The Psalter, or Psalms of David and certain canticles
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole, tr. 1290?-1349., Bramley, Henry Ramsden, ed. 1833-1917.

4. Sagitte potentis acute: cum carbonibus desolatorijs. ¶ Aruys sharpe of the myghty; with kolis myscomfortand. ¶ That is, godis wordes, that thirlis mannys hert til the luf of crist. sall be gifen agayns tha ill tungis. with kolis myscomfortand. that is, with ensaumpils of wicked men turnyd til god. and now ere brennand in his luf. and thai myscomfort warldis luf and fleyssly thoght. and shewis comfort in god.