Cursor mundi (The cursur o the world). A Northumbrian poem of the XIVth century in four versions. Ed. by the Rev. Richard Morris ...
Page  1437

Pater noster qui es in celis . . . . . [folio 73b:2]

Oure fader þat es high in heuyn,
halowid be þi name to neuyn,
þi kingrike þou send vs sone,
þi will in erth be euerdone
als it es in heuyn done ay,
oure ilk day brede gif vs þis day.
And lord forgiff þou dettes ours,
Als we fo[r]giff till oure detoures,
And lede vs fader in no fanding,
Bot schild vs euer fro euil thing. Page  1439
Crist himself made þis prayere,*. [[These first ten lines precede line 25103 in the Galba MS.]]
[folio 73b:2] Wharfore it es withouten pere,
þare es no prayer þat ordand es
So medeful of þe mikilnes,
Seuin askinges er þarin to rede
þat makes vs mene on all oure nede,
both vnto lifing here a space,
and whare oure sawl more mister hase,
And þat es in þir wordes fone,
þat er in ingliss þus vndone.*. [[These first ten lines precede line 25103 in the Galba MS.]]
Now sall I say halely bidene
What þir wordes er forto mene.
"Oure fader," þusgat when we say,*. [Pater noster]
By þis word vnderstand we may
þat god es fader ouer vs all,
And we als suns opon him call;
þarfore suld ilka prayer here
Haue foure thinges folowand in fere;
Ane es hertly luf to haue,
To him of wham we sall oght craue,
And sekir hope oure bone to wyn,
And stedfast trowth to stand euer in,
And forto knaw with bowsumnes
þat no gude dede of oure self es,
Bot oure gude dedis by night and day
Cumes of god, and his er þai.
"Oure fader," þis word when we schaw
Ful luf þarin may we knaw,
For what þe sun has mister in minde,
þe fader it aw to grante by kinde.
Bot þar calles him fader ful fele
þat er noght to him suns lele,
þat nowþer er his suns in-dede,
ne in no lifing at þai lede.
God for his sons no man here knawes
þat to þe fende þaire dedis drawes; Page  1441
A wikked man þat god forsakes, [folio 74a:1]
And to þe werlaw wers him takes,
For goddes sun may he noght be kend
Till tyme þat he his mis amend.
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
þan suld we to slike dedes draw
þat god for his suns might vs knaw,
And þan we may with worthines,
Call him oure fader, als he es.
In þis word "fader" we vnderstand
all sekernes of oure erand,
For if þat god oure fader be,
Halden sekerly es he
Vs forto help and forto here,
Ay when we mak rightwis prayere.
Bot þare er resons whi oure bone
Sumtyme es noght herd sone,
For sumtyme oure prayer es noght lele,
Or askid ogains oure sawl hele,—
Als was þe prayer of saint paule
þat prayed ogaynes his awin sawl;
He prayed þe fanding of his fa
Th[r]yse þat it suld be tane him fra,
And sen none may to heuin win
Bot he be fanded with sum syn,
And thurgh victori of þat fanding
He may haue mede of heuyn king,
Ferþi crist said saint paul answere,
"Inogh es þe my grace to bere."
Forþi what so god sendes vs till
Vs aw to suffer it with gude will.
Sumtyme may oure praier be right
And noght herd for oure awin plight;
And sum tyme als let it may þai
Forto be herd for wham we pray, Page  1443
Als when we pray for þam þat lies
In syn þat god þam grante to rise.
Al if þis prayer be to take
And we worthi it forto make,
And þai leue noght þaire wilkedhede
þat lettes vs of oure bone to spede.
And of oure praier crist es payd
Sum tyme all if it be missayd,
And turnes into better state
Als he þat all oure mister wate;
And þat es noght vnherd we trow
þat es turned till oure gretter prow.
þis word "fader" when we myn,
Stedfast trowth it beris þarein,
For when we trow in þe godhede [folio 74a:2]
Oure trowth sall mak vs mekil mede,
For of right trowth it es þe law
To trow þe thing we neuer saw.
In þis ilk word "in heuyn þates,"*. [Qui es in celis.]
þan vnderstand we bousumnes,
For we suld think when we it neuyn
How hegh oure fader es in heuyn,
And how law we in erth er stad;
þan suld we be bowsom and rad,
Bowsom his bidinges to fullfill,
And rad to wirk ogains his will.
We suld him drede for luf in land,
And for drede suld we be lufand.
Als oure fader luf we him þan,
And drede him als oure domesman.
He þat so dose þan may he euyn
Say "holowid be þi name in heuin,"
*. [[Sanctificetur nominem tuum]]þat es to say, "þus lord þou strenkith
in vs þi name in brede and lenkith;
And len vs so þi suns to be
þat we wirk noght ogaynes þe; Page  1445
And mak þi name be knawin als
Omang men þat in trowth er fals,
Als with þe sarsins and þe iows,
And oþer mo þat ay mistrows,
And all men þat in errure iss
For to be broght vnto þi blis.
And len vs lord swilk mode and mayn
þat we tak neuer þi name in vayn,
And þat we swere noght wrang þarby,
Bot honore it als es worthy."
*. [[Adueniat reg|num tuum]]"þi king rike lord þou do vs haue,
So þat we may of sin be saue,
And so with vs lat regne þi grace
þat we may regne bifor þi face."
þis praier alls es for all þa
þat for þaire sins amendes will ma,
And gif þam vnto godes lay;
And als þis prayer es to say
"Lord put oway thurgh powste þine
þe forces of þe fendes fine,
Fro all folk þat er vnder þe,
And sett þam in þi saintite.
þat þou has vnto al þa hight
þat menskes þe with main and might."
And in þis point also we pray
For all rightwiss on domesday,
When suthfastnes sall all be sene, [folio 74b:1]
And þe corn fro þe caf be clene,
þe euill sall fra þe gude be drawn,
þat þai may with þare fase be knawn.
God grant vs here þi will to wirk,
And þat þi kingrike, hali kirk,
And hir childer may be broght
To blis þat vnto þam es wroght.
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]Page  1447
Þis claus es cald þe thrid bone,*. [Fiat uo|luntas tua sicut in cœlo &c.]
"Fader in erth þi will be done,"
þat we þi bidinges here fulfill
Als þai in heuyn wirkes will,
Grante vs in erth þi will to do
Als angels in heuyn dose þe to,
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
þai pay þe with þaire seruis sere;
So mot we do all þat er here.
. . . . .
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. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
Þis firth bone vs askes fode,*. [Panem nos|trum cotidi|anum da no|bis hodie]
Both vnto life and sawl gude;
For on þis wise it es to say
"Oure ilk day brede gif vs þis day,"
And gif vs strenkith withouten strif,
And might both vnto sawl & lif;
For þare er fode on thrin manere
þat saul and lif has of mistere,
þe body here has nede of bath
To be sustened with mete and clath;
And gastly fode on all maners
Es þe sawl when men sarmon heres,
And fode of howsill suthly es
Both for þe sawl and for þe fless.
And efter both þir fodes we pray
When we oure pater noster say;
Bot if oure fless be fed to will,
And þe sawl for hunger spill,
(þat es bot it be led with lare)
No wonder if þai both mis-fare! Page  1449
And if þe sawl haue gude preching,
And þan þe fless folow in al thing,
þan sall þai both on domesday,
Be broght to blis þat lastes ay.
Þe fift asking es faire to bere*. [Et dimitte no|bis debita nos|tra sicut et nos dimittimus]
When we pray on þis manere,
"Fader, forgif vs dettes ours,
Als we forgif till oure dettours."
Of god in heuyn we ask þis bone,
And es þus forto be vndone:
Fader oure sins forgiff vs to
Right als we vntill oþer do
þat ogains vs oght has done; [folio 74b:2]
Sinn bannes þam self þa sais þis bone.
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
For when þou prayes to god þat he
Right so þi sins forgif to þe,
Als þou forgiffes vntill anoþer,
And haldes wreth þan with þi broþer,
Any þat trewly cristend es
And namly þat askes forgifnes,
Vnto þi-self þan askes þou wrake,
And prayes þat god it on þe take.
For þus sais crist in his godspell,
"With slike met als ȝe till oþer sell,
With slike mesure sal ȝe be met,"
When ilka man sall haue his dett.
Sen god forgifes noght vs oure syn
Bot if we forgiff all man-kyn,
How may he ask forgifnes þan,
þat forgifs noght anoþer man?
Forgif till oþer most we nede,
If we onence oure self will spede;
Or els ogains oure self we pray
When we oure pater noster say. Page  1451
And man, if þi sawl be swa seke
þat þou nonegate þi mode may meke,
Better es þe þan to say it noght
Bot haue þis entent in þi thoght,
þe whilk þat I sall schew þe here;
þat es to say on þis manere,
"Oure fader of heuyn to þe I pray,
Thre persons and a god verray,
If we thurgh frelnes of oure fless
May gif till oþer no forgifnes,
Als we suld do if we did right,
Thurgh þi grace þou grante vs might
So to forgif oþer þaire sin
þat we may þi forgifnes win;
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
And of man-kinde to luf þe state
þat we may wikked werkes hate,
And so vntill all oþer at do
Als þou has techid vs vnto;
To will þat lay in gude life be
And end in luf and charite,
And to amend þam if we may,
Or be of more power þan þai,
And if we may noght mend þaire care,
Haue sorow in hert of þaire misfare."
And if we do þus þan we may
Oure pater noster trewly say.
*. [Et ne nos inducas in tenta|tionem]þe sex bone es ful nedeful thing, [folio 75a:1]
"Fader lede vs in no fanding,"
þat es on þis maner to mene,
"Oure fader of heuyn, þou kepe vs clene,
And lat vs neuer be fanded swa
þat we feld doun with oure fa.
We sall noght pray to god þat he
Help þat we noght fanded be, Page  1453
For ilka man þat here lifes right
Has fele fandinges both day and night,
And he þat victori may gete
Sall be corond wirschippes grete.
Fals fanders here haue thrin
þat alway fandes vs with syn,
þe werld with welth, oure fless with will,
þe fende es euer eggand to ill;
þarfore we pray oure fader dere
To lede vs in no fanding here,
Bot grante vs grace þam to ouercum,
þat we may won þi kingdom.
þis es þe seuynd and þe last asking,*. [Sed libera nos a malo]
"Deliuer vs fader fro all ill thing,"
And forþi þat we may finde
Sere euils laid bifor man-kinde
Whilk by our self we may noght fle,
In þis bone þar-fore pray we,
þat god vs schilde fro euils all
þat in aiþer life may fall,
þat es, þe body fro harmes here,
And þe sawl fro syns sere.
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
Now haue I sayd þir askinges seuyn
þat helpes vs to þe blis of heuyn,
Whilk seuyn vertuse vntill vs wins,
And als fordose seuyn dedly sins,
And bringes vs till seuyn bliscedehedes
þat es in heuyn to haue sere medes.
"Amen," þat menes "so mot it be"*. [Amen]
Of all þat we haue asked þe;
. . . . .
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. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]Page  1455
Oure blisced fader þou it fulfill,
And schild vs euer fro alkins ill.
Page  1527
[folio 67a:1] Here will I tell a schort tretice
made of þe seuyn dedly vice;
and for pride es þe formastsin,
at him to speke I will bigyn.
men may find þare er thre thinges
þe whilk pride riueliest of springes.
Of werldes hap, of grace of kinde,
als men may in sere bukes finde;
Pride es a lust, withowten legh,
þat ever his awin state wald hegh;
and raise it up als men may se,
riueliest in thinges thre,
For werldes hap, als clath or fode,
Hows, or rent, or oþer gude,
Erthly honowre, or priorte,
Welth, or lordschip, or pouste;
Grace or vertuse, or gude fame,
Grete wirschip, or worthi name;
For steuin swete, for redy tong,
For ladis luf, or maydens ȝong,
For kind, for craft, or for gentrise,
For fairhed, or for wit of prise.
And oft it falles þat sum man es
Bycumen prowd for halines,
And lates lightly of all þa
þat he wate er noght halden swa;
Of þam we suld noghtly late
For of þaire gude werkes noght we wate,
If þai do ill think euer inlike;
All if þai seme vntill vs slike;
þai haue in þam sum hid bounte
þat more & better þan owres may be;
And we may se als on þis wise
þe standand fall, þe falland rise, Page  1529
þarfore vs aw to be dredand
For to fall we now stand;
All þat er fallen aw vs to rayse,
And oure self of sins to layse.
Pride it es, if a man wend
His gudes war noght of grace him send,
And wenis in his hert þat it
Be cumen all of his awin wit
Or for his wisdome wenes wele,
þat him es granted all his sele;
Prid es it when þou reses þe oght
Of thing þou has, or has it noght.
Or if þou rose by morn or none
þe thing þat þou byfore has done.
Also of pride cumes vaynglori, [folio 67a:2]
þat es to be of rose redy;
Ane ipocrite, so forto seme
Withowten a doghty man to deme,
And within es no thing swa;
Men may find ful many of þa.
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
Of pride als cumes discord and strif,
þat es when owþer man or wife
Of þaire trispas will noght be knawen,
Ne prais no mans dedes bot þaire awin.
Of pride als cumes trauers and threte,
Hething, threpe, and athes grete,
sum prowd men think no better glew
þan ilkaday find athes new;
Wonder it es how þe erth beres
þam þat so vgly athes sweres,
For þai forsake noght crist allane,
Bot missais him, both blude and bane.
Of pride cumes als vnbowsumnes,
Whareof grete strif ful oft sene es. Page  1531
Of pride it cums oure faith to file,
Or forto hald þe pouer vile.
Of pride cumes fanding and foly,
And namly syn of lichery;
And many vnnayt oþer thing,
Als sang of trofils or lesing.
Al men aght pride to forsake,
For he wald no man war his make;
þarfore sais Isyder of þis syn:—
"If þou be gentill man of kin;
If þou be riche, or body gent,
Thank god þat þe swilk grace has lent;
If þou be faire þou think alswa
þat all þir pointes sone passes þou fra;
If þou be bowsom and curtayse,
þan at þe first ertou to prayse.
þe angell þat was faire and bright,
And in heuin bare þe name of light;
When he wex proud he might noght dwell,
Bot out of heuyn he fell to hell,
And al his vglines he toke
Of sin of pride," als sais þe buke;
For thing that files es more vile*. [[This looks like a loan from the "Pricke of Conscience," ll. 2348-2355.]]
þan es þe thing þat it may file.
þan may we se sin es fowler
þan any deuil in hell by fer,
þan fro sin aw vs to fle,
Faster þan fro þe fende to se.
þou man þat in erth I say [folio 67b:1]
And wers þan a lump of clay,
With pride how suld þou þeder win,
Whare angels fell fro, for þat sin.
Ogaines þis sin es medcyn gude,
Forto be meke and milde of mode,
And knaw oure self in alkins thing
Onence bigining and ending; Page  1533
God len vs slike knawing to haue,
þat we to him þe sawl may saue.