Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Miles devotus reuerenciam facit deo et sacramentis.

Cesarius tellis how som tyme þer was a knyght of France. And he was of suche devocion̛, þer whare-somevur he saw Goddis bodye he wolde faƚƚ down̛ and wurshup̛ it, and it had̛ bene evyn̛ in þe myre. So it happend̛ on̛ a tyme þat he was cled in gude clothes, & he went into a cetie, and þe strete þat he rade in was passand̛ myrye. And sodanlye hym̛ happend̛ mete þe preste with Goddis body, and onone as he saw itt, he avysid̛ hym̛ a while & said̛ vnto hym̛ selfe; "What wyƚƚ þou do now? And þou knele down̛ here þou losis aƚƚ þi gay clothyng. And if þou do it nott, þou erte breker of a helefuƚƚ condicion̛ at þou was wunt to vse." And with þat, with-outen̛ more, he lightid̛ of his hors and sett hym̛ down̛ in þe myre on̛ bothe his knethis, and held̛ vp̛ his handis and wurshuppid þe sacrament. And our Lord̛, þat wurshuppid̛ þaim at wurshuppis Hym̛, shewid̛ þis meracle þurgℏ his power, at þer was not on̛ aƚƚ his clothis a drope of *. [MS. repeats, of.] myre nor a spott of clay. And when̛ he saw þis, he had grete merveƚƚ & lepid̛ vp̛ vppon̛ his hors agayn̛. And evur fro thens furtℏ, he was mor̛ comforthed̛ in þe faitℏ þan̛ he was afor̛, and thankyd̛ Almighti God̛.

  • Militum magistri quales debent esse. Supra de bello, ij.
  • Miles demones esse non credidit. Infra de nigromancia.
  • Miles videt visionem de paradiso. Infra de paradiso.Page  336
  • Miles malus post mortem apparens terret suos. Infra de mortuis xvi & xvij.