Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden maonachi Cestrensis; together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century.
Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364., Trevisa, John, tr. d. 1402., Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491., Malverne, John, d 1415?, Babington, Churchill, ed. 1821-1889,, Lumby, J. Rawson ed. (Joseph Rawson), 1831-1895.

Capitulum nonum decimum.

Augustinus, de Civitate, libro 18o, capitulo 13o. Delbora þat womman was a prophetes of the lynage of Effraym. Þis Delbora wiþ Barach of þe lynage of Neptalym rulede þe peple of Israel fourty Ȝere, for to rekene twenty ȝere in þe whiche Iabyn kyng of Canaan pursued Israel. In hir tyme kynges of Argyues faillede þat hadde i-regned fyue hon|dred Ȝere and fourty, þat was from þe firste Inachus to þe firste Pelops his tyme, kyng of þe Peloponenses; and þanne þe kyngdom tornede to þe Mecenes.*. [So α. and Cx.; Macenes, MS.] Þat tyme bygan þe kyng|dom of Laurentynes in Italy. After þe deth of Ianus and Saturnus þat hadde longe i-regned þere, þere regned Picus Saturnus his sone. Augustinus de Civitate, ubi supra. Aboute þat tyme deyde Denys þat heet also Liber Pater, þat werred in Page  381, vol.2 Inde, and hadde in his oost men and wommen i-medled to gedres. Noþeles at þe laste Perseus slowȝ hym. His goldene buriels is ȝit i-seyn*. [seie, α.] in Thessalia bysides Appolyn Delphicus in mount Parnassus. Mida þe riche kyng regnede þat tyme in Frigia; of hym poetes feynede meny þinges, as it is i-write in Mythologia Fulgentii and Alexandri. And Ilus,*. [Ilius, Cx.; Iulius, MS. and α.] Appolyn his sone, bulde Ilium in Troye.