The romance of Guy of Warwick. The first or 14th-century version.
Zupitza, Julius, ed. 1844-1895.
Amis of-sent his kniȝtes anon,
And haþ asembled hem euerichon,
His seriauns he dede also,
Þe best þat miȝt to fiȝt go.
When þat þai wer al redi [C line 6249]
forþ þai wenten hastily.
To-ward Gormoise hij goþ,
Mani man þai made wel wroþ:
Þai nimen castels & cites,
& destruen alle þe cuntres.
To Gormoise þai ben y-come:
Glad þai ben alle & some,
Ouer alle oþer þerl Aubri. [folio 142b:b]
When he seþ his sone Tirri
He fel aswon for ioie þo:
He wende he had ben forlorn for euer mo.
Þer was ioie & miche*. [The m in miche not quite distinct.] blis
Bitven þe fader & þe sone, y-wis.
Euerich told oþer, & forȝat nouȝt,
Hou Gij hem haþ fram deþ y-brouȝt.
¶ Gij nouȝt for-ȝete nold,
Asembled he haþ his kniȝtes bold. Page  352
Þe douk he haþ a grete harm y-do,
He þouȝt for to awreke him so.
When þe douk Loer herd þis tiding,
Þat Gij and Tirri were coming, [C line 6273]
His douhte[r] Oysel also,
Wel glad & bliþe he was þo.
Herhaud he cleped him to,
& teld him þe soþe þo,
Þat Gij and Tirri wer y-come,
& hadde on hem wer y-nome,
Wiþ hem was þerl Amis
Wiþ ferred of miche pris.
When Herhaud y-herd þis,
Þat Gij and Tirri comen is,
Neuer nas he so bliþe:
God he þonked mani siþe.