Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Ecclesiis non sunt bona temporalia subtraenda.

Petrus Damyanus tellis how som tyme þer was ane erle þat was of gude name and liffid̛ weƚƚ; and when̛ he was dead̛, a man̛ of religion̛ was ravisshid̛ in his spiritt, and *. [Harl. MS. vidit ... dictum Comitem in inferno, in supremo gradu cuiusdam scale erecte(s)* inter stridentes et crepitantes flammas. * Arund. MS. erecte.] he saw [þis erle] in heƚƚ in a grete degre, syttand vppon̛ a hy leddir in myddest of burnand̛ paynys; and as hym̛ thoght, þat stie stude evyn̛ in myddeste of heƚƚ. And þan̛ he askid̛ whi þis erle þat was so gude a man̛ and liffid̛ so rightwuslie, was so turmente. It was tolde hym̛ þat it was for a possession̛ þat he had taken̛ fro þe kurk̘ off Metence, þat was giffen̛ vnto God & Saynt Stephan; and for þis, fro hensfurtℏ, aƚƚ his sequele at holdis þis same possession̛ & knowis þerof mon̛ be punysshid̛ vppon̛ þis same stye.

  • Elacio cordis semper causatur ex adulacione et ex vestium apparatu. Supra de augurio.
  • Elacio cordis aufert graciam a deo concessam. Infra de locucione.
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