Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Festinacio nimia hominem retardat.

The same Jacobus tellis how, on̛ a tyme in France, þer was a grete meneya of men̛ rydand̛ in a carte. And agayn̛ evyn̛ þai ouertuke Saynt Martyn̛ rydand vppon̛ ane ass, & þai askyd̛ hym̛ if þai myght com̛ with day vnto Pariss. And he said̛; ya, & þai drafe bod playnlie & softelie. And þai gaff no hede vnto his Page  225 wurde, & drafe faste, & garte þer carte ryn̛ als faste as þe hors mot preke. So þaim happend̛ breke þer whele; & Saynt Martyn̛ went bod softelie & he come to Parissℏ at a gude howr̛, lang befor̛ evyn̛, whar þai lefte behynd̛ with þer hastynes.