CONFITEBIMUR tibi deus confitebimur: & inuocabimus nomen tuum. ¶ We sall shrife til the god, we sall shrife; and we sall inkall thi name. ¶ Aswhasay, proud men has ioy in the thynge that passis as shadow. bot we sall shrife til the, god. that is, we sall loue the with hert. and mouth. we sall shrife. that is, we sall loue in shewynge of goed dede til ensaumpyl. and we sall call thi name ihū. in til vs, that it be oure tresoure & ioy in oure thoght. and tharwith.
2. Narrabimus mirabilia tua: cum accepero tempus ego iusticias iudicabo. ¶ We sall tell thi wondirs: when .i. hafe takyn tyme rightwisnessis .i. sall deme. ¶ That is, we sall tell that all wondirs ere of the. bot for many fals brethere vnconandly demes. crist says. when .i. hafe takyn tyme of demynge, .i. sall deme rightwisnes, ȝeldand til ilkan as thai hafe deseruyd. bot first.
3. Liquefacta est terra & omnes qui habitant in ea: ego confirmaui columpnas eius. ¶ Meltid is the erth and all that wonys thare in; .i. confermyd the pllars of it. ¶ That is, the kirke of haly men meltis in the luf of ihū. crist. and all thaire thoghtis and thaire willes alswa meltis in luf. for .i. confermyd in grace the pylers of it. that is, the vertus of thaire saules. and thurgh tha haly men.
4. Dixi iniquis nolite inique agere: & delinquentibus nolite exaltare cornu. ¶ I sayd til wickid, willes not wickidly wirke [S. U wyrkand.] : til trispasand, will not heghe the horne. ¶ Thaire wickid|nes is. that thai luf mayre erth than heuen. the makynge than the makere. forthi ȝe that trespas. that is, that witandly dos agayn godis