The minor poems of the Vernon ms. ... (with a few from the Digby mss. 2 and 86) ...
Horstmann, Carl, b. 1851., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.

Iudica me domine, quoniam ego in innocencia mea in|gressus sum: & in domino sperans non infirmabor.*. [Ps. 25 (26).]

Aue Mater, populi prospice defectum,
Et maternum filijs exibens affectum
Mores nostros ordina, tollens inperfectum,
Vt pes noster tendere qeat in directum.*. [cf. Ps. 25, v. 12.]
Heil Modur, bi-hold þou
Defautes of þe peple,
Modres affeccion schewh þou now
Þi sones þat ben feble;
Ordeyn þou vr maners so,
Weyuyng inparfyt þing,
Þat vr fot mowe þen go
Streiht forþ wiþ-outen lettyng.