Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks


We rede how on̛ a tyme as Saynt Barnard was prechand̛, and aƚƚ þat was aboute hym̛ lythed hym̛ with gude deuocion̛, þer entred into his harte suche a temptacion̛ þat, as hym̛ thoght, rownyd vnto hym̛ & sayde; "Behalde, & se now how wele þou prechis, & how gladlie þatt þe pepuƚƚ heris þe, & how wyse and wyttie þou erte callid̛ in þi prechyng!" And þis holie man̛, felyng hym̛ selfe styrrid̛ with þis temptacion̛, tarid a while in his sermon̛, and or he passyd any forther or made ane ende, he began̛ to wax hevy & pensie for þis thoght. And onone he was comfurthid̛ þurgℏ þe helpe of aƚƚmyghti God̛. And privalie he ansswerd vnto þis temptacion̛ in þis maner of wise; "þou fals temptacion̛! be the I began̛ nott, nor be the I saƚƚ nott end̛." And þan̛ he procedid̛ in his sermon̛ & made a gude ende. And onone þis temptacion̛ recedid away, and he had it nevur after. Page  81