Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Luxuriosa mulier conceptum infantem necat.

We rede of a non̛ of þe dioces of Colan̛, and sho conseyvid̛ & bare a child̛ & when̛ it was born̛ she slew it. So afterward̛ hur happend faƚƚ seke & was bown̛ to dye, and sho shrafe hur of aƚƚ hur synys outtakyn þis syn̛ of þe slayng of hur childe; and þan̛ sho dyed̛. So afterward̛ sho apperid̛ vnto a cussyn̛ of hurs at prayed for hur, and sho bare in hur armys a burnande childe, & said̛; "þis childe I conseyvid̛, & when̛ it was born̛ I slew it. & þerfor̛ euer I mon̛ bere it abowte & it is a passand̛ byrnand̛ fyre vnto me. And if I had bene shrevyn̛ þerof I had had grace, & now I mon̛ hafe none for I am̛ dampnyd̛."

  • Luxurie peccatum committunt eciam religiosi, vt hic et supra et infra diuersis locis.
  • Luxuria religiosos religionem relinquere facit. Infra de Maria, vij.
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