Lanfrank's "Science of cirurgie". Edited from the Bodleian Ashmole ms. 1396 (ab. 1380 A.D.) and the British museum Additional ms. 12,056 (ab. 1420 A.D.) by Robert V. Fleischhacker, DR. PHIL. Part I--Text.
Lanfranco, of Milan, 13th cent., Fleischhacker, Robert von.
Of cauterium or brennyng of large & streite.*. [The translator misunderstood the meaning of the Latin, "large et stricte," in the following passage: Cauterium dicitur duobus modis, large & stricte.]

Cauterium is seid in ij. maners, þat is to seie large & streit. & cauterium is seid propurli a brennynge wiþ gold or wiþ sum oþer instrument þat is hoot, ouþer wiþ watir or wiþ oile, ouþer wiþ medicyn caustica, ouþer wiþ herbis / And þer ben manie medicyns for to make cauterijs, whiche þou schalt fynde pleynlier in þe antidotarie / A cauterie is clepid streit,*. [See the preceding note.] whanne it is maad wiþ an hoot yren, wiþ gold, or wiþ siluir // Cauterijs þat [folio 220a] ben maad wiþ medicyns þat han vertu for to brenne / Þer is seid a cauterie po[tentia]le whanne it is not hoot in felinge / & þat cauterie preuailiþ wiþouten brennynge as herbis / Þer is anoþer maner cauterie: actual, for so miche as it brenneþ in dede / Of þis cauterie auicen*. [Lanfranc mentions Avicenna, who has a short chapter about cauterization, Lib. I., Fen. 4, Cap. 29; yet he chiefly follows Gulielmus de Salic., Lib. V., Cap. I., but with many additions and alterations.] spekiþ & seiþ, þat it is a medicyn, miche helpinge for to defende, þat mater schal not departe into al þe lyme; & it wole comforte þe lyme, & bringe it into good complexioun aȝen, & it wole dissolue mater þat is corrupt, & it wole streyne flux of blood. & auicen seiþ, þat a cauterie is oon of þe beste pointis of cirurgie / for þingis þat mowe not be fulfillid in long tyme, wiþ cauterie þei ben fulfillid / As it is seid phisicians leueþ þis craft to cirurgians. & þerfore it is greet wondir if þer be ony good cirurgian founde, for þei ben alle lewid men. & if a lewid man schal worche with cauterijs, þan he knowiþ not þe difference bitwixe a cauterie þat is clepid actuel & potencial. & also þei knowe not in what place of a mannes bodi þei schulen make hem. & þis is so repreued þat it is almoost out [folio 220b] of vss / Also summen maken cauterijs in vnclene bodies þat ben ful replet ofPage  306 yuele humours, & þan cauterijs wolen do litil profit to passiouns þat ben forseid, but þer wole falle þerto so manie humouris, & make þe place of þe cauterie to swelle, & liȝtly engendre a cancre. & þan men þat ben vnkunnynge ben agast herof & ben not hardi for to make no mo cauterijs. & if þe patient hadde be purgid of grete humours tofore, þan it wolde not haue fare so. ¶ And summen vsen cantarides for to make cauterijs þerwiþ, & leggen it vpon men þat han hote complexioun & drie; & þis is contrarious & falliþ greet agreuaunce þerof, & þan þei seien þat cauterijs ne ben nouȝt worþ / But auicen seiþ, þat a cauterie is good tofore alle medicyns for to waaste & consume mater / if þe cauterie be sett in place þere it schulde be, but if the mater be so miche þat þe cauterie mai not consume it, as þou miȝt se an ensample herof: þat fier ouercomeþ alle þingis / but if þou doist a litil fier among miche wet wode, þer wole come smoke þerof. & the fier [folio 221a] mai not ouercome to waaste þe wode, for water þat is in þe wode is more þan þe fier / In þe same maner it fariþ of a cauterie þat is in a mannes bodi, if he be ful of humouris, þanne þe cauterie mai not worche. & þerfor þou schalt purge him wiþ laxatiuis tofore þe cauterie as it is aforseid / Also þou schalt make no cauterijs in a man þat is ful of gode humours as of blood, for þan oonli blood-letyng suffisiþ / but if þe patient be strong & þe mater on him be coold & moist, þan a cauterie is good for to driue awei þe mater. & a man schal not bere a cauterie, but .ij. moneþis ouþer .iij. at þe mooste. ¶ Now I wole telle þee a good rule / If þou fyndist in a mannes body a lyme in wei of corrupcioun*. [Lat.: si membrum invenis in via corruptionis.]: as herisipula, or herpes estiomenus, ouþer formica, or in yuel disposicioun of a wounde þat bigynneþ to encancre,*. [encancre, med. Lat. incancrire; Dufr., Ital. incancherare.] & for al oþer corrupcioun, þan sette a cauterie in þe nexte welle to þe place, for þe cauterie wole defende þe place fro corrupcioun. ¶ Now speke we of particlis of cauterijs þat falliþ in diuers placis of a mannes bodi, & wiþ diuers instrumentis þei schulen [folio 221b] be maad, whiche þou schalt se portraied*. [The figures are omitted.] tofore þe, & her signis forþwiþ. ¶ Þe .i. instrument þat is comoun & moost in vss, is clepid nodulum,*. [Lat. anodulum, adnodulum.] & is an instrument maad in þis maner / Take a brood plate of iren & make þeron an hole, & leie þat plate þere þou wolt make þi cauterie. & þan þou muste haue an iren maad long & smal & maad hoot, & putte it in þat hole of þe plate / þis plate wole saue þe place þat þePage  307 cauterie schal be nomore but as þou wolt / & þat iren þat þou schalt make þi cauterie þerwiþ, schal haue a litil round knap tofore. & þat iren schal be maad hoot til it bicome reed / & þerwiþ þou schalt make þi cauterie, & whanne þou doist awei þin iren, þere wole be vlcus. & þan þou schalt leie þeron butter or oold grese, or grese stampid wiþ caul-leues, & þat is þe best of alle, & leie it þerto, til þe cruste falle awei þat þe hoot iren made. & þan þou schalt do þerto a litil pelot maad of lynnen clooþ round & hard. & þat pelot schal be anoyntid wiþ oile, & vpon þe place leie a caulleef, or an yue-leef, or a vine-leef, & in þis [folio 222a] maner þou schalt holde it open as longe as þou wolt. ¶ The .ij. cauterie is clepid round, & haþ no knap at þe ende, but it is schape long, & whanne þou makist þi cauterie, þou muste be war þat þou touche no nerues ne veynes. & þis instrument schal be maad in þis maner, þat it make a cauterie in boþe endis, after þat þou desirist, greet or smal. ¶ The .iij cauterie is clepid punctuale, & is ful necessarie whanne þou wolt make a streit cauterie. & is maad in þis maner. ¶ The .iiij. is clepid radiale, & is smal & scharp, & is good for children, & is maad in þis maner*. [The description of the Cauterium radiale is an insertion of the translator. Lat.: "tertium cauterium punctuale, seu radiale, & est necessarium ubi valde strictum uolueris facere cauterium, & est sic factum." Gulielm. de Sal. Sloane 277, fol. 45, bk.: "þe fifþe is clepyd cauterium minutum, or radiale or viduale þat is a comoun instrument to children."] / ¶ The .v. cauterie is maad in þis maner, & is swiþe comoun & is clepid calcellare.*. [Add. 26106, fol. 98, bk.: "cutellare," printed ed. "cultellare."] & þis wole make a long brennyng as ouerþwert þe heed, & whanne þou wolt make vlcera long þat ben rounde, þan þou schalt worche wiþ þis cauterie. ¶ The .vj. is clepid subtile, & is good for festris þat sittiþ in þe corner of a mannes iȝe, & it is good for yuel fleisch þat growiþ in a mannes iȝe, & is maad in þis maner / þis sotille [folio 222b] cauterie schal be maad hoot & putt in a canel in þis maner // The .vj.*. [The translator, forgetting that he counted the "radiale" as a separate cautery, follows again the numbers of the original.] is clepid dactilare, for it is schape as it were þe stoon of a date. & herwiþ þou schalt make cauterijs in þe haunche. & þere schal be an instrument schape as a table, & schal be leid to þe haunche in þis maner, & haþ .vj. arisyngis þeron as haþ a stoon of a date.*. [Lat.: et habet v. eminentias sicut ossa dactilorum factas.] & oon þerof is in þe myddil, & .ij. aboue, & .j. bineþe, & oon in boþe sidis in þis maner / Whanne þis instrument is hoot, it schal be putt vpon a mannes haunche, & a table bitwixe maad of iren. & þis table schal be coold, & þer schulen be .vj. holisPage  308 þeron, schape after þe cauterie þat haþ .vj. arisingis out as it is aforseid. And þou schalt make .v. cauterijs vpon a mannes haunche, & .ij. þerof schulen be aboue þe ioynct, & .ij. bi þe sidis, & oon vpon þe ioynct, & .j. tofore þe ioynct. ¶ Þe vij. is clepid triangulare, & þerwiþ þer mai be maad .iij. at oonys. & þis cauterie is good for þe haunche also, & is maad in þis maner / ¶ The .viij. cauterie is clepid actuale,*. [actuale, a mistake for acuale.] for sumtyme it is maad wiþ a nedle, & it is good [folio 223a] for to make cauterijs þerwiþ in þe browis, & is maad sutil as a nedele. ¶ The .ix. cauterie is clepid linguale, & it is schape as it were a tunge of a litil brid in þis maner. & it is good for to make cauterijs vpon a mannes browis / ¶ The .x. cauterie is clepid ceton,*. [ceton, med. Lat. seto, sedo; Fr. séton; Ital. settone, "seton." Add. 26,106, and the printed ed. read: dicitur ad sectionem.] & is maad triangulis holowid.*. [Lat.: fit cum tenaculis perforatis.] & in þe hole þerof þere may entre a scharp instrument þat haþ a fenestre*. [fenestre, Lat. fenestra; "la fenestre de la cannule," Paré; see Littré Dict.] as it were a nedele, & it schal be holde with coold tenaclis, also þe place þat þou wolt make þi cauterie on. Þou schalt take vp þe skyn wiþ tenaclis, & putt in þin hoot iren þoruȝ þe hole of þe tenaclis, & brenne þe skyn. Þan þou schalt make a corde of wollen ȝerne & wete it in blood, & drawe it þoruȝ þe holis, & þan þou schalt knytte þe .ij. endis togidere, & in þis maner þou schalt holde it open as longe as þou wolt. Þis is a comoun cauterie, & þis cauterie mai be maad in þe mouþ of þe stomac, & vpon þe lyuere & þe splene, & vpon þe ballocke-leþeris / Now þou knowist alle þin instrumentis, for to make cauterijs with, & her names / Now telle we in what maner & in what place þou schalt make hem / In oold heed-akynge, [folio 223b] whanne purgaciouns & laxatiuis & gargarismis & snesyngis*. [snesyngis, Lat. sternutationes.] & clisterijs & oþere maner of avoidynge, & wiþ enplastris & wiþ anoyntyng, whanne þe akynge of a mannes heed wole not go awei wiþ alle þese, ne þe epilencie,*. [epilencie, O.Fr. epilence. Plinius: epilenticus. See Dufr. Matth. Sylv.: Epilensia .i. morbus caducus.] ne noon passioun þat comeþ of þe heed, ne passiouns of þe iȝen, & passiouns of þe eeren, & of þe noseþrillis, & oold couȝe, & flux of þe wombe þat comeþ of þe reume. ¶ For alle þese passiouns þou schalt make cauterie þat is clepid cultellare in þe welle of þe heed*. [Lat. in capitis fontinella. Phillips: "Fontanella, or Fonticulus, a little Well, or Spring: In Surgery, an Issue, or little Ulcer, made in sound parts of the Body, to let out bad Humours, and to Cure, or prevent Diseases. In Anatomy, the mould or root of the Nose." It was further a name for the place where these ulcers were produced, especially for a place between the sutures of the skull. Compare Sowd. of Babyl. 2951: [he smote hir] ouer the founte throughoute the brayn.]Page  309 bihinde. & first schaue awei þe heeris, þere þou wolt make þi cauterie as it is aforseid with an hoot iren, & herof þou schalt be ware þat þou lete not þat iren be þere to longe, but þou schalt hastili make it, & hastily do awei þe iren, & þan þou schalt do awei þe cruste þerof wiþ butter, or wiþ oold grese, or wiþ leeues of caul, as it is aforseid. ¶ Þis cauterie schal be holde open wiþ litil pelottis as it is forseid as longe as þou wolt, til þe patient be hool / But or þou make þi cauterie, þou muste be wel ware, as it is aforseid, þat þin iren lie not to longe, [folio 224a] but hastili take it awei, for if it were þere longe his brayn myȝte be harmed þerbi. ¶ Wiþ þis cauterie I helide a womman þat hadde passiouns in hir heed manie diuers, & I miȝte not make hir hool with no purgaciouns, ne wiþ noon anoyntingis, & wiþ þis cauterie I made hir al hool. ¶ Also þou muste make a round cauterie & touche oonly þe skyn þerwiþ, & do þerto seto. Þis cauterie is good for passiouns of þe iȝen, & for epilenciam, & for oþere sijknessis of þe heed; but þis cauterie is not so good as þat oþer tofore. ¶ Also þou miȝt make a cauterie in a mannes necke bytwixe þe boonys & þe skyn aboueforþ*. [Lat.: cutem superficialiter tangendo.]; þis cauterie is good for þe spasme. ¶ Also whanne a man is woundid in þe heed, þis cauterie is good for drede of þe spasme; for herwiþ þe mater schal be consumed, þat nerues ben redi for to take.*. [Lat.: nam materia per hoc consumitur, per quam neruorum inbibitio expectatur.] ¶ Also in þe welle vnder þe eeris & bihinde þe eeris þou schalt make cauterijs for passiouns of iȝen and for akynge of þe teeþ. ¶ Superfluite of fleisch þat is vpon a mannes browis, þou schalt do awei wiþ a cauterie þat is clepid lingual, [folio 224b] schape as it were a tunge of a brid. & þou schalt make þerwiþ cauterijs vpon his browis, but þou muste be war þat þou touche not þe natural substaunce of þe browis. & þou schalt make cauterijs þervpon with cauterium punctuale, & for to do awei superfluite of fleisch þat is in þe corner of a mannes iȝe. ¶ Superfluite of fleisch þat is in a mannes nose, it mai be remeued awei wiþ cauterium acutum ouþer punctuale, for to touche þerwiþ þe fleisch a litil & a litil til al þe superfluite be take awei. & if þis superfluite be fast þeron & be fer yn, þan þou muste vse a sutil cauterie, & putte it in þe nose-þrilPage  310 þoruȝ þe canel, þat þe hete ne mowe not harme þe substaunce of þe nose, but oonly brenne þe superfluite of þe fleisch. ¶ Also þou schalt make a round cauterie vndir a mannes chyn. & þis cauterie is good for wennys þat ben in þe skyn of his face, & for þe place,*. [place for ? Lat.: saphati et pustulas.] & for þe palet, & for sijknes in a mannes mouþ, & in þe gomys, & in þe teeþ. ¶ Also þou miȝt make .ij. cauterijs in boþe a mannes armys, wiþoutforþ þe arme, in þe welle þat is vpon þe grete braun a litil [folio 225a] bineþe þe schuldre. & þis cauterie is good for sijknes þat ben in þe partie bihinde of a mannes brayn as for þe litarge,*. [litarge, lethargy. Compare Leechd. I., p. 200: "wiþ þa adle ðe man litargum hateð, þat ys on ure geþeode ofergytulnys cweden."] & also it purgiþ wel þe nerues of þe necke / Also þou miȝt make anoþer in þe welle vndir þe grete braun, and is good for þe brayn wiþinneforþ as for scotomia & vertigine, & for water þat falliþ adoun fro a mannes heed to hise iȝen, & it is good for al passiouns of a mannes iȝen / Also þou schalt make a cauterie cultellaria*. [Lat.: "Fiunt cauteria cutellaria superficialia inter digitum et digitum in cyragra. De propr. rer. Lib. VII., Cap. 29, Trevisa, Add. 27,944, fol. 87 a: "Difficulte & hardnesse of breþinge hat asma & comeþ of double cause of drynes þat streyneþ þe lungen."] bitwene a mannes fyngris / And þese cauterijs ben gode for passiouns ciragra / Also þou schalt make cauterijs in þe brest wiþ a round cauterie, and is good for asma*. [asma, med. Lat. asma, [gap: 1] .] / Also þou miȝt make a cauterie toward þe forke of þe brest aboue for disma*. [disma, Add. 26106, fol. 89, bk.: "propter disimiam." Dufr., "dyspnia, [gap: 1] ." Simon. Barth., p. 18: "Disma est species asmatis, sed disma fit ex siccitate, asma ex humiditate."] / Also þou miȝt sumtyme make cauterijs in þe brest, þat ben clepid cultellaria, bitwixe þe ribbis, & þese cauterijs been good for empima,*. [empima, Lat. empimia. Simon. Barth., p. 19: "Empima, i. sputum saniosum ex pulmonis infeccione proveniens." De propr. rer. Lib. VII., Cap. 30, Add. 27,944, fol. 87a: "empima is a passioun, whan me spetiþ quittir."] id est apostyme wiþinne / Also þou miȝt make cauterijs punctualia in þe rigboon for gret akinge þat a man haþ in þat place / Also þou miȝt make cauterijs wiþ a round instrument vpon þe regioun of þe stomak, for long febilnes þat a man haþ had in his stomak / Also þou miȝt [folio 225b] make cauterijs vnder þe nauele & vppon þe lyuere & vpon þe splene, ffor colicam passionem & for þe sijknes of þe lyuere & vpon þe splene & for dropesie. And alle þese cauterijs wolen be maad best wiþ seton / Also þou miȝt make .ij. cauterijs in þe haunchis as it is aforseid / Also þouPage  311 miȝt make .ij. cauterijs vndir þe knee, for þe akynge of þe knees & of þe ballokis & of þe maris. Also þou miȝt make .ij. cauterijs vndir þe kne, wiþoutforþ for remedie of al þe bodi, for it avoideþ wel alle partijs of a mannes bodi / & I haue seen manie men þat han maad cauterijs in þat place, or his bodi were purgid, & humouris fel so myche þerto þat his leggis & his hipis to-swollen al greet. & if he hadde be purgid tofore, he schulde not haue fare so. & aboue þe ancle ben maad cauterijs for sijknes of þe ballokis. & also it is good for wommen / Also bitwixe þe toos ben maad cauterijs for þe potagre*. [potagre, Lat. podagra. Hamp. 2984: "for sleuthe als þe potagre and þe gout." De propr. rer., Trevisa, Add. 27,944, fol. 96, bk.: "Arthetica is ache and evel in fingres and tone wiþ swellinge & sore ache, and whanne hit is in þe fyngres hit hatte cyragra, and in þe toone hit hatte podagra."] / Also if þou purgist a man or a womman wiþ medicyns laxatiuis, & þan makist a cauterie as it is aforseid. & if þe passioun go not awei at þis oon doinge, þan þou schalt neuere þe lattere [not]*. [not, omitted. Lat.: nec propter hoc desperes.] be in dispeir of cauterijs,*. [See p. 284, note 7.] but þou schalt bigynne to purge [folio 226a] him aȝen & make him a cauterie aȝen. & if it so be þat he be miche feblid herwiþ, þan þou schalt restore aȝen wiþ gode metis & drinkis þat engendriþ good humours. & whanne he is restorid aȝen, þan þou schalt bigynne & purge him aȝen, & þan make hise cauterijs aȝen, & in þis maner þou schalt worche wiþ þi cauterijs. ¶ ffor manie men makiþ oon cauterie or .ij, & if þei seen þat it profitiþ not, þan þei leeueþ of & worchiþ nomore. & manie men contynuede þeron til þe pacient be brouȝt al doun & liȝtli deed / & in þis maner ne schulde not a leche worche / ffor G. seiþ: it is a feble leche, þat can not helpe þat is able to be holpen. & defaute herof is þis: þat manie lechis ȝeueþ medicyns, & ne makiþ no space to bringe þe patient into good staat aȝen*. [Add. 26,106, fol. 93: si plus dant, non interponunt spacium nutriendi.] / Alle þese rulis þat G. seiþ þou schalt attende in þis maner: if þe patient be maad feble wiþ medicyns laxatiuis & wiþ cauterijs, þan þou cesse of þi medicyns & ȝeue him comfortatif metis & drinkis for to releue him aȝen, & þan þou miȝt worche wiþ þi medicyns aȝen. & þus þou miȝt do perfitly þe cure / And heron manie men erriþ þat ben holden ful kunnyng / [folio 226b] & þerfore I haue sett it in þis place þat it mowe be ensaumple to þee / Also þou schalt make a cauterie vpon rotid fleisch, til þou haue take awei al þe corrupcioun þerof. & in þis caas we mowen vse hoot feruent oile for to springe vpon þe corrupcioun,Page  312 so þat it ne touche noon hool*. [MS. hoot, Lat.: quod loca sana ulterius non attingat.] place, & þis maner is ful good to take awei corrupcioun of fleisch, & it is bettir þan medicina caustica / Whanne þou wolt worche with medicyns caustica, þan do as it schal be seid in þe antidotarie of þis book /