The minor poems of the Vernon ms. ... (with a few from the Digby mss. 2 and 86) ...
Horstmann, Carl, b. 1851., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.
Page  407


The Myrour of lewed men.*. [Edited before, but very imperfectly, by M. Cooke, R. Grosse|teste Carmina anglo-normannica, Caxton Soc. 1852.] A free version of Robert Grosseteste's Chateau d'Amour, by a Monk of Sawley, in Yorkshire. MS. Egerton 927 (Yorkshire dialect).

*. [This introduction is written in red. In the MS. final t, f, g have a thin tag (t, f), which I omit; ll is given by ll, h by h, d by d, k by k; don may be doun and done.—The MS., 8, vellum, written in the latter half of the 14th cent., only con|tains this poem, in 28 foll., each page à 24 lines; it is written in the large, clear northern type, is carefully executed, and is most likely a fair copy of the poet's own MS. It must, how|ever, be noted that the scribe frequently leaves out single words. "The Myrour of lewed men" is the title given at the end. The poem can hardly be called a translation: it condenses the narrative, adds from other sources, and introduces, not very happily, passages treating of points of Christian doctrine (10 Commandments, &c.).]IN the name of the fader and the son & the haly gast. Here begynnes a romance of englische of the begynnyng of the world and of al that a lewed man has nede for to knawe for hele of soule. this romance turned [a]*. [name om.?] Munk of sallay out of a frenche romance that sire Robert, Bisschope a*. [r. of] ly|coln, made; and eked mekel therto, as him thoght spedeful to edificacion and swettenes of deuocion, and lering of lewed men. And here is no thing sayd bot as haly writ says and grete doctours: and therfor thou that redys this, and any comfort has ther-Inne, pray god be way of charite to haue mercy on him that turned it in this maner. And if thou couayt to loue god and to plese him, take [this] mirrour and loke oft ther-Inne.

WHo-so wele thinkes, wele may say,
ffor of gode thoghtes comes gode dedes ay.
God send vs thoght to his plesyng,
In whos fre wil hynges all thyng. Page  408
He is god and lord of myȝtes mast,
The fader and sone and haligast;
In godhed are thise persones thre,
And all are on god in trinite;
None is othir of thise persons thre,
Bot alle are on god and ay sal be.
Oure mede is to trowe this with stable thoght,
Al-be-hit that mannes skil proues it noght;
Bot when we sal se god clerly,
Than sal we knawe this witerly.
Of the begynnyng of the world.
GOd in vj dayes made bothe erthe & heuen,
And, to make haliday, cessed at the seuen.
Heuen was occupid with angeles kynde,
Euermore on god for to haue thair mynde—
Bot many thorgh pride fel in to helle,
Thar sal thei all with-outen ende dwelle.
Bothe sunne and mone [mor] briȝt thai ware
Then seuenfold then thay now are,
And all erthli thing more vertuous,
Bi-for Adam thurgh synne was vicious;
And ilk a best sul[d] haue bowed to mannes will,
Had he neuer bi way of synne don none ill.
When god had the world so parfit made
That no partie of hit defaut hade,
Then of erth he made Adam, of man age,
To his liknes in saule he was & his ymage.
Of a rib of Adam syde, when he lay slepand,
God made Eue, that sho to him suld ay be kepand.
Of on god made al man-kynde, for ilkon suld loue other
And non til other do wrong mor then til his brother.*. [vv. 33-4 added.]
What lyf myȝt mor*. [r. mor ioyful?] be schewed to man in charite
Then in saule make him lik to the haly trinite,
Make him lord of al the world, ful of vertueȝ, & wise,
Make him eir of heuen-blis & sette him in paradis,
Thare he and all that come of him myȝt leue with-outen deyng,
If thay vse the frut of lif & kepe wel godes biddyng. Page  409
Of all the trees of paradis bi goddis biddyng thei suld ete,
But the frut of the tre of wetyng of gode & ille thei suld lete;
What tyme as thei ete of that, thai suld forfet thair heritage
& be oblischid to deth & helle-payne, thai & all thair lynage.
Bot, if thai had kepid wel all goddis biddyng,
Thai suld haue leued ioyfully, & all thair ofspring,
Til thai had ben tan til heuen, to fille that fair place
That thurgh pride of lucifer & his feres voyde was;
Thare thai suld haue had mor ioye than hert may thenk or tunge telle,
& neuer non of thair kynd suld haue suffride payn of helle.
Of the losyng of the world thurgh synne.
WHen adam & eue sesyn hade in the blis of paradys,
The fende, for he hade that ioye lost, enuy had to thair delice.
Then he come in neddir liknesse to eue with a wommans face,
& sayde: "whi bad god ȝe suld noȝt ete of all trees that ther was?"
"Of all the trees," quad eue, "that thar is, we may ete at oure liking,
Out-tan on that is forbod, paraunter for dred of deyng."
Than sayde the fend: "ȝe sall noȝt deye therfore, god wot it wele,
Bot as god*. [r. godis, cf. v. 576.] sall ȝe be, knawand bothe gode & yuell."
Eue sagh that the frut was gode & ful gretly lykand:
Sho tastid sone, & gaf therof till her owen husband.
Adam wolde noȝt greue his wyf, bot sone he ete with hir.
Alas, that synne oblisched vs al til wikkid hell-fire!
Sone thai were put fro that place to sorow & to care,
That neuer myȝt no creature recouer it mare. Page  410
Alle thing vnder heuen made was to mannes solace,
And therfor, syn he synned, all thai lesse vertue has.
All man-kynde for-thi was put to thraldom of the fende,
And bounden all to his prison ay with-outen ende.
How may thrall with riȝt clayme a thing of fre heritage?
With his lord may he noȝt mote, ne non of his lynage.
Thus was all this world lost; ther was no help in creature.
Bot god wist what was his wil, that of all thing has cure.
Of the ten commaundements.*. [This passage is added to the Fr.]
THen with the x commandements god forbed all synne
& taght man how he myȝt him gret mede wynne.
The first is, to worschipe on god and no mo.
This biddyng sal be vnderstanden so
That it forbedes all mamettrie,
And also all maner of sorcerie.
Mammentrie is, to do creature that honour
That thou suld do all-onely to thi creatour,
That is, worschipe him for him-self ouer all other thing.
A seint sal thou worschipe for he is his derlyng.
Ymages in the kirk that thou on lokes,
Are to the as to the clerk are his gode bokes:
Thou sal not worschipe thaim bot for thair*. [r. that?] sake
That thei bringe to thi mynd thi prayer to make.
The second is: tak not the name of thi god in vayn.
Ilk fals oth, vnleful & idel*. [swering om.?] is ther-agayn;
He is ay in peril of synne dedly
That sweres bi goddis hert or any party.
This biddyng forbedes alle heresy,
And also all feyned and fals ypocrisy.
The thrid is: thou sal kepe wel thi haliday.
That is thus mekel openly for to say:
Put fro the synne & bodely werkyng,
And gif the to god with hertly prayng.
Tak kepe here that on halyday marchandyse
Lettes man oft of goddes seruise.
The ferd is: worschipe thi fader & thi moder. Page  411
Be way of kynde thes two may noȝt be the to dere;
To thaim ogh thou buxumnes & honour,
And also in thair [nede] help and socour.
And haly kirk is thi moder gastly,
And the keper of thi saule thi fadir, sot[h]ly;
And who so is thi warldly lord or thi kyng,
Is taken for thi fadir in this byddyng.
The fift is: thou salt no man sle vnlaghfully.
That is to say, nother bodely ne gastly;
ffor ille ensaumple, hate, & bakbityng
Are ille to thi neghbur gastly sleyng;
Hurtyng bothe gastly & bodely is forbed,
And wernyng of mete to the pour in peril of ded.
The sext is: thou sal don non auoutrie.
And this forbedes all maner of lecherie,
Bot it be betwix the & thi wyf with gode entent,
ffor to kepe the lagh of god in that sacrament.
The seuent biddes that thou sal no thing stele
Ne non othir mannes gode agayns his wille dele.
This forbedes fals cautels, deceit, and maystrie,
That mas many to loise his gode vnriȝtwisly;
And who so harmes any man in this maner,
Sal noȝt be saf, bot he make asseth at his power.
The aghtend is: bere agayn no man fals witnes,
And in tyme & maner skilful layne thou sothfastnes
When it is noȝt lefful & nedful to say,
And al lesyng eschue as wele as thou may.
The neyghend is: thi neghbur hous sal thou noȝt coueit.
In this is forboden assent to wrang & deceit.
The tend is: thou sall noȝt ȝerne another mannes wyf,
His seruant ne his other thing, that may helpe his lyue.
Here is forbeden alle maner of wikked couetyse
That myght harme thi neghbur on any-maner wise.
If slik thoght come to thi hert, thou sal noȝt assent,
Bot euer agayn-stande with gode auysement:
And then sal thou noȝt falle in dedly synne,
Bot ilk a tyme a croun of gret ioye wynne.
Thurgh this ten thou may wynne gret ioye, & eschewe payn. Page  412
Bot more help mot open heuen-ȝates the agayn.
Who-so suld agayn blis to man*. [r. mankynd?] wynne,
Him behoued be a man that myȝt noȝt synne,
And he most ay fulfille alle goddes wille
And neuer in thoght, word, ne dede don non ille;
Slik on myȝt, if he wald, a gode raunson wage
And bye agayn both man &*. [r. & mannis?] heritage.
Bot slik a man in erth myȝt neuer be made,
If he of all creatours all vertues hade.
Of the restoring of the warld.
A Kyng ther was of souerayne worthines,
fful of mercy & wysdam & all godenes.
A sone he hadde, knewe all his wille,
And myȝt and wald al hit fulfille.
Thai were ay bothe al on substaunce,
And betwix theim was no distaunce;
What as the fader wald haue amendyd,
By his sone godely hit suld be endid.
ffour doghters hade this grete kyng,
That fulfillid all his likyng;
Thai were of his substance ilkon,
And all that substance was bot on.
Thai foure doghters thurgh comune assent
Parformed al his iugement.
Bot if thise foure vse ay wele thair myght,
May neuer no rewme be rewled right.
The names of thaim with-outen les
Are: Mercy, Sothfastnes, Right, & Pes.
Mercy, when sho hade parceyued
How all man-kynde was deceyued
Thurgh the fende that be foul treson
Has geten him to his prison
And euermore with enuy
Will torment him as enemy,
Sho was so stered to compassion
That sho wald deliuere that prison. Page  413
Here spak Mercy.
THus til her fader sho began
To pray him for synful man:
"Dere fader, kyng of myȝtes mast,
Thi doghter y am, wele thou wast,
fful of myknes, swetnes and pite;
Dere fader, all thes haue y of the.
Now here my praier for this prison,
That he may be put til his raunson.
His enemys with thair falshede
Has put him to so gret nede
That he may neuer saued be,
Bot thurgh mercy and gret pite.
Thair falshed may gretly letted be,
And that prison be ȝolden to me.
Dere fader, mercyful is thi name,
And y thin eldest doghter ame;
That y were thi doghter, myȝt y neuer say
Bot y wald euer for sinful man pray.
Thi mercy thurgh riȝt sall he haue,
And thi gret mercy sal him saue.
I sal euer crie mercy to the
Til that wreched prison deliuerd be.
Dere fader, my praier may noȝt be lette,
ffor y am ouer all thi werkes to sette."
Here spak Sothfastnes.
WHen the second sister, sothfastnes,
Hade herd, mercy thurgh here swetnes
Wold sone bye the synful prison agayn
That sho hade iugged to ay-lastand payne,
Sho sayde: "dere fader, thi doghter am y,
As ner sib to the as is my sister mercy.
Mercy of no thing may wele gife the dome,
Bot if y, sothfastnes, with her come;
Hir praier may noȝt be herd of the
Bot if hit acordand be with me.
If all hir prayers suld ay be herd,
Neuer no shrewe for the sul be ferd, Page  414
Ne neuer punist no wikkednes:
That is gretly agayns riȝtwisnes;
ffor he suld haue no mercy
That is dampned riȝtwysly."
Here spak riȝtwysnes.
THen riȝtwisnes, the third sister, sayde:
"Dere fader, in me is all dome laide;
I ne may noȝt spare to say to the,
All that sothfastnes telles to me
I mot dele to euer-ilk-one,
Gode or ill after thei haue done.
Thi wikkid seruant is in prison,
As he was demed with gret reson.
I may noȝt fro this sentence vary
Bot I to riȝt wald be contrary.
Mercy ne pite is non*. [r. man?] worthi,
ffor that he lost thaim wilfully."—
Alas catyf prison, now has thou no frende
Bot mercy, that praies for a gode ende!
Sothfastnes has accused the,
And riȝtwisnes has dampned the;
Thou & all that of the come
To helle-fire has herd ȝour dome.
Thin enemy gret stired the to trespas,
And riȝtwisnes of the no mercy has,
And mercy may noȝt be herd.
Ther-for pece may be ferd.
When no forgifnes may be,
Thai may noȝt dwelle in cuntre.
All mankynde dyes and is put to payn,
Bot Enok and Ely that sal come agayn.
Gret dole is to think on this,
How al mankinde fordone is;
Sothfastnes & riȝt has geuen thair iuggement,
Bot mercy & pees were noȝt of that assent.
If all go bi reddure of riȝt & sothfastnes,
How sall mercy and pes shewe the kinges godenes?
If al be thaim one deme sothfastnes & riȝt,
Mercy, pete & pece sal loise al thair myȝt. Page  415
¶ Here spake Pece.
NOw pece to the king begynnes to say:
"ffaire gode dere fader, thou has loued me ay,
Thou art endles of pece prince & also king,
And euer in pece salt thou be, for ther [is] thi dwellyng;
If y for debate suld away fle,
Thou suld haue no place lykand to the.
Mi two dere susters now haue thai me forsaken,
And mercy with thaim two ȝit haue thai not taken;
With-outen vs thai be thaim-self han gyuen a iuggement,
That suld haue ben gyuen trewly with comen*. [MS. cōe, r. commune?] assent.
Ther-fore hit sal noȝt ben of recorde
Til we four ben all of on acorde.
All erthly thing is made for gode pece,
And with-outen*. [outen on the margin.] hit may ben non ese.
Iustisry is neuermore nedeful
Bot when it is to pece spedeful.
How suld right & sothfastnes auaile
When thai wil noȝt call me to thair counsaile,
Ne mercy my sister that ay so gode is,
That withouten hir no gilt amendid is*. [r. nis]?
Ther-fore out of cuntre wil I fle
Til my thre sisters acorded be.
If sothfastnes mete with mercy,
Then sall kis riȝtwisnes & y.
The prison calles euer vppon mercy,
And mercy for him wil ay to the, king, cry
Til for him be paied al his raunson
And he be deliuered out of prison."
¶ Here spak the Kinges sone.
NOw the kinges sone has wele sene
That debate is his sisters betwene
And hit may noȝt wele be amesed
Bot in to his hande it be sesed.
He says to that myȝty kyng anon:
"Dere fader, thou and I are all on,
On substance, on wysdam, & on powere,
And god, while the holy gast is oure fere. Page  416
All on in substance if we be,
Neuer-the-les in persons we are thre.
Thurgh me the warld thou made of noȝt:
Thurgh me agayn let hit be boght!
Mercy has so mekel moued me
That of that prison I haue pite.
Dere fader, I wil don al thi wille
And punysch al that is don ill:
I sal take the clething of that wretchid prison
And priuily for him sal I paye raunson:
Of his kynde wil I become
And for him wil y take dome;
More payn then riȝt & sothfastnes wold haue
Wil y suffre, that prison for to saue.
On this maner sothfastnes and mercy
Sal sone be made gode frendes verraly;
Also pece and riȝtwisnes
Thai sal kis with gret swetnes."
¶ Here spak the autour.
WHo-so redes this romance,
Trowe in god with on substance.
Bot on is god & persons thre,
Non othir thing in god may be.
ffour sisters that we before rede,
Are foure vertues in the godhede:
To foure doghters thai haue lyknyng,
ffor thai procure all gode doyng;
Bot all thai are on god of myȝtes mast,
He is fader and sone and haly gast.
If thou trowe this wele & stedfastly,
Thou may haue mede ay-lastan[d]ly.
¶ Here spak the king.*. [This passage is added.]
THe kyng has herd his awen sones speche,
That of all the warld is a god leche;
"Dere sone," he says, "thurgh the I made all thing,
And all the warld hynges in thi keping;
Thou, & the haly gast, with me
Dose all gode dede that done sal be; Page  417
Oure dede may neuer departid be,
ffor all on god in kynde are we thre.
All only thou sal take manhede.
Bot all we thre sall do the dede,
Riȝt as two virgyns clethes the third
And ȝit none of thaim bot on is cled.
Dere sone, this was oure al thre*. [r. althre?] purpos & curage
When we made man to oure liknes & ymage;
This hight y to Abraham and to dauid,
And my prophetes acorded ther-with.
If mankynd sal out of his prison wynne,
A man mot for him dye that has no-maner synne,
That is of myȝt to ryse fro dede to the lyue,
And his with him out of prison ryue;
And siche myȝt ther be neuer non
Bot he were bothe god & man.
Dere sone, if thou wil dye & suffre payne,
Bothe aungel & mankynde may be ful fayne.
That souerayne grace and meknes
Sall be so ful of swetnes,
That neuer may man wele haue in his mynnyng
Bot he be sterid to loue the ouer al thing,
And titter be reson his hert suld brest
Then he for any thing suld breken thi hest."
¶ Of ysaies prophecies.
Off ihesu crist telles ysay
To all mankynde verrayly:
How a child is born til vs,
And a sone is gyuen til vs,
His name sal be callid wonderful,
Counsellour, & god, & strenghtful,
ffader of the warld that sal come,
And prince of pece sal be his nome.
¶ Here spake the autour.
Iff any best in shap passed cours of kynde,
A wonder in that wald many man fynde;
Bot if a parfit man were a parfit as,
Mikel more meruayl wald man say it was; Page  418
Bot more maruayl may who so can
How verraily is on bothe god & man.
ffor he wald saue mankynde that fouly was lorn,
Child of a nerthly woman wald he be born.
Syn god in erth for loue of man wald mak his halle,
Nede it was to make it best & fairest of alle.
¶ How ihesus entred in to a castil.
THer-for a castel has the king made at his devys,
That thar*. [= dar] neuer drede assaut of any enemys;
He sette hit on a whit roche thik & hegh,
With gode dykes al aboute, depe and dregh.
Men may neuer with no craft this castil doun myne,
Ne may neuer do harme to hit no-maner engyne.
This castil is euer ful of loue & of grace,
To al that any nede has, socour & solace.
ffour toures ay hit has & kernels fair,
Thre bailliees al-aboute that may noȝt apair.
Nouther hert may wele thinke ne tung may wel telle
Al the bounte & the bewte of this ilk castell!
Seuen barbicans are sette so sekirly aboute
That no maner of shoting may greue fro with-oute.
This castel is paynted with-out with thre-maner colours:
Rede brennand colour is a-boue toward the fair tours,
Meyne colour is ymyddes of ynde & of blewe,
Grene colour be the ground, that neuer changes hewe.
Thes colours both*. [MS. beth.] [fer] & nere castes so mekil liȝt,
That, when men behaldes thaim, comfort mekil thair siȝt.
The castel al with-in, who-so may hit knawe,
Ay is blaunched als whit as any dryuen snawe.
ffour fair stremes in hit out of a welle springes
ffro myddes the hegh tour, thai fille the dykinges;
So fair and so gode that liquour ther is
That he that drank oght therof myȝt haue mekel blis.
A chaier of yuor ther was sette in this ilk tour,
With seuen grees vpward, with worschipe & gret honour;
Was neuer non half so fair in this warld sene,
Ne neuer non so semly hade prince ne quene; Page  419
Hit was made sotilly, & al be compas cast,
The raynbowe enuyround it al stedefast.
The kynges sone has made it for his awne se—
Was ther neuer non so fair ne neuer-more sal be.
¶ What betokenes this castil.
THis castil of solas & of socour
Is hir blissed body that bar oure saueour;
Hit was made for refuyt to all manes kynde—
Who-so fles ther-to, socour sal he fynde.
The roche whit & fair with his stablenes
Is the hert of hir in al halynes,
That sette hir to serue god with-outen any drede
*. [The next leaves are misplaced.]In souerayne clene meknes & clene maydenhede. [folio 14]
The grene colour bi the ground, that wil so wele last,
Is the treuth of oure lady, that ay was stedefast.
The meyne colour in the myddest of this castil walle
Was stable hope to come to grace, that saue mankynd sall.
The rede colour abouen, brennand in the siȝt,
Was brennand loue of god & man, that gyues mykil liȝt.
No wonder if*. [MS. of] this castil ware ful whit with-Inne,
ffor the hert of that may was neuer foulyd with synne.
The four toures gret & strong, that fair were to se,
Ware gastly strenght & sobernes, riȝt & sutilte;
Thes four vertues stekes out al maner of wykkednes
And kepes fast with-ynne al that is godnes.
The baillies, on ay with-ynne a nother in thre stage,
Are clene maydenhed, & moderhed, & in*. [om. in?] trewe spousage;
Woman with thes thre bot seint mary was ther neuer non;
Bot who-so sal be sauf of synne, of thes he most haue on.
Seuen barbicans fair seuen vertues calle we,
That in oure lady suffred no vice for to be:
ffor gret meknes in hir hert venquist ay al pride;
And hir gret charite enuy myȝt not abyde;
Hir discrete abstinens fordid al glotonye; Page  420
And hir clene maydenhed suffred no lecherie;
Wikkid couetyse in hir hert myȝt neuer dwelle,
ffor wilful pouert in hir hert keped the castil;
Pacience in hir hert euer was so prest
That synne of wrath ther-in myȝt neuer haue rest;
Ther was so mekil in hir hert of comfort gastly
That ther myȝt neuer synne of slewth dwelle ther-by.
The fair welle in the castil that filles ay the dykes,
Is grace in goddes moder that synful man ay likes.
Thou that myster has of grace, go to this spring-welle;
Who so help has of hir, sal neuer go to helle.
*. [vv. 435-446 freely added.]Make the dykes of meknes & of gode wille
And four stremes of that grace sal the sone fille:
On streme euermore sal the clene wasch of synne that is past,
Another agayn temptacion sal make the stedefast,
The thirde sal stere the to do werkes of charite,
And the ferd sal bere the to blis that ay sal be.
This welle is euermore springand mercy & pite;
If thou haue no part therof, it is al lange on the.
The trone of yuor is the saule of oure swete lady;
Seuen grees that lys therto, are werkes of mercy;
The raynbowe that bendes ouer with his colours thre,
Is the myȝt that couers hir of the haly trinite.
No wonder if this castel were ful fair in siȝt,
When god, the sonne of riȝtwisnes, wald ther-in liȝt!
He come thurgh the cloise ȝate, & when he went clois it was;
Riȝt as the briȝt sonne-beme comes & goos thurgh the glas. [folio 15]
Al that man nede has of [is] in this ilk castell;
He that help has of hit, has ynogh of wele.
¶ Here spak the autour.
GEntil lady of this castell,
Let me my myscheue to the telle.
Moder of mercy & qwene of pite,
To synful man thou art ay avowe:
Ther-for at thi ȝates now y lye,
Thi help and mercy for to crye; Page  421
Mercy sal y fast crie befor this louely tour,
Euer til I fynde sum of thi socour.
Hope of help me made hider for to fle
When thre gret enemys fast pursued me:
On is the foule fende with al his companie,
That puttes forth pride & wrath & gret enuye;
The secund is the fals warld with many schrewed gyse,
That shotes ay at me sharply with all couetise;
The third is myn awne flesch, to me a gret enemy,
That prickes me with lecherie, sleuth, & glotony.
Welle of mercy, I be ded & sone al fordon
Bot a streme of thi grace come to me sone.
Lady, let me lye in thi castel dyke
And wasch me wele ther to thi seruant like:
Then, if myn enemys wil me assaile,
In traist of thi gode help y tak that bataile.
In this castil ihesu crist tok of the mankynd:
Ther-for hope y euer her*. [MS. hir] socour for to fynde;
Here hid god his gret power in mannes liknes
& laide enbuschement for the fend & al his wikkednes.*. [MS. wilk|ednes]
Thou art the ȝert of aaron that bar the faire flour,
When thou in clene maydenhede bar thi creatour;
Thou art the stegh of iacob thurgh wham is gate to heuen—
He may hope wele of help that deuoutly wil the neuen.
The Kinges sone of al this world ligh the with-ynne
ffor to saue & socour wel al synful man of synne.—
Now he has acorded alle his sisters foure,
And pece is cryed for man heghe vp in the toure.
Now god & man are to-geder both in O person;
Now has man ynogh wharwith to bye him fro prison;
Now on man more parfit & withouten lak
Than euer was Adam ar he goddis biddyng brak,
He is fre to plede for vs & al oure riȝt dereigne,
And no creature may haue cause vp-on him to pleyn.
In token of the prince of pees, when he til vs come,
Pees was ouer-al in the world, & reuling was in rome;
Ioye is sungen now to god vpon hegh in heuen
And pes in erthe til al man that are of gode wil euen. Page  422
¶ How ihesus was gode counseillour. [folio 13]
NOw, man, behold thi saueour,
Howe he was gode counseillour,
To bringe the to thin heritage
That was forfet thurgh outrage.
If thou wil ay folowe his rede,
Thou sal eschue ay-lastand dede
And so recouer the ioye of heuen,
If thou wil folowe his counseill euen.
When he for the become man here,
He fand the a thrall, of no power
ffor to recouer that thou had lost,
Bot he for thi riȝt wold pay the cost.
Then souerayn meknes and charite
Schewed ihesu *. [MS. xprist]christ, thi lord, for the;
"Dere brothir," he said, "of the I haue pite grete,
That al thi fair heritage fouly is forfait.
Neuer-the-lees fal noȝt in despeir,
ffor of that heritage y am heir;
To double riȝt hit falles to me:*. [515-522 al. Fr.]
The ton of thaim y may wele gyf the;
If thou wil kepe my comaundement,
Thou sal ay haue it verrament.
ffor I am god, blis is bounden to me so fast
That y may neuer fro me hit cast;
ffor I am of adam kynde & with-outen synne,
I may clayme his heritage & bi skil hit wynne.
If thou wil*. [overlined.] ouer al thing riȝt hertly loue me,
And loue thin euen-cristen for the loue of me,
All thin enemys the agayn sal no-thing auaile,
And y sal sone for thi sake to me ta this bataile,
If thou wil hald [in] thi hert how y for the sal fiȝt.
Mi ȝok sal ay be swete to the, & my birthin ful liȝt.
Lerne at me, for I am mylde & also meke of hert."
Ther-to may mekel help ay wilful pouert:
Meknes is a verray token of him that is in grace,
And pride an euidence of him that charite non has;
He that settes his hert to mekel on riches,
Thai drawe him sone te pride fro vertue of meknes. Page  423
¶ Here spak the autour.
NOw sues that man his lordes counsail
That al to the contrary dos trauail?
How may he socour seke of ihesu meknes,
That settes him-self to mekel vpon heghnes?
Ther-for drede he may that so wil him bere
Of a foul falling doun with lucifere.
Neuer-the-lees a riche man with his riȝtwisnes,
And he loue ay god wele in hertly meknes,
He may wele saue his saule with fast fleyng of synne, [folio 12]
And with werkes of mercy the Ioye of heuen wynne.
¶ How ihesus mot with the fende.
NOw here how thi lord mette [the fend] for thi riȝt,
Atte last for thi loue put him to fiȝt.
When the godhede was hid in the mankynd
And the fende in him no synne myȝt fynde,
He tempted him with thre thinges that made adam dede.*. [548-563 added.]
"If thou be goddes sone," he said, "make of stones brede."
"Noght only thurgh brede," quad ihesu crist, "leues man,
Bot thurgh ich word that comes of goddes wysdam."
The fend sette crist on the temple & bad him lepe doun,*. [MS. don]
Goddes aungeles to kepe him suld be redy & boun,
If he were goddes sone, in handes thai suld him bere,
So at no ston suld he stumble ne nothing suld him dere.
"Writen," quad ihesu crist, "in haly writ y rede:
Thou suld not tempte god thi lord, when thou has no nede."
The fend shewid him al the warld & saide: "this gif y the,
If thou wil bowe doun to the ground & so adour me."
"Writen it is," quad ihesu crist, "thi god sal thou adoure,
And only sal thou serue him with so mekil honoure.
Go, satanas," quad ihesu crist, "for the am y noȝt ferd." Page  424
"And I am prince," quad the fend, "of this midlerd;
I haue gode sesyn ther-ynne & of ful lange tyme,
And be confermyng of god al mankynd is myne.
ffor man brak goddes bydding & of the appel ete,
He sal be in payn with me euermore, I the hete;
God wil not do so gret wrong to reue me my pray.
If he haue any riȝt, let se what he can say!
The couenant that god made, that sal I alway hold;
No man for to breke it sal neuer be so bold."
"Man," quad ihesu, "hade keped al goddes biddyng,
Hade he noȝt be lettid with [thi] betrayng,
When thou saide til eue 'for that mete sal noȝt man dye,
Bot ȝe sal be as goddes, bothe wyse & sle.'
How may thou couenant reioys*. [Fr. de c. jouir] be reson
That thou made man to breke be thi foul treson?"
"Alas," then quad the fend, "wher hade thou this connyng
ffor to venquys me to-day thus with thi motyng?
Mote euermore how as thou mote will,
Man sal euermore be in my prison stille,
Bot if thou, be-fore he passe forth,
Paye as mekil raunson for him as he is al worth."
"That is reson," quad ihesu crist, "& that ful verrailye,
I wil noȝt tak man fro the with vnskilful maistrie.
Loke what his raunson sal be skilfully,
And I sal paye hit for him, & that ful largely."
"Better," then quad the fend, "sal his raunson be
Then al this ilk warld is worth that thou now may se." [folio 10]
"I graunt," quad ihesu crist, "to this couenant;
ffor my lest fynger is mekil more vailiant
Then a thousand worldes, if that thai ware."
"Certes," quad the fend then, "that is al my care;
ffor of al this warld ay y haue sum skill,
Bot in the is no thing sene at myn awen will.
And if thou wil gyue thi fynger him to bye,
Than sal thou make a febil marchandie.
And ȝit most thou suffre for him als mekil payn
As he hade done & he in helle euer hade layn."
Ihesu said: "I sal do more than thou has ast,*. [= asked]Page  425
And this couenant betwix vs sal be made ful fast."
Then the fend him to the dede as for his prison toke,
And choked on the godhede as fisch dos on the hoke.
¶ Of cristes passion.
BEhald now the passion of cristes manhede,
How he gaf al him-self to socour the at nede,
Both body & saul, & his lymes alle
Lete punysch for the, when that thou was thrall.
*. [609-624 added.]Thre & thirty ȝere for the, to bye thi forfete,
He suffred cold, hungur & thrist, & trauail wonder grete.
Befor that he for synne of man til his passion ȝode,
He prayed so hertly til his fader that he swette blode.
He was tane as a thef, & bounden wonder fast,
& bette with hard knotty stringes whil thei wold last;
ffro the croun of the hed to the fote-sole
No pece of his skyn myȝt be founden hole.
ffete & hande were drawen out & nayled to the tre,
As straitly, for more penaunce, as euer thai myȝt be;
He was lifted vpon hegh & leten doun so fast
That all the vaynes & the synnues in his body brast.
All that blissed body stremed doun of blode,
ffor to wasch synne—ther was a noble flode!
His saule [was] ful drery agayn the deyng,
To make asseth for thi saule wikked likyng.
The sharpe croun of thornes crouned him so fast
That the sharpnes of thaim in to the brayn brast,
And then he henged doun his heued with mekel meknes,
ffor to make asseth for mannes proudnes.*. [al. Fr.]
His eghen wex fade & dym & lost al thaire myȝt,
ffor to make asseth alway for synne of mannes siȝt.
His eres hard fals reproues with gret scornyng,
ffor to make asseth fully for synne of oure hering.
His neys smelled of the Iewes snot & foul spitting
That thei cast vpon his face to blode & sweting:
This suffrance of ihesu crist that lord is of al thing
May make asseth for all synne of oure smelling.
Bitter aisel and galle, when he was thristy, [folio 11]
Drank he, to make fully asseth for mannes glotony. Page  426
When he was aght dayes old, with a culter of stone
Thai karf his tendre membre away—that bi the lagh was don:
This penance of that child that was so worthi
Miȝt make asseth for synne of mannes lechery.*. [639-42 added.]
Al the body aboute with brising & beting
Was punysched ynogh for synne of touching.
His hende nayled to the crosse al for thi sake
May for synne of thin hend asseth ynogh make.
His fete nayled thurg*. [MS. thurd] with yrne nayles
Made asseth for al thi wikkid trauayles.
He prayed for man til his fader hyngand an the croys
With bittir teres, & ȝeld the gast with a gret voys.
He was both god & man ful verraily,
That so ȝelded the gast lyueand the body:
ffor saule goos neuer fro the body be the cours of kynde
Whyl thou may in the body fyue wittes fynde;
Bot god strenghed his body to suffre more reddure
Than euer myȝt haue suffred any other creature.
His hert that was clouen thurgh with a sharp spere,
That may make asseth for al synne that may dere;
His hert-blode & clene water was ther-out broȝt,
To wasch away al enuy & al ille thoȝt.
This of ful gret mercy is sette on comon broche,
And the welle of pite springes out of this roche.
If thou wil forsake synne & cry mercy,
Thou sal neuer faile ther-of, certaynly;
How that thou may synne with any lymme that is thine,
A lymme of crist is punysched to thi medicine.—
When god thus suffred dede, as we rede in boke,
The sunne sone with-drogh his liȝt, and the erthe whoke,*. [= quoke]
And the vail of the temple euen brast in two,
And the harde stones swiftly cleue also;
Many a man rose than that were before dede,
And al bare thei wittenes of his godhede.*. [vv. 667-672 added.]
¶ Of the sorowe of oure lady.
WHat sorowe hopes thou then hade his modur mary,
When thing that has no reson for him was so sary! Page  427
Certes, lady, Symond swerd past thurgh-out thi hert,
And the paynes of thi sone were in the ful smert,
That thi hert hade neuer lasted on non-kyn wyse
Hade thou noȝt trewed stedfastly that he suld vprise.
Lady, what nede was the for to make sorowe,
ffor thi sone dyed synful man to borowe?
Thou wote that he sal ryse agayn thurgh his awen myȝt
& with a body ful of ioye, apertely to thi siȝt.
Thou wote the fend is venquist, & wetes it noȝt,
Til thi sone out of helle haue al his chosen broȝt. [folio 16]
ffro he dyed til he rose that [men] myȝt him se,
Alle the trewth of halikerk was stedfast in the;
Alle his awen disciples of him thai were dredand,
Bot the faith in thi hert ay it was lastand.
Dere lady, succour vs of dedly synnyng,
ffor the ioye that thou hade of his vprising!
¶ How ihesus is almyȝti.*. [Fr. deus omnipotent]
HE rose by his awne myȝt, & that verraily,
And shewed so that he was ihesus almyghti.
He that al this warld made first of riȝt noȝt,
Man dampned agayn with his blode he boȝt.
Thus has he gyuen vs a gode counsail,
And thurgh riȝt venquist the fend in batail.
His lyf has shewed vs a ful redy gate
ffor to entre, if we will, in-with heuen-ȝate.
ffor we sul traist on him in al oure nede,
He shewed vs the myȝt of god in his manhede.
Power of god and man was mellid in his dedis,
And that to stablenes of oure treuth gretly spedis.
Riȝt as a sharp swerd of the fire al glowand
The egge kerues if he smyte, the hete is brennand,
So godhede & manhede in o person
Shewed thair kyndnes*. [r. kyndes] to mannes reson.
We rede: when he was called til a weddyng,
Whan thaim failed wyne, sone at his bydding
Thai filled pottes of clene water in the stede of wyne:
And thai were turned in to wyne, & that gode & fyne.
When he bad fette water, he shewed his manhed,
And when he turned hit to wyne, he shewed his godhed. Page  428
ffor he myȝt haue made wyne with-outen water broȝt,
Riȝt as he made, when he wald, al the warld a*. [r. of] noȝt.
Also with fyue loues & only fisches two
He fedde, as we rede, fyue thousand & mo;
When thai hade eten ynogh, all that ther were,
Twelf lepes of relef ful away thei bere.
His manhed to thaim all delt bret & fische,
Bot his godhed ther multiplied al this.
Ȝit we rede that lazar hade [lain] four dayes in his graue
When ihesu crist fro ded to lyue wald him vp haue;
ffirst he grette & sithen he cryed to laȝar:
That shewed that he was verray man thar;
When lazare rose fro the ded & died*. [r. did] mannes dede,
Then was shewed that in crist was verray godhede.
¶ Of the sacrament of the auter.*. [This passage is added.]
GOd of all his meruailes made vs a gode mynd
When he wold in forme of brede dwell with mankind.
Thurgh the vertue of cristes wordes of the sacrament
That the prest reherces at his messe with gode entent,
Brede in to cristes flesch, & wyne in to his blode, [folio 17]
Sudanly is turned, for mannes gastly fode;
Nother brede ne wyne is after sacryng in the messe,
Bot verray goddes flesch & blode, in thair liknes.
Ther is of brede & wyne sauour, colour, & figure,
Lastand thurgh goddes wil agayn cours of nature;
But vnder this liknes is non other substance
Bot goddes body & his blode with thair purtenance.
In crist god & man, saul & body, flesch & blode
Are so fast knyt to-geder with kynde & loue gode
That whar that is any party of cristes awen body
Ther will god be & thai all verraily.
Ther-for vndir liknes both of wyn & brede
Is verray both god & man that for vs was dede.
This is goddes dede, & passes mannes wit—
He has mekel mede that trewly trowes hit.
In this liknes gyues hit vs god, that is so gode,
ffor we wald be escheu of rawe flesch & of blode.
Brede & wyne in the stomak taken to mete Page  429
Turnes in to flesch & blode thurgh kyndly hete:
Whi may noȝt god then, that al thing made of noȝt
And as haly writ sais many wonder wroȝt,
Turne sone in to flesch & blode both brede & wyne,
ffor to be to cristen man gastly medicine?
If thou receyue his flesch & blode worthily,
Thou sal be as [a] quik lym of his body;
And if thou kepe the so out of dedly synne,
As a cosyn of his thou sal heuen wynne.
The pask-lambe in the ald lawe that al men suld ete,
And man*. [i. manna, Hebr. man.] that god send fro heuen til his folk [to] mete,
& blod that was euer offrid for clensyng of synne:
Was taken of his sacrament that oure help is ynne.
All the tokens of this sacrament that we ay can fynd
In the old lawe, t[h]rugh trouth of this comes til oure mynd,
& all the maruailes that god [wroȝt] ar he man ware
& [comen]*. [om., or r. boren?] of that clene mayden & modir that him bare.
If man wil with al his myȝt loue this sacrament
& vse hit out of dedly synne ay with gode entent,
Nother tunge may wel telle ne hert may wel think
The noble and gastly profit of this mete & drink.
¶ How ihesus is al strenghty.
NOw hast thou herd wele how ihesus is almyȝty;
Here now how he is ouer al other strenghty.
This name of ihesus has so gret in him*. [r. in him so gret] vertu & myȝt
That all in heuen, erth & helle suld til him loute with riȝt;
Oft in this name god mannes prayer spedes
Agayn the fend that hit ful mekil dredes.
This name is mirthe in hering, & comfort in siȝt,
Triacle in mouth & in hert, that is of mekil myȝt,
Socour to all synful men, & to seke solace,
To him that is repentant ay ful of grace.
The fend was prince of this warld & hade man in prison
Ay til our [lord] ihesu crist hade suffred passion;
Ther was non so hely*. [= haly] that myȝt in erth dwell
Bot his saule, qwen he died, suld go to hell.
Hely men were in merknes ther thai no payn feld,
Bot the fend fro thair ioye agayn thair wil thaim held, Page  430
And the ȝate of paradys was agayn thaim stoken,
Til ihesus with his passion hade made it open.
When the fende sagh him wele on the crois hyngand,
He wend to haue made him forth ay in hell lengand;
Bot sone the saul with the godhede as a fere lyon
And a kyng of al the warld, & noȝt as a prison,
Come to hell & brast thair barres with his will fre,
And toke out all anon with him that dyed in charite.
Him calles men a lord strong and myȝty
That has ay when he wil in batail the maistry.
Sone he venquist the fend & cuttyd his power,
That he suld noȝt tempt vs more then we miȝt bere.
Thus is ihesus our refut, strenght & socour,
Our help & our hele, our ioye & our honour.
¶ How crist is oure fader gastly.
HEre now how crist was oure formfader gastly,
Riȝt as adam was to man formfader fleschly.
All that was of adam born, lost heuen for his synne,
And all that cristes children will be bi him may hit wynne;
Baptisme has the vertu of cristes hert-blode,
To make thaim his childer that wil take hit with*. [wil om.?] gode.
Thus riȝt as al men dyed thurgh adam,
So may al be quikned agayn in cristes name.
Was neuer no fader that any son so dere hade boȝt
As crist, that man wesch of synne & out of prison broȝt.
In fourty houres after his ded herged he helle*. [[1 verse wanting.]]
And apered to his disciples in many-maner wyse,
To proue soth that he said that he suld vprise.
He ete & drank with thaim ichon, riȝt in thair siȝt,
And spak that was nedeful to thaim, mekel of gastli liȝt.
And elleuen of thaim he blamed sithen
ffor thei trowed noȝt that he was vprisen.
Bot it was til our faith ful heply
That Thomas of ynde trowed lattly,
Til he in to crist[es] hert-wond hade put his hand;
Than said he: "thou art my god & my lord lyuand." Page  431
"ffor thou has sene me," quad crist, "now thou trowes riȝt;
Blissed be thai [that] trowes wele with-outen any siȝt!"
When our faith was thus confermed as thou has wele hard,
Then bad crist thei suld it preche thurgh-out al the warld,
And [baptize] all that wald be in trouth stedfast,
In the name of the fader & the son & the haligast;
ffor ther [may] neuer non in heuen-blis wone
Bot he thurgh baptyme be made cristes awen sone.
In this fader was neuer no wemme of synne,
The-for be him may [we] blis clayme & wynne.
Adam come of erth & band vs all to prison:
Crist then come fro heuen & payed for vs raunson.
When he stegh vp agayn to heuen-riche blis,
He tok al the ded with him that was his.
Ther he haldes sesyn in his heritage
To al that wil folow him of his lynage.
Thar fader & sone & haligast
Are all on god of myȝtes mast.
In siȝt of this thre persons in on godhede
Sal be in heuen our gret ioye & our mede;
Then sal we se in that ioyfulnes
How crist, our dere fader, is verray prince of pees.—
*. [vv. 845-954 added.]When ihesu crist of heuen had wonnen his gret riȝt,
Then was sent the haligast anon, as he hade hiȝt;
His disciples hertes anon he wald enspire
In the fader liknes with tunges of fire.
So the haligast was send & sest thaim aboue,
That of the fader & the sone is the gode loue,
And is al on god with thaim in verray vnite,
Bot he is third person in the trinite.
When thei were thus fulfilled of the haligast,
Thai couth wele al langage & speke hit sone in hast;
Thai were so confermed in trouth & al ful of grace
That for to preche goddes lawe thai dred no kinges face. Page  432
¶ Of the articles of trouth.
HEre now of the articles of our trouth that we al traist Inne,
& the seuen sacramentȝ that soccours vs of synne.
We sal trowen in on god of myȝtes alther-mast,
That is the fader & the sone & the haligast;
None is other of this persones thre,
Bot all are on god in the*. [MS. thre] trinite:
Thes thre are on god & on verray nature,
That made first of riȝt noȝt al-maner creature.
We trowe in haly kirk, & haly mannes dedes,
That god ay with his grace thaim strenghtes wel & spedes
In trouth & sacramentȝ & dedes of charite,
Thurgh whilk to the repentant forgifnes of synne sal be.
He that trowes noȝt as halikirk, is in dedly synne,
And mede in heuen in that state may he neuer wynne.
At day of dome sal al mankynd vprise,*. [This point is re|peated in v. 891.]
ffor to take ay-lastand dome on many diuers wise;
The gode sal go to heuen to ay-lastand blis,
And the wikkid to helle-fire that ay-lastand is.
The aghtend article is of cristes manhede:
How mary conceyued him in clen maydenhede;
When the aungel gabriel come & gret hir with gode,
The haligast made a body of hir clennest blode,
& put a saul in to hit that al wysdam can;
Then god the sone toke that & become man.
The neghend is that he of maiden mary was born
& no-thing of hir maydenhede ther-for was lorn.
The tend is that he suffred paynes wilfully,
Al to ded op-on the crois & biryng of body.
The elleuend that crist in saule went doun to hell
& toke out al his awen chosen that with him suld dwell.
The twelft is that he rose fro dede on the thrid day
And apperyd qwik in flesch with many tokens verray.
The thrittend is that he stegh vp hegh in to heuen,
Ther he sittes in manhed with his fader euen.
The fourtend is that he sal come vpon domesday
And gyue riȝtwis dome to qwik & dede, that sal last ay. Page  433
¶ Of the seuen sacraments.
ȜEt the seuen sacramentȝ are nedful to kenne.
ffor baptyme of al synne may soccour all men;
For who as taas hit lawefully,
Of synne is clensed al fully.
The secund sacrament is confermyng:
That agayn the fend is a gret strenghting.
The third is the sacrament of the auter,
That is declared a litel befor here.
The ferth is penance ordaynd for mannes synne;
This lawefully has thre parties him with-Inne:
Sorow of hert, schrift of mouth, & asseth making—
This thre of mede & grace bringes agayn taking.
The fift sacrament is for seke men anoynting:
This is soccour agayn al uenial synnyng.
The sext is ordour that clerkes has on diuerse wise,
And ther-thurgh has diuerse power in goddes seruise.
That seuend betwix man & womman is wedding,
ffor remedie of lecherie & childer nurishing.
Thurgh gode & laweful vsyng of any of this seuen
May men wele escheu payn & liȝtly come til heuen.
Grace in this seuen heles man of al gastly sore;
And seuen vertues ables him that thou red be-fore.*. [v. 421 ff.]
Seuen giftes of the haligast helpes ay his dede,
And seuen maner of blis parfourmes his mede.
¶ Of the seuen giftes of the haligast.
THe first gift, dred of god, puttes fro man pride mast
& makes him wele-manerd, pouer in hert and tast;
& that are thus meke in hert, & pouer gastly,
Crist blesses thaim alway, & heuen is thaires, treuly.
The second gift is pite, that puttes out enuy
& makes man to worschipe god, his fader gastly,
& goddes lawe & his neghbour for goddes awen sake,
& thes gode dedes gode, benigne & myld wil him make;
Thai that has vertuously that ilk myldnes,
Ay sal haue lyuyng in mekil blissednes.
The third gift is cunnyng, that puttes away wrath
& mas man to loue godenes, & with wikkednes to wlath, Page  434
And haue sorow for his synne & taryyng of blis;
ffor this is man blissed, & heuen sal be his;
This gift of cunnyng may noȝt ful longe be
With-outen gastly ioye & gret charite.
The ferth gift is gastly strenght, that puttes away slouth
& to eschape all perils mas man to haue trouth;
Hit mas man to suffre wel, & long to bide riȝt,
& riȝt be done to god & man ȝerne with al his myȝt;
& who-so has this ȝernyng & hungres riȝtwisnes,
Thai sal be ful-filled of hit & haue gret blissednes.
That fift gift is counsail, that fordos couetise
& in hegh thing & hard mas man of gode auyse;
Hit mas man ay gode & benigne in alkyn thinge,
And rewles hym wele in warkes of mercy doyng;
& all that warkes of mercy dos deuoutely,
Are blissed of ihesu crist & ay sal haue mercy.
The sext gift is vnderstanding, that glotery fordos
& stires to certayn*. [= make certain] trouth that him gastly behose,
& makes him of all synne clene in hert to be;
Suche men are blissid of crist, for thai sal god se.
The seuent gift is wysdam, that fordos lecherie
& confortes man in Ioye of god & pes swetly,
And mas man to kepe & make pees with gret besines;
Siche are called goddes childer, & sal haue blissednes.
In suffring oght for riȝt standes the aghtend blis,
& who as euer suffres so, the rewme of heuen is his.
¶ Of antecristes commyng.*. [This passage is added.]
THat tyme when god wil suffre, before the [day] of dome
To tempte & pursue cristen men anticrist sal come;
He sal be born in babiloyn of the kynd of dan
That sum tyme here in erth of Iacob childer was an;
He sal regne in Ierusalem & him-self [crist] call.
Then many of ther wretched Iewes sal fast til him fall.
When he mas him god, his gode aungel sal him forsake,
Then the fend sal him enspire & hede of wikkednes make;
He sal feyne thurgh fendes craft nere al cristes meruailes, Page  435
Bot ay in him charite, mercy & meknes failes.
Simple men sal he deceyue with miracles doyng,
Couetous with gret giftes, & gode with punysching,
He sal make men as god to adour his ymage
& on thair [forehede]*. [a word om.: right hand or forehede, cf. Apoc. 13, 16.] bere a mark of his seruage;
Who-so has noȝt that mark, sal nouther bye ne sell,
Bot antecristes tyrant sal thaim to ded quell.
Be reson & in haly writ it is goddes sawe:
Thurgh payn sal god neuer stresse man to forsake his lawe,
Bot what as any man dos here with his fre will,
Sal turne him, after it is, to gode or to ill.
Betwix antecristes comyng & his gret ill doyng
Sal Ely & Ennok com preche for mennes sauyng;
Then antecrist sal sle thaim in Ierusalem,
& god sal raise thaim to lif & tak thaim to his leme.
Bot thre ȝere & a half sal antecrist haue maistry—
ffor to saue his chosen that ordayns goddes mercy.
Then thurgh goddes myȝt sal that wikked be slayn,
& all chosen that trespast then sal turne agayn.
The[n] ful many Iewes sal turne to cristes lawe,
& halikirk sal liue in pes out of tyrantȝ awe,
Shortir tyme or lenger, til that crist wil come,
To make the worldes ende & gif his grete dome.
¶ Of the day of dome.
IN the same fourme in whilk crist suffrid payn,
To deme both qwhik & ded he sal come agayn.
Then sal he shewe his body stremand al on blode,
& his hert clouen in two as he henge on rode,
& say: "for ȝow suffred I al this gret payn.
Telles now what ȝe to me has done ther-agayn!"
Allas, what may then til him synful man say
That neuer wele with-outen synne spendes on day?
Man sal ȝelde acompt then of al that god him sende,
Body & saul, witte & gode, how he has it spende,
& of ilk a nydel word that euer he here spak;
In wikked word & wikked dede then sal be gret lak.
After that degre of synne or of charite
That any man dyes Inne, sal he domed be. Page  436
Than sal clere conscience be mekil more of told
Than any gret lordship with a world ful of gold:
ffor al sal then perisch that we here now make,
& synful man sal for drede sore tremble & qwak.
All synne for whilk is noȝt worthily asseth made here,
Bes shewed ther al openly, to shame & gret lere.
Ilk a man then sal se his dome verraily
& for gret drede of god thus sal thei all cry:
"Montayns, falles doun on vs, for to hid vs,
That we se noȝt the wrath of god that is so hedous!
Allas that euer were we born any thing to craue,
ffor with-outen ende we are lorn, for nothing may vs saue.
Alas, alas, & wele-away, wher-of may we ȝelp?
Whe are shent for euer & ay, for no thing may vs help."
Haly writ sais that befor this dome
Ouer al this wide warld a huge fire sal come;
Seint Peter sais*. [2 Petr. 3, 10.] that then al sal brenne
Erth & water & al the warld, & al that is ther-Inne.
Heuens & ayr & all the elements
ffire thurgh brennyng then sal clens.
ffire sal noȝt touche heuen in the whilk is blis,
Bot other heuens that vnder hit is.
The fire sal purge venial synne,
& ful hard pyne thaim that dedly [syn] is lnne;*. [1021-4 added.]
Hit sal fordo thing that sal noȝt endure,
And make al the remanant of fairer figure.
*. [1027-42 added.]Then al the qwik bestes sal tak thair endyng,
That were made bot for a tyme of mannes leuyng.
The four elements sal be fairer seuen-fold
Then euer thai were any tyme, other newe or old.
Ther sal be no chaunging fro cold to the hete,
Ne non other tempest of wynd & wedirs gret;
Al cold & hete, foul venum, fylth & stynk,
ffor to punish thaim in hell, sal doun then synk.*. [cf. v. 1095.]
The heuens sal noȝt turne aboute, bot stand ay in rest,
The sunne ay in the est, the mone in the west;
Ilkon sal be more clere seuen-fold than he was,
Bot[h] to goddes worschipe & to mannes solas. Page  437
This sais god bi ysaie, that his wil wele knewe:
"Lo, I make both heuens & erth all span-newe."
This fairnes of the warld sal dampned men noȝt se,
ffor thai sal be in helle-payne or that fairnes sal be.
ffirst, when god wil, sall aungeles a gret noyse make,
& crist thaim that are in blis sal with him take,
Then the remanant that sal be in that blis faire,
Sal be rauyst him agayn vp in to the aere.
All sall ryse fro ded to lyf of Adames lynage
Als in thair awen statur of thritty ȝer age;
All goddes chosen then sal ful parfit be,
With-outen any foulnes or superfluite.
Then sal crist say to thaim on his riȝt honde
A gode word, of all wordes comfortande:
"Come ȝe, my fader blissed, & haues the reume of heuen,
That, befor the warld was made, [was] ordaynd ȝow ful euen.
Ȝe gaf me mete whan I was hungry,
Ȝe gaf me drynk whan y was thristy;
When I hade nede ȝe harbard me;
When I was naked ȝe cleded me;
Ȝe visit me when I was seke,
And in prison ȝe wald me seke.
That ȝe did for my loue to the lest of myne,
That same ȝe did to myself, theron sal ȝe noȝt tyne."
Then wikked men for heuenes of synne
Sall noȝt agayn crist in to the aier wynne,
Bot thai on the erth [sal] cristes wordes here,
That sal be to thaim with-outen ende a lere,
When he sais: "go, waried, in to the fire of helle,
Thar ȝe in payne with-outen ende with the fend sal dwell.
Ȝe serued neuer ioye aylastandly,
ffor ȝe fulfilled noȝt the warkes of mercy."—
*. [1071-1090 added.]Take now gode kepe here, wardly cristen man,*. [MS. men]
& do thi saule profit als wele as thou can!
Thurgh warkes of mercy may men heuen wynne,
& thai that dos thaim noȝt, sal noȝt come ther-Inne.—
Bot ther are seuen warkes of mercy bodely, Page  438
& also other seuen warkes of mercy gastly;
Thurgh trewe kepyng of any of this seuen
May a trewe cristen man wel come to heuen.
Sex bodely warkes has thou befor redde,
The [seuent] taght Tobie when he beryd the dede.
Seuen gastly warkes, that are of more mede,
May thou hald in thi mynd to thin awen spede:
The first is for to teche the vncunnand.
The second is to counsail the doutand.
The third is to confort him that is sorowful.
The ferth is to chasty him that is in synne wilful.
The fift is to forgif him that has ill wratthed the.
The sext is to support him that irksum is to the.
The seuent is to pray to god for all thes hertely,
That he amend thaim of thair faute thurgh his gret mercy.
¶ Of the paynes of hell.*. [The next passages are treated freely: most of the particulars are added.]
TVrne we now agayn, sum-what for to telle
Of the orrible paynes that ay are in helle.
Helle is a depe pit stynkand, with all myrknes:
Ther the dampned ay sal be halden in gret distres.
All that is in the warld of filth & of stynk,
At day of dome sal doun thedir synk,
ffor to eke thair stynkand payne, al be hit gret.
ffor ther sal be of hell-fire wondir huge hete;
That brennand fire with-outen ende so gretly hit glowes
That al the watur in the warld may not sloken his lowes.
Ther is als gret cold on another side:
Ther sudanly for more payne in to hit sal thei glide.
Thai sal noȝt haue no roume ther on be-side another,
Bot all be cast on a hepe as of turf a fother;
Ilkon sal stynk on other & double his payne,
& ilkon ay to greue other sall be ful fayne.
Ther sal be gnasting of teth for gretnes of payne,
And euer in the hert a sorowe souerayne
That thai haue lost for a litil lykyng of synne
The ioye of the siȝt of god that al godenes is Inne; Page  439
& this worme of conscience sal bit thaim euermore
& ouer all paynes ay be to thaim a sore.
No likyng sal thai haue, shortly for to say,
Bot al thing agayn thair wil that thaim gref may.
& thus sal thai be punist aylastandly,
With-outen hope of mercy or any remedy.
¶ Of the ioyes of heuen.
THair ioye in heuen sal wele more be
Then any hert may think or any egh se,
Ne non ert[h]ly mannes ere may wele here
The Ioye that god has ordaynd til his awen dere.
This ioye sall haue then aylastand sekirnes,
ffor crist, kyng of ioye, sal then be prince of pes.
Ilk mannes body of thaim that god wil saue
ffour fair dowers of ioye in heuen sal haue:
¶ ffirst the body sal be [so] parfit there,
That no thing in al the warld myȝt him there [dere],
All the fir of hell myȝt him neuer brenne,
If he neuer so lange were laide ther-Inne.
¶ The second dower of the body sal be briȝtnes
That man sal haue that dede*. [= died] in gastly clennes;
Ilk a body sal be there seuen-[fold]*. [om.] more briȝt
Then the sunne is here when it most liȝt;
& this gret briȝtnes of the body
Sal euermore cleth hit fair & honestly.
¶ The third dower of the body sal be sutilnes,
ffor hit sal be so clensid of all rudnes
That non erthly body may lette hit to passe,
More then the sunne-beme is lettid be the glas.
¶ The ferth dower of the body sal be deliuernes,
ffor hit sal be clensid so wel of alkyn heuynes
That sudanly, whedir as the saul has ȝernyng,
Thedir sal the body glide with-outen more letting.
In thes four dowers sal thi body be so parfit
That of all erthly ioye of hit sal be delit.
*. [1145-1172 added.]Thre gastly parties of thi saul ioye sal fulfill:
Thes are vnderstanding, a mynd, & a will.
Vndirstanding that here was in trewth stedfast
Of poyntes of oure faith that manes [reson past],*. [om.]Page  440
Sal in clere siȝht of god al that he trowed se,
& in that souerayn fair siȝt al ful of blis be.
All wysdam, al godenes, all fairnes, al myȝt
Sal rauysh man to the loue of god in that fair siȝt.
Man sal se in god as in a myrour
All that he wil or may be to his honour.
Ilk man as he deserued mor or lesse here,
Sal haue ther ay the siȝt of god more or lesse clere;
Bot al sal be so fully payd in that siȝt
That couayt clerer siȝt non sal haue no myȝt.
And thus in the saul the vnderstanding
Sal ay be fulfilled of ioye & likyng,
And this sal be in mannes saul the first dower,
After that he deserued when that he was here.
His will that here loued god ouer al thing
& his euen-cristen for goddes bidding,
In the loue of god ther sal be so parfit
That al his ȝernyng sal be ful of delit;
That loue sal be ay so gret, so gode, & so faire
That nothing that may befall sal hit oght empaire.
His mynd that hoped to haue ioye thurgh grace & mercy
& dyed stedfast in trouth with-outen synne dedly,
Sal haue mekil more ioye then he euer wend,
& sikirnes that hit last ay with-outen end.
So sal ilk blissed saul be fulfillid of blis
That hit may nothing ȝern thare that hit may mys.
He has parfit blis that has al his will,
& so be that he then*. [MS. tben] nothing will ill.
Ther sal nothing be that may greue, bot al liking,
That sal ay last sikirly with-outen endyng.
Sothly, [thes] thre dowers of the saul are the gret blis,
And mannes ioye is mesurd after he has of this.
This gret ioye is of gode loue & likyng & siȝt.
Al other ioye toward this [is] of litil myȝt,
As he that has the sunne-liȝt vpon a fair day,
ffor many torches if he liȝt no better se he may;
Noȝt more liȝt, bot more maners of liȝt he has,
& that may be to him a maner of solace.
Clere siȝt of god sal ther be mannes fode Page  441
And briȝtnes of body sal be clething gode.
Wark sal be thare, of god a mery louyng,
That neuer with-outen end sal haue irking.
If adam hade lyued to the warldes ende
And al the wittes of all men god had him send,
Ȝit myȝt he noȝt haue told fully
The lest poynt of that ioye, verraily.
Ther sal be nothing that may displese,
Bot al honeste & gode that may ese.
[Thre]*. [MS. ffour] maner of men sal haue a ioye special,
That is callid in haly writ of ioye a coronale;
Thes thre maners are: verray martires,
Alle-clene uirgines, & haly techers.
Ilkon sal haue ther als [mekil] ioye of othir
Als he were a thousand sith his brothir;
Ilkon of other ioye sal haue a liking,
& that sal be [to] thaim of ioye a doubling;
This doubling sal be in noumbre a gretnes,
Noȝt to the ioye before euen mykilnes.
After degre of loue of god that man hade here
Sal his ioye be mesurd, with-outen any were.
Man sal haue souerayne ioye in siȝt of godhede,
And sithen a gret ioye of crist[es] manhede,
That he is both god & man that boȝt him with his blode
& deyned to shewe to man so hertly mekil gode;
That his brother sal euer be his lord & his god,
That sal be a confort to him with-outen make od.
In him-self he has his ioye of al the dowers
Both of body & of saul, as clerkes vs leres.
Of the qwene of heuen, our lady mary,
That is goddes moder & well of mercy,
fflour of all uirgines & avowe to mankynd,
May all that are in heuen gret confort fynd;
Amang all creatures sho has wele of all weles,
ffor sho is moder of the king that al ioye deles.
Sithen ix. ordres of aungeles comfortes man in blis,
With thair gret myrth & ioyfulnes that thai may neuer mys;
Sithen al maner of men that to blis wendis,
And specialy all gode men frendes Page  442
Ekys*. [MS. Ek ys] his ioye & confort when thai are mette,
And that sall ay last with-outen any lette.
Ȝit heuen & erth & all creatures
Sal be to mannes ioye, whiles hit endures.
All the sorow & paynes of hell ay-lastandly
Sall confort him that eschaped thaim thurgh mercy.
Thus sal man in heuen ay fynd ioye & leth,
Aboue him, with-Inne him, aboute & beneth.
Ay, sais seint austyn sothfastly,
Man suld forsake resonably
All the welthes of this warld euermore & ay,
ffor to haue the ioye of heuen only a day.
How mekil more then suld man ay forsake synne
While he lyued in erth, that blis for to wynne?
The godenes of god, the fairnes, the wysdam, the myȝt,
The ioye, the solace, the confort that ay is In his siȝt,
Passes all mannes mynd, vndirstanding & wit,
Bot if he may come to blis fully & clerly se hit.
Ther-for he that all creatures first made of noȝt
And with his awne hert-blode al mankynd boȝt,
Thurgh his grace & mercy graunt vs that ioye to se,
How thre persones are all on god in trinite.
Here endes the myrour of lewed men.
A Munk made this myrour, only for lewed mennes sake.
Thou that will se saule-hele, this thi myrour thou take!