MAGNIFICAT: anima mea dominum. ¶ My soul: wor|shippys the lorde. ¶ Our lady seynt Mary, aftur the gretyng of gabriel. the conceyuyng of goddis sun. the blessyng of Elizabeth. that kald hur modur of hur lorde. sho rose not in heghenes of thouȝt, ne in bolnyng of pride. bot in swetnes of hert. & in ful deuoute mekenes. thankys god of all his godenes, and seys, My soule, filde of his grace, worshippys, that is, louys perfitly, the lord of heuen and erth. that me this grace has done. Aswhosey, i hold not my selfe grete. bot [S. L bo.] god i loue of all his giftys. in all my hert. that soul worshippys god. the whilk wykkid thouȝt greues nouȝt. vnclene delite fylis not. vnkonnabil [S vncunabil heryng heres noght. UII, B 877, 288, 953 vncouenable.] beryng heghis not. bot in all vertues of kynde and of grace it stondis in lastand [L. ins. in.] luf and stabul mekenes.
2. Et exultauit spiritus meus: in deo salutari meo. ¶ And my gost ioyed: in god my heel. ¶ Nouȝt onely this blyssyd maydyn and modur. louys god enterly: bot also sho seys. that hur gladnes. and hir ioy was in mynd of god. in luf and lykyng of whom; all hur heel sho sett. sho ioyed not in hur self, ne in vanytes of this lyfe. as our fonnyd [S fond.] maydyns dos now. that ioyes more in all thinges of this worlde, the whilk thaim lust luf. then in god thair saueour. Bot thof the [S. L tho.] soules of holy men worthely worship god. & wondurfully be ioyand in ihū; this blessid mayden, before all in pryuelege of [N and.] brennand luf, sho louyd god. and in synguler ioy shae was glad in cryst. the songis of louyng. er swettest in hur mouth. and the notis of luf er delitabylest; in