whit what vorheed myȝt þu haue veyn-glorie of rychesse or of noble blood, þat coueytest to be iseye his spouse þat for vs was mad riȝt pouere, [ 235] alþouȝ he were verreyly ryche—þat is Crist! A pore moder, a pouere mayde, a pouere hows he chees hym: þe streytnesse of an oxe-stalle. ‖ And, lord, wheþer it seme a gret woundour to þe in þe whiche þu schuldest haue a veyn-glorie: þat þu hast forsake to wedde a monnes sone for þe loue þat þu hast to be Cristes spouse? is hit a gret woundour þat þu hast forsake styngyngge lust of body for [ 240] þe swete sauour of maydenhood? demeþ hit a wundur þat þu hast ychaunged matere of stench and of corupcioun for euer-lastynge2). [MS. lastyngis.] delices and rychesse of heuene? Schuldest þu haue a veyn-glorie, al-þey þu haue idoo þus? | Holy scripture seyt: Si gloriaris, in domino glorieris: Suster, ȝif þu be glad for þise þyngges, loke þy ioye be in god, & serue hym in parfit drede. | And vurþermor I nel not [ 245] be no wey þat as it where vndur colour of deuocioun and holynesse þu delite þe in veyne peyntyngges, kyttyngges and in grauyngges in þy celle, noþer in cloþys gaylyche yweue ne fteyned wt bryddes or bestes or diuerse trees or floures or oþer babounrye. Let hem haue swych aray þat noon or litul ioye hauyngge wt^-ynne, sechyþ al here ioye wit-oute! [ 250]