Lanfrank's "Science of cirurgie". Edited from the Bodleian Ashmole ms. 1396 (ab. 1380 A.D.) and the British museum Additional ms. 12,056 (ab. 1420 A.D.) by Robert V. Fleischhacker, DR. PHIL. Part I--Text.
Lanfranco, of Milan, 13th cent., Fleischhacker, Robert von.
De anatomia oris, & contentorum in ore, & passionibus doctrinæ tertiæ tractatus tertii
Cap. iiii.

Totam vero oris concauitatem interius circundat panniculus qui continuus est cum meri, & cum stomacho: quare accidit quod multæ res tangentes palatum prouocant vomitum. Ad oris concauitatem duæ perueniunt viæ: quarum anatomiam superius habuisti; in earum summitate est epiglottis: quæ est creata ad perficiendum vocem: et ut seruet aliquid de aere attracto ad anelitum. Hæc epiglottis ex tribus est composita cartilaginibus: vna est eminens ante & dicitur clypealis & a laicis dicitur guttur vel nodus gulæ: alia est posterius cum osse laudæ continua et uocatur nomen non habens.*. [Cartilago cricoidea.] Tertia vocatur cymbalaris siue cooperturalis:*. [Cartilagines arytænoideæ.] & continuatur cum nomen non habente: & cooperit clypealem: et ista cymbalaris mouetur per eius musculos: quare cum homo comedit, viam clauditPage  261 canne pulmonis: & viam aperit oesophagi. Cum autem homo loquitur, aperit viam canne pulmonis: & claudit viam oesophagi. Quare multoties accidit, quod si homo comedens dicere vellet aliquid ignoranter: quod aliquid viam intraret canne pulmonis: quare natura moueretur ad tussiendum: nec cessaret, donec quod cannam intrauerat, esset ad extra expulsum.] [folio 178a] til þat mete be out of his þrote, saue algate he schal couȝe til it be oute. & þan aboue þis instrument is vuula þat is þe palet*. [palet, palate. See Skeat, Et. Dict. The erroneous identification of uvula and palatum is not in the original.] of þe mouþ & helpiþ for to make soun / For þe wynd þat comeþ of þe lungis reboundiþ*. [rebound, O.Fr. rebondir. See later references in Skeat, Et. Dict.] aȝens þe palet & makiþ þe more soun. In þe holownes of þe mouþ is maad fast þe tunge, þat is maad of whit fleisch, & neische, & of nerues, & veynes, & of arterijs, as it is necessarie þerfore / And in þe þrote of þe tunge ben .ij. wellis þat spotil is gaderid þeron, & holdiþ alwei þe tunge moist / Also in a mannes mouþ ben .xxxij. teeþ, & þerof sittiþ .xvj. in þe cheke boon,*. [Lat.: XVI in utraque mandibula.] & summen han but .xxviij. / And for to hile a mannes teeþ ben ordeined lippis, & ben as it were þe dore of an hous, & helpiþ forto speke & to pronounce wordis / Now to alle þese lymes þat ben forseid: as þe palet of þe mouþ & a mannes tunge & þe teeþ & þe gomis & þe lippis, alle þei han diuers passiouns.

¶ Vuula sumtyme wiþ cours of humouris sumtime gaderiþ an enpostym, & sumtyme vuula wexiþ to long,*. [Lat.: Vuula namque propter humorum decursum aliquando apostematur aliquando solum elongatur.] & sumtyme apostym of þe [folio 178b] palet comeþ of hoot cause, þat þou schalt knowe bi þe reednes of þe place & bi brennyng; & þanne in þe cure herof þou schalt bigynne for to lete him blood in þe heed veyne, & purge colre wiþ a decoccioun of fretis.*. [fretis, fruit.] & herof þou schalt make him a gargarisme, & þerwiþ he schal ofte waische his mouþ: ℞, lentes, balaustias, psidias, gallas, rosas, sumac, & boile þese wiþ .ij. partis of water, & oon part of vinegre, & herof make a gargarisme / Also þou schalt leie to his palet poudre of rosis, & sandalis,*. [MS. inserts & rosis.] & balaustiarum & a litil of camphre / Þis is a good help þerfore whanne þe palet is woxe long wiþ hoot humouris. ¶ If þer come an enpostym of coold humouris, ouþer þat þe palet wexe long wiþ coold humouris, & þat þou miȝt knowe whanne þe place is not reed, & if þer bePage  262 miche spotil in his mouþ, first þou schalt purge him wiþ cochijs & pigra, & þan make him a gargarisme wiþ þis decoccioun: ℞, aceti partes duas, mellis partem vnam, boile hem togidere & do þerto poudre of mirtillorum*. [MS. over mirtillorum is written mirtelberys.] & þe seed of rosis & peletre*. [pelletre, Lat. pyrethrum. "Pyrethrum, Bartram, wild or bastard Pellitory, an Herb the Root of which is very biting and hot." Phillips. See Pelleter Cath. Angl. and Note ibid.] & ȝinȝibere, & þan make him poudre of pepir [folio 179a] & sal armoniac, & make herwith a fumigacioun wiþ enbotum.*. [enbotum, Lat. embotum. See Dufr.= infundibulum. Fr. embut, a surgical instrument, a funnel.] & if it be greet to-swolle, & þan þou muste make consumynge þingis as diameron & sappa michum*. [sappa michum, Lat. saramitum.] / If þe palet be recchid along, & if it be so long þat it lie vpon þe tunge, þan þou muste kutte awei as miche þerof as þee þinkiþ good, so þat it be nomore þan it schulde be; & be war þat þou kutte not to myche þerof, for þer miȝte come greet perel þerof: as his vois miȝte be apeirid þe while he lyuede, & contynuely couȝinge, & his lungis miȝte be þe worse þerfore & also his piys.*. [piys, Lat. pectus. O.Fr. pis.] & þerfore it is greet perel for to kutte a mannes palet.*. [Gulielmus de Saliceto, Lanfranc's teacher, uses a cautery instead of cutting. I give the quotation from an English translation, MS. Sloane 277, fol. 1 (beginning of 15th cent.): "Be þe grape cutt wiþ a brennynge yren keruynge, & be it putt in by a pipe to þe grape, þe mouþ holden open. Be þe grape receyued in þe hole of þe pipe. Whiche receyued, be putt in þere þe brennynge yren in þe pipe, & be þe grape cauteried."]

¶ The tunge suffriþ manie sijknessis as pustulas and swellynge & kuttynge, & ofte tyme a mannes tunge bicomeþ schorter þan it schulde be. And þer is anoþer passioun þat is clepid fili ranulam*. [Ranula, a tumor, which forms under the tongue. (Dunglison.) See Vegetius, De re veterin. 4, 5, 1. Gr. [gap: 1] . Fr. grenouillette.] & spasmum, & sumtyme a mannes tunge wexiþ to long.*. [The passage is corrupt. Lat.: Lingua quoque multas patitur ægritudines, pustulas, inflationem, scissuram, breviationem fili, ranulam, spasmum et relaxationem.] ¶ The curis of pustulis & vlcera schulen be seid heraftir / If þer come an enpostym or ony swellynge to a mannes tunge, & it come of hoot humours, þanne þou schalt bigynne þe cure þerof in þis [folio 179b] maner / ffirst lete him blood in þe heed veine, & þanne make him a decoccioun & a waisching as it is aforseid in apostym of þe palet: & he schal holde in his mouþ þe iuys of letuse. & in þe same maner þou schalt cure swellynge of a mannes tunge / If þer come apostym orPage  263 ony swellynge of coold humouris, þan purge him with pillulis þat be forseid of .G[aliens]. makinge. ¶ Ther was a man þat his tunge was so swolle þat it miȝte not be conteyned in his mouþ. & first I made him purgaciouns & waischingis, & þan I made him consumynge þingis; & in þis maner he was curid. ¶ Scissure is a passioun in a mannes tunge þat is as it were kutting. & þat schal be curid wiþ þe iuys of malue soden wiþ psillium & medlid wiþ sugre & sode, & herwiþ he schal waische his mouþ. & he schal drinke water of barli, & his mete schal be hoggis feet wel soden, & wiþ þe nerues of þe feet he schal frote wel his tunge. ¶ Also þer is a þreed*. [þreed, Lat. filum. Usually filetum. Fr. filet de la langue.] vndir sum mannes tunge þat he mai not put out his tunge as he schulde, & also it lettiþ him to speke. Þe cure herof is for to kutte þat þreed, [folio 180a] & þan brenne him. & it is better for to make an instrument of goold & brenne it þerwiþ, & kutte also wiþ þe same instrument / ¶ Also þer comeþ an enpostym vpon a mannes tunge of fleume*. [Lat.: Ranula quoque fit sub lingua. Sl. 2463, fol. 93: "Ranula is an emynence vnder þe tunge toward þe forther teth in maner of an enpostume, & whane þe tunge is lift vp þer schewith as it were a nother tunge vnder þe tunge."] & also of malancolie, saue of malancolie an enpostym comeþ but selden / Þese ben þe signes if it come of malancolie: þe place wole be ledi ouþir blak. & þan do þou no cure þerto / If it come of fleuma, þanne frote wel his tunge wiþ salt, til þe blood come out þerof. & if þis suffise not, þan frote it wel wiþ vitriol / If þe spasme come in a mannes tunge þat wole constryne þe tunge inward, þe cure herof is for to holde oile of anete in his mouþ & of camomille hoot as he mai suffre, & make an enplastre herof medlid wiþ hoot water, & leie it vpon his heed & vpon his nolle hoot / If his tunge bicome neische, þan þou muste purge him wiþ pillulis fetidis,*. [pillulæ fetidæ, pills composed from fetid things.] or with trocisco de turbit. & þan do þerto þis medicyn: ℞, grana vij. numero, recentis & lucidi euforbij,*. [Halle, Table, p. 35. 'Euphorbium, [gap: 1] , is the gum or teares of a tree called Euphorbia growinge in Lybia, found out (by the testimonye of Dioscorides) in ye time of Iuba: and was called by that name (as saith Ruellius) of his Phisicien."] & take vij. figis & pare awei þe ryndis þerof & grynde hem wel togidere, & do þerto as miche raw hony [folio 180b] & medle hem togidere, & make herof þe maner of a letuarie; & herof he schal take as miche as a bene, & leie it vndir his tunge, whanne he werePage  264 fastynge / Wiþ þis medicyn þe abbot of seint victor was maad hool; for he miȝte not speke, & herwiþ his speche come aȝen.*. [Lat.: cum hac medicina fuit restituta loquela dominæ abbatissæ sancti victoris ad ultimum, quæ propter linguæ mollificationem non poterat uerbum intelligibile bene loqui; dedi ei hanc medicinam, et cito locuta est expedite.]

¶ Akinge of teeþ: sumtyme it comeþ of vijs of þe teeþ,*. [of viis of þe teeþ, dentium vitio. viis is used synonymously with defaute. Sometimes both expressions are used. Sloane 277, f. 12 b.: "These seknesses be maad of vice or defaute of þe norischinge strengþe."] & sumtyme of þe gomis, & sumtyme it comeþ of vijs of þe stomac, & sumtyme it comeþ of hoot mete, & sumtyme of coold mete. & if it come of hoot mete, make him holde coold watir in his mouþ, & þat wole cure him anoon. & if it come of coold mete, þan he schal holde in his mouþ hoot oile. & if a mannes teeþ akiþ for sour þingis, þan he schal ete chese & portulacas, or he schal gnawe wiþ his teeþ hoot wex*. [This is evidently a way of filling the hole of a tooth.] / If it come of vicis of þe heed or of þe gomis, and þe cause come of hete, þat þou miȝt knowe bi reednes of þe place & bi þe hete þerof, & þan þou schalt lete him blood in þe heed veine, & þan þou schalt lete him blood in þe veine þat is vndir his tunge; & þan he schal holde in his mouþ oile of rosis, medlid wiþ watir, [folio 181a] ouþer coold watir & vinegre / If þe akynge be so greuous þat it mai not be take awei, þan aswage his akynge wiþ þis medicyn: ℞, seminis iusquiami albi*. [Halle, Table, 52. "Hyosciamus. Henbane is called in Greeke [gap: 1] ; in Latin: Hiosciamus, Apollinaris, Faba suilla et Altercum; of Apuleius: Symphoniaca; of others also Fabidum and Fabilonia, and of some Cassilago or Caniculata; of the Apothecaries Iusquiamus. Of Henbane there are three kyndes: the blacke, the yelowe and the whyte."] opij ana [scruple] .j, seminis apij [scruple] .j, grinde hem togidere & tempere hem wiþ vinegre, & make þerof pelottis in þe greetnes of a pece, & leie oon herof vpon þe tooþ, & þis wole do awei þe akinge þerof. & after þe fourþe dai lete him holde in his mouþ oile of rosis, in which is dissolued masticis. ¶ If þe akynge come of coold humouris, þat þou miȝt knowe if þe place be not reed ne to-swollen, þan purge him wiþ cochijs or wiþ pigra. & aftir þis he schal holde in his mouþ tiriacam diatesseron.*. [diatessaron, an electuary into the composition of which entered four medicines. "Among Farriers Diatessaron is taken for Horse-treacle; — —. Also an Electuary made of Gentian, Bay berries and Birth-wort, of each two Ounces, all beaten to a very fine Powder, and work'd in like manner with two Pounds of Honey in a Stone-mortar."—Phillips.] ¶ Also do þis medicyn in his eere in þe same parti þat akiþ / ℞, olium oliuarum .[ounce] ij., aceti .[ounce] j., coloquintidae, piperis ana .ȝ .j.,Page  265 & boile hem in a double vessel, & distille it in his eere flaisch*. [flaisch, tepidus. See p. 255, note 3.] / Sumtyme a mannes teeþ ben frete & ben holow, & þis comeþ of humours corrupt þat falliþ to þe teeþ. & in þis maner þou schalt cure it / ℞, olium .[ounce] j., sansuci*. ["Samsucus, maiorana," et cet. Alphita, p. 161.] sicci,*. [MS. succi.] seminis sicute ana [dram][one half]. boile hem togidere, & þan þou schalt haue [folio 181b] a cauterie wiþ .ij. pointis, & þou schalt haue þe schap herof heraftir, & þou schalt make þe same instrument hoot in þe fier, & þan putte it in þe forseid oile, & þan putte it in þe hole of his tooþ, & be war þat þou touche not his gomys wiþ þe iren ne his lippis: & þis medicyn þou muste reherse ofte tymes / Þis medicyn wole bringe water out of þe teeþ, & it wole do awei þe akynge. ¶ If þou desirist to drawe out ony mannes tooþ wiþouten iren: ℞, cortices radicum mori & piretrum ana, distempere hem wiþ vinegre & grinde hem wel togidere, & drie hem in þe sunne, & departe liȝtli þe tooþ & þe fleisch of þe gomis & leie of þe medicyn bitwixe þe tooþ & þe fleisch / Also lac titimalli*. [lac titimalli. [gap: 1] euforbia.] distemperid wiþ flour of amidum / Also make poudre of peletre & lete it lie in vinegre in þe somer tyme, & kepe it; þis makith neische, þat þe tooþ mowe be drawe out wiþouten ony iren / If a mannes teeþ ben blac, in þis maner þou schalt make hem whit / ℞, farinam ordei, sal ana, & leie hem in hony, & make þerof past & folde it in paper [folio 182a] or in lynnen clooþ, & brenne it in a furneis. & þan brenne schellis of eiren, & ciperi, aluminis ana partes duas, corticum citri siccorum, camfer ana partem vnam, make herof poudre, and frote þerwiþ his teeþ & hise gomis, & þis wole do awei þe blaknes of a mannes teeþ /