Treatises of fistula in ano : haemorrhoids, and clysters
John Arderne
D'Arcy Power

35. Of makyng of oyle of almaundeȝ.

35. [O]ile of almandeȝ is made þus: Recipe amigdal. dulcis, old & noȝt new, lb. 1/2, and tak of þe skynneȝ with hate watre; afterward brisse þam lang & wele without medlyng of any oþer þing; which y-brissed, be þai putte in a new strong bagge of lynne cloþe, and hyng þat bag ouer þe caldron or ouer a potte ful of boilyng water, so þat þe bagge touch noȝt þe watre bot þat only it receyue þe fume of þe boilyng watre. Afterward presse þe bag strongly and receyfe þe oile þat comeþ out [leaf 172, back] and kepe it to þine vse. Bot witte þou þat þis oile may noȝt long endure. It availeþ mych agayne brynnyng of vryne within in þe ȝerd, If it be cast in wyþ a syryng, And agayns oþer brennyngȝ also.