The Psalter, or Psalms of David and certain canticles
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, tr. 1290?-1349., Bramley, Henry Ramsden, ed. 1833-1917.

7. Emittet verbum suum & liquefaciet ea: flauit spiritus eius & fluent aque. ¶ He sall send his worde and he sall melte tha; his gast blew. and watirs*. [S waters. U watire.] sall ren. ¶ The worde of god cumand, snaw cristall & cloude ere meltyd. for nouther kald na myrknes na hardnes may dispayre. for thai melt halsumly in godis luf alsone as his gaste enspiris thaire hert. & watirs, that is, stremys of lare and grace, rennys, that other may drynke. and he is,