The minor poems of the Vernon ms. ... (with a few from the Digby mss. 2 and 86) ...
Horstmann, Carl, b. 1851., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.

SI uere utique iusticiam loquimini, recte*. [r. recta]iudicate filij hominum.*. [Ps. 57 (58).]

Aue que iusticiam semper es locuta,
Cuius ope demonum fraus est imminuta:
Senciat & sapiat per te plebs adiuta
Libertati pristine quo[d]*. [MS. quo]sit restituta.
Heil þou þat rihtwysnesse
Hast i-spoken al-way,
Þorwh whos help þe queyntenesse
Of þe fend is lutled ay;
Þat þe peple holpen beo bi þe,
ffeele þei hit in certeyn,
Þat to þe furste liberte
Þei beo restored a-ȝeyn.