Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Vsurarius debet prius restituere et postea elemosinas facere.

Cesarius tellis how som tyme at Parissℏ þer was a grete vsurar, so he feƚƚ vnto compunccion̛ and he come & askid̛ counceƚƚ at ane þat hight Maurice, þat was bisshop þer, how he mot be savyd̛. And þis bisshop̛ had a kurk̘ of our̛ Ladie in byggyng, and he cownceld̛ hym̛ to giff his money holie þervnto. And he suspecte hym̛ somwhat in his cownceƚƚ-gyffyng, and went vnto Maister Petur at was chawntur þer, and he bad hym̛ go gar cry oppynlie þat he was redie to restore vnto aƚƚ men̛ þat at he had had wronguslie of þaim; and so it was done. And þis done he come agayn̛ vnto þe chawntur, and tuke witnes at his consciens & said̛ þat he had restorid̛ agayn̛ aƚƚ þat he had wronguslie gettyn̛ vnto aƚƚ þat come vnto hym̛, & þis he had somwhat lefte. And þan̛ he said̛ hym̛ burde do almos-dede, & after þat go in his sarke & his breke þurgℏ þe cetie nakid̛, and so he did̛. And ane folowyd̛ hym̛ with a wande, cryand̛, "Behold̛, þis is þat man̛ þat princes wurshuppid̛ for his money!" And þurgℏ þis penance-doyng he his sawle was savid̛.