The Lansdowne ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.

§ 1. GENERAL PROLOGUE. LANSDOWNE MS. 851. Incipit prologus fabularum Cantuariensium.

[Note: after very many final c, e, f, g, k, r, s, t, there is a stroke or a tag. The number is so great, sometimes 6 or 7 in 1 line, that I am obliged to disregard all.]
[folio 2a]
WHan þat Aprille wyþe his schoures soote.
þe drought of Marche haþe perced to þe roote.
And baþes euery veyne in suche lycoure.
Of whiche vertue engender is þe floure.
Whan ȝephirus eke with his swete breþe.
Inspired haþe in euery holte and hethe.
The tendre croppes and þe ȝonge sonne.
Haþe in þe Ramme his half cours ronne.
And Smal foules maken melodye.
þat slepen al nyht wiþ open. yhe.
So prikkeþ hem nature in her corages.
Than longen folke to gone one pilgrimages.
And palmeres for to seeke straungere strondes.
To ferne halowes cowþe in sundre londes.
And specialy from euery schyres ende.
Of Ingelonde to Canterburi þei wende
The holy blisful Martir for to seke
That hem haþ holpen whan þei were seke
It be-fel þan in þat sesone vpon a daie
In Suthewerke att þe tabard as .I. laie
Redi to wende on my pilgremage.
To Canterburie wiþ ful deuoute Corage.
At nyhte was come in-to þat hostelleric
Wel Nyne and twente on a companye
Of sondre folke be auenture yfalle
In felauschipe and Pilgrimes were þei alle
To-warde Canterburi þat wolde ride Page  2
The Chambres and stables weren wyde
And wele weren esede at þe beste
An schortly whan þe son was to reste
So had .I. spoken with hem euerychone
þat .I. was of her felawschep anone
And maade forwarde erly for to rise
To take owre waie þare as .I. ȝowe deuise
Bot naþeles while .I. haue time and space
Er þat .I. forþer in þis tale pace.
Me þenkeþ it accordant to resone
To tell ȝowe alle þe condicione
Of iche of hem so as it semed me
And whiche þei were and of whate degre
And eke in whatte araie þat þei were inne
And att a knyhte þan wold .I. furst be-ginne.
A Knyght þere was and þat a worþi manne [folio 2b]
That fro þe time þat he first be-ganne
To ryden owte he loued cheualrie
Treuþe and honoure fredome and curtesie
fful worþi was he in his lordes werre
And þar-to had he riden no man so ferre
As wele in Cristendom as in heyþennesse
And euere honoured for his worþinesse.
Att Alisander he was whān it was wonne
fful oft time he had þe borde be-gonne
Aboue al nacions in Pruce
In Lettowe had he reysed and in Ruce
No Cristeneman so oft of his degre
In Gernade att þe sege eke had he be
Of Algezire and riden had in Belmarye
Att Leyes was he and att Satilye
Whan þei were wonne. and in þe grete see
Att mony a noble Arme had he bee
Att Mortel Batailles had he be fiftene
And fowhten for owre feiþe att Tramessene.
In listes þries and ay sleyne his foo Page  3
This ilke worþi knyhte hade bene also
Some tim wiþe þe lorde of Palatye
Aȝeine anoþer heiþen in Turkye
And euer more he had a souereine prise
And þoughe þat he was worþi he was wise
And of his porte as meke as is a maide
He neuer ȝit no velany seide
In al his life til no maner wyght
He was a verrey perfite gentil knyht
ffor to tel ȝowe of his araye
His hors was goode bot he was nouhte gaye
Off ffustion he werede a Gepon
All be-smoterde wiþ his haburgen.
ffor he was late come fro his viage
And went for to done his Pilgrimage
Wiþ hime þare was his sonne a ȝonge swiere
A louyer and a lusti bachellere
Wiþ lokkes crulle as þei were leide in presse
Of .xx. ȝeres of age he was .I. gesse.
Of his stature he was of euen lengeþe
And wonderly deliuer. and grete of strenkeþe
And he had be sume time in cheualrie [folio 3a]
In fflandres in Artoys and in Pykardie
And borne him wele as of so litel space
In hope to stonden in his lady grace
Embrowded was he as it were a mede
Al ful of frissche flowres white and rede
Singeinge he was or flowteinge al þe daie
He was al so fresche as is þe moneþ of maie.
Schort was his goune with sleues longe and wide
Wele couþe he sitte on an horse and faire ride
He couþe songes make and wele endite
Iuste and eke daunce and wele purtreie and write
So hote he loued þat be nyghter tale
He slepete no more þan doþe þe nyhtegale
Corteis he was lowly and seruisable Page  4
And karf to-for his fader att þe table
A ȝoman had he and seruantes no moo
Att þat time for him liste ride soo
And he was cladde in cote and hoode of grene
A scheef of pokoke arwes briht and kene
Vnder his belte he bare ful þreftelie
Wele couþe he drese his takel ȝemonlie
His arwes drouped nouht wiþ feþeres lowe
And in his honde he bare a myhti bowe
A notte hede had he wiþ a broune visage
Of wodecraft wele couþe he al þe vsage
Vpon his arme he bare a gaie brasere
And be his side a swerde and a bokelere
And on þat oþere side a gaie daggere.
Herneyste wele and scharpe as þe pointe of a spere.
A christofur on his breste of siluer schene.
An horne he bare þe bawdrik was of grene
A forster was he soþelye as .I. gesse.
¶ Thare was also a Nonne a Prioresse
That of hir smyleynge was ful simple and coye
Her grettest oþe was bot be seint Loye.
And sche was cleped Madame Englentyne
fful wele sche songe þe seruise deuine
Entuned in hir nose ful semely.
And franche sche spake ful faire and fetisly
After þe scole att Stretford att Bowe
ffor frenche of Paris was to hire vnknowe
Att mete wele ytauhte was sche with-all [folio 3b]
Sche lete no morsel fro hir lippes fall
Ne wete hir fingeres in hir sauce depe
Wele couþe sche cary a morsel and wel kepe
þat no drope ne fel vpon hir breste
In curtesie was sette ful muchel her leste
Hir ouere-lippe sche wyped so clene
That in hir coppe þer was no fat þinge sene
Of grece whan sche had dronken hir drawhte Page  5
fful semelye after hir mete sche rawhte.
And sekerly sche was of grete disporte.
And ful plesant and ful amyable of porte
And peyned hir to counterfet chere
Of Courte and to be stalyche of Manere
And to be holden digne of reuerence
Bot for to speke of hire Conscience
Sche was so charitable and so pytous.
Sche wolde wepe ȝif þat sche sawe a mouse
Kauht in a trape if it ware dede or bledde
Of smale houndes had sche þat sche fedde
Wiþ rostede flesche or melke or wastel brede
Bot sore wepped sche if one of hem were dede
Or if men smote it wiþ a ȝerde smart
And al was conscience and tendur herte
fful semely hir wympul pinched was
Hire nose was streihte her yhen was grei as glas
Hire mouþe ful smal. and þere-to soft and rede
Bot sekurly sche had a faire forhede
It was al-moste a spanne brode .I. trowe
ffor hardely sche was nouhte vnder growe
fful fetis was hir cloke as .I. was war
Of smale coral aboute hir harme sche bar
A peire of Bedes gauded al wiþ grene
And þere-one honge a broche of golde ful schene
On whiche þare was firste wreten wiþ a crowned .A.
And After Amor vincit omnia.
¶ A noþer nonne wyþ hir had sche
þat was hir Chapeleyne and prestes þre
A monke þere was a faire for þe maistre
An owte-rider þat loued venere
A manly man to bene an Abbot Able
fful mony a daynte hors hade he in stable
And whanne he rode men myht his bridele here [folio 4a]
Gyngelinge in a whistelinge wynde al so clere
And eke as lowde as doþe þe chapel belle Page  6
There as þis lorde was keper of þe selle
The rewle of seint Maure or of seint Beneyte
Be cause þat it was olde and somdele streyte
This ilke monke lete olde þinges pace
And helde after þe newe werde þe pace
He ȝaf nouht of þe text a pulled henne
þat seiþe þat hunteres beþe nouht holy menne
Ne that a monke whan he is recheles
Is likkened til a fische þat is waterles.
That is to seie A monke oute of his cloistre
Bot þilke text held he nouht worþe an hoistre
And .I. seide his opinione was goode
Whatt scholde he stodie and make him selfe wode
Vpon a boke in cloister al-weie to powre
Or swynke wiþ his hondes and laboure
As Austine bite howe schal þe werld be serued
Latte Austine haue his swynke to him rese[r]ued
Thare-for he was a prikasoure a right
Grehoundes he had as swift as foules in flyht
Of Prikinge and of huntynge for þe hare.
Was al his lust for no cost wolde he spare.
.I. seighe his sleues purfiled att þe honde
Wiþ Gryse and þat þe fynest of a londe
And for to festen þe hode vnder his chynne
He had of golde wrought a ful coriouse pinne
A loue knotte on þe gretter hende þere was
His hede was balled þat schone as any glas
And eke his face as he had be anoynte
He was a lorde ful fatte and in goode pointe.
His yhen stepe and rollinge in his hede
That stemed as a furneis of a lede
His botes souple his hors in grete astate
Nowe certeynely he was a faire prelate.
He nas nouht pale as a forpyned goste
A fatte swanne loued he best of any roste
His Palfrei was as broune as is a burye Page  7
¶ A frere þare was a wanton and murye.
A lymitur a ful solempne manne
In all þe orderes foure is none þat canne.
So muche of daliance and faire langage [folio 4b]
He had maade ful mony a mariage.
Of ȝonge wemmen att his owen cost
Vn-to his order he was a nobel post
fful wele be-loued and famulier was he.
With frankeleyns ouer al in his contre.
And wiþ worþe wemmen of þe toune
ffor he had power of confessione
As seide him selfe more þan a curate
ffor [of] his order he was licenciate
fful swetely herde he confessiōn
And plesant was his absoluciōn.
He was an hesy man to ȝef penānce
Ther as he wiste to haue a goode petānce
ffor vn-to a poure order for to ȝeue
Is singne þat a man is wel yschriue
ffor if he ȝaf he dorst make avaunt
He wist þat a man was repentaunt
ffor mony a man so harde is of his herte
He maie nouht wepe al þouhe he sore smerte
There-for in stede of wepeynge and preyeres
Men mote ȝiue siluer to þe poure freres
His tepet was ay farset ful of knyues
And pinnes for to ȝeue faire wyues
And certeinli he had a mery note
Wele couþe he singen and pleine on a rote
Of ȝeddinges he bare witterli þe pris
His neke white was as þe floure delis
Ther-to he was also stronge as a champioune
He knewe þe tauernes wele in euery towne.
And eueryche hosteler or a tapestere
Better þan a laȝar or a Begger
ffor vn-to suche a worþi man as he Page  8
Accorded nouht as be his faculte
To haue wiþ suche seke lazerz acquayntance
It is nouht honest it maie nouht avaunce
ffor to dele wiþ suche poraile
Bot al wiþ riche and seller of vitaile
And ouere al þare as profet schold arise
Curteise he was and lowly of seruyse
þer nas no man noghwere so vertuous
He was þe best begger in his hous
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
ffor þouhe a widowe had nouht a scho [folio 5a]
So plesande was his in principio.
Ȝit wolde he haue a ferþinge ar he wente
His purchas was wel better þan his rent
And rage he couþe riht as it were a whelpe
In louedaies þare couþe he muchel helpe
ffor þere he was not liche a cloistrere
Wiþ a þrede-bare cope as a pouer scolere
Bot he was lyke a Maistre or a Pope
Of dowble worstede was his semy-cope
Þat rounde as a bell out þe presse
Somwhat he lisped for his wantonesse
To make his yngelische swete vpon his tonge
And in his harpeinge whan he had songe
His yhen twynkeled in his heued ariht
As doþe þe sterres in þe froste nyht
This worþe Limetour was cleped Huberd
¶ A marchant was þere with a forked berde
In motteley. and hye on hors he satte
Vpon his heued a fflaundrisshe beuere hatte
His botes clasped faire and fetislye
His resons he spake ful solemplye
Scheweynge alwey þencres of his wynynge
He wolde þe se were keppede for any þinge
Be-twyx Middelburgh. and Orewelle Page  9
Wele couþe he in eschaunge scheldes selle
This worþi man ful wel his wit be-sette
Thare wist no white þat he was in dette
So estately was he of his Gouernance
Wiþ his Bargeynes and wiþ his cheuisance
ffor soþe he was a worþi man wiþ all
Bot sothely to seine .I. note howe men him call
¶ A clerke þere was of Oxenforde also
Þat vnto Logique had longe ygo
As lene was his hors as was a rake
And he was nouht riht fat .I. vndertake
Bot loked holwhe and þer-to soburly
fful þredebare was his ouer courteby
ffor he had geten him no benefice
Ne was so werdly to haue office
ffor him was leuer haue att his bed hede
Twenty bokes cladde in blak and rede.
Of Aristotle and his philo[so]phi [folio 5b]
Þan Robes Riche or Pheþel or gay Sautry
Bot al by þat he was a Philosophre
Ȝit had he bot litel golde in Cophre
Bot al þat he myht on his frendes hente
On bokes and on lerenynge he it spente
And besily gan for þo sowles preye
Of hem þat ȝaf him where-wiþ for to scoleye
Of studye toke he most cure and moste hede
Not a worde more spak he þan was nede
And þat was seide in forme and reuerence
And schorte and whike and ful of hihe sentence
Sownynge in morall vertue was his speche
And gladely wolde he leren. and gladly teche
A Seriant of þe lawe war and wyse
Þat often had bene att þe paruise
Þat was also ful riche of excellence
Discrete he was and of grete reuerence
Him semed swyche his wordes weren so wyse Page  10
Iustice he was ful often in assise
Be Patent and be pleine commissioun
ffor his science and his hihe renoun
Of fees and robes had he manyone
So grete a purchasour was nowhere none
Al was fe symple to him in effecte
His purchasinge miht nouht be enfecte
No-wher so besy a man as he þare nas
And ȝitte he semed bisier þan he was
In termes had he cas and domes all
þat fro þe time of Kynge William were fall
Thare-to he couþe endite and make a þinge
There couþe no whight pinche att his writeinge
And euery statut couþe he pleine be rote
He rode Rode bot homely in Medle cote
Gerde wiþ a seint of silke withe with barres smale
Of his aray tel .I. no longer tale
¶ A frankelein was in his companye
White was his berde as is þe dayse
Of his complexion he was sangwyne
Wele loued he be þe morwe a soppe in wyne
To leuen in delit euer was his wonne
ffor he was Opiournes owne sonne
That helde opinione þat pleine delite [folio 6a]
Was verrey felicite perfite
An howse-halder and þat a grete was he
Seint Iulian he was in his countre
His brede his ale was alwey after one
A better envined man was neuer none
Wiþ owte bakemete was neuer his howse
Of ffissche of flessche and þat so plentiuouse
It snewide in his house of mete and drinke
Of al Deynteþes þat men couþe þenke
After þe sondri sesons of þe ȝere
So chaunged he his mete and his soper
fful many a fat partriche had he in Mewe Page  11
And mony a breme and mony a luce in stewe
Woo was his coke bot his sauce were
Punyant and scharpe and redy al his gere
His table dormant in his hall alweie
Stode redy couered al þe longe deie.
Att Sessions þere was he lorde and sire
fful oft time he was knight of þe schire
An Anelas and a gisper al of silke
Honge att his gerdel white as morne melke
A Schirrif had he bene and a comptoure
Was nowher suche a worþi vavisoure.
An Haberdassher and a Carpentere
A webbe a dyere. and a tapecere
And þei were cloþed all in o liuere
Of a solempne and a grete ffraternite
fful frische and newe hire gere a-pyked was
Here knyues ware chaped nouht wiþ bras
Bot al wiþ siluer wrowht ful clene and wele
Here girdeles and her pouches euerydele
Wele semed iche of hem a faire burgeise
To sitten in a ȝelde hall on þe hihe dese
Eueryche for þe wisdom þat he kanne
Was schapely for to bene an Alderman
ffor catel had þei ynowhe and rente
And eke here wyves it wolde wele assente
And elles certein þei were to blame
It is ful faire to be cleped ma dame
And gone to vigiles al to-fore
And haue a mantil ryaliche ybore
¶ A Cooke þei had wiþ hem for þe nones [folio 6b]
To Boile þe Chikenes wiþ þe mery bones
And pouder Marchant tarte and Galingale
Wele couþe he knowe a drawht of londen ale
He couþe roste and sethe and broile and frye
Maken Mortreux and wele bake a pye
Bot grete harme was it as it þouht me Page  12
Þat on his schinne a mormal had he
ffor blankemangere þat maade he wiþ þe beste
¶ A Schipman was þere wonnynge fer be weste
ffor owht .I. wote he was of dertemouþe
He rode vpon a rounse as he couþe
In a goune of foldeynge to þe kne
A dagger hongeynge on a lace had he
Abowte his neke vnder his Arme downe
Þe Hote somere had made his hiew al browne
An certeinly he was a goode felawe.
fful mony a drauht of wyne had he draw
ffrome Burdeux-warde whan þe chapman slepe
Of nice conscience toke he no kepe
If þat he fauhte and had þe hiher honde
Be water he sent him home be euery londe
Bot of his crafte to rekken wele his tides
His stremes and his dawnger him be-sides
His herberwe. and his mone . and his lodemannage
Thare was none swyche fro Hulle to Cartage
Hardy he was and wyse to vndertake
Wiþ mony a tempest had his berde be schake
He knewe al þe hauenes as þei were
ffro Gotelonde to þe cape Defynystre
And euery Cryke in Breteine and in Spayne
His barge y-cleped was þe Maudeleyne
¶ Wiþ vs þere was a doctur of Phesike
In al þis werlde ne was þere none him like
To speke of Phisike and of Surgerie
ffor he was grounded in Astronomye
He kepet his pacient a ful grete dele
In houres be his Magike naturele
Wele couþe he fortune þe Ascendent
Of his ymages for his pacient
He knewe þe cause of euer-yche maledie
Were it of colde of hote or moiste or drie
And where-of engenderde it. and of what humere [folio 7a] Page  13
He was a verrey perfite practisere
The cause .I.-knewe and of his harme þe rote
A-none he ȝaue seke man his bote
fful redy had he his Apotecaries
To sende him drugges and his letuaries
ffor iche of hem made oþer for to winne
Here ffrindeschipe nas not newe to begynne
Wele knewe he þe olde Escalapius
And discorides and eke Rusus
Olde ypocras Haly and Galiene
Serapion . Razie and Auizene
Auerois Damascien and Constantine
Bernard and Gatisdene . and Gilbertine
Of his Dyete Mesurable was he
ffor it was of no superfluite
Bot of grete norsschinge and digestible
His study was bot litel on þe bible
In sangwyne and in pers he clad was all
Lyned wiþ Tafeta and wiþ sendall
And ȝit he was bot esy of dispense
He keped þat he wanne in þe pestilense
ffor gold in phesik is accordial
There-fore he loued golde in speciale
¶ A goode wif þer was of be-side baþe
Bot sche was sumdele defe and þat was skaþe
Of cloþe makeynge sche had swyche an haunte
Sche passed hem of . Ipres and of Gaunte
In all þe parische wif ne was þere none
That to þe offringe to-forne hir scholde gone
And if þere dide certeyne wroþe was sche
Þat sche was owte of al charite
Hire couerchiefs ful fine were of grounde
.I. dorste swere þei weiden ten pounde
Þat on a sonday weren on hire hede
Here hosen weren of fine scarlet rede
fful streite tyed . and schoes ful moiste and newe Page  14
Bolde was hir face and faire and rede of hewe
Sche was a worþe womman al hir lyue
Hosbondes att þe cherche dore sche had five .
Wiþ owten oþer company in hir ȝouþe
Bot þere-of nedeþ nouht to speke as nouþe
An þries had sche be att Ierusalem [folio 7b]
Sche had passed many a strange streme
Att Rome sche had bene att Boloyne
In Galis att seinte Iame and att Coloyngne
Sche couþe muche on wandrynge be þe weie
Gate toþede was sche sothely for to seye
Vpon an Amblere ful esely sche satte
. Y-wymplede wele and one hir heued an hatte
As brode as is a bokelere or elles a targe
A fotmantil a-boute hir hippes large
And on hir feet a paire of spores scharpe
In felauschepe wele couþe sche lawghe and carpe
Of remedies of loue sche couþe parchaunce
ffor sche couthe of þat arte þe colde daunce
¶ A goode man was þere of religione
And was a poure persone of a toune
Bot riche he was of holy þouht and werke
He was also a lernede man and a clerke
Þat crist gospell trewly wolde preche
His parisshins deuowtely wolde he teche
Benygne he was and wonder diligente
And in aduersite ful paciente
And suche he was preuede oft sithes
fful loþe were him to cursen for his tiþes
Bot raþer wolde he ȝeuen owte of doute
Vnto his pouer perisshens aboute
Of his Offringe and of his substance
He couþe in litel þinge haue suffisance
Wyde was his parisshe and houses fer in sondere
Bot he ne left nowtht for reyne ne for þondere
In sekenes nor in Meschef to visite Page  15
The fferrest in his parische moste and lite
Vpon his fete and in his honde a staf
This noble ensample to his schepe he ȝaf
Þat ferst he wrouhte and afterwarde he tawht
Owte of þe gospel he þo wordes kauht
And þis figure eke he hadded þer-to
Þat if gold rust what schold yren do
ffor if a preste be foule of whome we truste
No wonder is a lewde man to ruste
And schame it is if a preste take kepe
A schiten schiperd to se and a cleyne schepe
Wel owhte a preste ensample for to ȝiue [folio 8a]
Be his clennes how his schepe scholde liue
He sett nouht his benefice to hire
And lete his schepe acumbrede in þe mire
And Ran to Londen vn-to seint poules
To seke him a chauntery to singe for sowles
Or wiþ a breþerhede to be wiþ-holde
Bot dwelte att home and keped wel his folde
So þat þe wolfe ne maade it nouhte myscarie
He was a scheparde and nouȝt a mercenarie
And þouhe he holy were and vertuous
He was nouht to sinful men dispitous
Ne of his speche daungerouse ne digne
Bot in his techinge discrete and benigne
To drawen folke to heuen be feirenesse
Be goode ensample þis was his besinesse
Bot it were any persone obstinate
What so he were of hihe or lowe a-state
Him wolde he snybbe sharpely for þe nones
A better preste .I trowe þat nowhere none es
He waited after no pompe and reuerence.
Ne maked him a spised conscience
Bot cristes lore and his aposteles twelue
He tauht bot first he folowed in him selue
¶ Wiþ him þare was a plouheman was his broþer Page  16
þat had lad of donge ful mony a foþere
And a trew swinker and a goode was he
Lyueinge in pes and in perfit charite
God loued he best wiþ al his herte
Att al times þouhe he gamed or smerte
And þan his neighebore riht as him selue
He wolde þresshe and þer-to dike and delue
ffor cristes sake for euery pouer white
With owte hire if it leie in his miht
His tyþes paide he ful faire and wele
Bothe of his proper swynke and of his catel
In a tabarde he rode vpon a mere
¶ Ther was al so a reue and a Mellere
A sompnour and pardonere al so
A manciple and my selfe þere nare no mo
The Meller was a stowte carle for þe nones
fful big he was of braune and eke of bones .
That proued wele for ouer al þer he cam [folio 8b]
Att wrastelinge he wolde haue awaie þe ramme
He was schort-scholdred a þike gnarre
There was no dore þat he ne wolde heue of harre
Or breke it wiþ a renynge with his hede
His berd as any sowe or fox was rede
And þer-to brode as þouhe it were a spade
Vpon þe cop riht of his nose he had
A werte and þere on stode a tofte of heres
Rede as þe bresteles of a sowes Eres
His nos-þrelles blake were and wide
A swerde and a bokeler bar he be his side
His mouþe as grete was as grete furneys
He was a Iangeler and a goliardeys
And þat was most of sinne and of Harlotries
Wele couþe he stele corne and tolle þries
And ȝitte he had a thombe of golde parde
A white cote and a blewe hode wered he
A Baggepipe wele couþe he blawe and sowne Page  17
And þere wiþ all he browht vs owte of towne
A gentill Maunciple was þere of a temple
Of whiche acatours miht take goode ensample
ffor to be wise in byynge of vitaile
ffor weþer þat he paiede or toke be taile
Algate he waited so in his achate
Þat he was al be-forne and in goode astate
Now es nouht þat of god a ful faire grace.
Þat suche a lewde mannes witt schal pace
Þe wisdom of an hepe of lerned men
Of Maistres had he mo þan þries ten
Þat weren of lawe expert and curious
Of wiche þer was a doseine in þat hous
Worþe to be stewardes of rent and londe
Of any lordes þat is in yngelonde
To make him leue be his propre goode
In honoure detteles bot if he were wode
Or lyue as scarsely as him lust desire
And able for to helpen al a schire
In any cas þat myht fal or happe
And ȝit þis manciple sette here alþere cappe
¶ The reue was a sclender Colerik man
His berde was schaue as nyhe as euere he can.
His here was be his eres rounde y-schorne [folio 9a]
His tope was dokked like a preste to forne
fful longe was [his] legges and ful lene
.I.-like a staf þar was no calfe y-sene
Wele couþe he kepe a gernar or a bynne
Ther was non auditoure couþe on him wynne
Wele wiste he be drowhte and be þe reyne
The ȝeldeynge of his sede and of his greyne
His lordes schepe his nete his dayre
His swyne his hors his store and his pultre
Was holy in þis reues gouernynge
And be his couenant ȝaf þe rekenynge
Sen þat his lord was twenty ȝere of age Page  18
Þare couþe no man bringe him in arerage
Thare nas Baillif ne herde ne oþere hyne
That he ne knewe his sleyht and his Couyne
Thei were adrad of him as of þe deþe
His wonynge was ful faire vpon an heþe
Wiþ grene trees schadowed was his place
He couþe better þan his lorde purchace
fful riche he was astored priuely
His lord he couþe wele plese subtily
To ȝiue and lenne him of his owen goode
And haue a þonke and ȝit a cote and an hoode
In ȝowþe he had lerned a good mistere
He was a wel goode wriht a carpentere
This satt vpon a fol goode stot
That was a pomely greye and hihte Scot
A longe surcote of peers vpon he hadde
And be his side he bare a rusti blade
Of Norþefolk was þis reue whiche .I. tell
Be-siden a towne men clepen it baldeswell
Tukked he was as is a frere abowte
And euere he rode hinderest of owre Rowte
¶ A Somynour was þer wiþ vs in þat place
Þat had a firy Cherubynnes face
ffor sausefleme he was with yhen narowe
Als hote he was and licherous as a sparowe
Wiþ scalled browes blake and a pilled berde
Of his vesage childerne were aferde
Ther nas whike-siluer litarge or bremstone
Boras orsure ne oyle of tartre none
Ne oyment þat wolde clense and bite [folio 9b]
That him myht helpe of his whelkes white
Nere of þe knobbes sittinge in his chekes
Wele loued he garlike onyons and ȝite lekes
And for to drinke stronge wyne rede as blode
Than wold he speke and crie as he ware wode
And whan þat he wele drongen had þe wyne Page  19
þan wold he speke no worde bot latyne
A fewe terems had he two or thre
That he had lerned owte of sum decre
No wonder is he herd it al þe daie
And eke ȝe knowen it wele howe þat a Iaie
Kan clepe watt as wele as kan þe pope
Bot who so couþe in oþer þinge him grope
Þan had he spent al his philosophie
Ay Questio quid Iuris wold he crie
He was a gentil harlot and a kynde
A better felawe scholde men nouht finde
He wolde suffer for a whart of wyne
A good felaw to haue his concubyne
A twelmouþe and excuse him att fulle
And priuely eke a finche couþe he pulle
And. if he fonde owhere a goode felawe
He wolde techen him to haue none awe
In suche cas of þe Archedekenes Curse
Bot if [a] mannes soule were in his purse
ffor in his purs he scholde punyschede be
The purse es þe Archedekenes hell seide he
Bot wele .I. wote he lyede riht in dede
Of curssinge owht yche gilty man him drede
ffor curs wil sle riht as a-soyleynge sauyþe
And also war him of a significauit
In dawngere had he att his owen gise
The ȝonge girles of þe diocise
And knewe her consel and what was al here rede
A garland had he sett vpon his hede
As grete as it were for an Alestake
A bokelere had he made him of a kake
¶ Wiþe him þere rode a gentil pardonere
Of Rouncyual his frende and his comper
þat streyhte was comme fro þe courte of Rome
fful loude he songe come hider loue to me.
This Somenoure bare to him a stif burdoune [folio 10a] Page  20
Was neuer trompe of halfe so grete a soune
This pardonere had here as ȝalowe as wax.
Bot smothe it henge as doþ a strike of flax.
Bi ounces henge his lokkes þat he hadde
And þer wiþ he his scholdres ouer spradde
But þinne it leie be culpones one and one
But hode for Iolyte wered he none
ffor it was trussed vp in his walet
Him þouht he rode al of þe newe get
Discheuele saue his cape he rode al bare
Suche glayringe yhen had he as it were an hare
A vernicle had he sewe vpon his cape
His walet [lay] to forne him in his lappe
Bret ful of pardon comen from Rome al hote
A voyce he had also smale as it were a gote
No berde had he ne neuer schuld haue
As smoþe it was as it were late schaue
.I. trowe he were a geldinge or a mare
Bot of his craft fro Berwike in to ware
Ne was þere suche anoþer pardonere
ffor in his male he hadde a pylowbere
Whiche that he seide was owre lady veyle
He seide he had a gobet of þe seile
That seint Peter had whan þat he wente
Vpon þe see till ihesu crist him hente
He had a croyce of Laton ful of stones
And in a glasse he hadde Pygges bones
Bot wiþe þes relikes whan þat he fonde
A pouer person dwellynge vpon londe
Vppon a daie he gat him more moneye
Than þat þe person gatte in þe Monethes tweye
And þus wiþ feyned flaterynge and Iapes
He Maade þe persone and þe peple his Apes
Bot trewly to tellen att þe laste
He was in þe cherche a noble ecclesiaste
Wele couþe he rede a lesson or a story Page  21
Bot alþer best he songe a offertory
fful wele he wist whan þat songe was songe
He moste preche and wele affile his tonge
To wynne siluer as he wele cowde
Þere-fore he songe so merely and loude
¶ Nowe haue .I. tolde ȝowe soþely in a clause [folio 10b]
The estate. þe arraye. þe Nombre and eke þe cause
Whi þat assembled was þis companye
In Suthewerke att þis gentil Hosterie
þat hiht þe taberd fast be þe belle
Bot nowe is time to ȝowe for to telle
Howe þat we beren vs þat ilke nyhte
Whan we were in þat Osterye alyhte
And after wil .I. tell of owre viage
And al þe remenant of owre pilgrenage
Bot first .I. preye ȝowe of ȝoure curtesie
That ȝe ne ret it nowht my velenye
Thoughe þat .I. pleinly speke in þis matier
To telle ȝowe her wordes and eke her chere
Ne þouhe .I. speke here wordes propurly
ffor þis ȝe knowen as wele as .I.
Who so sal tellen a tale after a mān
He mote reherce as nyhe as euer he cān
Eueryche a worde if it be in his charge
Al speke he neuer so rudeli and so large.
Or elles he most tel his tale vntrewe
Or feyne þinges. or fynde wordes Newe
He may nouht spare al-þouhe he ware his broþer
He mot also wele seie o worde as a-nother
Criste spak him self ful brode in holy writte
And wele ȝe wote no velany is itte
Eke plato seiþe who so kan him rede
The wordes most be Cosin to þe dede
¶ Also .I. preie ȝowe for-ȝif it me
Al haue .I. not sett folke in her degre
Here in þis tale as þat þei scholde stonde Page  22
My witte is schorte ȝe maie wele vnderstonde
Grete chere maade owre oste vs euerychone
And to þe soper sett he vs anone
He serued vs wiþe vitailles att þe beste
Stronge was þe wyne and wele drinke vs leste
A semely man owre ost was wiþ all
ffor to bene a marschal in a lordes hall
A large man he was wiþ eyȝen stepe
A fairer burgeis is none none in chepe
Bolde of his speche and wyse and wele y-tawht
And of manhode him lakked riht nouht
Eke þere-to he was riht a mery man [folio 11a]
And after soper pleyȝen he be-gan
And spak of Mirþe amonge oþere þinges
Whan þat we had maade owre rekenynges
And seide þus Now lordeynges trewly
Ȝe bene to me welcome riht hertly
ffor be my trouþe if þat .I. schal notte lye
.I. sawe nouht þis ȝere so mery a companye
Att ones in þis herburhe as is nowe
ffayne wolde .I. done ȝowe merþe wist .I. howe
And of a merþe .I. am riht nowe be-þouhte
To done ȝowe ese and it schal cost nowhte
¶ Ȝe gone to Canterbury god ȝowe spede
The blisful Martir white ȝow ȝowre mede
And wele .I. wote as ȝe gone be þe weye
Sche schapen ȝowe to talen and to pleye
ffor trewly comforþe and merþe is none
To riden be þe waie dom as any stone
And þer-for wil .I. maken ȝowe disporte
As .I. seide arst and do ȝow som comforte
And if ȝowe likeþ all be on assente
ffor to stonden at My Iuggemente
And for to werken as .I. schal ȝowe seie
To morwen whan we riden be þe weie
Nowe be Mi fader sow[l]e þat is dede Page  23
But ȝe bue Merie .I. ȝeue ȝowe Mine hede
Holde vpe ȝowre hondes wiþ-owte more speche
¶ Owre consell was not longe for to seche
Vs þouhte it was not worþe to make it wise
And graunted him wiþ-oute more avise
And bad him seie his verdite as him liste
Lordynges quod he now herkeneþ for þe beste
Bot tak it nowhte .I. pray ȝowe in disdeyne
This is þe pointe to speke schort and pleine
That iche of ȝowe to schort wiþ owre weie
In þis viage schal tel tales tweye
To Kanterbury warde .I. mene it so
And homward he schal tellen oþere two
Of aventures whilome þat hane be-fall
And whiche of ȝowe þat bereþ him best of all
That is to seyne þat telleþ in þis cas
Tales of best sentence. and most solas
Schall haue a soper at owre aller cost [folio 11b]
Here in þis place sittinge be þe post
Whan þat we comen a-geine fro Canturbury
And for to make ȝow þe more mery
.I. wil my seluen goodely wiþ ȝow ride
Riht att myne oune coste and be ȝowre gide
And who so wil my Iuggement wiþ-seie
Schal paie al þat we spende be þe weie
And if ȝe vouche saue þat it be so
Tel me anone wiþ-owten wordes mo
And .I. wil erly schape me þere-fore
¶ This þinge was graunted and owre oþes swore
With ful glad hert and praieyng him also
þat he wolde vouche saue for to do so
And þat he wolde be owre gouernowre
And of owre tales Iugge and reporture
And sett a soper att a serteine pris
And we wil rewled bene att his deuis
In hihe and in lowhe and þus be one assent Page  24
We bene accorded to þe Iuggement
And þer-vpon þe wyne was fett anone
We dronken and to rest went ichone
Wiþ-owten any longer taryinge
An morwe whan þe daie gan to springe
Vp roos owre ost and was owre alder cok
And gederd vs to-geder in a floke
And forþe we reden a litel mor þan pas
Vnto [þe] wateringe of seint Thomas
And þere owre oste gan his hors areste
And seide lordes herkeneþ if ȝowe leste
Ȝe wote ȝowre forward. and .I. it ȝowe recorde
If þat Euynsonge. and Morwsonge accorde
Lat se nowe who schal tel þe first tale
As euer mot .I. drinke wine or ale
Who so be rebel to my Iuggement
Schal paie for al þat be þe waie is spent
Now draweþ cut or þat we ferþer wynne
Whiche þat haþe þe schortest schal be-ginne
¶ Sir knyht quod he my maister and my lorde
Now draweþ Cut for þat is Myne accorde
Commeþ nere quod he Mi ladi prioresse
And ȝe sire clerke lat be ȝowre schamefastnesse
Ne studiethe nowht leie honde to euery man [folio 12a]
Anone to drawe euery wight began
And schortly for to tellen riht as it was
Were it be aventure or sort or cas
The soþe is þis þe Cut fel on þe knyht
Of whiche ful bliþe and glad was euery whit
And tellen he most his tale as it was resōn
Bi forward and be composiciōn.
As ȝe haue herde what nedeþ wordes moo
And whan þis good man sawhe þat it was so
As he þat wise was and obedient
To kepen his forward be his fre assent
He seide seþþe þat .I. schal beginne þe game Page  25
What welcome be þe cut one goddes name
Now lat vs ride and herkeneþ what .I. seie
And wiþ þat worde we riden forþe owre weie
And he be-gan wiþ riht a mery chere
His tale anone and seide as ȝe mai here*. [No gap in the MS.]