The romance of Guy of Warwick. The first or 14th-century version.
Zupitza, Julius, ed. 1844-1895.
Gij dede clepe her cheueteyn
Wiþ gode will & hert feyn:
'Lordinges,' he seyd, 'god y-þonked be! [C line 3450]
Feir grace so habbe we,
Þat þe Sarrazins ben ouercome.
Wende we to þe cite atte frome.'
& when þai ben comen oȝen,
To þemperour welcom þai ben,
& nameliche Gij, þe gode kniȝt,
Mest was worþschiped in þat fiȝt.
¶ When þat y-seye Morgadour,
Þat steward was wiþ þemperour,
Þat Gij biwreyed vnwrastliche,
Þat þemperour loued so miche,
He bigan for to asay
Hou he miȝt Gij bi-tray.
O felonie he haþ him bi-þouȝt;
Of swiche no haue ȝe herd nouȝt:
He þouȝt in his wille þo, [folio 126b:b]
Þat Gij o message schuld go.
In swiche þouȝt & swiche wille
An while he held him stille;
Anon he went to þemperour,
& seyd, 'sir, par amour, Page  216
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Þe soudan haþ his folk y-sent:
Into al peyni his sond is sent.
Þer nis noiþer ȝing no eld
Þat armes may bere & wepen weld,
Alle he is haueþ of-sent,
Þe to bisege verrament.
¶ To him þou þi sond sende,
Alle þi wille, word & ende.'
. . . . .
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'Who,' he seyd, 'durst þider wende?'
'Sir Gij, a kniȝt hardi & hende
Of þine house, & þat y plight:
Gij of Warwike of gret miȝt,
Herhaud of Arderne, þat oþer best:
On hem tveye ȝe mow ȝou trest.
To þe soudan þou sende þine kniȝtes bold,
& say þou wilt wiþ him a day hold [C line 3500]
Of acord in swiche manere.'
'Sir steward,' seyd þemperere,
'Toward Gij þou berst iuel wille:
He no schal nouȝt go; þerof be stille.
Ac mine barouns ichil of-sende,
& wite who wille þider wende.'