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30. Diligite dominum omnes sancti eius: quoniam veri|tatem requiret dominus, & retribuet habundanter facienti|bus superbiam. ¶ Lufis the lord all his halighis; for sothfastnes he sall seke, and he sall ȝeld haboundanly til doand pride. ¶ Ȝe halymen that lufis noght the warld, na ought that is thar in. lufis oure lord, that is, seruys til him in luf mare than in dred. for he sall seke in his dome sothfastnes. that is, that ilke man serfe til his god. this he sall seke of halymen. what sall synful do that serued the warld? and than he sall ȝeld endles pyne til thaim that now does pride, haboundanly: for thai doe na penaunce for thaire synn: bot synnes til the ded.