Sammlung altenglischer legenden, grösstentheils zum ersten male hrsg. von C. Horstmann.
Horstmann, Carl, b. 1851., Jacobus, de Voragine, ca. 1229-1298.
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II. Einzellegenden.
1. Kindheit Jesu.*. [Das Ms. schreibt wt für wyth oder wyt (t steht häufig st. th), þt für þat, þs für þis, stets þu und meist ȝu für þou, ȝou (ȝou 41), qþ für qwaþ, qn für qwan, Jhū für Jhesu (vgl. die Reime Jhū vertu 563, Jhū blu 595, Jhū prow 663, doch scheint es V. 25 in Jhesum aufzulösen); öfter sind Vocale obengeschrieben, ohne Abkürzung zu bezeichnen, so bei þe, þi, þo, ebenso zuweilen s, wie in was, as, hys. — V. 1-192 s. ebenso (aber mit vielfach verderbtem Texte) die 2. Version V. 1-210.]

a) aus Ms. Harl. 3954, fol. 70 (14. Jhdt.).

Hic incipit infancia saluatoris.
LOrd god in trinite,
þou boutyst man on rode dere:
þou send hem grace, wel to the,
þat lystyn me wt mylde chere,
For þe loue of Mary fre
þat helpyth vs wt here preȝere!*. [Ms. praeȝere.]
Ȝyf þat ȝe wyllyn herkyn to me,
A gret solace ȝe may here:
Of hym þat is most of vertu
A fayir tale I wyl ȝou telle,
Ryth of þe chyldhod of Jhesu,
Ȝyf þat ȝe wyllyn a stounde duelle.
Qwan Jhesu was of Mary born —
Blyssyd mote þat tyme be! —
Thre kynges komyn hym beforn
And dedyn hym homage & feute.
Heroudes wt enuye had suorn
Þat Jhesu ded xuld be.
Mary wold not here chyld were lorn:
Out of þat lond she gan fle,
Out of þat lond wt myth & mayn,*. [Ms. out of þt wt myth lond; lond ist nach þat umzustellen.]
Fro kyth þer men here ne knewe;
She bad a man þat he xuld sayn
þat she kom þer qwan þat he sewe.
Forth went Mary wt Jhesu,
And Jochep folwyd on a rowe;
Þe iewys folwyd after anone,*. [Ms. anon, so öfter; der Strich über n kann hier nur e bezeichnen sollen, wie in don, gon 520 u. ö., fon 258, hom 380 (home 435), mon 506, non 584, son 621, euerychon 260; wol auch in pleyn 359 und dronkyn 100, takyn 545; in anoū 101. 254. 378 u. ö. ist u st. n verschrieben, wie öfter; in anō bezeichnet der Strich n.]
& þan þat corn men shar & mowe.
& þan forþer our lady gan gon
Be vnkout weyis þat she ne knewe:
She sey lyonys, lebbardes, many on,
& þan began here sorwyn newe.
Mary seyd: "þis bestes xullyn vs slon.
Alas, þe day waxit so dym!"
Jhesu blyssyd þo bestes Ichon:
More & lesse he loutyd to hym.*. [he plur., wie 86. 87 u ö.; he (hee) ist neben þei (they) gleich häufig gebraucht.]
For merthe of lebbardes þat she sey
Mary blyssyd here sone anone,
She dred no best in þe wey,
She seyde: here kar was al gon.
Forþermore, I ȝou say,
Our lady went be cuntres wylde.
Barabas wonyd in þat way, Page  102
He was a thef in wode & felde;*. [Ms. athef, a ist meist mit d. Sbst. verschmolzen.]
He askyd our lady be here lay:
"Qwat beryst þou?" she seyd: "a chylde".
Jhesu preyd, þer he lay.
Dysmas preyd hys fader to ben mylde.*. [Ms. h̛ = hys, wie 60. 124. 355. 568; 9 ist sonst Abbrev. für us, doch kommt ausgeschrieben nur hys vor wie 121. 128. 152. 163. 314. 358.]
Barabas seyd: "þat may not be.
Sekerly, wtoutyn nay,
Ȝe xul be robbyd alle III,
Or þat ȝe pace þis Iche way".
He tok Mary al in hey,
He held here stylle be þe lappe.
Þan gan Dysmas for to cry:
"My leue fader, let hem schappe!
Me were leuer for to dey
Þan here mystyd euyl happe".
Hys fader let hem gon sekerly,
Þe sone hys handes gyn to clappe.
Þan seyd suete Mary:
"My leue sone, qwyt hym þis!"
"Moder, wt me he xal dey
And kome wt me in to my blys".
Forþermore our lady went,
Toward Egypt she tok þe gate.
Here for to restyn she had talent:
Hete of þe sunne mad here to suate.
Joshep in armys he her hent,
For wel he vnderstod here state,
He tok here doun wt good entent
Of þe asse þat she on sate,
Vnder a tre, þat was ful hey,
Wt fayre flourys he made here sete.
Mary seyde: he were ful sly
þat of þis freyt now myth gete.
Qwan Mary had mad here mone,
Hyre sone wyst al here wyl,
Of þe froyt wol good wone
He here ȝaf, & þat was scylle:
Jhesu spak to þe tre þanne:
"þou loute adoun my moder tyl,
Tyl she & Josep boþe han tanne*. [Ms. tane = tane, taken.]
Of þe frut ryth al here wyl".
Onto here fot þe tre gan folde,
Tyl he hadde takyn þat hem tyth.
Qwan he takyn hadde þat he wolde,
As it was it stod vp ryth.
And þan seyd our suete lady:
"Certes, me thrystyt wonder sore".
"Certes", seyt Josep, "so do I,
And our asse ȝet mekyl more.
Al þis lond it is so dry,
For lak of water is al my kare".
Jhesu spak to þe tre on hey
And bad it wyssyn water þare.
Of þe tre þer gan spryng
Wellys fele & water at wyl,
Wyn & water it gan fort bryng.
Þerof he dronkyne al here fyl.
Mary blyssyd here sone anone
& thankyd hym þat was so fre.
Jhesu seyd to þe tre son:
"In paradys þou xalt be".
In to paradys it was browt
To Elyȝe & Ennok hys fere.
Jhesu, þat al þis werd hat wrout,*. [werd = world.]
þat tyme was old but o ȝere.
Wt an old man þei gun mete,
And of þe weyȝe askyd resoun.
He seyd: "to Egypt ȝe ha ȝete
XXX dayis jurne to þe toun".*. [Ms. Jurue.]
Þan gan Mary to wepe,
For werynesse she sat doun.
"Moder", qwaþ Jhesu, "wylt þou lete?
Lo here þe wallys of þe toun!"
It is so fayir a rych cete.
Lo how short he made here way.
"Sone", she seyd, "blyssyd þou be,
As lord þat al mythtes may!" Page  103
Qwan Jhesu & hys moder fre
In to Egypt weryn browt,
Freudes was lord of þat cete.
Alle hys goddes of gold were wrout;
Þe puple fro fer þeder gun te,
Þo maumentes for goddes þei sout.
Qwyl Jhesu duellyd in þat kuntre,
Alle hys goddes felle to nowt.
SO it befel vpon a day*. [Vgl. Version b, 149 ff.]
A lytyl beforn þe none:
Chyldryn of þe cete madyn a play,*. [Der Text ist fehlerhaft, der Tod des Judas ist nicht motivirt; die Worte 139-140 waren im Orig. wohl die Worte Jesu.]
As he were wone to done.
Jhesu here play gan to say,
And here play was endyd sone:
Judas seyd wellaway,
He made a karful mone.
Anone Judas gan to deyȝe,
A lytyl fote myth he not go.
Judas seyd: "þou xalt abyȝe,
Jhesu, for þou dedyst soo".
Chyldre in to þe toun ranne
For dred of Judas sake,
Onto sere Lyne, here aldermanne,
Pleynt on Jhesu for to make,
He seyd: Judas ded was þan
For þe pleȝyng be þe lake.
Alle þe Juwys Jhesu gun ban,
On hym þei thout to take warke.*. [Ms. warke = wrake, vgl. sporng 620 st. sprong.]
Alle þe Juwys tokyn hem to rede
Qwat det Jhesu xuld endure;
Summe seyde he xuld be stonyd*. [Das Reimwort fehlt, der Schreiber hat das nördl. dede st. dethe eliminirt.]
For hys fals lythyr kure.
Mary & Josep were ful woo
For Jhesu þat was hem dere;
Qwan þe Juwys thoutyn hym to slo,
Þan chaungyd al here chere.
To þe water Mary gan go:
"Leue sone, qwat dost þou here?"
"Moder, I make dammys II,
To stoppyn water here, myth þou lere".
She seyde: "sone, me lyst not play,
In toune I herde sueche a kry:
But Judas ryse & go hys way,
þou xald deyȝe wt gret enuy".
"Moder", he seyde, "I do þi wylle,
Judas xal I makyn hol here.
And ȝet hym xal lykynt ful ylle*. [lykynt = lykyn it, wie tellyt 169. 169-172 ge|hören, wie die Reime zeigen, ans Ende der Strophe, sie sind vom Schreiber versetzt.]*. [hym st. ȝou? s. Vers. b, 187.]
þat he of lyue now ne were:
Moder, for soþe I tellyt þe,
Þis tretour is ful of fellonyȝe,
Onto þe Juwys he xal selle me,*. [Ms. stets on to.]
Among my fomen for to deyȝe".
Jhesu ȝede þat body tylle
And tok hym vp be þe ere:
"Judas, qwy lyst þou so stylle?
My moder wold þat þou rese were".
Sere Lyne & þe maystrys alle
And sere Kayfas, þat was here fere,
On Mary & Josep gun to kalle
And seydyn to hem on þis manere:
"We han thout þat ȝe xal alle
For ȝoure sone þat wyl not lere
Euer in kare & wo to walle—
Betre ȝou were to lyn on bere.
Ȝyf he wold lere, ȝet myth he the,
And wysely to wysdam drawe,
On lytyl tyme he myth be
Prince & kepere of our lawe".
To þe scole þei hym ledde.
Cayfas kam hym aȝen,
A bok beforn hym he spredde
& bad he xuld leryn wt wen,
He bad hym seyn A. b. c.,
For be mowt he wold hym teche. Page  104
"Now", qwaþ Jhesu, "I may wel se
þat þou art wrot & egre of speche.*. [wrot st. wroth.]
Now qwy is a beforn þe .b?
Tel me now, I þe beseche!
And ellys I xal telle þe,
Wreth þe not to werke wretche!"
Cayfas þan wt wordes Ille
Seyd to Jhesu anone ryth:
"Jhesu, þou hast a wonder welle,
I rede þou lere wt al þin myth;
And but þou wylt holde þe stylle,
To hard betyng þou xalt be dyth".
Jhesu seyde: "it were no scylle,
I kam not hyder for to fyth".
"Ȝet", qwaþ Jhesu," of myn askynge
þou me ȝeuyst non answere.
I am ful eld, þow I be ȝyng,
Þerfore I kan þe ryth wel lere.
Wt þe I sey wtoutyn lecyng:*. [lecyng st. lesyng.]
A is letter wtoutyn pere,
A is III & but o thyng,
III partys he hat knyth in fere.*. [knyth st. knit, wie wyth st. wit 252.]
But a begynnyt þe letterrure,
For a is lyk to þe trinite:
III partys he hat of o mesure,
And alle III a may wel be.
I wyl þe lere, ȝyf þou wylt dure:
A is lyk to þe deyte:
Þe deyte is, þou myth be sure,
III personys & on in mageste,
Euermore hereafter he xullyn endure
Indepartable alle III.
Now myth þou lere, tak god kure,
A is most of dygnyte".
Cayfas seyd in þat stonde:
"Qwat art þou, letterure for to lere?
Be Moyses lawe we han fou(n)de*. [Vern.: nis not st. we han]
þis clergye þat þou seyst here.
þou seyst in Ilke a grounde
þat þou art eld & ȝyng in fere;
þi sawys sotly be not sounde,
Þerfore þou art to me not dere.
Spek no more, I þe say,
But ȝyf þe holy to þi lore:*. [statt þi hat Vern. my.]
And þou myth ben al wey
Ryth fully wys for euermore.
And wol ȝong þat wyt is kore,
It is medlyd wt folye,
And þat me greuyt suythe sore,
It katchys me to felonye.
Of Moyses our lawys we hadde,
And oþer lawys þou wylt vs teche?
Of þi sawe, sone, I am sadde
Of þe trinite to make þi speche;
þou greuyst me, I am not glad,
To me þou art a leþer leche:
þou spekyst of god as a chyld mad
Wel ferþer þan þi wyth wyl retche".
Jhesu aȝen to hym gan spelle
And wold wetyn of hym anone
Ȝyf he koude ony thyng telle
Of þe prophetes þat weryn gon,
þat seydyn Cryst xuld deyȝe
Here in erthe among his fone
And þe lawe he xuld felle:—
"þis aute ȝe knowyn euerry-chone.
Cryst is lyth of god almyth,
And of þe lyth he is kore.
Isay spak aryth:
þat of a mayde he xuld be bore—
þou myth wel wetyn þat it is ryth,
For to by þat is forlore. Page  105
God is fader, & Cryst is lyth,
Þe sone is gotyn wythoutyn ore:
For as þe sunne ȝeuyt hys lem,
Ȝyf he wt cloudes be not let,
So komyt Crist of a sunne-bem
In to erthe, balis to bet;
Ȝyf þou take wel good ȝem
How þe sunne-bem is set:
Vndepartyd is þe strem
Of Crist þe sonne wtowtyn let.
Now tak here-to good entent:
Þe fader lyth in þe sonne xal be,
Þe faderes lyth may not be blent,
Al is o lyth in deyte.
Þan ben hee prouyd be argument
Þe fader & þe sone o lyth ben hee,
Þe holygost wt hem present,
For þat fulfillyt þe trinite.
For þe trinite, I þe seyȝe,
A is letter of alle chyf,
Þerfore a is al weyȝe
Iput beforn. þat is god pref.*. [Ms. god is st. is god.]
Þe trinyte xullyn he seyn wt eye
Alle þo men þat ben hym lef;
Þan is man a blysful pere*. [pere ist falsches Reimwort, Vern. liest preiȝe.]
Þat to þe trinyte is lef.
Of þe trinyte I haue told in heye".*. [Dieser Vers ist unnützer Zusatz.]
Þan seyde þe maystrys of þe lawe:
Of deuelles þat he had clergyȝe:*. [Ms. deuell [gap: 1] mit dem Zeichen der Abbrev. für er st. es, ys, wie 384 bei hylles (Ms. hyller).]
"A maydyn wtoutyn ony awe
Shuld beryn þe kyng of glorie.
Wel we wetyn þat it is knawe:
Old Josep weddyd Marye—
Oþer record kun we non drawe;
He is not Crist be prophessye".
Jhesu spak wt mylde chere
Onto þe Jewys þat gun cry:
"Faryt fayre, frendes dere!
Ȝe fare foule thoru folye.
But o thyng xul ȝet ȝe here,
As seyt þe prophete Isaye:
She xal be weddyd, þat hat no pere,
Þe myld moder of messy.
Isay seyd a noþer thyng:
Cryst in þe lawe xuld be bore—
And þat xuld ben in weddyng,
And ellys Cristes lawe is lore.
Þe prophetes spekyn of hys komyng
At Jesse began þe more,
For Crist hath no begynnyng,
Al-þow he be man kore,
Thoru myth of heuene kyng.*. [Dieser Vers ist unnützer Zu|satz, wie 293.]
Josep virga floruit fatu Isaye,
Coniux, lex vt monuit, mater fit messye".*. [319-20) im Ms. in rother Schrift.]
Cayfas & oþer Jewys mo
Of ȝyng Jhesu he haddyn maruayl
How þat he was kome to*. [vor to fehlt hem?]
Wt clergye hym for to asayl;
Of hem had Jhesu many foo,
For here wyt wol sone gan fayl.*. [wol = wel, wie 241. 470.]
Many of hem awey gan go,
Qwan here clergye wold not avayl.*. [193-328) hier gehen die 2 Versionen ganz auseinander, vgl. b, 211-265. Der ganze Abschnitt 193-328 findet sich als eigenes selbständiges Gedicht in Ms. Vernon fol. 300 wieder (gedruckt in d. "Altengl. Legenden", Paderborn 1875, p. 212ff.), wo der zwölfjährige Jesus diese Disputation im Tempel zu Jerusalem mit den "maystres of the lawe" hält, nicht mit Cayphas. Der Dichter der Kindh. Jesu scheint diesen ganzen Theil entlehnt und in sein Gedicht eingefügt zu haben, wie er auch die Strophenform beibehalten hat. Ms. Vernon bietet den besseren Text.]
XII sparwys Jhesu mad þanne
& bad hem flyȝin qwere hem thout.
Alle þe Juwys gun hym banne,
For her halyday he halwyd nowt;
Hee banned hym alle þanne,
Beforn þe maystrys was he brout.
Alle þei gun Jhesu to banne,
He seydyn: of hem he rout nowt.
Hee kallyn hym þan a qwent syre,
Hee seydyn: he wold dystriyn here lay.
Jhesu seyd: "I tok non heyre,
I made hem not but on my play.
Al-þow I do an oþer kure,
It helpyt ȝou not to seyn nay.
I wel not duellyn, be ȝe sure,
I wel wend & go my way!"*. [329-344) vgl. wieder b, 265-276. Der Text ist verdorben, wie die Wiederholung 331. 333. 335 zeigt.]
Page  106
Hic ient ad aquam pueri cum ollis.
AFterward on an oþer day
Euery chyld to oþer gan telle:
"Wend we fort wt good aray
Onto þe water, our pottys to fylle!"
Alle hee lokyddyn, I ȝou say,*. [Ms. lokȳddyn. —]
Qwych of hem was most snelle;
Hee ȝedyn fort in here way,
Ful lytyl qwyle gun þei duelle.
Jhesu fyrst þe water hent.
Arka dede Jhesu wrong:
Hys pot to-brak, þe water out went.
Jhesu seyde: "suych xalt þou fong".
Þan Jhesu hol hys pot gan make,
Ant to hys frend he seyd anon:
"Wyl we pleyne be þe lake?
On þe sunne-bem xul our pottes gon".
On þe sune-bem þei hem honge:
Crystes heng stylle, here gan don falle,
Alle þei brokyn, he were not stronge.
And Archa weppe sore wt alle.
"Archa", qwaþ Jhesu, þou were to blame.
Qwy madyst þou my water to shede?
Now hast þou an oþer shame
And after þi gylt þou hast þi mede".
Josep seyde al in þat throwe:
"Jhesu is lord of gret poste,
Wel aut we hys myth to knowe
For þe meraclys þat we se
Fro day to day for vs to shewe.
"My pot þat was brokyn on III,
It wold ben hol, & þou wold leue:
Now help, Jhesu, þat art so fre!"
"Josep", qwaþ Jhesu, "for þi sake
Þe pottes xullyn ben hole anone".
Gret Joye þe chyldryn gun to make,
Synggande to toune he wentyn home.*. [345-380) vgl. b, 325-360; beide Texte weichen von hier ab bedeutend und zuletzt ganz ab.]
Sythen vpon an oþer day
Jhesu wt chyldere gan to mete.
He seyde: "wyl we go play
Vpon þe hylles for to lepe?"
Hee wentyn fort al in hey,
Jhesu & hys felas alle.
Summe thoutyn hym to enuy
Wt herte bytter as ony galle.
Jhesu lep for þe maystry,*. [Ms. Jhesu for þe maystry lep; lep ist hinter Jhesu umzustellen.]
And oþer lepyn & hard gun falle,
þat legges & armys sekyrly
And neckes brokyn, þei myth not kalle.
But Josep & an oþer, hys fere,
Sowyn of Jhesu gret meruayl
And seydyn þat þei myth lere:
Jhesu to vyon wold not avayl:
"Jhesu is lord wtoutyn pere,
Noman it geynyt hym to sayl,
He dot hys wyl boþe fer & nere
At hys lykyng wtoutyn fayl".
Jhesu seyde: "hens wel I wende
And to my moder wyl I gon
And letyn hem lygyn in þe ende,
For now þei arn dede Ichon:
To lytyl wyt he haddyn in mende,
For avyȝen me þei done(?).
Go hom, Josep, my moder frende!
Her owyn dedys ha hem slon".
Jhesu went aforn alone,
Josep kom after wt hys fere.
Þe Jewys komyn after sone anon,
For to sekyn here chyldryn þere,
Hee askyd Josep euerry-chon
Of here chyldryn, qwere þei were.
And Josep seyde: "dede as a ston
Hee lyn in feld, & I am here".
Þe Jewys madyn a foul cry,
Hee seydyn: "alas, how may þat be?"
Josep seyde: "sykerly,
Hee deyid throu here nyste:
They wold lepyn & enuy
Suete Jhesu þat is so fre, Page  107
Þerfore dede ben they,
Gamyt hem non oþer gle".
Jewys seydyn on þis manere —
And euer þei seydyn alas —:
"How scapydyst þou & þi fere?"
Josep seyde: "our wyl it nas
For to make Jhesu our pere:
We wyst wel, our mayster he was;
Þerfore we ben here,
Þe toþere ly dede vp þe gras".*. [Ms. lydede st. ly(n) dede.]
"Alas", seyde þe Jewys Ichone,
"An hard hap here is befalle!
We wylyn alle wendyn home
And for our chylder hys moder kalle".
Hee ȝedyn to here ryth anone
And on here madyn a lody cry,
Hee seydyn: here chylder euerry-chon
Jhesu had slawyn throu felony;
"Þerfore þou xalt, or it be nyth,
And old Josep, þat syttyt þe by,
Ben to-brent in fyr bryth,
And Jhesu in ȝour kompany!"
Mary seyde: "wtoutyn duellyng
I xal wend, my sone to seche.
For hem ne make ȝe no wepyng,
For, ȝyf he wyl, he may hem leche —
He kan do more wonder thyng
Þan to helyn hem wt hys speche:
So is hys myth, þou he be ȝyng.
It fallyt not ȝou to take wreche".
Mary fort þan gan she go,
She sey qwere here sone gan pley,
And þer kom ryth anone
Josep to hym in þe wey.
Mary seyde: "sone, be our fon
We be dempt for to dey.
My leue sone, þe chyldryn Ichon
þou ȝyf hem lyf, I þe preyȝe!"
Jhesu seyde anon ryth:
"Moder, þi wyl xal be do".
He bad Josep anon aplyth
Onto þe tounys ende go,*. [Ms. toun̛.]
"Byd hem komyn hom be my myth,
Reny(n)g as faste as ony roo,*. [Ms. renyg — 487 — 530 vgl. b, 361—396 (ganz abweichend).]
þat my moder may sen aplyth
þat I am frend aȝen my foo".
Josep þe chylder gan to kalle:
Wol suethe hee komyn rennyng.
Here frendes boþe in boure & halle
For hem here handes gun wryng:—
A gret joy þer was befalle
Qwan hee sowyn hem leuyng.
Þe chylder kome wt þat in hast
Beforn þe grete of þe cete;
Of hem hee gun to queryn fast:
"How were dede & leuyn ȝe?"
Hee toldyn anon of þat meruayl,
How Jhesu myth done al hys wyl:
"We greuyd hym — it wold not vayl,
Þerfore we fellyn dede ston-styl;
And now we ben wtoutyn fayl
Kome to lyue wtoutyn Il.
Gaynyt not hym to asayle,
For, ȝyf ȝe done, he wyl ȝou spyl".
Of here chylder hee weryn in drede:*. [381—487) vgl. b, 277—324 (bis auf die ersten Verse ganz abweichend).]
In an ouene hee letyn hem do
And madyn a man hem to fede,
þat noman xuld komy(n) hem to,*. [Ms. komy st. komyn.]
And ȝouyn hym ful gret mede
þat hee xuld not komyn hem fro.
And þan kam Jhesu as . . . . .*. [nach as sind etwa 5—6 Buchstaben zerstört, vielleicht I rede.]
Wt hym þer kam no moo,
Jhesu seyde: "felawe myn,
Qwat is þat þou kepyst þare?"
Þe man seyde: it were swyn.
"Swyn" qwaþ Jhesu, "motyn hee benȝare"!
& as swyn he grontyn & grone
And alle hee weryn swyn in fere.
Þe man made þan wepyng mone
And went to here frendes dere,
He seyde how Jhesu kom alone
& mad hem swyn thour hys powere.
"Alas", he seydyn, "qwat xul we don?
Oure chylder mone ben no-qwere". Page  108
Hee wentyn to þe ouene anon:
Swyn þerin gun gruntyn grylle.
Þe Jewys gun to seyn anone:
"Þis meruayl vs lykyt Ille.
Prey we help of Marye,
þat our chylder nowt spylle:
Jhesu grantyt sekyrly*. [Ms. grantyd st. grantyt.]
Hys moder preyere at hyr wylle".
Hee told Mary an hap was falle,
And preydyn here of help Ichon,
"And namely for our chyldryn alle,
For wel we wetyn: Jhesu wyl done
Þi wyl boþe in boure & halle".
Sone she grantyd wt hem to gone,
Onto here sone for hem to kalle.
For hem she preyid sone anone
Onto here sone a myld bone.
He grantyd here wyl ful sone:
Þe chylder of wo weryn vnbounde.
He thankyd Mary þat had it done
For help þat hee in here founde;
Hee preyidyn here wt carful mone
þat here chylder myth go sounde.
Jhesu grantyd hem anone.*. [Ms. hem.—531—575 vgl. b, 397—408.—575—630 vgl. b, 545—628.]
A Rych man was in þat cete
þat to Jhesu had envye,
Josep fader, Braudyn hyth he.
Ouer hys sone he made maystrye,
He seyd: "my sone, þou were me dere,
Now þou dost aȝen my wylle
To ben wt Jhesu, of hym to lere —
þou were wel betre to ben stylle.
For hys loue þou xalt be kept
In a tour of lym & ston,
Hys loue þou xalt abyin, Josep,
Ne geynyt þe no betre won.
To þe xal noman komyn ne lep,
þer myth þou cry & kalle alon,
þat noman of þe xal takyne kep
Ne for onys for to heryn þi bon.
I suere be god Adonay:
Lyth þer þou xalt non haue;
Lud þou þou cry wellaway,
Non helpe geynyt þe to craue.
Jhesu, þat hath þe þus shent,
Out of presoun xal þe not bryng
Be no maner of sharment
þat he kan of rede & syng".
Josep seyde anon ryth:
"Fader, þou myth done þi wyl.
Jhesu is ful of mekyl myth,
He wyl not suffre me to spyl".
Josep left in þat prisoun,
Þe dorys weryn lokyn faste.
þer lay Josep al alon,
To hym kam Jhesu ryth in haste.
"Josep, felaw", qwaþ Jhesu,
"For my loue þou lyst here,
þou xalt se more of my vertu,
For so I wyl, my leue fere".
Jhesu fond a lytyl bore
And bad Josep hys fynger take:
Heyl & sond as he was core
He kam out wtoutyn wrake.
Euer wt Jhesu he wold be,
Nothyng myth hym lette;
Euer was Jhesu hym so fre,
For hys felaw he hym fette.
Ad artem tingtoris Ibat.
Þan seyd Jhesu to Marye:
"Off diuers craftes I wyl say,
Of craft þat is of gret maystrye,
I xal done alle men to pay".
Onto a lyster hee komyn sone,
Wt hym komenant for to make:*. [Ms. komenaut.]
Hee weryn acordyd ryth anone,
Þe dyere was glad for Jhesu sake.
Jhesu dede hys maystrys wylle,
A better seruant he had neuer none,
For neuer he let thyng spylle,
Al was wel þat he gan don. Page  109
So it befel, as I ȝow say:
Hys mayster had preyere
For to dynyn on a day,
He and hys wyf in fere.
Clothys hadde þei, for soþe to say,
To dyȝyn boþe fayre & clere —
Fyner cloth to mannys pay
Was non in þat mestere.
And qwan he went, he bad Jhesu
Þe clothys fynly dye,
Scharlet, morre, grene & blu,
"Iche cloth after þat I seye".
Jhesu anone a fyr gan make,
And went hym fort for to plye.*. [Ms. plye st. pleye.]
Hys mayster saw hym be þe lake,
Jhesu & oþer chyldryn tweye.
Þe wyf seyd: "ȝonder hys our wrake,*. [hys=is mit unorgan. h.]
I se hem wt myn eye,*. [hem st. hym.]
He hat not done þat þou bode hym make.
Ryth it is þat he abye".
Jhesu hem seþ & hom hym dyth:
And alle þe clothys were qwyte,
And þe fyr brynnyng bryth.
þat mayster began to flyte.
Jhesu toke þe clothys Ichon
And in to þe led he hem kast.
Þe mayster seyd: "I am vndone!
þou xalt abyin in hast".
A brond he tok vp wt hys hond,
Jhesu for to smyte,
To throwyn þe brond wold he not wond:
Of Jhesu it faylyd lyte.
Þe brond bar lef & blosomyd anon
And sporng, þer it gan falle.*. [Ms. sporng st. sprong.]
Þe mayster it sey & dred hym sone,
Mercy to hym gan he kalle.
And euerry cloth had hys hu,
Ryth as it xuld haue,
Scarlet, morre, grene & bleu,
No betere myth men kraue.
Jhesu forȝaf hym, I ȝow say,
And fro hym he gan wende.
Carpenterys craft he wol say,
Þerto he gan lende.
Ad artem carpentarij Ibat.
Jhesu was boþe strong & durable
Wt an ex for to hewe:
At euery werk he was ful stable,
To techyn men to ben trewe.
Þe mayster-wryth forsoþe þan
Had a gret werk on honde,
For he was most crafty man
Þat was in al þat londe.
To Jhesu he tok a wol fayr tre
And bad hym hewyn faste,
& taute hym qwere it xuld be
Be leyd at þe laste.
Jhesu it hew in gret rapyng
To short be IIII fote.*. [fote st. fete.]
Þe mayster made gret sorwyng,
For þe tre was long & grete,
To Jhesu he seyd ful ȝare
"þou hast don ful Ille —
We a(ute) han gret kare —*. [das 2. Wort ist zerstört, nur a ist sichtbar, zu lesen scheint alle oder aute.]
Þis fayr tre to spylle;
For it is þe fayryst tre
þat euer kom in myn hond.
Alas, he seyde, gret kare is me,
For sorwe I may not stond".
Þan qwaþ Jhesu: "let me se,
And o thyng wyl I fond:
Ȝyf it myth lenger be
Throu myth of my hond.
Draw, qwaþ Jhesu, at þe toþer hende,*. [hende mit unorg. h.]
For at þis ende I wyl drawe!"
"þou scornyst, me thyngkyt, leue frende,
Of þat þou seyst in þi sawe".
"Set on þin hond", qwaþ Jhesu,
"And drawe on god spede!" Page  110
"þat were a werk of lytyl prow"
Þe wryth seyde, "at nede".
"þou art not wys, qwaþ Jhesu,
But þou do now my wylle".
Þe carpenter seyde: "qwych Idel dede
I wyl letyn be stylle".
"Þan wylt not þe maystrie wynne"
Qwaþ Cryst, "of carpentrye?"
Þe mayster seyde: "þou myth begynne,
I wyl þe not avyȝe".
Jhesu seyde: "I wyl asay,
Or þat I hens wende".
Þe mayster seyde: "þis iche day
It komyt to non ende".
Jhesu drow for he was strong,
Þat many men myth se,
He drow it IIII fote long,
Ryth as it xuld be.
Þe mayster seyde: "it were wrong,
Maystyr but þou be;
Mythty þou art, & myld among,
Þi pere is nowt", qwaþ he.
Jhesu went þat same day
Fro hym, as I ȝou telle,
No more craftes wold he asay,
No lenger wold he duelle.
He went fort in hys way,
Þe lawe to fulfylle.*. [631—692) vgl. b, 730—753 (ganz abweichend).]
Cryst vs chylde, þat best may,*. [chylde st. shilde.]
Fro þe peyne of helle!
Explicit infancia saluatoris.