The lanterne of lizt, ed. from ms. Harl. 2324
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Swinburn, Lilian M. (Lilian Mary)
Page  48

Of discrecioun to knowe þe good from þe yuel/

Capitulum IXo/

Noon may discryue þise twoo parties.̉ verrili iche from oþir/ wandiryng in þis secounde chirche.̉ for licknessis þat þei vsen/ and also þei han in comune mani heuenli þingis ‖ For oure Lord haþ in his chirche.̉ laburers aboute his vintre/ boþe fastars. preiars.̉ & also wakears ‖ Almisdoars ben in þis chirche.̉ wiþ prechours. & redars of lessouns/ & singars traueilen here also.̉ wiþ minastrars of sacramentis/ wiþ studiars in Goddis lawe.̉ & men þat maken louedaies ‖ And like seruauntis haþ þe fende.̉ in þe þridde chirche/ but þei don her seruyse.̉ in a straunge manere/ Neþeles þei ben hard to knowe.̉ þerfore we schal marke hem/ hou wondirfulli þei varien.̉ in þise forseide condiciouns/

Certis Fastars in Cristis chirche.̉ abstynen hem from lustis/ for to tempir þe coragenes.̉ of þe reble fleishe/ & kepe her bodi clene chast.̉ & suget to her soule/ for seint Austin in his book.̉ [folio 46a] techiþ þis loore ‖ 'Caro tua viuit de anima tua. anima tua de tuo deo/ vnaquamque eorum secundum vitam suam viuunt/ tunc enim caro tua recte secundum animam tuam viuit.̉ si anima viuat secundum deum ‖ Deus est summe bonum. & anima est magnum bonum viuens inter summum bonum & paruum bonum/ quia caro paruum bonum est.̉ quia creatura dei est ‖ Anima enim debetrix non est carni ut secundum carnem viuat. sed e contra mortificanda est caro. & illi dum consentis mortificas cum ceperit omnino non delectari mortificasti/ Hec est accio nostra. hec est milicia nostra'/ Hec Augustinus de verbis apostoli sermone iiixx. xviii.*. [S. Augustinus, Sermo CLVI, cc. vi-ix (Migne, tom. 38. col. 853-855).] Þi bodi lyueþ of þi soule.̉ þe soule haþ hir lyuyng of God/ þe bodi lyueþ riȝt lijf aftir þe soule.̉ whanne þe soule lyueþ aftir God/ God is oure hiȝe souereyn good.̉ & þe soule a greet good/ þat lyueþ bitwixe þe souereyn good.̉ & þe bodi a litil good/ for it is Goddis creature.̉ þerfore it is clepid a litil good/ Forsoþe þe soule is not debitrice.̉ to folowe þe lijf aftir þe fleische/ but euene on contrari wise.̉ þe fleische mut nede be mortified/ and whanne þou leeuest [folio 46b] foule desiris.̉ þanne is þi fleische mortified/ þis is þe dede þat we schal do.̉ þis is þe office of oure knyȝthod/ þus seiþ Austin ‖

But fastars in þe fendis chirche.̉ fasten for vngroundid cause/Page  49 summe fasten for ypocrisie.̉ & schewen hem ruful to þe peple/ suche Crist blameþ in his gospel.̉ & clepiþ hem sorowful ypocritis. Mat. vio. 'Cum ieiunatis nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes'*. [Vulg. Matt. vi. 16.]/ for of þe veyn preising of mannes mouþe.̉ þei han resceyued al her mede/ Summe wiþdrawen from her wombe.̉ boþe mete & drink to spare her purse/ and Gregor seiþ þat þis fasting.̉ is for her sachel & not for God/ and þis is a carful fasting.̉ to peyne oure fleische & leese oure mede/ as þe wise man seiþ. Ecc1. vio. 'Est & aliud malum quod vidi sub sole & quidem frequens apud homines vir cui deus dedit diuicias substantiam et honorem. & nihil deest anime sue ex omnibus que desiderat . nec tribuet ei potestatem deus ut comedat ex eo. sed homo extraneus vorabit illud/ sed hoc vanitas & magna miseria'‖*. [Vulg. Eccles. vi. 1, 2 'Est et aliud malum quod vidi sub sole . . . vir cui dedit deus divitias et substantiam et honorem .̉ sed homo extraneus vorabit illud. Hoc vanitas et magna miseria est.'] Þer is also þe wise man seiþ.̉ þat he sauȝ vndir þe sunne/ anoþir yuel þat is ful rijf.̉ & comune amonge þe [folio 47a] peple/ a man þat God haþ ȝyuen richesse.̉ wiþ catel & miche worschip/ & no þing failiþ to his lijf.̉ of al þat he desiriþ/ but him wantiþ grace & powere.̉ to eete or take his parte þerof/ But a man þat is a straungere.̉ schal deuoure it aftir his dai/ but þis a sorowful vanite.̉ & a greete wrecchidnes*. [W. V. 'There is and an other euel, that I saȝ under the sunne: and forsothe ofte anentis men. A man to whom God ȝaf richessis, and substaunce, and worshepe; and no thing lacketh to his soule of alle thingis that he desireth; and God ȝyueth not power to hym, that he ete of it, but a straunge man shal deuouren it. This is vanyte, and gret wrecchidnesse.' 1388, 'Also another yuel is, which Y siȝ undur the sunne; and certis it is oft usid anentis men. A man is, to whom God ȝaf richessis and catel, and onour; and no thing faileth to his soule of alle thingis which he desirith; and God ȝyueth not power to him, that he ete therof, but a straunge man shal deuoure it. This is vanyte, and a greet wretchidnesse.'] ‖ Summe fasten for a medicyn.̉ for to gete hem bodili heele/ neiþir for God ne for þe soule.̉ but for to clense her beaute/ seint Ierom blameþ þis fasting.̉ & þat on a ful blessid maner ‖ 'Tunc preclara est apud deum abstinentia corporis.̉ cum animus intus ieiunat a viciis/ Quid prodest corpus tenuare inedia.̉ cum animus intus tumescit superbia/ Hec Ieromus super Amos ‖ Þat is to seie. þanne abstinence of bodi is clere to God.̉ whanne þe mynde fastiþ from vicis/ what profiteþ it to tere þe bodi wiþ hounger.̉ whanne mynde wiþynne swelliþ wiþ pride ‖ what fasting is þis to wiþdrawe lijflodPage  50 from þe beli.̉ & to be wood in envie or foule hastite? God seiþ bi [folio 47b] þe prophete Isaie. lviiio. 'Ecce ad lites & contenciones ieiunatis etcetera'*. [Vulg. Isaias lviii. 4.] idem Zaca. viiio.*. [Vulg. Zech. vii. 5, 6.] 'Loo whanne ȝe fasten ȝe maken strijf.̉ & debatis among ȝoure silf'*. [W. V. 'Lo! to ples and to striues ȝee fasten.' 1388, 'Lo! ȝe fasten to chidyngis and stryuyngis.']/ þis is not þe fasting þat I cheese.̉ seiþ þe Lord God/ And siþen þe fende neiþir eetiþ ne drinkiþ.̉ neiþir is wlappid in precious cloþis/ ȝit he schal be euir in peyne.̉ for him lackiþ charite ‖ þanne is þis an evidence.̉ þat alle suche recheles fastars/ ben membris in þe fendis chirche.̉ in folowyng her fadir ‖

Preiers þat ben in Cristis chirche.̉ priien wiþ deuocioun/ wiþ al þe strengþe of her herte.̉ & her mouþe acording/ knocking wiþ a perfite dede.̉ aftir helpe of God/ of mercy & forȝyuenes.̉ of tymes mys dispendid/ & aftir grace & gouerneaunce.̉ for tyme þat is present/ and for good contynuaunce.̉ for tyme þat is to come/ Frecheli bringyng to her mynde.̉ þe kyndenes of God/ hou he haþ rulid hem in þis lijf.̉ & kept hem fro mischef/ as þouȝ he had noo moo but oon.̉ so he saueþ alle þat loueþ him/ þanne þei þenken on foule synnes.̉ & feele þat þei haue don/ boþe witingli & wilfulli [folio 48a] aȝens Goddis wille/ Þei han ben recheles in his seruice.̉ & þat hem rwiþ soore/ and whanne þei þenken on þis world.̉ how it passiþ sodenli & of þe turmentrie in helle.̉ þat dampned soulis schullen suffre/ & on þe blisse þat God haþ ordeyned.̉ for hise trewe seruauntis ‖ Anoon þei finden a waschinge welle.̉ þat springiþ fro þe herte/ & renneþ forþe from her iȝen.̉ bi manye warme streemes ‖ as Gregor seiþ. 'Diuisiones aquarum ducimus cum pro singulis peccatis lacrimas fundimus' ‖ þanne we fynden rendels of watris.̉ whanne we wepen for al oure synnes/ to wasche clene boþe bodi & soule.̉ & clense hem of corrupcioun ‖

But preiars in þe fendis chirche.̉ maken miche noise/ mumling wiþ her lippis.̉ þei reche neuir what/ so þat men preise fast. her feyned occupacioun/ as Crist seiþ in his gospel. Mat. xvo ‖ 'Populus hic labijs me honorat.̉ cor autem eorum longe est a me'*. [Vulg. Matt. xv. 8.]‖ Þis peple worschipiþ me wiþ her lippis.̉ but her herte is feer fro [folio 48b] me*. [W. V. 'This peple honoureth me with lippis, forsothe her herte is fer fro me.']/ Lord! whanne þi body is in þe chirche and þi herte in þePage  51 world/ or cumbrid wiþ vnclene þouȝtis.̉ & wiþ veyn fantasies/ & þi tounge in minstralsie.̉ or on lewid iangling/ & þi wittis oueresett.̉ wiþ seculere nedis/ art þou not þanne wrechidli diuidid in þi silf*. [MS. in þi þi silf.]? Seint Iame seiþ. io. 'Non estimet homo ille quod accipiat aliquid a domino'*. [Vulg. Jac i. 7.]/ suppose not þis veyn man.̉ þat he mai take ony þing of þe Lord*. [W. V. 'Therfore gesse not the ilke man, that he shal take ony thing of the Lord.']/ he mai in nowise be herde in preiour.̉ þat suffreþ his herte to sleepe in synne ‖ And efte God seiþ bi Isaie.̉ in general wordis to wickid lyuars. io. 'Cum multiplicaueritis orationes uestras. ego non exaudiam. quia manus uestre plene sanguinum sunt'*. [Vulg. Isaias i. 15 'Cum multiplicaveritis orationem, non exaudiam: manus enim vestrae sanguine plenae sunt.'] ‖ whanne ȝe han multiplied ȝoure preiours.̉ I schal not heere ȝou graciouseli/ & þe cause whi is þis.̉ for ȝoure handis ben ful of blood*. [W. V. 'Whan zee shul multeplien orisoun, I shal not heren; forsothe ȝoure hondis ben ful of blod.' 1388, 'Whanne ȝe multiplien preyer, Y schal not here; for whi ȝoure hondis ben ful of blood.']/ þat is. ȝoure werkis ben ful of synne.̉ þat parten ȝou & me atwynne/ Þus seiþ þe Lord God ‖ But wite ȝe wel ȝe viciouse preestis.̉ þat gon from Crist in viciouse lyuyng/ and wil not swe hise holi steppis.̉ but terren him from dai to dai/ þerfore ȝoure [folio 49a] preiours ben dispisid.̉ as Crist seiþ þat mai not lie. Mat. xxiiio. 've vobis scribe & pharisei ypocrite qui comeditis domos viduarum orationes longas orantes. propter hoc accipietis iudicium amplius'*. [Vulg. Matt. xxiii. 14.] ‖ Woo to ȝou scribis & pharisees ypocritis/ þat eeten þe housis of widowis.̉ bi ȝoure long preiers/ for þis þing ȝe schal take.̉ þe largear iugement*. [W. V. 'Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ypocritis, that eten the housis of widues, in longe preier preyinge: for this thing ȝe schulen take the more dom.' 1388, 'Wo to ȝou, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that eten the housis of widowis, and preien bi longe prier; for this thing ȝe schulen take more doom.'] ‖ vpon þis seiþ Crisostom. om. xliiii. 'Inposturas ypocritarum mulieres non possunt facile cognoscere &c'*. [S. Ioan. Chrysostomus, Homilia XLIV (Opera, ed. 1547, tom. ii, col. 1052).]/ Þe sleiȝtis or þe whilis of ypocritis.̉ wommen mai not liȝtli knowe/ & bicause of her religioun.̉ þei wile soone bowe to hem/ for þatPage  52 þei be neische.̉ & wanen aboute as þe wynde ‖ Þis doctour markiþ twoo special causis.̉ whi þei drawen to widowis housis/ Oone is for wommen þat ben weddid.̉ & vndir þe power of mannes daunger/ dore not ȝyue þise worldli goodis.̉ wiþouten counseile of her housbond ‖ Anoþir. widowes ben ful of pite. to ȝyue whanne þei [folio 49b] ben pitousli axid/ and han no man to werne þis dede.̉ for her good is at her wille/ & for þis ende þise flatiryng gloosars.̉ moost raþest haunten widowis housis/ Crist whischeþ hem woo & warneþ oure prestis.̉ þat þei forsake þis synful manere/ for it is to cursid a dede.̉ to hide synne vndir peyntid religioun/ & cloþe wickidnes in ypocrisie.̉ til it þe trowid for verry pite/ & in þe armour of Iesu Crist.̉ þei don þe fendis werkis of helle/ whanne þei largen her long preiars.̉ as nettis þat ben spradde abrood/ & wiþ þis craft þei cacchen awey.̉ þe goodis of þise celi widowis/ Þise widowis we schullen vndirstonde.̉ boþe for men & for wymmen/ þat wanten wisdam of Iesu Crist.̉ þe whiche is spouse of mannes soule/ for Iesu Crist no where delitiþ.̉ but in hem þat louen his lawe ‖

Wakars þat ben in Cristis chirche.̉ waken in vertu & deuoute preiour/ & avoiden al disynes.̉ for þei wol not be necligent/ But holden waken her ynward iȝe.̉ þat feiþfulli seeþ þe werkis of God/ [folio 50a] & þanne riseþ vp as seint Poul seiþ.̉ a newe man formed aftir God/ & serueþ him in þise þre vertues.̉ riȝtwisenesse. truþe. & hoolynes/ Þis is wakyng to Goddis worschip.̉ & her owene saluacioun/ & profitiþ to her euene-cristen.̉ for þus meneþ Poul in his þre wordis ‖ Þis wecche chasiþ so þe fende.̉ þat he fleeþ from alle such wakars/ & haþ no myȝt for to noye.̉ bodi ne soule as þe wise man seiþ/ Ecci. xxxio. 'vigila honestatis tabefaciet carnes & cogitatus illius auferet sompnum ‖ Cogitatus prescientie auertit sensum.̉ & infirmitas grauis sobriam facit animam'*. [Vulg. Ecclesiasticus xxxi. 1, 2.]/ Þat is to seie. þe holsum wacche of honeste.̉ schal make þe flesche*. [MS. þe þe flesche.] to melte fro synne/ & bisy þouȝt in þis faire wacche.̉ schal dryue awey vnleeful dreemes/ Certis þe þouȝt of þe forknowyng.̉ turneþ awey þe witt from syne/ & a greet infirmyte.̉ makiþ a sobre soule*. [W. V. 'The waking of honeste shal dwyne the flesh; and the thenking of it shal don awei slep. The thenking of bifor kunnyng turneth awei wit; and heuy infirmyte sobre maketh the soule.' 1388, 'Wakyng of oneste schal make fleischis to faile; and thouȝt therof schal take awei sleep. Thouȝt of bifore knowyng turneth awey wit: and greuouse siknesse maketh sobre the soule.'] ‖

Page  53But wakars in þe fendis chirche.̉ vsen a foule flescheli wacche/ for euere þei ben sloumbring.̉ whanne ony good dede is don/ ouercomen wiþ þe deed sleep.̉ þat bringeþ hem to mischeef/ for [folio 50b] þe wise man seiþ. Prou. vio. 'vsquequo piger dormis? Quando consurges e sompno tuo? paululum dormies paululum dormitabis paululum conseres manus vt dormias & veniet tibi quasi viator egestas & pauperies quasi vir armatus'*. [Vulg. Prov. vi. 9-11.]/ Þat is to seie. How long schalt þou sleep þou slouȝ man? whanne schalt þou rise from þi sleep? þou schalt nappe a litil while. þou schalt sloumbre a litil while/ þou schalt knytt þi hondis togidir.̉ til þou falle in to þe deed sleep/ & þanne schal sodenli com to þee.̉ nede as a weyefering man/ & pouert schal steele to þee.̉ as an armyed man*. [W. V. 'Hou longe, thou slowe, shalt thou slepe? whanne shalt thou rise fro thi slep? A litil while thou shalt slepe, a litil while thou shalt nappe; a litil while thou shalt leyn togidere thin hondis, that thou slepe. And ther shal come to thee as a weiegoere, nede; and porenesse, as a man armed.' 1388, 'Hou long schalt thou, slow man, slepe? whanne schalt thou rise fro thi slepe? A litil thou schalt slepe, a litil thou schalt nappe; a litil thou schalt ioyne togidere thin hondis, that thou slepe. And nedynesse, as a weigoere, schal come to thee: and pouert as an armed man.'] ‖ Napping. sloumbring & deed sleep.̉ ben þe fendis officeris/ þanne men nappen whanne men consenten.̉ to do þe fendis stering/ & whanne þei worchen opunli.̉ þat þe fende desiriþ/ in þe siȝt of þe world.̉ þanne þei ben in sloumbring ‖ But whanne þei mayntynen booldili.̉ what euer þei don amys/ þanne þei ben in deed sleep.̉ & waken in her synnes/ chaungyng þe nyȝt in to þe [folio 51a] dai.̉ as hooris & þeues/ traueiling fro place to place.̉ to reuel & to rouȝt/ assaiyng where þat þei may leeve.̉ tookenes of her synne/

Almysdoars in Cristis chirche.̉ releuen in dwe tyme/ wiþ þe plente of her catel.̉ hem þat suffren nede/ as seint Poul seiþ. II Cor. viiio. 'vestra habundancia illorum inopiam supleat'*. [Vulg. 2 Cor. viii. 14.] ‖ Þat is to seie. looke þat ȝoure habundaunce.̉ fulfille þe nede of oþir*. [W. V. 'Ȝoure haboundaunce fulfille the myseste of hem.'] ‖ For ȝe þus doing schullen resceyue.̉ þe blessing of God/ as þe prophet seiþ. Ps. xl. 'Beatus qui intelligit super egenum & pauperem'*. [Vulg. Ps. xl. 1.] ‖ Blessid be he þat takiþ hede.̉ on þe nedi &Page  54 pore*. [W. V. 'Blisful that understant up on the nedi and pore.' 1388, 'Blessid is he that undurstondith on a nedi man and pore.']/ vppon þis seiþ Bernard þus ‖ 'Non super cupidum & elatum.̉ sed super egenum & pauperem illum inquam pauperem qui inuitus petit & verecondia accipit & accipiens gratias deo reddit.' Hec Bernardus ad regem Cecilie*. [S. Bernardus, Ep. CCVII, Ad Rogerium Regem Sicilie (D. Bernardi Opera Omnia, ed. 1552, p. 1400).]/ þat is to seie. Not vppon þe coueitouse man & þe proude.̉ but vpon þe nedi.̉ & þe poore/ him forsoþe pore nedi.̉ þat axiþ constreyned wiþ nede/ & he taking þis [folio 51b] almes wiþ scha- -me.̉ doþ þankingis to God/ & lyueþ poreli þerbi ‖ In foure þingis Goddis seruauntis.̉ medfulli don her almes ‖

Firste þei seken Goddis wille.̉ & done it to his worschip ‖ þe secounde of trewe gooten good.̉ cleerli in her conscience/ þe þridde þat þei knowe her broþir.̉ lyue a graciouse lijf ‖ Þe fourþe þat he suffriþ nede.̉ wiþouten ony feynyng ‖ For if ony of þise faile.̉ þei leese boþe good & mede ‖

But almysdoars in þe fendis chirche.̉ feeden many wrecchis/ as strong staff-beggers.̉ & strikars ouere þe lond/ & gronars wiþouten cause.̉ þat neden not her good ‖ ȝhe to mynstrals to iogullers.̉ & oþir veyn iapars/ þei delen largeli her good.̉ & clepen it an almes/ But trewe men seyn al amys.̉ goodis þus dispendid/ For it draweþ hem toward heuene.̉ as bocket in to welle/ And if þei do ony þing.̉ þere as nede is/ anoon þei seeken veyne glorie.̉ & leesen al [folio 52a] her mede/ for seint Ysodir seiþ. 'Dum causa iactancie pauper pascitur etiam opus misericordie in peccatum conuertitur' ‖ Þat is to seie. Whanne þe pore man is fedde.̉ bi cause of veyn glorie/ þanne is þe werke of mercy.̉ turned in to synne/ And Crist seiþ/ 'Si oculus tuus fuerit nequam totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit'*. [Vulg. Matt. vi. 23.]/ And þin iȝe be weiward.̉ al þi bodi schal be derke ‖ Þin iȝe is þin entent.̉ þat schulde rule þi conscience/ & þis bodi is þi werke.̉ of entent þat takiþ his liȝt/ þanne is þis þus to mene/ whanne þin entent is not wel rulid.̉ þou getist no mede what euere þou do ‖

Prechars þat ben in Cristis chirche.̉ comen freeli among þe peple/ as Crist cam fro þe toour of heuene.̉ & ȝaue þis charge to hise disciplis. Mat. xo. 'Gratis accepistis gratis date'*. [Vulg. Matt. x. 8.] ‖ Freeli ȝe han taken ȝoure wisdam.̉ freeli ȝyueþ it ȝe aȝen ‖ Poule chasePage  55 raþir to be deed.̉ þan ony man schulde avoide his glorie/ for mede ‖þat miȝt be ȝouun or taken.̉ aȝen þe gospel of Iesu Crist. I. Cor. ixo. [folio 52b] 'Ego nullo horum vsus sum. bonum est mihi magis mori quam ut gloriam meam quis euacuet'*. [Vulg. 1 Cor. ix. 15.] ‖ And þise prechours prechen treweli.̉ to edifie þe peple in vertu/ as Crist comaundid on hooli þursdai.̉ to hise disciplis aforn his stiȝyng ‖ Mar. vltimo ‖ 'Euntes in mundum vniuersum predicate euangelium omni creature'*. [Vulg. Marc. xvi. 15.] hoc est omni homini qui quodammodo est omnis creatura ‖ Þat is to seie. ȝe goyng forþe in to al þe world.̉ preche ȝe þe gospel to iche creature/ þat is to iche man.̉ þat cheueli is iche creature/ and þei lyuen vertuousli.̉ hem silf aftir her preching/ for to strengþe her hooli wordis.̉ wiþ þe spirit of lijf/ whanne þei ȝyuen a trewe ensaumple.̉ in dede aftir her seiyng/ & þis is þe teching of Iesu Crist.̉ in þe gospel of seint Mathew. Mat. vio. 'Sic luceat lux vestra coram hominibus. vt vidiant opera vestra bona & glorificent patrem vestrum qui in celis est*. [Vulg. Matt. v. 16.] ‖ Þat is to seie. looke ȝoure liȝt schyne so.̉ aforn men of þis world/ þat þei may se ȝoure good werkis.̉ & gloriefie not ȝou/ but ȝoure fadir þat is in [folio 53a] heuene.̉ of whom comeþ al ȝoure grace/*. [W. V. 'So shynne ȝoure liȝt before men, that thei see ȝoure good werkis, and glorifie ȝoure fadir that is in heuens.']

But prechours in þe fendis chirche.̉ prechen vndir colour for to take ȝiftis.̉ but Gregor reproueþ hem/ Gregor om. xviii/ 'Quisquis ideo predicat. vt hic vel laudis vel muneris mercedem accipiat procul dubio eterna remuneracione se priuat'*. [Gregorius Magnus, XL Homiliae in Evangelia, Hom. XVII (Migne, tom. 76, col. 1142).]/ Who euere preche Gregor seiþ.̉ for goodis of þis world/ or to make a gadiryng.̉ for suche an heuenli office/ wiþouten ony doute.̉ þei priuen hem silf/ of þe mede þat is to come.̉ of euerlasting rewarde/ & þei prechen cronyclis.̉ wiþ poyses & dremyngis/ & manye oþir helples talis.̉ þat riȝt nouȝt availen ‖ Þei clouten falsehed to þe trouþe.̉ wiþ miche vngroundid mater/ tariyng þe peple from trewe bileue.̉ þat þei may not knowe it/ And þise prechours waveren aboute; in many fleischeli lnstis. as Iude seiþ. Iude. iio. 'Hij sunt macule conuiuantes sine timore semetipsos pascentes mirantes personas hominum questusPage  56 [folio 53b] causa'*. [Vulg. Jud. ii. 12, 16 (A. V. Jude i. 12, 16) 'Hi sunt in epulis suis maculae convivantes sine timore semetipsos pascentes: . . . mirantes personas quaestus causa.'] ‖ Þise ben spottis in her metis.̉ feestyng & feeding hem silf wiþouten ony drede/ worschiping þe persones of men.̉ for þei wolde haue wynyng*. [W. V. 'Thes ben in her metys filthes (or defoulinges), feestinge togydere, with outen dreede fedynge hemsilf; wondringe, (or worschipinge) persones, bi cause of wynnynge.' 1388, 'These ben in her metis, feestynge togidere to filthe, with out drede fedinge hemsilf, worschipinge persoones, bi cause of wynnyng.'] ‖

Redars in Cristis chirche.̉ reeden hooli lessouns/ & tenten to her reding.̉ wiþ myndeful deuocioun/ as Ierom seiþ. 'Sic lege sanctam scripturam. vt semper memineris ea esse dei verba/ qui non solum legem suam sciri. sed etiam adimpleri iubet. quid enim prodest scienda didisce.̉ & non facere tamquam speculum vite. habenda est leccio sacre scripture/ ut bona meliorentur & mala corrigantur/ Hec Ieromus ‖ So reede þou hooli writ.̉ þat euere þou haue mynde/ þat þoo wordis þat þou redist.̉ ben Goddis blessid lawe/ þat comaundid it.̉ not oonli to be radde/ but also þat þe reedars.̉ schulde kepe it in her werkis ‖ what profit is it to rede þingis to be don.̉ & not fulfille hem in dede? as a clene mirour of lijf.̉ þe lessoun of hooli writ is to be had/ þat al þat is [folio 54a] good.̉ mai be mad betir/ & þat þat is yeuel.̉ may be amendid/ and þise redars reden diligentli.̉ þat þat is tretable & opunli in scripture/ wiþouten interrupcioun.̉ or ony fonned intermyssioun/ wiþouten corrupting or ouere-hipping.̉ of lettir word or sillable/ & þei schal coorde in charite.̉ & do alle þingis in ordre ‖

But redars in þe fendis chirche.̉ ianglen her lessouns/ as iaies chatiren in þe cage.̉ & wot not what þei menen/ striueyng feel siþis for nouȝt.̉ iche aȝens oþir/ for rulis of her ordinal.̉ & manye veyne questiouns/ And if þei vndirstande þe lessoun.̉ whanne þat it is radde/ or ony part of Goddis lawe.̉ whanne it is declarid/ soone þei treden it vndir foot.̉ & haaten it in her werkis/ as Ierom seiþ þe prophete.̉ in witnessing aȝen alle suche. Iere. viiio. 'Quomodo dicitis sapientes sumus & lex dei nobiscum est? vere mendacium operatus est stilus mendax scribarum confusi sunt sapientes perteriti & capti sunt verbum enim domini proiecerunt & sapientia nulla est in eis'*. [Jer. viii. 8 'Quomodo dicitis: Sapientes nos sumus et lex Domini,' etc.]/ How may ȝe seie. forsoþe we benPage  57 wijse.̉ and þe lawe of þe Lord is among vs? Certis þe fals [folio 54b] poyntel of þe scribis.̉ haþ wrouȝt open lesyng/ & ȝoure wijse men ben confoundid.̉ afeerde & cauȝt in her owene snare/ þei han þrowen abak þe worde of þe Lord.̉ þer is no wisdam lefte among hem*. [W. V. 'Hou sey ȝee, Wise men wee ben, and the lawe of the Lord is with us? Verely lesing wroȝte the lyende poyntil of the scribis. confoundid ben the wise men, gast and caȝt thei ben. The wrd forsothe of the Lord thei casten aferr, and no wisdam is in hem.' 1388, 'Hou seien ȝe, We ben wise men and the lawe of the Lord is with us? Verili the fals writyng of scribis wrouȝte leesyng. Wise men, ben schent, ben maad aferd and taken. For thei castiden awei the word of the Lord, and no wisdam is in hem.']/ And eft God seiþ bi Ieremye.̉ to þise veyn redars/ Iere. xlviiio./ 'Maleditus qui opus dei agit fraudilenter'*. [Vulg. Jer. xlviii. 10 'Maledictus qui facit opus Domini fraudulenter.']/ Cursid be he.̉ þat doþ þe werk of God fraudilentli*. [W. V. 'Cursid that doth the werc of God gilendeli.' 1388, 'He is cursid, that doith the werk of God gilefuli.']/ þat is to seie. falseli or disceyuabli/ and here seiþ Gregor./ 'Solus in dei opere fraudem non facit qui in studio bone accionis inuigilat nec ad corporalis rei premia nec ad laudis verba nec ad humani iudicii gratiam anhelat*. [MS. Anelat.]'*. [Gregorius Magnus, Moralium Liber IX, cap. xxxiv. 53 (Migne, tom. 75, col. 889).]/ Oonli in Goddis seruice.̉ þat man doþ no fraude/ þat wakiþ ful bisili.̉ in studie of good dede/ & no þer bowiþ to medis.̉ of bodili þing/ neiþir sekiþ þe worde.̉ of mannis lewid preisyng/ neiþir lookiþ aftir fauour.̉ of foli iugement ‖

Syngars ben in Cristis chirche.̉ þat syngen heuenli songis/ and [folio 55a] wiþ her swet melodie.̉ plesen God at fulle/ as Poul seiþ in his pistil.̉ to þe Colosencis/ Colo. iiio. 'verbum christi habitet in vobis habundanter in omni sapientia docentes & commonentes vosmetipsos in psalmis & ympnis & canticis spiritualibus in gratia cantantes in cordibus vestris deo ‖ Omne quodcumque facitis in verbo aut in opere. in nomine domini nostri iesu christi facite. gratias agentes deo & patri per ipsum'*. [Vulg. Col. iii. 16, 17 'Verbum Christi habitet ... commonentes vosmetipsos psalmis ... Omne quodcumque facitis in verbo aut in opere, omnia in nomine Domini Iesu Christi, gratias agentes Deo et Patri per ipsum.']/ þat is to seie. Suffre ȝe þe worde of God.̉ to dwelle plentiuousli among ȝou/ in al manere heuenli wisdam.̉ encresing ȝou in vertu/ teching & monesting ȝoure silf.̉ in psalmesPage  58 & ympnys & goostli songis/ singyng in grace wiþ feruent deuocioun.̉ in ȝoure hertis to ȝoure God/ and what euer ȝe schal do.̉ in word or in werk/ do ȝe þat þing perfiȝtli.̉ in þe name of oure Lord Iesu Crist/ ȝelding þankingis to þe fadir.̉ bi þat same Iesu Crist*. [W. V. 'The word of Crist dwelle in ȝou plenteuously, in al wysdam, techinge and monestinge ȝou silf in salmes, and ymnes, and spiritual songis, in grace syngynge in ȝoure hertis to the Lord. Al thing, what euere thing ȝe don, in word or in dede, alle thingis in the name of the Lord Jhesu Crist, doynge thankyngis to God the fadir by hym.'] ‖ And siþen he is boþe God & Lord.̉ & kyng of al þis world/ þe prophete Dauiþ counseiliþ vs.̉ þat we schulde sing [folio 55b] wijseli/ for he þat is occupied.̉ in heuenli desiris/ þouȝ his tung be stille.̉ & make no noyse/ he singe a song seynt Austin seiþ.̉ þat God likeþ beest ‖ 'Qui desiderat & si lingua taceat corde cantat'/ Hec Augustinus*. [Augustinus, Enarratio in Psalmum LXXXVI i (Migne, tom. 36, col. 1101).] ‖ Ananye & Azarie & Mysael also/ soungen blessing to þe Lord.̉ in suche manere song/ whanne þei weren in Babiloyne.̉ in þe brennyng furneise. Dan. iiio.*. [Vulg. Dan. iii. 24-90 (not in A.V.).] ‖

But syngars in þe fendis chirche.̉ breken curiouse nootis.̉ & þat is but a puff of wynde.̉ as seiþ Seint Bernard wijsli/ to plese þe peple wiþ likerouse voice.̉ & fylle her eeris wiþ veyn dyn ‖ But se what seint Gregor seiþ. acording wiþ seint Bernard/ 'Dum blanda*. [MS. bland.] vox queritur.̉ perfecta vita deseritur'*. [Gratian, Decreti Pars Prima, dist. xcii, ch. ii (Migne, tom. 187, col. 430).] ‖ Þat is to seie. whanne faging & glosing vois is souȝt.̉ perfijt lijf is forsaken/ & þe peple is ledde in to synne.̉ as God seiþ bi his prophet Eze. xxxiiio. 'sedent coram te populus meus & audiunt sermones tuos & non faciunt eos.̉ quia in canticum oris sui vertunt illos & auariciam suam sequitur cor eorum/ & es eis quasi carmen musicum quod [folio 56a] suaui dulcique sono canitur & audiunt verba tua & non faciunt ea'*. [Vulg. Ezech. xxxiii. 31, 32.] ‖ Þat is to seie. Mi peple sitten bifore þee.̉ & heeren þi wordis/ but þei don not aftir hem.̉ whanne her bak is turned/ for þe prestis turnen hem.̉ in song of her mouþe/ & þe herte of þe peple.̉ folowiþ her prestis auarice/ & it is to hem.̉ as a song of musik/ þat is soungen myrili.̉ wiþ a lusti sounde/ & þei heerenPage  59 þi sermouns. but þei kepe hem not seiþ þe Lord God*. [W. V. 'Mi peple sitten bifore thee, and heeren thi wordis, and don not hem; for thei turnen hem in to a songe of her mouthe, and the hert of hem sueth her auerise; and it is to hem as a songe of musyke, whiche is sungen by soft and sweet soun.']/ And efte God seiþ aȝen.̉ bi þe prophete Amos. vo. 'Aufer a me tumultum carminum tuorum. & cantica lire tue non audiam'*. [Vulg. Amos v. 23.] ‖ Þat is to seie. Do þou awey fro me.̉ þe pride of þi chauntyng/ & I schal not also heere.̉ þe songis of þin harpe*. [W. V. 'Do awey from me the noyse of thi songis, (or ditees), and Y shal not heere the songis of thin harpe.'] ‖ Lord what may þis bimene.̉ þat prestis in þe chirchis/ ȝyuen hem þus miche to song.̉ & so litil to preching & in fewe placis or ellis in noone.̉ of þe newe testament/ schullen we grounde þis maner of song.̉ neiþir among oure doctours ‖ but often þei ben chargid to preche. ȝhe vndir greet peyne/ & algatis þat þei haue good wille.̉ to do þat þei may/ þat þe peple [folio 56b] were treweli tauȝt.̉ to lede a sobre lijf/ þerfore Gregor in his decre.̉ 92. smyteþ hem wiþ a curse/ þat bisien hem in þe courte of Rome.̉ aboute suche feyned syngyng/ wherþoruȝ schulde be taried.̉ þe office of preching*. [Gratian, Decreti Pars Prima, dist. cii, cap. ii (Migne, tom. 187, col. 430).] ‖

Mynystrars of sacramentis.̉ þat ben in Cristis chirch/ biþenken hem ful wittirli.̉ of þe greet worþines/ hou þise sacramentis comen of Crist.̉ & of his holi passioun/ taken of his blessid bodi.̉ for tresour of his chirche/ & þei ben salue & medicyn.̉ for alle þoo sijke membris/ þat wil schewe her greet sooris.̉ to Goddis prestis of wise discrecioun/ & vse þise sacramentis in her kynde.̉ as seint Poul techiþ/ I. Cor. vo./ 'Pascha nostrum immolatus est christus. itaque epulemur . Non in fermento malicie & nequicie.̉ sed in azimis sinceritatis & veritatis'*. [Vulg. 1 Cor. v. 7, 8.]/ Þat is to seie. Crist is offrid oure pask.̉ þat norischeþ vs wiþ hise sacramentis/ & þerfore make we vs myry.̉ in þis goostli food/ not in angir & in tene.̉ of malise & of wickidnes/ But in þe faire pure paast.̉ of clennes & of [folio 57a] trouþe*. [W. V. 'Crist is offrid oure pask. And so ete we, not in old sourdouȝ, nether in sourdouȝ of malice and weywardnesse, but in therf thingis of clennesse and treuthe.']/ Þise twoo vertues techen vs.̉ to clense bodi & soule/ wheþir þat we schal ȝyue or take.̉ þise seuene sacramentis/ Baptem confermyng & penaunce.̉ ordir Cristis bodi matrimonye. & þe lastPage  60 anoyntyng ‖ Þise helpen vs in þis fiȝting chirche.̉ aȝen seuene deedli synnes/ þat ben seuen cruel deuelis.̉ Þe firste is Lucifer/ þat regneþ in his malice.̉ ouer þe children of pride/ Þe secounde is clepid Belzebub.̉ þat lordiþ ouer envious/ Þe þridde deuel is Sathanas.̉ & wraþþe is his lordschip/ Þe fourþe is clepid Abadon.̉ þe slowȝ ben hise retenwe/ Þe fifþe deuel is Mammon.̉ & haþ wiþ him þe auarouse/ and also oone þat is his feere.̉ a foule synne couetise/ Þe sixte is clepid Belphegor.̉ þat is þe god of glotouns ‖ Þe seuenþ deuel is Asmodeus.̉ þat leediþ wiþ him þe leccherouse ‖ But þe seuene sacramentis.̉ casten out þise deuelis/ from þe saruauntis of God.̉ þat resceyuen meedfulli/ & stablen hem in [folio 57b] seuene ȝiftis.̉ þat ben clepid of þe Hooli Goost/

But mynystrars of sacramentis.̉ þat ben in þe fendis chirche/ mynystren þise sacramentis.̉ & treeten hem vnworþili/ & alle suche boþe lerned & lewid.̉ ben Iudas goostly children/ for he took þe sacrament.̉ at Cristis hooli sooper/ where Crist dalt his bodi in breed.̉ as oþir apostlis diden/ & drank wiþ hem his blood in wyn.̉ but wiþ a viciouse conscience/ wherfore þe deuel entrid in him.̉ & he bitraied his Lord/ Þus it is wiþ þe fendis children.̉ whanne þei resceyue þe sacramentis/ þei gon to hem vnworþili.̉ & so to her dampnacioun ‖ Summe wiþ polutid handis.̉ & wiþ a stinking careyn/ as Parisieus seiþ.̉ & rehersiþ Austin/ 'Nocte amator veneris.̉ cras consecrator filii virginis/ Deus auertit*. [MS. avertiþ.] aurem suam.̉ ab oratione talium' ‖ Þat is to seie. He þat is on þe nyȝt.̉ þe louer of leccherie/ & in þe morne a sacrar.̉ of þe maidens sone/ God turneþ awey hise eeris.̉ from suche mennes preiours ‖ Manye feiþful doctours.̉ forbeden ful streiȝtli/ for to take ony sacramentis.̉ [folio 58a] of suche preestis handis/ But now it is & euer schal be.̉ vnto þe worldis ende/ foolis fynden conventiclis.̉ þat haasten hem to helle/ Summe þer ben as Symoundis eiris.̉ þat sellen þise sacramentis/ & summe ben redi wiþ her money.̉ as chapmen in a feire/ to bie of þise marchauntis marchaundise.̉ merite as þei wenen/ but boþe þe biggers & þe sellers.̉ disceruen endeles peyne/ Summe seien 'haue here my moneye.̉ for cristenyng of my childe'/ summe seyn 'haue here þis money.̉ & soyle me of my synnes'/ summe seyn 'haue here þis money.̉ & sing for me a messe' ‖ Summe seyn 'haue þis money.̉ & graunt me þi pardon'/ summe seyn 'haue þis money.̉ for þou hast made þis mariage'/ summe seyn 'haue þis money &Page  61 sacre me to presthod'/ summe seyn 'haue þis money.̉ for þou hast often visitid me'/ summe seyn 'haue here þis money.̉ & good sire preie for me' ‖ Summe maken lettris.̉ for sotiler ypocrisie/ to selle alle her suffragis.̉ where euere þei fynden þe chapman/ þat wole paie lar- -geli þerfore.̉ þanne is þe bargayn made/ Lord hou reden [folio 58b] þise fendis lymes.̉ þe decre saluator*. [Gratian, Decreti Pars Secunda, causa i, quaest. iii, c. viii (Migne, tom. 187, col. 549, 550).]/ or studien Goddis lawe.̉ in Dedis of þe Apostlis/ where suche marchaundise is dampned.̉ for þus it is seide of cursid Symound/ Actus viiio./ 'Cum vidisset autem symon quia per imposicionem manus daretur spiritus sanctus.̉ optulit eis peccuniam dicens ‖ Date & mihi hanc potestatem vt cuicumque*. [MS. circumque.] imposuero manus accipiat spiritum sanctum/ Petrus autem dixit ad eum. Pecunia tua tecum sit in perdicionem.̉ quoniam donum dei existimasti peccunia possideri/ Non est tibi pars neque sors. in sermone isto'*. [Vulg. Act. viii. 18-21.]/ Þat is to seie. Forsoþe whanne Symon magus had seyn.̉ þat bi touching of þe apostlis handis/ þe Holi Goost was ȝouun to þe peple.̉ he profrid hem money & seide to hem/ ȝyue ȝe to me also þis powere.̉ þat whom so euere I touche wiþ handis/ may resceyue þe hooli goost.̉ forsoþe þanne Petir seide to him/ þi money be wiþ þee for vs.̉ take it þi silf to þi dampnacioun/ for þou trowist þe ȝift of God.̉ to be hadde in sale for [folio 59a] moneye/ þer is no parte neiþir lott.̉ to þee in þis sermon of God*. [W. V. 'Forsoth whanne Symound hadde seyn, for the Hooli Gost was ȝouun by puttyng on of the hond of apostlis, he offride to hem money, seyinge, ȝyue ȝe to me and this power, that to whom euere I schal putte on hondis, he receyue the Hooly Gost. Forsoth Petre seide to him, Thi money be with thee into perdicioun, for thou gessidist the ȝifte of God for to be had, (or weeldid), by money. Part is not to thee, nethir sort, in this word.' 1388, 'And whanne Symount hadde seyn, that the Hooly Goost was ȝouun bi leiyng on of the hoondis of the apostlis, and he proferide to hem money, and seide, ȝyue ȝe also to me this power, that whom euere Y schal leye on my hoondis, that he resseyue the Hooli Goost. But Petir seide to hym, Thi money be with thee into perdicioun, for thou gessidist the ȝifte of God schulde be had for monei. There is no part, ne sort to thee, in this word.'] ‖ Þanne þise þat we han markid aforn.̉ in þis ben verrey Symoundis eiris/ for þei wenen whanne þei han money.̉ to graunt þe peple þise goostli ȝiftis/ and Symon is dampned & alle hise folowars.̉ hou miche more raþer þise cursid takars/ For if seint Petir haddePage  62 taken þis money.̉ he hadde ȝouun leue to vse symonye/ but Petir forsook it & blamed þis man.̉ & ȝaue a rule þat euer schal last/ þat cursiþ & dampneþ boþe þe ȝyuars & takars.̉ for boþe partijs ben symonyentis/ O. Iudas made a couenaunt.̉ wiþ þe Iewis for þritti platis/ and soold his maistir Iesu Crist.̉ bitraiyng his bodi in to her hondis/ whanne he cam cheueli for to die.̉ & his deeþ is oure redempcioun/ þerfore his name is cursid Iudas.̉ & worþili for his [folio 59b] fals trayne/ But hise children don myche warre.̉ in selling þe sacramentis & for lesse prijs/ þat ben vndeedli & moun not suffre.̉ neiþir ony profite comeþ of suche sale/ But veniaunce here & ellis where.̉ alas whanne wole þise wrecchis be war ‖

Studiars in Cristis chirche.̉ studien dai & nyȝt/ in þe lawe of þe Lord.̉ as þe prophet seiþ. Ps. io. 'In lege domini fuit voluntas eius.̉ & in lege eius meditabitur die ac nocte'/ &c*. [Vulg. Ps. i. 2 'In lege domini voluntas eius,' etc.] ‖ Þat is to seie. Blessid be þat man.̉ þat haþ his wille in þe lawe of þe Lord/ & schal þink in his lawe.̉ boþe nyȝt & day/ for he schal be as a tree.̉ þat is wijsli plauntid/ biside þe rendels of watris.̉ þat schal ȝyue his fruyte. in his due tyme/ and his leef þat is his vertu.̉ schal not falle awey/ but alle þingis þat he schal do.̉ in grace schullen be welþi*. [W. V. 'In the lawe of the Lord his wil; and in the lawe of hym he shal sweteli thenke dai and nyȝt. And he shal ben as a tree, that is plauntid biside the doun rennyngis of watris: that his frut shal ȝive in his time. And the lef of hym shal not fade; and alle thingus what euere he shal don shul waxe welsum.' 1388, 'His wille is in the lawe of the Lord; and he schal bithenke in the lawe of hym dai and nyȝt. And he schal be as a tree, which is plauntid bisidis the rennyngis of watris; which tre schal ȝyue his fruyt in his tyme. And his leef schal not falle doun; and alle thingis which euere he schal do schulen haue prosperite.']/ wel is him þat so may studie.̉ to fynde þise preciouse fruytis/ to make faire her owne soule.̉ wiþ flouris of holi writ/ þanne Crist wole take his resting place.̉ in þe chaumbre of her conscience/ for þe [folio 60a] wijs man seiþ. Ecci. xxxiiiio. 'Flores mei fructus honoris & honestatis'*. [Vulg. Ecclesiasticus xxiv. 23.]/ þat is to seie. mi flouris be fruytis.̉ of worschip & honeste*. [W. V. 'My floures frutes of honour, and of honeste.']/ and þerfore seint Ierom counseiliþ.̉ in his prolog vpon þe bible. prologo Io. ca. viiio. 'Oro te frater karissime inter hec viuere ista meditari nil aliud noscere nichilque aliud querere'/ I preie þee broþir seiþ Ierom.̉ þat þou haue þi studie/ & þi mynde among þe lessouns.̉ þat ben in holi writ/ bisie þee no þing ellis to knowe.̉Page  63 bisi þee no þing ellis to seeke ‖ Sett þin herte in holi studie.̉ & purswe aftir wiþ al þi strengþe/ & þou schalt fynde it in schort while.̉ more swetter þan þe honycombe/ as þe wijs man seiþ. Ecci. vio. 'Cogitatum*. [MS. cagitatum.] habe in preceptis dei & in mandatis illius maxime assiduus esto. & ipse dabit tibi cor & concupiscencia*. [MS. concupiscenciā.] sapientie dabitur tibi'*. [Vulg. Ecclesiasticus vi. 37 'Cogitatum tuum habe,' etc.] ‖ Haue þou þi þouȝt in Goddis heestis.̉ & in hise comaundementis be þou moost bisy/ & he schal graunt an hert to þee.̉ & lust of wisdam schal be ȝouun to þee*. [W. V. 'Thenking haue thou in the hestes of God, and in the maundemens of hym most bisi be thou; and he shal ȝyue to thee herte, and coueitise of wisdam schal be ȝouun to thee.'] ‖

But studiars in þe fendis chirche.̉ studien in her maddid lawis/ al for richesse and for pride.̉ & for her worldli worschip/ ȝhe so [folio 60b] ferforþe. þat vnneþ.̉ ony man is founden/ þat abidiþ wiþ Goddis lawe.̉ cleere wiþouten medlyng/ but drawiþ him to mannes lawe.̉ for þat smacchiþ wynnyng/ & þere þei studien sadli & soore.̉ but at her laste ende/ þis schal be her payment.̉ as God seiþ bi þe prophete. Iere. xviio. 'Maledictus homo qui confidit in homine et ponit carnem brachium suum & a domino recedit cor eius'*. [Vulg. Jer. xvii. 5.]/ Cursid mot þat man þe.̉ þat settiþ his feiþ in man/ & puttiþ his trist & his strengþe.̉ in mannes maddid ordinaunce/ & suffriþ his herte to wade awey.̉ from his Lord God/ Certis þis man schal be as a broom.̉ þat growiþ in wildirnes/ & he schal not see in inward siȝt.̉ whanne þat good of soule haþ comen/ but he schal dwelle in drynes.̉ in þe lond of wildirnes*. [W. V. 'Cursid the man that trostith in man, and putteth flesh his arm, and fro the Lord his herte goth awei. Forsothe it shal ben as iencian trees in desert, and he shal not see, whan shal come good; but he shal dwelle in droȝte in desert.' 1388, 'Cursid is the man that trestith in man, and settith fleisch his arm, and his herte goith awei fro the Lord. For he schal be as bromes in desert, & he schal not se, whanne good schal come; but he schal dwelle in drynesse in desert.']/ Þus seiþ þe Lord God ‖ Suche men sclaundren Crist.̉ þat is boþe God & man/ & haþ halowid his boþe lawes.̉ wiþ his preciouse deeþ/ & putt in hem þe spirit of lijf.̉ bi quicknyng of his blood/ to rere soulis from þe deeþ.̉ & bring hem aȝen to [folio 61a] lijf/ as þe gospel witnessiþ. Ion. xio. 'Qui credit in me etiamsi mortuus fuerit viuet'*. [Vulg. Joh. xi. 25.]/ Crist seiþ. who þat euere bileueþ in me.̉Page  64 ȝhe þouȝ þat he be deed/ neþeles he schal lyue aȝen.̉ boþe in grace & glorie*. [W. V. 'He that bileueth in me, ȝhe, if he schal be deed, schal lyve.' 1388, 'He that bileueth in me, ȝhe, thouȝ he be deed, he schal lyve.'] ‖ But þis is not in mannes lawe.̉ þat may ȝyue þis powere/ Þanne is þis foule sclaundir.̉ of þise weiward foolis/ þat þus studien in mannes lawe.̉ as if it were þe betir/ & þerfore suche froward þouȝtis.̉ departen her soule from God/ Of alle þise spekiþ Ieremye.̉ & seiþ of hem ful scharpli/ Iere. vio. 'A minore quippe vsque ad maiorem omnes auaricie student/ A propheta vsque ad sacerdotem cuncti faciunt dolum/ Quamobrem cadent inter ruentes. in tempore visitacionis corruent dicit dominus'*. [Jer. vi. 13, 15.] ‖ From þe leest vnto þe moost.̉ alle studien coueitise/ þat is vndirstandid.̉ of hem oonli þat ben in þe fendis chirche/ from þe prechour vnto [folio 61b] þe prest.̉ alle wirchen gile/ þerfore þei schal falle.̉ amonge hem þat fallen/ þei schal falle in tyme of visitacioun.̉ seiþ þe Lord God/*. [W. V. 'Fro the lasse forsothe unto the more, alle to auarice studien; and fro the profete unto the prest, alle don treccherie. Wherfore thei shul falle among the men fallende; in tyme of ther visitacioun thei shul falle togidere, seith the Lord.' 1388, 'Fro the lesse til to the grettere, alle studien to auerise; and alle doon gile, fro the profete til to the preest. Wherfor thei schulen falle doun, among hem that schulen falle doun; thei schulen falle doun in the tyme of her visitacioun, seith the Lord.'] God rehersiþ þis sentence aȝen.̉ for we schulde take good hede þerto/ but for þei wole not amende her studies.̉ & turne þe þouȝt to Goddis lawe/ þerfore God wischiþ hem woo.̉ & seiþ þus bi þe prophete. Miche. iio. 've qui cogitatis invtile.̉ & operamini malum in cubilibus vestris'*. [Vulg. Mich. ii. 1.] ‖ Woo to ȝou þat þenken.̉ þing þat is vnprofitable/ and wirchen yuel in ȝoure studies.̉ in þe morowe liȝt ‖

Pees-makars in Cristis chirche.̉ moven men to reest/ þat Crist bihiȝt to hise disciplis.̉ whanne he was here amonge hem/ Ion. xiiiio. 'Pacem meam do vobis pacem meam relinquo vobis'*. [Vulg. Joh. xiv. 27 'Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis.'] ‖ Þat is to seie. Mi pees I ȝiue to ȝou.̉ my pees I bileue to ȝou/ his pees he bilefte wiþ vs.̉ whanne he went to heuene/ his pees he schal ȝyue to vs.̉ in þe worldis ende/ his pees he bitook to vs.̉ to helpe vs in þis world/ his pees he schal graunt to vs.̉ [folio 62a] to solace vs in blisse ‖ He haþ lefte vs his pees.̉ to be oure tristi cloþing/ for if we be cladde þerynne.̉ we schal ouercome oure enemyes/ He schal graunt vs his pees.̉ & þanne we schal bePage  65 siker/ to regne world wiþouten ende.̉ wiþoute ony enemyes/ He haþ leeft vs his pees.̉ þat we deme not falsli/ of oure neiȝbore biside vs.̉ of þingis þat ben vncerteyne/ He schal ȝyue to vs pees.̉ whanne he schal make knowen/ þe priuetees of mannes herte.̉ & þanne schal be preising/ to euery man of his god.̉ aftir he haþ discerued ‖ Crist haþ leeft among vs pees.̉ þat we schulde loue togidir/ hatyng synne & louyng vertu.̉ for þus he loued vs/ for þer is no charite.̉ but if synne be hatid/ & rendid vp bi þe rootis.̉ in vs & in alle oþir ‖ Þanne Crist schal ȝyue vs ful pees.̉ where we may neuere discorde/ þus seiþ seynt Austin.̉ vppon þis same gospel/ þat is aforne rehersid.̉ now grounde we it in oure mynde ‖

Þise peesmakars for þei wolde haue.̉ þis verrey pees among [folio 62b] hem.̉ stonden armed at alle peesis.̉ for drede of her enemyes/ in þe armour of Iesu Crist.̉ þat seint Poul techiþ/ Ephe. vio/ 'Accipite armaturam dei'*. [Vulg. Eph. vi. 13.] ‖ Sixe armours þe apostle rehersiþ.̉ þat armyn þe soule/ fyue for to defende wiþ.̉ þe sixte for to assaile/

Þe firste is a girdil of chastite.̉ & þerbi mai we knowe/ þat Poule vsiþ þe witt of þe soule.̉ & leeueþ bodili armour ‖ Þis girdile girdiþ vp her lendis.̉ & saueþ*. [MS. saue.] chastite/ and pees of bodi from leccherie.̉ in þise þre degrees/ In maidens it kepiþ virginite.̉ in weddid trewe matrimonye/ & in widowis continence.̉ þat is from al vnclennes/ Take vp þis girdile in Goddis name.̉ þat ȝe moun stonde perfijte/ in þe pees of ȝoure soule.̉ aȝen alle fleischeli steryngis ‖

An haburioune of riȝtwisenesse.̉ is þe secounde armour/ þat is þicli mailid.̉ for falsheed schulde not entre/ for to greue God or man.̉ or sturble þis trewe pees/

Þe þridde armour is leggeharnes.̉ & schoyng of affecciouns/ [folio 63a] in þe gospel of Iesu Crist.̉ & þanne þei ben disposid/ to make pees among men.̉ not as þe world axiþ/ But þat þei stonde perfiȝtli.̉ in al aduersite/ wiþ Crist & his gospel.̉ to þe deeþ dai ‖

A schilde of feiþ is þe fourþe.̉ in whiche þei schal quenche/ alle þe fendis brennyng daitis.̉ þat ben hise temptaciouns/ Certis þer may no deedli dynt.̉ steele in þat man/ þat haþ þe schelde of trewe bileve.̉ hanging on his herte/ þerfore he lediþ his lijf in pees & quart.̉ from al goostly sijknes ‖

Page  66Þe fifþe armour of þe soule.̉ is an helme of helþe/ þat is clepid tristi hope.̉ for it beriþ of strookis ‖ Þe fende þrowiþ at mannes soule.̉ wiþ twoo dispitouse gynnes/ þe toone is obstinacioun.̉ or hardenes of herte/ þe toþir is desperacioun.̉ or ellis wanhope/ But who þat haþ þe helme of hope.̉ þouȝ strookis liȝten on him/ þei schal on nowise breest þis palet.̉ ne synk vnto þe soule/ þerfore he lyueþ peesibly.̉ in hoope of Goddis mercy ‖ [folio 63b]

Þe sixte armour of Goddis knyȝtis.̉ wiþ whiche þei done assaile/ is þe swerid of þe spirit.̉ þat is Goddis worde/ wiþ þis swerid Iudith þe widowe.̉ smot Holofernes/ & kitt his heed from his bodi.̉ in sauyng of hir peple. Iudith. xiiio*. [Vulg. Judith xiii. 7-9.]/ And in þis swerid Iesu Crist.̉ assailed þe fende of helle/ whanne Crist seide 'goo Satanas'.̉ anoon he fledde awey/ Mar. iiiio*. [Vulg. Matt. iv. 10.]/ For þis swerid is ful scharpe.̉ and bitiþ on boþe sidis/ for it departeþ at a strook.̉ þe soule from þe bodi/ & it departiþ in þis lijf.̉ vertu fro synne/ & it schal departe at domesdai.̉ þe good from þe yuel ‖ In þis swerid kyng Salamon.̉ ȝaue a trewe iugement/ & diuidid wiþ þis swerid.̉ truþe from þe falshede ‖ III. Re. iiio*. [Vulg. 3 Reg. iii. 16-28.] ‖ God ȝyue vs grace to take þis swerid.̉ & þenk on kyng Salamon/ wiþ Iudith & wiþ Iesu Crist.̉ & þanne is þer no doute/ For alle þat taken vp þis swerid.̉ & stonden in þis armour/ Crist oure capteyn blessiþ hem.̉ & clepiþ hem his children/ Mat. vo. 'Beati pacifici.̉ quoniam filii [folio 64a] dei vocabuntur'*. [Vulg. Matt. v. 9.] ‖ þat is to seie. Blessid be alle þise pees- -makars.̉ for þei schal be clepid þe sones of God*. [W. V. 'Blessid be pesible men, for thei shuln be clepid the sonys of God.' 1388, 'Blessid ben pesible men, for thei schulen be clepid Goddis children.']/ And efte Crist seiþ. 'Diligite inimicos vestros. benefacite hijs qui oderunt vos. & orate pro persequentibus & calumpniantibus vos vt sitis filii patris vestri qui in celis est'*. [Vulg. Matt. v. 44, 45.] ‖ Loue ȝe ȝoure enemyes seiþ Crist. do ȝe wel to hem þat haten ȝou/ & preie ȝe for ȝoure purswars & ȝoure sclaunderars. þat ȝe mai be þe sones of ȝoure fadir þat is in heuenes*. [W. V. 'Loue ȝee ȝoure enmyes, do ȝee wel to hem that haten ȝou, and preye ȝee for men pursuynge, and falsly chalengynge ȝou; that ȝee be the sonys of ȝoure fadir that is in hevenes.' 1388, 'Love ȝe ȝoure enemyes, do ȝe wel to hem that hatiden ȝou, and preye ȝe for hem that pursuen, and sclaundren ȝou; that ȝe be the sones of ȝour fadir that is in heuenes.'] ‖

Page  67But pees-makars in þe fendis chirche.̉ confidren hem togidir in a fals pees/ aftir þe maner of þis world.̉ þat Cristis gospel dampneþ/ Mat. xo. & Luk. xiio. 'Non veni pacem mittere.̉ sed gladium'*. [Vulg. Matt. x. 34; Luc. xii. 51.] ‖ I haue not comen seiþ Crist.̉ to maynten viciouse pees/ but to sende a scharpe sweride*. [W. V. 'I cam not to sende pees in to erthe, but swerd.'].̉ to smyte synne from mannes soule/ & þis þise synful wrechid foolis.̉ þrowen vndir foot/ Feiþ. trouþe. & riȝtwisenesse.̉ þei counten at no prijs/ for þei ouereleden þe countre.̉ aftir her owene lust/ þerfore þe prophete Dauiþ.̉ sorowiþ on þis mischef/ Ps. lxxii/ 'Zelaui super iniquos. pacem peccatorum videns'*. [Vulg. Ps. lxxii. 3.]/ I haue sorowid on wickid men.̉ seyng [folio 64b] þe pees of synnars*. [W. V. 'For I enuyde up on wicke men; seande the pes of synners.' 1388, 'For I louede feruentli on wickid men; seynge the pees of synneris.'] ‖

But prestis & knyȝtis.̉ of þis synne ben moost to blame/ Prestis þat schulden be goostli lechis.̉ and recounseile þe peple/ bi good counseile to her God.̉ & heele hem wiþ his lawe/ what wiþ pride & coueitise.̉ & many fleischeli lustis/ þise prestis ben so blyndid.̉ þat þei knowe no wisdam/ for Iob seiþ. xxviiio. 'vbi invenitur sapientia.̉ non enim in terra suauiter viuencium'*. [Vulg. Job xxviii. 12, 13 'Sapientia vero ubi invenitur? ... nec invenitus in terra suaviter viventium.']/ Iob axiþ þis questioun.̉ where wisdam mai be founden/ anoon he answeriþ wiþ þe spirit of God.̉ not in þe lond of lusti lyuars*. [W. V. 'Wisdam forsothe, wher is it founde? ... ne it is founde in the lond of sweteli lyuende men.']/ And vpon þis seiþ Gregor in hise morals.̉ þise wordis of greet sorow. to hem þat ben gilti/ 'Quisquis presentis vite voluptatibus pascitur procul dubio eterne sapientie intellectu separatur'*. [Gregorius Magnus, Moralium Lib. XVIII, cap. xli. 66 (Migne, tom. 76, col. 75).] ‖ Þat is to seie. who þat is fedde.̉ wiþ lustis of þis present lijf/ wiþouten ony doute.̉ þat man is departid/ fro þe vndirstanding.̉ of euerlasting wisdam ‖ And siþen þise prestis.̉ ben moost ȝouun/ to þise fleischeli lustis.̉ þei failen goostli siȝt/ and wisdam to ransake.̉ ony goostli [folio 65a] sijknes/ or to serche al aboute.̉ þe perel of a wounde/ & ȝit þei ben presumptuouse.̉ to profre fals medicyn/ & vndirtake greet curis.̉Page  68 for to make hem hool/ But þei hirten myche sorer.̉ þan þei were aforn/ as þe Lord moneþ him.̉ bi þe prophet Ieremye. Iere. viiio. 'Sanabant contricionem populi mei ad ignominiam dicentes. Pax. pax. cum non esset pax/ Confusi sunt qui abhominacionem fecerunt/ Quinimo confusione*. [MS. confucōe.] non sunt confusi.̉ & erubescere nescierunt'*. [Vulg. Jer. viii. 11, 12 'Sanabant contritionem filiae populi,' etc.] ‖ Þise prestis*. [MS. perstis.] heliden þe contricioun of my peple.̉ wiþ schenschip or wiþ schame/ þat is wiþ foule symonye.̉ as we rehersid aforn/ and þei seyn pees pes.̉ whanne þer was no pees/ þei ben worþi to be schent.̉ þat han done abhominacioun/ miche raþer in þis confucioun.̉ þei be not confoundid/ for þei can not be aschamed.̉ of her owene vilenye*. [W. V. '(Thei) heleden the tobrosing of the doȝter of my puple to shenshipe, seiende, Pes, pes, whan ther was not pes. Confoundid thei ben, for abhomynacioun thei diden; but myche more by confusioun thei ben not confoundid, and shamen thei kouthen not.' 1388, 'Thei heeliden the sorowe of the douȝtir of my puple to schenschipe, seiynge, Pees, pees, whanne no pees was. Thei ben schent, for thei diden abhomynacioun; ȝhe, rather thei weren not schent bi schenschipe, and kouden not be aschamed.']/ Þus seiþ þe Lord God/ and efte he seiþ cao.. xxiiio. 'A prophetis enim Ierusalem egressa est pollucio super [folio 65b] omnem terram. hec dicit dominus. Nolite audire verba prophetarum qui prophetant vobis & decipiunt vos/ visionem cordis sui locuntur.̉ non de ore domini/ Dicunt hijs qui blasfemant me. locutus est dominus pax erit vobis & omni qui ambulant in prauitatem cordis sui dixerunt. non veniat super uos malum'*. [Vulg. Jer. xxiii. 15, 16 'A prophetis enim ... haec dicit dominus exercituum,' etc.] ‖ From þe prechours of þe chirche.̉ comeþ defoiling vppon al þe erþe/ þise þingis seiþ þe Lord/ Nile ȝe heere þe wordis of þise precheours.̉ þat prechen & disceyuen ȝou þei speken þe visioun of her herte.̉ but not of þe Lordis mouþe/ Þei seyn to þoo þat blasfemen me.̉ þe Lord spekiþ þat pees schal be to ȝou/ & þei han seide to iche a man.̉ þat walkiþ in schrewidnes of his herte. þer schal non yuel cum vpon ȝou*. [W. V. 'Fro the profetus forsothe of Jerusalem is gon out defouling upon al erthe. These thingus seith the Lord of ostus, Wileth not heren the wrdus of the profetes, that profecien to ȝou, and desceyven ȝou; the viseoun of ther herte thei speken, not of the mouth of the Lord. They seyn to them that blasfemen me, The Lord spac, Pes shal be to ȝou; and to eche that goth in the shreudnesse of his herte thei seiden, Ther shal not come up on ȝou euel.'] ‖ And Gregor seiþ. 'Causa ruine populi.̉ sunt sacerdotesPage  69 mali'*. [Gregorius Magnus, Homiliae in Evangelia, Lib. II, Hom. xxxix. 2 (Migne, tom. 75, col. 1295).]/ yuel prestis ben cause of ruyn or mischef of þe peple/ and no wondir. for whanne þat liȝt is quenchid . þat schulde schyne in prestis/ þanne is þer miche stink.̉ wiþ wickid sauour/ & [folio 66a] blyndnes þat combriþ.̉ þe leder & þe folowar/ in to þe derckness of helle.̉ þe gospel beriþ witnes/ Mat. xvo. Luk. vio. 'Cecus autem si ceco ducatum prestet.̉ nonne ambo in fouiam cadunt'*. [Vulg. Matt. xv. 14 'Caecus autem si caeco ducatum praestet, ambo in foveam cadunt.' Luke vi. 39 'Numquid potest caecus caecum ducere, nonne ambo in foveam cadunt?']‖ Whanne þe blynde lediþ þe blynde. falle þei not þanne boþe in to þe lake?*. [W. V. 'Ȝif a blynd man ȝeue ledynge to a blynd man, bothe fallen doun in to the diche.'] ȝhis pleynli ‖ Þe former blynde is þe preest/ þat wantiþ vndirstonding/ for þouȝ he haue lettrure.̉ & faile in good lyuyng/ þanne he is a blynde prest.̉ of whom Crist spekiþ/ as þe comune gloose seiþ. 'Frustra iactat legis noticiam.̉ qui operibus destruit doctrinam'/ Aboute nouȝt he boostiþ.̉ þe knowing of Goddis lawe/ þat distrieþ þe loore.̉ wiþ his wickid werkis/ Þe toþir blynde is man & womman.̉ þat tristen in suche prestis.̉ to lede hem in þe weie of lijf.̉ & bringe hem to saluacioun ‖ But Crist haþ iuggid þise boþe parties.̉ to falle in to þe doungun/ Of suche prestis comeþ debate.̉ in al þis brood world/ þat distur- -bliþ verry pees.̉ [folio 66b] & crieþ open veniaunce/ And þise prechours ben no prechours.̉ but oonli in name/ as a luschborue is clepid a peny.̉ þat is riȝt nouȝt worþe ‖

Knyȝtis also ben to blame.̉ þat mysvsen her powere/ and wole not reede in Goddis lawe.̉ neiþir lerne her office/ & perfore þe wise man.̉ blameþ hem & seiþ/ Sap. vio. 'Audite reges & intelligite & sequentia. quoniam data est a domino potestas & virtus ab altissimo qui interrogabit opera uestra & cogitaciones scrutabitur/ Quoniam cum essetis ministri regni illius. non recte iudicastis neque custodistis legem iusticie neque secundum dei voluntatem ambulastis'*. [Vulg. Sap. vi. 2, 4, 5 'Audite ergo reges ... quoniam data est a domino potestas vobis,' etc.]/ Heere ȝe kyngis.̉ & vndirstonde ȝe knyȝtis/ for power is oonli of þe Lord.̉ & strengþe comeþ of him þat is hiȝest/ þat schal aske reckenyng.̉ of alle ȝoure werkis/ & schal serche fulli.̉ þe inward of ȝoure þouȝtis/ For whanne þat ȝe were mynystris.̉ ofPage  70 Goddis rewme/ neiþir ȝe demed riȝtwiseli.̉ neiþir ȝe kept his lawe/ [folio 67a] neiþir ȝe walkid in þe weye.̉ aftir Goddis wille*. [W. V. 'Hereth thanne, ȝee kingis, and undirstondith; for ther is ȝouen of the Lord power to ȝou, and vertue of the heiȝeste, that shal aske ȝoure werkis, and thoȝtis serchen. For whan ȝee weren mynestres of his reume, not riȝtli ȝee demeden, ne kepten the lawe of riȝtwisenesse, ne aftir the will of God ȝee wenten.' 1388, 'Therfor, ȝe kingis, here, and understonde; for whi power is ȝouun of the Lord to ȝou, and vertu is ȝouun of the hiȝeste, ... and schal serche thouȝtis. For whanne ȝe weren mynystris of his rewme, ȝe demeden not riȝtfuli, nether ȝe kepten the lawe of riȝtfulnesse nether ȝe ȝeden bi the wille of God.']/ but ȝe straied al awey.̉ as if it were wilde syouns/ In often takyng of miche mete.̉ þat steriþ ȝou to miche drinking ‖ Þanne ȝe liggen longe in couchis.̉ þat drawiþ ȝou to leccherie/ as sumtyme to spousebreche.̉ & oþir foule vnclennes/ & of þis comeþ stryuyng; & fiȝtynge euer anoon/ þat bringiþ ȝou to enemyte.̉ & hate of iche oþir/ How schulde ȝe knyȝtis maynten pees.̉ whanne ȝe forsake it in ȝoure silf? for wiþ ȝoure greuouse tirauntrie.̉ oppressioun & extorcioun/ ȝoure awe is lawe. who dar seie naye.̉ but as ȝe wole ȝoure silf/ But wite ȝe wel þis is þe vois.̉ of hem þat schal be dampned/ as þe wiseman seiþ. Sap. iio./ 'Sit fortitudo nostra lex iusticie'*. [Vulg. Sap. ii. 11.] ‖ Oure strengþe or oure powere.̉ be it to us þe lawe of riȝtwisenesse*. [W. V. 'Be forsothe oure strengthe the lawe of unriȝtwisenesse.' 1388, 'But oure strengthe be the lawe of riȝtfulnesse.']/ Heere ȝe þerfore.̉ hou dredfulli it folowiþ/ of þe sentence seide aforn.̉ if þat ȝe wole amende ȝou/ Sap. vio./ 'Horrende & cito apparebit vobis quoniam iudicium durissimum in hijs qui presunt fiet/ exiguo conceditur [folio 67b] misericordia potentes potenter tormenta pacientur/ Non enim personam subtrahet cuiusquam dominus qui est omni dominator. nec verebitur magnitudinem cuiusquam. quoniam pusillum & magnum ipse fecit.& equaliter cura est illi de omnibus forcioribus autem forcior instat cruciacio'*. [Vulg. Sap. vi. 6-9 'Horrende et cito apparebit vobis quoniam iudicium durissimum his qui praesunt fiet. Exiguo enim conceditur misericordia; potentes autem potenter ... Non enim subtrahet personam cuiusquam Deus, nec verebitur ... cruciatio.'] ‖ Ferfulli & soone.̉ it schal schewe to ȝou/ þat moost hardest iugement.̉ schal be to hem þat lorden/ or þat holden lordschip.̉ ouer her pore briþeren/ mercy is grauntid.̉ to hem þat ben lowe in herte/ myȝti men myȝtili.̉ schullen suffre turmentrie/ forsoþe þe Lord schal not wiþdrawe.̉ þe persoone of ony man/Page  71 neiþir he schal be aschamed.̉ of ony mannes greetnes/ for he haþ made boþe smale & greet.̉ & chargiþ neiþir oon ne oþir/ forsoþe to þe strenger.̉ is ordeyned strenger cruciacioun & peyne*. [W. V. 'Orribleli and soone he shal apere to ȝou; for most hard dom shal ben don in hem, that ben biforn. Forsothe to the litle is grauntid mercy; myȝty men forsothe myȝtili tormentis shul suffre. Forsothe he shal not withdrawe the persone of any man, the Lord, that is lordshipere of alle thingus, and he shal not drede the mykilnesse of any man; for litil and gret he made, and euenli cure is to hym of alle. To the strengere forsothe strengere stant in tormenting.' 1388, 'Hidousli and soone he schal appere to ȝou forwhi hardeste doom schal be maad in hem, that ben souereyns. Forsothe merci is grauntid to a litil man; but miȝti men schulen suffre turmentis miȝtili. For the Lord, which is lord of alle thingis, schal not withdrawe the persoone of ony man, nether he schal drede the greetnesse of ony man; for he made the litil man and the greet man, and charge is to hym evenli of alle men. But strongere turment neiȝeth to strongere men.'] ‖ Þise forseide prestis & knyȝtis.̉ þoruȝ suche vicious dedis/ leden þe comunes on her ryng.̉ and boolden hem in synne/ þat al þis worlde is sett in rore.̉ in bataile & in werre ‖ But now ben comen to þe proof.̉ þe wordis þat God haþ seide/ bi þe prophete Ieremye.̉ to teche hise chosen seruantis/ Iere. ixo. 'Omnes adulteri sunt & [folio 68a] cetus preuaricatorum extenderunt linguam suam quasi arcum mendacii & non veritatis/ confortati sunt in terra quia de malo ad malum egressi sunt. & me non cognouerunt dicit dominus vnusquisque a proximo suo se custodiat. & in omni fratre suo non habeat fiduciam/ quia omnis frater supplantans supplantabit/ & omnis amicus fraudilenter incedet/ & vir fratrem suum deridebit & veritatem non loquetur'*. [Vulg. Jer. ix. 2-5.] ‖ Alle þise ben avowtreris.̉ & a cumpany þat breken þe lawe/ þei han strecchid forþe her tung.̉ as a bent bowe/ to schete lesyng & no trouþe.̉ iche man at oþir/ þei ben counfortid in þe erþe.̉ for þei goon from yuel to yuel/ & þei han not knowen me.̉ seiþ þe Lord God/Iche man from his neiȝbore.̉ kepe he him ful wiseli/ & in his owene broþir.̉ he mai haue no trist/ for iche a broþir in disceyte.̉ schal bigile oþir/ & iche a frende falseli.̉ schal goo awei from oþir/ & þe man schal scorne his broþir.̉ & þei schal not speke trouþe/ forsoþe þei han tauȝt her tung.̉ for to speke lesing.̉ and for þei wolde do wickidli.̉ þei [folio 68b] han soore traueiled/ þei han forsaken in treccherie. to knowe me seiþ þe Lord God ‖ Wherfore þise þingis.̉ seiþ þe Lord of oostis/ Loo I schal welle hem togidir.̉ & I schal proue hem ‖ what schalPage  72 I ellis do.̉ fro þe face of my peple? an arow wounding is her tung.̉ for it spekiþ gile/ & he spekiþ wiþ his frende.̉ pees wiþ his mouþe/ but priueli he leieþ for him.̉ spies to disceyue him. No wheþir schal I not visite vpon þise þingis.̉ seiþ þe Lord God/ or schal not my wille be vengid.̉ vpon suche a folk?

* W. V. 'For alle auoutreris thei ben, and cumpanye of lawe brekeres: and thei benten out ther tung as ther bowe of lesyng, and not of treuthe. Thei ben coumfortid in erthe, for fro euel to euel thei wenten out and me thei knewe not, seith the Lord. Eche kepe hymself fro his neȝhebore, and in eche brother of hym have he not trost: for eche brother supplauntende shal supplaunte, and eche frend gilendely shal go. And a man his brother shal scorne and treuthe shal not speke; thei taȝten forsothe ther tunge to speke lesing; that wickely thei schulden don, thei traveileden. Thi dwelling in the myddel of treccherie; in treccherie thei forsoke me to knowen, seith the Lord. Therfore these thingus seith the Lord of ostus. Lo! I shall ȝeete and preve them; what forsothe other thing shal Y do fro the face of the sone of my puple? An arwe woundende the tunge of hem, treccherie it spak; in his mouth pes with his friend he speketh, and priveli he putteth to hym aspies. Whether up on these thingus I shal not visite, seith the Lord, or in to such a maner folc shal not be vengid my soule?'

1388, 'Forwhi alle ben auowteris, and the cumpenyes of trespassouris aȝens the lawe; and thei helden forth her tunge as a bouwe of leesyng, and not of treuthe. Thei ben coumfortid in erthe, for thei ȝeden out fro yuel to yuel, and thei knewen not me, seith the Lord. Ech man kepe hym from his neiȝbore, and haue no trist in ony brother of hym; for whi ech brother disseyvyng schal disseyve, and ech frend schal go gilefuli. And a man schal scorne his brother, and schal not speke treuthe; for thei tauȝten her tunge to speke leesyng; thei traueliden to do wickidli. Thi dwellyng is in the myddis of gile; in gile thei forsoken to knowe me, seith the Lord, Therfor the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal welle togidere; and Y schal preue hem; for whi what other thing schal Y do fro the face of the douȝter of my puple? The tunge of hem is an arowe woundynge and spak gile; in his mouth he spekith pees with his frend, and priueli he settith tresouns to hym. Whether Y schal not visite on these thingis, seith the Lord, ether schal not my soule take veniaunce on siche a folc?'

As if he wolde seie.̉ I schal be vengid/ for as her wille is to go fro me. so my wille is to be vengid vpon hem.̉ whanne I se my tyme ‖ But happeli here summe wole seie. God wole not take veniaunce.̉ vpon hise cristen peple/ God wole not leese þat he deere bouȝt.̉ wiþ his preciouse blood/ To þe firste we answeren.̉ bi þe mouþe of God/ Iere. xvio. 'Deriliquerunt me patres vestri ait dominus & abierunt [folio 69a] post deos alienos & ser- -uierunt eis & adorauerunt eos & me deriliquerunt & legem meam non custodierunt/ sed & vos peius operati estis quam patres vestri/ Ecce enim ambulat vnusquisquePage  73 post prauitatem cordis sui mali. & me non audiat ‖ Et eiciam vos de terra hac in terram quam ignoratis vos & patres vestri & seruietis ibi dijs alienis die ac nocte qui non dabunt vobis requiem'*. [Vulg. Jer. xvi. 11-13.] ‖ Þe Lord seiþ. ȝoure fadris han forsaken me.̉ & gon aftir straunge goddis/ for to do hem seruyce.̉ & worschipe hem also/ but þei han forsaken me.̉ & not kept my lawe ‖ But & ȝe do miche werre.̉ þan euere wrouȝt ȝoure fadris/ Loo iche of ȝou walkiþ.̉ aftir þe schrewidnes of his yuel herte/ þat he heere not me.̉ seiþ þe Lord God/ & I schal kast ȝou awey.̉ oute of þis erþe/ in to a lond þat is vnknowen.̉ to ȝou & to ȝoure fadris/ & þere ȝe schal do seruice.̉ to alien goddis/ þat schullen ȝyue no rest to ȝou.̉ neiþir dai ne nyȝt*. [W. V. 'For forsoken me ȝoure fadris, seith the Lord, and ȝiden awei aftir aliene goddis, and serueden to them, and honoureden hem, and me forsoken, and my lawe kepten not. But and ȝee wers wroȝten than ȝoure fadris; lo! forsothe eche goth after the shreudenesse of his euel herte, that me he here not. And Y shal caste ȝou out fro this lond, in to the lond that ȝee and ȝoure fadris knowe not; and ȝee shul serue there to alien goddis dai and nyȝt, that shul not ȝiue to ȝou rest.' 1388, 'For ȝoure fadris forsoken me, seith the Lord, and ȝeden aftir alien goddis, and seruyden hem, and worschipiden hem, and thei forsoken me, and kepten not my lawe. But also ȝe wrouȝten worse than ȝoure fadris; for lo! ech man goith aftir the shrewidnesse of his yuel herte, that he here not me. And Y shal caste ȝou out of this lond, in to the lond which ȝe and ȝoure fadris knowen not; and ȝe schulen serue there to alien goddis dai and nyȝt, whiche schulen not ȝive reste to you.']/ And to þe secounde we answeren.̉ as Crist seiþ in his gospel/ Mat. xxiio. 'Amice quomodo huc intrasti non habens [folio 69b] vestem nupcialem at ille obmutuit/ Tunc rex ait ministris. ligatis manibus eius & pedibus mittite eum in tenebras exteriores. ibi erit fletus & stridor dencium'*. [Vulg. Matt. xxii. 12, 13 'Amice, quomodo ... Tunc dixit rex ministris,' etc.] ‖ Frende hou entridist þou hidir.̉ not hauyng þe bridal clooþ? & he wex doombe/ þanne þis kyng Iesu Crist.̉ seide to hise mynystris/ þis wrecche bounden hand & foot.̉ sende him in to þe vttirar dercknes/ þere schal be weping.̉ & gneching of teeþ/*. [W. V. 'Frend, hou entridist thou hidir, not hauynge brijd clothe? And he was doumbe. Thanne the kyng seide to the mynystris, His hondis and feet bounden, sende ȝee hym into uttermore derknessis: there shal be weepyng and betyng to gidre of teeth.' 1388, 'Freend, hou entridist thou hidir without bride clothes? And he was doumbe. Thanne the kyng bad hise mynystris, Bynde hym bothe hondis and feet, and sende ȝe him in to utmer derknessis: there schal be wepyng and grentyng of teeth.'] vndirstande bi þis frende.̉ boþe man &Page  74 womman/ þat haþ taken cristendom.̉ & holden þe name/ but þei wanten in her lyuyng.̉ werkis of trewe bileue/ þerfore Crist wardiþ hem.̉ in to þe peyne of helle ‖