Old English homilies and homiletic treatises (Sawles warde, and Pe wohunge of Ure Lauerd: Ureisuns of Ure Louerd and of Ure Lefdi, &c.) of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Morris, Richard, ed. 1833-1894., Morris, Richard, ed. 1833-1894, Old English homilies of the twelfth century.
Page  55


[P]Ater noster qui es in celis & cetera.
Vre feder þet in heouene is
þet is al soð ful iwis.
weo moten to þeos weordes iseon.
þet to liue and to saule gode beon.
þet weo beon swa his sunes iborene.
þet he beo feder and we him icorene.
þet we don alle his ibeden.
and his wille for to reden.
Loke weo us wið him misdon
þurh beelzebubes swikedom.
he haueð to us muchel nið.
alle þa deies of ure sið.
abuten us he is for to blenchen.
Mid alle his mihte he wule us swenchen.
Gif we leornið godes lare;
þenne of-þuncheð hit him sare.
Bute we bileuen ure ufele iwune.
Ne kepeð he noht [folio 22a] þet we beon sune.
Gif we clepieð hine feder þenne.
al þet is us to lutel wunne.
halde we godes laȝe.
þet we habbeð of his saȝe.
þa bodes he beodeð þer inne.
Bute weo hes halden; we doð sunne
and uwilc mon hes undernim.
to halden wel anundes him.
for alswa god hit bit;
and inne þe godspelle þe he writ.
Luuien god mid ure mihte Page  57
ouer alle cunnes wihte
mid ure saule mid ure deden.
baþe luuien him and ec dreden.
þis is þe furste bode here;
þet we aȝen to habben deore.
þeos beode ofer alle oðer is.
Ne habbe we hit noht onimis.*. [MS. onuius.]
and þis oðer efter þis.
þis is ilich fuliwis.
Luuien þi cristen euenling.
Alswa þe seoluen in alle þing.
Mid al þis haue þu charite.
and soðfeste leaue and trowðe lef.
for god let þu þet uuele beon.
Godere hele þu hit scalt iseon.
Ne beo þu nawiht monslaht.
ne in hordom dei ne naht.
Ne þu naȝest for to stele.
ne nan þefþe for to heole.
Prud ne wreiere ne beo þu noht.
Ne niðful in þi þoht.
beo buhsum toward gode.
and wel hald þu his bode.
Do þu þis mid gode mune.
þenne eart þu godes sune.
þus þu maht ȝif þu wulle.
godes heste wel ifulle.
San[c]tificetur nomen tuum.
Þi nome beo iblecced. þet we seggeð
and þus þa wordes we bi-leggeð.
his name is hali and efre wes
iliche swiðe hit nis noht les.
þet is and wes and efre scal
beon iblecced ofer al.
þenne aȝe we to [folio 22b] understonden us
from alle uuele he scal blecen us. Page  59
To blecen þenne inoh his nome
anð kepen us from hearm and scome.
In þe font we weren eft iboren
iclensed and to gode icorene.
his halie nome we nomen and beren.
In þe font þer we iclensed weren.
Cristen beoð icleped riche and loð.*. [sic.]
efter crist seolf þet is god.
his nome. þet. we of him hafen.
he hit haleȝe þet we crauen.
Adueniat regnum tuum.
Cume þi riche we seggeð hit.
Hercnið alle to þis writ.
his riche is al þis middeleard.
Eorðe and heofene and uwilcherd
ofer alle is his muchele mihte.
lauerd he is icleped mid rihte.
Lauerd he is of alle scafte.
In eorðe. in heuene is his mahte
alle þe scafte þe he bi-gon.
þet is þet sodðe hit wes for mon
alle þinge he makede æt*. [it may be aft.] agan.
Er he efre makede mon.
he makede mon i rihtwisnesse.
Onlete on his onlichnesse.
Alle dor and fuȝel ifliht;
lete he makede adunriht.
þene Mon he lufede and welbiþohte.
and for-þi his neb upward he wrohte.
þet wes al mid muchele skile;
Ȝif he*. [? ȝe.] hit understondon wile.
Neb upwardes he him wrohte.
he walde þet he of him þohte
þet he lufede him mid þoht[e].
Al swa þe lauerd þet him wrohte.
þencheð nu men hwilch wurðin[g] Page  61
eow haueð idon þe heouenking;
To bon in heuene fuliwis.
In touþe*. [? In to þe.] sete of para[d]is.
from hwonne þe engles a-dun follon*. [? fellen.]
in to [folio 23a] þe þosternesse hellen.
þet secle*. [? setle.] swa ho radden þus;
þer god scal herberȝen us.
Crist us ȝife þider to cumen.
and efre mid him solue to wunen.
and cristes wille bo us bitwon.
neb wið neb for him to son.
and wunen mid him niht
and dei up in heouene þe is swa briht.
þet he beo feder and we beo sunes.
to him is ure al to cumes.
þet is ure eðele and ure riche;
Mid him to wunen in heouene riche.
Fiat uoluntas tua. sicut in celo & in terra.
þin aȝen wille beo for þet segge we.
In orðe in heuene swa hit beo
Al swa is in heouene þin aȝen wil.
Þet we*. [MS. þe.] þeowen lauerd al mid skil.
For to beon lauerd þine archangles.
and þi leoue hali engles.
þa þe angles. of heouene uolle
for heore prude in to helle.
þa oðre weren fulfeste sone.
þet ho ne mihten nefre mare misdone.
Sodðon ne mihten sunegenen*. [sic.] nan;
ne ut of godes wille gan.
Ne muȝen heo nefre ufele swinken;
ne for men enes hit bi-þinken.
God us ȝefe in horte to fon;
þet we ne þenchen ufel to don.
and ȝife us to him god iwil;
and to alle men; riht and skil. Page  63
and ȝife us swa his wil to donne;
þet we gode likie and monne.
and þet he fulle us mid his mihte
and mid his halie gast us lihte.
and in cherite to wnien inne;
þet we ne fallen naut ine sunne.
þet we nabben wil to sunegen.
þenne ure unwines us munegen.
Ne mare þene þo engles [folio 23b] efden
þet in godes luue heo heom lende.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie.
Gif us to dei ure deies bred.
Lauerd god al ure red.
Gif us ure liuenað;
and to þe flesce scrud and clað.
Bred on grikisce is;
Larspel to us fuliwis
for alse me fet þet fleis wið-uten
mid mete mid claðe al abuten;
swa bi-houeð þe saule fode;
mid godes wordes mid gode mode.
Godes songes beoð alle gode.
to þere saule heo senden fode.
We hit aȝen to ȝeme.
and god solf þer mid iqueme.
þenne mei ure saule lifen.
þet ure lauerd us haueð iȝeuen.
þe luste nulleð þesne red
wisliche he scal wurðen ded
for þe saule of him; is forloren.
and þe sorȝe is him biforen.
and fereð in to helle mid eche wa;
ut ne cumeð he nefre ma.
Ah lauerd god her ure bone.*. [? bene.]
of ure sunne make us clene.
þet he us ȝeue alswa he mei; Page  65
þet us bihoueð ulche dei.
To liue and to saule ure fode
and him luuien mid clene mode.*. [Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.]
Vre gultes lauerd bon us forȝeuen
al swa we doþ alle men þet liuen.
Lauerd forȝef us ure unskile
and alswa we alle oðre wile.
ure sunnen. and ure misdonning.
and her is a roulich moting.
to gode solf we us wreið;
hwenne we þos word seggeð.
hwenne we habbeð nið and onde;
[folio 24a] to eni monne þet is on londe.
for ȝif eni mon mis-deð us oht;
we wulleð him habben to deðe ibroht.
her is swiþe ufel bone;
ȝif we hetieð us bitwene.
ȝif eni us misdoð awiht;
and nule us do riht.
for godes luue forȝeue we al;
for he hit wel forȝelden scal.
Wenne scal þos bode*. [? beode.] us god don;
and god wule hit underfon.
wenne ic forȝeue min hating;
for þe luue of heuene king.
Wenne ic ileue and wel iso;
þet no gult me forȝeuen bo.
for hwenne ic i-halde þa ibode;
þet we habbeð of ure lauerd gode.
luue þine euecristene dei and niht;
alswa þe solue and þet is riht.
Gif we þos bode þus bileggeð;
ful*. [? for.] goderhele we hit seggeð.
þe pater noster bi-halt me noht; Page  67
bute ic þis habbe in mi þoht.
þenne muȝe we wenen and seggen þus;
þet oðer swiðe lutel helpeð us.
þos ilke bode wisliche þing;
of oðre is ful festning.
þenne muȝe we wel trowen al;
hwa swa wile and hwa swa scal.
þet wið gode awiht mis-doð;
Iwis in þe bode he misfoð.
þet hetunge habbeð hom bitwone;
hu maȝen heo bidden eni bene.
for-ȝif þi wreððe and þi mod;
for þenne is þi bode god.
þet is soð and god seið hit;
and in þe godspelle he hit writ.
hwa swa ne forȝefeð heore hating.
ne god ne forȝeueð him*. [? heom.] na þing.
Gode men lusteð to me. ower hating
forȝefe ȝe þin sunful efenling;
luue him for godes þing.
and þu aȝest [folio 24b] to hatien wel his sunne;
þet ðu ne dele noht þer inne.
for ȝef þu þus dost wel iwis;
þu quemest god to fuliwis.
Et ne nos inducas in temptationem.
Ne led us noht in to costnunga;
þet is an cum*. [? cun.] of fundunga.
for ure fond nefre ne linnen;
for to fonden us mid sunnen.
he haueð leue to fonden mon.
þer he mei ful wel he con.
he fondede god solf mid his wrenche;
and walde hine ȝorne swenche.
and his apostles riht al swa;
and monie oðre þere to.
God us ȝefe mihte and deden; Page  69
þet we þene fond noht ne adreden.
and ȝefe us mihte þurh his held;
þet ure leue beo ure sceld
aȝein þes fondes fondunge;
þurh trowþe and þurh swincunge.
On oðer wise ic habbe ifunde
hu me mei in sunne bon ibunde.
þet forme is to beon underling.
and þet oðer is liking.
þet ðridde is þes monnes wil.
and swa us seið ure skil.
Crist us ȝeue of him mihte
betere þenne we habbeð wrihte.
We ne maȝen þe fond from us driue;
ne mid sworde ne mid kniue.
bute hit beo þurh godes ȝifte;
and he us ȝeue streinðe and mihte.
and ȝeue us wepne for to boren;
Mid gode werkes for us to weren.
þet is þurh trouðe; and þurh cherite.
vre rihte leue god cume to þe
þurh festing and þurh wacunge.
and ec þurh ibodenes biddunge.
and wunien efre in clene scrifte;
þet is godes aȝene ȝeifte.
and halde we us from uniwil;
and habben feir lete and ec skil.
and edmodnesse and þolemod;
þet þuncheð gode swiðe god.
Mid elmesse and ec [folio 25a] mid trowe inhed;
þe node habbeð ȝiuen heom red.
Mid hereberȝe. and mid fode;
and mid þet þu miht to gode.
þos beoð þa wepne þet beoð gode;
and beo we swiþe þolemode.
þet we þenne fond noht ne dreden. Page  71
ne he us biswike þurh his deden.
Sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
ac þu from alle ufele us ales.
and to þin aȝen us ches;
and kep us from his waning.
þat laþe gast þet laðe þing.
and from uuele men kep us swa;
Al þet we biddeð ec þerto.
And from iwilch heued sunne.
þet he ne bringe us in to unwune.
Ac ȝif us eni ufel bitit;
þonke we gode in ure wit.
We aȝen þenne ure boden to singe.
þet god us helpe to gode þinge.
þet lif and saule beon iborȝen.
and baðe ilesed ut of sorȝen.
and ȝefe us his muchele blessunge.
and riht scrift et ure endunge.
þet we habben him swa wel imune.*. [? inume.]
þet þe saule mote to him cume.
Vre deð he do in firste ȝet;
swa he þurh þe witega bihet.
Ne wille ic noht þet þe sunfulle beo ded;
ac libbe and nime godne red.
Lauerd god we biddeð þus
mid edmode heorte ȝif hit us.
þet ure saule beo to þe icore.
Noht for þe flesce for-lore.
þole us to bi-wepen ure sunne;
þet we ne steruen noht þer inne.
And ȝif us lauerd þet ilke ȝifte;
þet we hes ibeten þurh halie scrifte. Amen.