Cursor mundi (The cursur o the world). A Northumbrian poem of the XIVth century in four versions. Ed. by the Rev. Richard Morris ...

Of bodily substaunce for to witt Monnes soule þat is hitt

Aas I ȝou tolde þe kyng of craft
Wolde be worsheped wiþ two shaft
Boþe wiþ aungel & wiþ mon
Adam þerfore made was þon Page  39
þe tende ordre to fulfille
þat lucifel had made spille
Of erþe only was Adam nouȝt
But of foure elementes wrouȝt
Of watir his body is flesshe laire
His heer of fuyr his honde of ayre
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
His heed wiþynne haþ eȝen tweyn
þe sky haþ sonne & mone certeyn
And as mennes eȝen are set to siȝt
So serueþ sonne & mone of liȝt
Maistir sterres are þere seuen
Seuen holes haþ mannes heed euen
Whiche if þou wolt þe bi-þinke
þou may hem fynde wiþ litil swynke
þis wynd þat we men drawen ofte
Bitokeneþ wynd þat bloweþ on lofte
Whiche is þonder & leitynge led
As onde wiþ host in brest is bred
Into þe see al watir synkeþ
And monnes wombe alle licouris drinkeþ
His feet him beren vp fro fal
Also þe erþe vp holdeþ al
þondir fire ȝyueþ mon his siȝt
þondir oþer of heryng myȝt
þis wondir wynde him ȝyueþ onde
þe erþe makeþ him fele & Fonde
þat hardenes þat men han in bones
Hit comeþ of þe kynde of stones
On erþe as groweþ trees & gres
So nayl & heer of mannes flesshe
Wiþ beestes doumbe man haþ fele
Of þing him likeþ euel or wele
Of þese þinges I haue herde seide
Was adames body to gider leide Page  41
For þese resouns þat ȝe haue herde
Man is calde þe lasse werde