Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Mulier luxuriosa.

Orosius tellis of one þat hight Semiramis, þat was burnand in lichorie & thristie in blude, made ane ordinans and a constitucion̛ þat for no maner of reuerens nor inceste þer sulde no lettyng be, bod at betwix þe fadur & þe moder & þer childer, als ofte as þaim lykid̛, it sulde be lefuƚƚ to hafe at do samen or for to hafe to wyfe or husband̛. So on̛ a tyme sho desyryd hur awn̛ son̛ to hafe at do with hur, and þer in despite he slew hur.