Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Elemosina remuneratur in futuro.

Saynt Gregorie tellis how som̛ tyme þer was a shomaker þat wold̛ wurk aƚƚ þe weke day, & on̛ þe Satturday *. [Latin MSS. die Sabbato.] he wold̛ evur go vnto þe kurk̘. So þer was a gude halie man̛, & he saw be revelacion̛ of þis man̛, þat a howce was byggid̛ for hym̛ in hevyn̛, and þai at bigid̛ it wroght alway on̛ þe Satturday; and he spyrrid̛ of þat mans life, & he fand̛ how þat he wroght aƚƚ þe weke day, & what at he mott safe ouer his meatt & his clothe, he wold̛ go vnto þe kurk̘ vpon̛ þe Satturday & giff it vnto pure men̛.