Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden maonachi Cestrensis; together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century.
Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364., Trevisa, John, tr. d. 1402., Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491., Malverne, John, d 1415?, Babington, Churchill, ed. 1821-1889,, Lumby, J. Rawson ed. (Joseph Rawson), 1831-1895.
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THE EIGHTH BOOK OF THE POLYCHRONICON FROM CAXTON.*. [The marginal references are to Walsingham's History so far as there is anything common to the two, and to the Fasciculus Tempo|rum, one of the authorities to which Caxton acknowledges himself in|debted.]

Capitulum 28.

THIS yere were taken four grete fysshes bytwene Eerethe and London: that one was callyd mors maryne, the second a swerd fysshe, the other tweyne were whales. In this yere, for certayne effrayes done in the north countre bytwene the lord Egremond and therle of Salysburyes sones, the sayd lord Egremonde whom they had taken, was condempned in a grete somme of money to the sayd erle of Salysbury, and therfor commysed to prison in Newgate in London, where whanne he hadde ben a certayne space, brake pryson, and thre prysoners with hym, and escaped, & went his way. Also this yere therle of Warwyk and his wyf wente to Calays with a fayr felawship & toke possession of hys offyce. Aboute this tyme was a grete reformacion of many monasteryes of relygyon in dyverse partyes of the world, whiche were reformed after the fyrst institucion, and continued in many places. Also about this tyme the crafte of enpryntyng was fyrst founde in Magounce in Almayne, whiche crafte is multyplyed thurgh the Page  579, vol.8 world in many places, & bookes ben had grete chepe and in grete nombre by cause of the same craft.

This yere was a grete batayll in the marches bytwene Hongary and Turkye at a place callyd Septegrade, where innumerable Turkes were slayn, more by myracle than by mannes hond. For only the honde of God smote them; Seint Iohn of Capestrane was there presente, & provoked the cristen peple, beyng thenne aferd to poursiewe the Turkes, where an infynyte multitude were slayn and destroyed: the Turkes sayd that a grete nombre of armed men folowed them, that they were aferd to tourne ageyne; they were holy angels. This yere the prysonners of Newgate in London brake theyr prysonne, and wente vpon the leedes, and fought ageynst them of the cyte, and kept the gate a long while; but atte last the toune gate the prysonne on them, and than they were put in fetherys and yrons, and were soore punysshed in ensample of other. In this yere also was a grete erthquave in Naples, in soo moche that there perysshed fourty thousand peple that sanke there in to therthe. Item, In the yere six and thyrtty saynt Osmond, somtyme bisshop of Salys|bury, was canonysed at Rome by pope Calyxt; And the sixtenthe daye of Iuyll he was translated at Salysbury by the Archebisshop of Caunterbury and many other bisshops. And in August after, Syre Pyers de Bresey, seneschal of Normandy, with the capitayne of Depe, and many other capytaynes and men of war, went to the see with a grete navye, and cam in to the downes by nyght; and on the morne erly byfore day they londed, and cam to Sandwyche both by land and water, and toke the towne and ryfled and despoilled it, and toke many prysoners, and left the toune al bare, whiche was a ryche place and moche good therynne, and ladde with hem many rych prysoners. In this yere in many places of Fraunce, Almayne, Flaundres, Holond, and Zelond, children gadred them by grete companyes for to goo on pylgremage to saynt Mychels mount in Normandye, whiche cam fro fer contreyes, wherof the peple merveylled, and many supposyd that somme wycked spryte mevid them to soo doo: but it endured not longe by cause of the longe way, and also for lack of vytayll as they wente. In this yere Raynold Pecok, Bisshop of Chychestre, was founden an heretyke, and the thyrrde day of December was abiured at Lambhyth, in the presence of the Archebisshop of Caunterbury and many Bisshops and doctours and lordes temporall, and his bookes brente at Poulus crosse. Ye have herde to fore how certayne lordes were slayne at saynt Albons, wherfore was alwey a grutche and wrath had by the eyres of them that were soo slayne ageynst the Duke of Yorke, the Erles of Warwyck and of Salysbury, wherfor the kyng by thadvys of his counseylle sente for them to London. To whiche place the Duke of York Page  580, vol.8 cam the syx and twentyest day of Ianyver with four honderd men, and lodge at Barnardys castel in his owne place. And the fyftenth day of Ianyver cam therle of Salysbury with five honderd men, and was lodged in therber in his owne place. And thenne cam the dukes of Excetre and of Somersete with eyght honderd men, and lay withoute Tempelbarre. And the Erle of Northumberland, the lorde Egremond, and the Lord Clyfford with fyftene honderd men, and lodged withoute toun. And the mayer that tyme Gefferey Boleyn kept grete watche with the comyns of the cyte, and rode aboute the cyte by Holburn and Fletestrete with a fyve thousand men wel armed and arayd for to kepe the pees. And the fourtenth day of Feverer therle of Warwyck cam to London from Calays, wel beseen and worshipfully, with six honderd men in reede iaquettys browdryd with a ragged staf behynde and afore, and he was lodged atte grey Freres. And the sevententhe day of Marche the kynge cam to London and the quene, and there was a concorde and pees made amonge these lordes, and they were sette in pees. And on oure Lady day, the xxv. day of Marche a thousand four honderd and eyght and fyfty, the kyng, quene, and all these lordes wente on procession at Powlus in London; and anone after the kynge and lordes departed. In this yere was a grete affray in Fletestrete bytwene men of court and men of the same strete. In whiche affray the quenes attorney was slayne.