Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Bupho. Mirabilis fabula de Buphone.

Cesarius tellis how som tyme in þe Dioces of Colayn̛, a man̛ þat hyght Theodoricus hurte a tade, & when̛ he had hurte hur sho stude vp ayeyns hym̛ on̛ hur hynderfete; & he waxed̛ wrate þerwith, & tuke ane yrn̛ & slew hur. Bod, att is mervalus to teƚƚ, sho gatt life agayn̛, & in a purpos to venge hur, sho persewid̛ after hym̛; & ans or twyce euer with a spade he smate hur in sonder. At þe laste he burnyd hur, & it profettid̛ hym no thyng; to so mekuƚƚ þat, for ferde of hur, he durste not slepe in no place apon̛ þe erthe, vnto so mekuƚƚ þat on̛ nyghtis he garte hyng his bed att a hy balke. So on̛ a day hym̛ happend̛ ryde on̛ huntyng & a felow with hym̛, & he sett speƚƚ on̛ ende & tolde hym̛ aƚƚ þe cace. Sodanlie he lukid̛ behynd̛ hym̛, & þis tade was clymmand̛ in his hors tayle & walde fayn̛ hafe bene att hym̛, and he began̛ to cry. And his felow sayde; "Be war! for þe devuƚƚ is in þi hors tayle, & wold̛ be up̛ att þe." & he lightyd̛ & slew itt. A noder tyme as he satt at ale emang felowshup̛, he was war of þis tade syttand on̛ a poste in þe syde of a waƚƚ, and onone as he saw hur he cryed̛ & sayde; "lo! surs! yonder is a fend̛ þat I mon̛ nevur be delyvurd̛ of or he venge hym̛ on̛ me." And onone be cownceƚƚ, he nakend̛ þe tane of his legis & lete þe tade com̛ vnto it, & sho gatt hym̛ be þe leg & bate hym̛; & when̛ sho had done, he putt hur of with hys hand̛. And he tuke a rasur, & aƚƚ þe bitt at sho had byttyn̛, he cutt it oute & keste it from̛ hym̛; & onone þis pece bolnyd̛ mervaloslie als grete as a fute-baƚƚ & breste; & þus he was delyverd̛. et c̛. Page  85

  • Canonicus. Canonici debent deuote dicere officium diuinum. Infra de Clerico.
  • Canonicus ad altare pure et munde debet ministrare. Infra de contricione.
  • Canonicus amore mulieris quandoque decipitur. Infra de contricione.
  • Canonico possunt adaptari multa MS. adaptari multi multa. que dicuntur infra de clerico.
  • Canis. Canes aliqui sunt fortissimi. Infra de fortitudine.
  • Canis. Canes diligunt dominos suos. Infra de dileccione.