The story of England
Mannyng, Robert, fl. 1288-1338., Furnivall, Frederick James, ed. 1825-1910.

¶ Hic Cassibolanus se retraxit.

Ilk þat þer myght*. [Ilkon þer mot. (The next line, after l. 4723, is left out in De Lincy's Wace, i. 224, without notice by the editor.)] fle, þey fledde;
Þat best myght renne, best he*. [þam.] spedde;
Bettere was fle, þan worse abide,*. [es fle þan foly bide.]
ffor socour þer cam on none*. [whan socour comes on no.] syde.
Vntil a hey hil þey drowe hem to,*. [þei fleih.]
Bettere wistey nought what for to do;*. [he wist no bettere þat þan deih.]
& er þey myghte þat heye hil take,
Many a croune men myght se crake.
Whan þey hadde þe hil al nomen,
Þeym þoughte þey were til castel comen;
Non of þe*. [nomore.] Romayns durst com hem ney,
Bot held þem fro þe hil a drey.*. [nehi . . . . . drehi.]
Þe hil was strong*. [round.] busked aboute, [Lambeth folio 22b:1]
Þat þe Bretons of Cesar hadde no*. [had of no man.] doute;
ffor eche man tok a tre to stal,
As tristi as*. [trostere þan.] a castel wal.
Cesa[r] byheld to þe hilles*. [of þe hill þe.] heyght,
Þat wyþ non assaut ne wyþ no sleight
Mighte he wynne þat forcelet;
Þerfore a sege abute hit set, Page  179
Þat þey ne myghte no-wer*. [noure.] aboute,
Bot þorow hym, haue issue*. [þorh þam all passe.] oute.
He dide sette in wardes*. [stedes.] seers,
Knyghte to wachem,*. [waite.] & squiers;
& also he dide hewe trees,
Þe styes to stoppe, & þe entres,
& furgat nought ful lyghtly
How þey had chased hym wyþ maistri;
& ofte þey telde in þer auys*. [vys.] [Petyt folio 31a:1]
How þey bifore had chased hem twys:
" Now schal y ȝelde hit, ȝif þat y may,
" Er ȝe departe fro me away!"
Alas, hit schold euer so*. [suld so gate.] bytyde,
So bolde Bretons myght non abide!
ffor þey had chased twyes þat man
Þat al þe werld þorow bataille wan;
& ȝit þey stode stifly, ilkon,
Whan þey wiste socur of*. [of socour.] non,
ȝit suffrede þei nought for to be nome
Of hym þat þey had er ouercome;
But Dame ffortune had turned her whel
Donward til wo, þat er was wel;
ffor þo þat abouen were wond*. [vp were wont.] to be,
Donward þeym now turneþ sche.