The English register of Oseney abbey
Clark, Andrew, 1856-1922.

[179.] Writyng of Symon, person of Heyforde Waryn, for hym and his successours al so muche as is in hym neuer to trouble thabbot and Couent of Oseneye for here tithis of Heyforde.

1293. Promise made to Oseney, by the rector of Heyford|Warren, to allow Oseney quiet pos|session of two-thirds of the tithes (great and small) of the de|mesne-land (as in no. 21).

TO all cristen men to þe which þese present letters schall come, Symon, þe person of [folio 39a] the church of Heyforde Waryn, helth in owre lorde. Knowe me to haue Be-holde þe Instru|mentes of Religiouse men Abbot and Couent of Oseneye, þat is to say, of þe patronys Bisschopis and Chapiter of lincoln and confirmacion of þe pope, [in] þe which Euidently and sufficiently Is conteyned that ij. partis of the tithis (Bothe of grete and smale) of the Demayne In the saide towne comyng forthe, By þe cawse of þe church of Seynte George In the castell of oxonforde, þe which to þem þe haue i-approprid, and chefely of telthis within i-write, þat is to say, Croftfurlonge, And Inlonde, Ruelle|ffurlong*. [Ruelles-, Nambres-, Meres-.], Nambreffurlonge, Moreffurlong, to þe same longen. I, the saide Symon, for me and (al so muche as in me is) for my successours, say and knowlege, By the tenour of this present writyng, to þem of speciall ryȝght to longe, and*. ['et de eorum tranquilla et non inter|rupta possessione promittens.'] of þere stille Page  145 and not Inturrupte (or breke) possession by-hotyng, þat, fro þe tyme of þe Date of þese presente thynges, noþer By me, noþer by oony in my name, noþer By my successours (that of*. [= as far as by: 'quatenus ex.'] suffer|aunce of þe lawe þem I may Bynde), no lettyng, no puttyng away, or agayne-sayng, vppon þe takyng of þe saide tithis (of þe forsaide Demaynes comyng forthe) schall suffre here-after. And as to þe takyng of þe smale [or] lasse tithis, namely*. ['maxime quoad.'] as to chese and piggis, submittyng me to þe constreynyng and compellyng of Euery Jugge (Ordinarie or Delegate) or conservatour, the which þe saide Religiouse men or þere successours wille to Be chose, as by all censure of þe church, vppon all and Euerich of þe premisses, me (as hit is Above-saide), withowte*. [The English is dark because it follows the obscure Latin constructions: 'ut. . .me . . .sine strepitu iudiciali et causae cogni|tione, quantum ad observacionem, et im|pedimentum non inferendum, possint com|pellere.'] hurlyng of Juggement and knowlech of plee, as to þe kepyng & lette not to Be i-browght, may compelle. In-to witnesse of þe which, et cetera., the forsaide Symon put to his seale. Þe Date at Oseney, In the ȝere of owr lorde Mo CCo Nonagesimo 3o.