Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Vindicare se nolunt sancti.

We rede in þe 'Legend of Saynt Macharie,' how on̛ a tyme as he cut hys hand̛ with his knyfe, & it bled a grete dele becauce he brak þe knyfe, & when̛ he had done he reprovid̛ hym̛ selfe becauce he did̛ wrong *. [Harl. MS. Dum sanctus Macharius pulicem se pungentem manu occidisset et multum sanguinis ex illo emanasset, reprehendens se ipsum quod propriam vindicasset iniuriam, &c. Arund. MS. Dum sanctus Macharius calicem, &c.] , & went nakid̛ into wyldernes & was þer vj monethis. And þan̛ he come home aƚƚ tobittyn̛ and skrattyd̛ with thornys and breers.