Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Vxor modica occasione est zelotipa.

Saynt Ierom̛ tellis of ane þat hight Gorgias, & þuf aƚƚ at he war chastie, neuer-þe-les he had a fayr maydyn̛, and here-for̛ his wyfe was passand hevy & sad̛. So his neghburs in þe contrey, ij of þaim, feƚƚ wratℏ, and þis Gorgias sent þaim a fayr buke þat he had compylid̛ of concorde, & sayd̛ "He commaundis you to concordans þat kepis [not] iij at concord̛ in a howse, þat is to say, him selfe, his wyfe, and his maydyn *. [Harl. MS. "Iste uobis precepit de concordia, qui se, uxorem, ancillam, tres in vna domo, concordare non potuit."] ." So his wyfe had a grete envye at his mayden̛ fayrenes, & here-for sho wold̛ not sease, þuf aƚƚ hur husband̛ war not wurthie, daylie for to chyde hym̛, becauce sho mystryste hym̛, for þe mayden̛ was fayrer þan̛ sho.

  • Vxor rixosa pacienter debet tolerari MS. tollerari. . Supra de paciencia.