Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Confusio aliquando est causa mortis.

Helinandus tellis how þat shipmen̛ on̛ a tyme come vnto a philosophur þat hight Omerus, & spirrid̛ hym̛ a question̛ & he cuthe not in no wise essoyne it. And becauce he cuthe not, þai said̛ he was bod̛ a fule, & cuthe no wisdom̛. And he was so confusid̛ & esshamyd̛ þat with-in a little while after he dyed̛ for sorow. Page  130