Three Middle-English versions of the Rule of St. Benet and two contemporary rituals for the ordination of nuns.
Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino., Kock, Ernst A. (Ernst Albin), 1864-1943.
Page  110


And fro time þai resauyd be,
[folio 113a] Al salbe sarued in o degre,
Rich & pure, & ȝong & old,
In form os be-for es told.
Bot þe ȝong, whor so þai err,
Sal ordan*. [ordan, corrupt for honor or the like? Cf. p. 9, l. 13.] þam þat er elder,
And þe elder in alkins þing
Sal luf & lere þam þat er ȝing.
"Damisel" þe ȝongest es,
Þe elder "madaum" & "mastres."
Þe Priores als principall
Es "lady" & leder of þam all,
And not al for hir awn bi-houe,
Bot for hir staite & cristes luf.
And whor so euer þai gang o-boute,
Þe ȝonger sal þe elder loute
And do þam reuerence, als es right,
In word & dede, be day & nyght.