The romance of Guy of Warwick. The first or 14th-century version.
Zupitza, Julius, ed. 1844-1895.
Lordinges, listeneþ to me now!
Of a tresoun ichil telle ȝou:
It was opon a somers day,
Þemperour hadde eten, soþ to say;
His huntes he of-sent þo,*. [þo altered from so.]
& seyd he wald on hunting go
Into þe forest erlike,
Þat þe douk Segyn nouȝt no wite,
No his kniȝtes neuer þe mo.
Þat him herd a spie þo,
Þat out of þat ost dede him fast,
To þe douke Segyn he com an hast. [C line 2336]
¶ Þe douke Segyn oxed him snelle
What newe tidinges he couþe telle:
'Sir,' quod [he*. [he omitted in MS.]], 'herken to me:
Gode tidinges y telle þe,
Þat þemperour, sikerliche,
Wille huntte to morwe arliche
In his forest priueliche
Wiþ litel folk & nouȝt wiþ miche,
Wiþ also litel als he may.
Y no gabbe nouȝt, for soþe to say.'
Þan he hade seyde þus to Segyn,
'Bi Seyn Richer! leue frende mine,'
Seyd þe douke, 'and it so be,
An hundred bessauns ȝif y þe.'
Þe spie seyd, 'soþe y sigge:
My bodi þerfore in ostage y legge.'
¶ Þan haþ þe douk y-cleped Gij, [C line 2355]
& Herhaud of Arderne sikerlij, [folio 120b:a]
Dan Belin, & dan Gauter,
& þe þridde dan Holdimer, Page  146
& Joceran þat was of Speyne
(Was non wiser in-to Almayne
A gode conseyl for to ȝiue;
Þer-fore he was michel to leue).
'Lordinges,' he seyd, 'what rede ȝe, [C line 2361]
Seþþe þat ȝe be sworn to me*. [MS. tome]?
What is ous best for to done
Of our king Reyner? telle me sone.'
Gij to him answerd snelle,
'Þe best rede ichil þe telle:
Kniȝtes we schul han a þousinde,
& bi þe morwe, ȝif we him finde,
Ichil him bidde wiþ hert fre
Þat he wil acord wiþ þe,
& þat he cum wiþ þe at ete;
& ȝif he seyþ ouȝt wiþ hete,
Þat he it wil graunt for no þing,
Hider we schul bring þe king.
& þou schalt here bileue now,
Opon þi lord go no schaltow;
Þi palays þou schalt grayþi,
& riche metes diȝt redi.'