Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Vsurarius inuite moritur.

Iacobus de Vetriaco tellis how som̛ tyme þer was ane vsurar þat lay in passions of dead̛, and he began̛ to be passyng [hevie] & Page  526 sorowfuƚƚ, & prayed his sawle t[o] abyde in þe body & he sulde purvay þerfor̛, and he promytt it gold̛ & syluer & aƚƚ þe delytis of þis werld̛, & els he wold̛ not gyff þer-for̛ þe valour of a sh[red] clowte *. [Harl. MS. non vnam pictam.] . So at þe laste he saw his sawle wolde not abyde in his bodie bod at hym̛ burde nedelyngis dye, he wex passand wrotℏ & sayd̛ vnto his saule; "Þou sawle! I sulde hafe ordand̛ þe a gude herbarie, bod sen̛ þou erte so fond at þou wiƚƚ not abyde, I beteche þe vnto aƚƚ þe devuls in heƚƚ." And þus he dyed̛ and was berid̛ in heƚƚ.