A Common-place book of the fifteenth century, containing a religious play and poetry, legal forms and local accounts. Printed from the original ms. at Brome Hall, Suffolk, by Lady Caroline Kerrison. Edited with notes by Lucy Toulmin Smith.
Kerrison, Caroline, Lady., Smith, Lucy Toulmin, ed. 1838-1911.

CHURCH DUTIES.*. [See Introduction, pp. 5 and 10. This list appears to be in R. Melton's hand.] [folio 64a]

Thes be the dutes longing to the Cherche of Stuston as apeurth her aftur—

In primis Thomas Jesope for ij lokys*. [See before, p. 5, as to plow-shot and lock.] jd. ob.
It. the same Thomas for plowshote*. [See before, p. 5, as to plow-shot and lock.] ob.
It. the same Thomas for Curtelage ob.
It. the plasse late Thomas Cadys for a locke, halffe a busshell of barly.
It. for ij lockys jd. ob.
It. for plow shot jd.
It. for curtelage ob.
It. the plasse longyng to the Towne of Disse for plowshete jd. Page  130
It. for curtlage ob.
It. John Burgat for a locke ob. qr.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. John Byrde for iij lockes ijd. qr.
It. for plow shote jd.
It. for curtlage ob. [folio 64b]
It. Raberd Cowper for the tenment nest Byrdys, lat in the holde of Chawercurte, for a locke ob. qr.
It. for plowchote for one holl plow a jd., and di plow ob.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. Robard Harolde for the tenment lat watur cowpers for ij lokes jd. ob.
It. for plow chot for one holl plow jd.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. Recherd Hoberd for ij lockys jd. ob.
It. for plow chot for one holl plow jd.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. Rabard Clerke the bocher for iij lockes ijd. qr.
It. for plowchot jd. ob.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. the tenment lat Smalborows for plowchot for di. plow obol ob. qr.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. Thomas Turner for iij lockes ijd. qr.
It. for curtlage ob. [folio 65a]
It. John Cade for plowchot jd.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. John Pennyng for the tenment lat Raberd Clerkes ye bocher for curtlage ob.
It. Will Davy for a locke ob. qr.
It. for curtlage ob.
It. John Kyng for curtlage ob. Page  131
It. Nycolas Spray for curtlage ob.
It. Willm. Warene for iij lockes ijd. qr.
It. for plowchot jd.
It. for curtlage ob.