The earliest complete English prose Psalter, together with eleven canticles and a translation of the Athanasian creed; edited from the only two mss. in the libraries of the British Museum and of Trinity College, Dublin, with preface, introduction, notes, and glossary, by Karl D. Bülbring. Part I, preface and text.
Bülbring, Karl D. (Karl Daniel), 1863-1917.


Ha God, ȝif grace to þy seruaunt, & quike me; & y shal kepe þyn wordes.*. [make me qwyk.]

Shewe myn eȝen, and y shal kepe þe wondres of þy lawe.

Ich am tilier in erþe, ne hide þou noȝt fram me þyn comaunde|ment.*. [—ne: commaundmentes.]

My soule haþ couaited for to desiren þy ryȝtfulnesses in alle time.*. [c.] couayte: ryȝtfulnes.]

Þou blamed þe proude; hij ben weried þat bowen fram þyn comaundement.*. [curssed: declineþ: command|mentis.]

Do fro me vpbradeing & despite, for ich haue soȝt þyn witnisses.*. [reproue—& despite.]

[folio 113b] For princes seten and spoken oȝains me; þin seruaunt for-soþe was haunted in þy riȝtynnges.*. [For+soþe: —for-soþe: vsed in riȝtwysnesses.]

For my*. [Here þoute follows first, but it is dotted out.] þouȝt is þy witnisses, & þy ryȝtfulnisses ben m[i] conseil.*. [mynde: & my conseyle is þi riȝtwysneses(!).]