The Psalter, or Psalms of David and certain canticles
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, tr. 1290?-1349., Bramley, Henry Ramsden, ed. 1833-1917.


DIXIT iniustus ut delinquat in semet ipso: non est timor dei ante oculos eius. ¶ The vnrightwis sayd that he trespas in him self; the dred of god is not bifor his eghen. ¶ The vnright|wis, that is, the kynde of wickid men, sayd in him self. whare man sees noght: what. that he trespas, that is he syn at his will, as god rought noght what he did: and swa it is seen that the drede of god is not bifore his eghen. for if he drede god he durst not swa say.

2. Quoniam dolose egit in conspectu eius: vt inueniatur iniquitas eius ad odium. ffor tricherosly he wroght in syght of him: that funden be his wickidnes til hateredyn. ¶ He tricherosly wroght: that is he boghid*. [S wrought.] til his fleysse, not til god: thof his skil tald a nother: in syght of god: for that he sees: swa that his wickidnes be funden til hateredyn: that is, that he fynd that god hatis his wickidnes.

3. Verba oris eius iniquitas & dolus: noluit intelligere Page  128 vt bene ageret. ¶ The wordis of his mouth wickidness and treson; he wild not vndirstand, that he wele did. ¶ That is, his wordis, priue and swikil, outher ere apertly ill, or if thai ware goed, thai ware with treson. and his thoght, that myght be goed, is wickid: and that is, he wild not vndirstand, that he wele did: he myght and wild not forthi he has na pardon.

4. Iniquitatem meditatus est in cubili suo: astitit omni vie non bone, maliciam autem non odiuit. ¶ Wickidnes he thoght in his den: he stode til ilk way not goed, bot malice he hatid noght. ¶ In his den, that is in his hert, he thoght wickid|nes, that he delitis him in: & he stode with dwellynge til ilke way not goed. that is, he was redy to doe all ill: and malice he hatid noght, bot lufid it: that is the werst. At the lest vs bihoues hate malice, thof we may not hally tharn syn.

5. Domine in celo miserecordia tua: & veritas tua vsque ad nubes. ¶ Lord in heuen is thi mercy: and thi sothfastnes til the clowdis. ¶ In heuen, that is in tha that ere in heuen, witand thi priuetes: and thi sothfastnes cumys til the clowdis, that is, til prechours and doctors, of whaim we take the rayn of lare.

6. Iusticia tua sicut montes dei: iudicia tua abyssus multa. ¶ Thi rightwisnes as hilles of god; thi domes depnes mykil. ¶ Thi rightwisnes, that is thi rightwismen, ere gastly hilles of god: fore thai ere heghe in contemplacioun & sonere resayues the light of crist: and thi domes, that thou there lightis. & other thou blyndes, ere mykil depnes: that is, na man may comprehend thaim: sa depe thai ere and myrke.

7. Homines & iumenta saluabis domine: quemadmodum multiplicasti miserecordiam tuam deus. ¶ Men and bestis thou sall saf lord; as thou has multiplide thi mercy god. ¶ Men, that lifis rightwisly, and bestis, that is ill men, that lifis vnscilwisly, thou sall safe lorde: bot the bestis anly bodily, the men gastly: for dampnabile men he gifis short hele and lange seknes, til his chosen shorte seknes and lange hele: as thou has multiplide thi mercy, lord of men and bestis.

8. Filij autem hominum: in tegmine alarum tuarum sperabunt. ¶ Bot sunnes of men; in the hilynge*. [S. U helynge.] of thi wengis sall hope. ¶ That is in the hilynge*. [S. U helynge.] of the alde testament and the new thai sall hope the ioy of heuen.

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9. Inebriabuntur ab vbertate domus tue: & torrente volup|tatis tue potabis eos. ¶ Thai sall be drokynd of the plentuuste of thi hows: and of the strand of thi lust thou sall gif thaim drynke. ¶ Than sall thai all be drunkyn in god that wonys in godis hows, and fild thai sall be that now hopis: and of the strande of his lust, that is, of the mykilnes of his delite: noght that thare ioy be passand, as strandes ere, bot for it is wondirfully large as strandes ere in flode. And in this warld godis lufers ere drunkynd in the wondirful swetnes of contemplacioun, and gretly delytid in the ardaunt accesse of cristis luf.

10. Quoniam apud te est fons vite: & in lumine tuo videbimus lumen. ¶ ffor anens the is the well of life: and in thi light we sall se light. ¶ Crist, with the and in the, well is of life, that is, bigynnynge of all godis: and in thi light, that is, in the light of ioy that we sall haf of the. we sall se light, that is, the fadere. and the sune. and the haly gast, in endles life: forthi,

11. Pretende miserecordiam tuam scientibus te: & iusti|ciam tuam hijs qui recto sunt corde. ¶ Bede*. [S Forthe bede.] thi mercy til witand the: and thi rightwisnes til tha that ere of right hert. ¶ That we may sykire passe this warld, bede thi mercy til wittand the: that is, til tha that right trowis, and wate that goed is of the. and ill of thaim self. and thi rightwisnes, that is, righthed of life, til tha that ere right of herte, and rightis thaim til thi will, to loue the, in ese & anguys.

12. Non veniat michi pes superbie: & manus peccatoris non moueat me. ¶ Cum not til me the fote of pride; and the hand of the synful stir me noght. ¶ The fote of pride is a proude will or thoght, that beris men fra god til the deuel: bot that cum not nere me. for .i. luf to laghe my selfe: and the hand of the synful, that is, the puttynge of the fende, stire me not till syn. Wha sa is proude he is soen stird. elles noght.

13. Ibi ceciderunt qui operantur iniquitatem: expulsi sunt nec potuerunt stare. ¶ Thare fell thai that wirkis wickid|nes: output thai ere, na thai myght stand. ¶ Thare, that is, in the fote of pride, thai fell as fra heghe, thai that wirkis ȝite wickidnes, that is, the deuel and man. output thai ere of paradise, first the deuel and sithen man. na thai myght stand thorgh thare strenght.