Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Laborem in presenti Deus reddet in futuro, et quanto plus laborauerunt, tanto magis merentur. et c̛.

We rede of ane hermet þat dwelte in wildernes, and þe watir was passand farr̛ fro his ceƚƚ. And on̛ a tyme as he went for Page  293 watir he wex irk̘, & sett hym̛ down̛ & said̛; "Whatt nedis me þus to labur when̛ I may dweƚƚ harde be þe watir & I wiƚƚ?" And alssone he was war of a man̛ þat folowed after hym̛ & tellid̛ his fute-steppis, and he askid̛ hym̛ & said̛; "What erte þou?" And he said̛ agayn̛; "I am̛ þe aungeƚƚ off God sent for to nowmer þi fute-steppis, at þi mede may a noder day he rewardid vnto þe after þat þi labur is." And þan̛ þis hermett with a strong wytt removid̛ his ceƚƚ v myle ferrer fro þe watir. et c̛.