The Corpus ms (Corpus Christi coll., Oxford) of Chaucer's Canterbury tales. Ed. by Frederick J. Furnivall.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.



Prologus vxoris de Bathe. [headline] [folio 100a]

Experiment þough non auctorite*. [¶ Prologus vxoris de Bathe .Co.vijo.]
Were in þis world is right ynough for me
To speke of wo þat is in mariage
ffor lordynges syn I twelue ȝeer was of age /
Thanked be god þat is eterne alyue
housbondes atte chirche dore I haue had fyue/
If I so often might haue wedded be
But alle were worþy men in here degre
But me was told certein nought longe agones
[that criste ne wente / neuere but onys]*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14.]]
To weddyng in þe Cane of Galile /
That by þilke ensample taught he me
That I ne schulde wedded be but ones
herk eek lo which a scharpe worde for þe nones
Besyde a welle Ihesu god and man
Spak in repreef of þe Samaritan
Thow hast y-hadde .v. housebondes quod he.
And þat ilke man þat now haþ þe
Is not þin housbonde þus sayde he certayne
What he mente þer-by I can nought sayne
Wele But þat/ I axe why þe fyfte man
Was non housbonde to þe Samaritan
how many might sche han in mariage
*. [[This line is by another hand, over an erasure.]]Ȝitt hardde I neuere telle in al myn age Page  214 [6-text p 335]
Vppon þis nombre diffinicioun
Men may deuyne and glosen vp and doun
But wel I woot expresse wiþouten lye
God bad vs for to wexe and multiplye
That gentil text can I wel vnderstonde
Eke wel I woot he seyde myn housebonde
Schulde lete fader & mooder and take to me*. [¶ Relinquet homo patrem & matrem & adherebit &c/]
But of noon nombre mension made he /
Of Bigamye or of Octogamye
Why schulde men þenne haue it in vilanye /
loke here þe wise man king Salomon
I trowe he hadde wyues moo þan on*. [¶ Genesis ijo. Quamobrem]
Now wolde god it leeful were to me /
To be refreisshed half so ofte as he [folio 100b]
Which ȝifte of god hadde he for alle his wyues
No man haþ such þat in þis world a lyue is
God wot þis noble king as to my witte
The firste night hadde many a mery fitte
Wiþ iche of hem so wel was him alyue
Blissed be god þat I haue wedded fyue
Welcome þe sixte whan þat euer he schal
ffor siþþe I wille nought kepe chaste in al
Whan myn housebonde is fro þe world y-gon
Som crystne man schal wedde me anon
ffor þan þe apostle seiþ þat I am free
To wedde a goddes half wher it likeþ me
he seiþ þat to be wedded is no senne*. [¶ Melius est nubere quam vri]
Betre is it to be wedded þan to brenne
What rekkeþ me þough folk sey vylanye
Of schrewed lameth and his Bygamye /
I woot wel Abraham was an holy man
And Iacob eek as fer as euer I can
And ech of hem hadde wyues mo þan tuo
And many anoþer holy man also
Wher can ȝe say in any maner age
That vs god defended mariage Page  215 [6-text p 336]
By expresse word I pray yow telleþ me
Or wher comaunded he virginite
I wot as wel as ye it is no drede
þe apostel whan he spekeþ of maydenhede
he seyde þer-of precepte hadde he noone
Men may counseille a womman to ben oone
But counseilling is no comaundement
he putte it in oure owne Iuggement
ffor hadde god commaunded maydenhede
þanne hadde he dampned weddyng with þe dede
And certes if þer were no seed y-sowe
virginite þanne wher-of scholde it growe
Poule dorste nought comanden at þe leste
A þing of which his mayster ȝaf him non heste [folio 101a]
The darte is sette vppe fro virginite
Chase who so may who so renneþ best lat see
But þis word is nought take of euery wight
But þere as god wolde yeue it of his might
I wot wel þat þe apostel was a mayde /
But naþeles þough þat he wrot or sayde
he wolde þat euery wight were such as he /
Al nys nat but counseile to virginite
And for to be a wijf he yaf me leue
Of Indulgence so is it no repreue
To wedde me if þat my make deye /
Wiþoute excepcion of Bygamie /
Al were it good no womman for to touche
he mente as his body or in his couche
ffor peril is boþe to touche and for to assemble
Ȝe knowe what þis ensample may resemble
This al and some he heeld virginite
More perfyt þan wedded in freelte
ffreltee clepe I not but þat he and sche
Wolde leede here lijf al in chastite
I graunte it wel I haue non envye
Though maydenhede preferre Bygamye Page  216 [6-text p 337]
It likeþ hem to be clene in body and gost
Of myn estate I wole make no boost
ffor wel ȝe knowe a lord in his houshold
haþ not euery vessele of golde /
Some ben of tree / and doon here lord seruise
God clepeþ folk to him in sondry wise
And euerich haþ of god a propre ȝifte /
Some þis some þat as him likeþ schifte
virginite is gret perfection
And conscience eek with deuocion
But crist þat of perfection is welle
Bad nought euery wight he schulde selle
Al þat he hadde and ȝiue it to þe pore
And in swich wise folwe him and his lore [folio 101b]
he spak to hem þat wolde lyue parfitly*. [¶ Mathei xixo. Dixit autem ihesus vade & vende omnia que habes & da pauperibus]
And lordynges by ȝoure leue þat am not I
I wole bystowe þe flour of alle myn age
In charite and fruyt of maryage
Telle me also to what conclusion
Were membres maade of generacion
And of so parfyt wise and why y-wrought
Tristeþ right wel þey were not made for nought
Glose who so wile and seye boþe vp and doun
That þey were made for purgacioun
Of vryne and oure boþe þinges smale
Were eek to knowe a femal from a male
And for non oþer cause what seye ȝe no;
The experience woot it is nouȝt so
So þat þe clerkes be not with me wroþe
I seye þis þat þey maked be for boþe
This is to seyn for office and for eese
Of engendrynge þare we not god displese
Why schulden men elles in here bokes sette
That man schal yelde to his wijf his dette
Now wher-wiþ scholde he paye his payement
yf þat he ne vsed his seely instrument Page  217 [6-text p 338]
Than were þey maade vpon a creature
To purgie vryne and eek for engendure
But I seye nought þat euery wight is holde
That haþ such harneys as I to yow of tolde
To gon and vsen hem in engendrure
Thanne scholde men take of chastite no cure
Crist was a mayden and schapen as a man
And many a seynt syn þat þe world bygan
Yet lyued þey euere in parfyt chastite
I nel envye with no virginite
lete hem ete brede of pured whete seed
And late vs wyues ete barly breed
And yet with barly breed Mark telle can
Oure lord*. [[catchword: a leaf out; a sheet misplaced]] [Ihesu refresshed / many a man [MS Arch. Seld. B. 14 folio 84b]
in suche estate as god hath cleped vs
I wol perceiver / I am nought precious
in wiffhode wol I vse myn instrument
as frely as my maker / hath hit sent
yiff I be dangerous / god yeve me sorowe
myn housbonde shal it haue both eve and amorwe
whan that him list / com forth and pay his dette
an housbonde wol I haue / I wol not lette
which shal be / both my dettour and my thralle
and han his tribulacioun with-alle
vppon his flesshe / while that I am his wiff
I haue the power / durynge al my liff*. [¶ Ad Corinthios vijo vir sui corporis non habet potestatem set mulier &c]
vppon his propre body / and not he
right thus the Appostel / tolde vn-to me
and bad oure housbondes / for to love vs welle
alle this sentence / me liketh euerydelle
Uppe sterte the pardoner / and that anoon
now dame quod he / bi god and bi seint Iohn
ye ben a noble prechoure / in this caas
I was abovte to wedde a wiff allaas
what shulde I bye it / on my flesshe so dere
yit had I lever wedde noon to yere Page  218 [6-text p 339]
abyde quod she / my tale is not bigonne*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14]]
nay thow shalt drynken / of another tonne
or that I go / shal sauour wers than ale [MS Arch. Seld. B. 14 folio 85a]
and whan I haue tolde forth my tale
of tribulacioun / that is in mariage
of which I am expert / in myn age
this is to seie / my-silff hath ben the whippe
than maistow chese / whether thow wih sippe
of thilke tonne / that I shal abroche
be war of hit / or thow to nygh approche
for I shal telle ensamples / mo than ten
who so that wil not / be war bi other men
by him shulle other men corrected be
these same wordis / writeth Protholome*. [¶ Protholome]
rede in his Almageste / and take it there
dame I wol pray yow / if youre wille were
seide this Pardoner / as ye bigan
telle forth youre tale / spare for no man
and teche vs yongemen / of youre practike
gladly quod she / sith it may yow like
but that I pray / to al this companye
if that I speke / after my fantesie
as taketh nought agreff / of that I seye
for myn entente / is not / but for to pleye.
NOw sirs than shal I telle yow my tale
as euere mot y drynke wyn or ale
I shal sey soth / tho housbondes that I hadde
as thre of hem were goode / and two were badde
the thre were goode men / riche and olde
vnneth myghten thei / the statute holde
in which thei were bounden vn-to me
ye wot wel what I meene of this parde
as god me helpe / I laugh whan I thynke
how pitously a nyght / I made hem swynke
but bi my fay / I tolde of hit no store
thei hadde me yeve here londe / and here tresore Page  219 [6-text p 340]
me nedede nought / do lenger diligence*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14]]
to wynne here love / and do hem reuerence
they loued me so wel / bi god above [MS Arch. Seld. B. 14 folio 85b]
that I ne tolde no deynte / of here love
a wise woman wol besy hir / euere in oon
to gete hir love / ye there as she hath noon
but sith I hadde hem / holly in myn honde
and that thei hadde / yeve me al here londe
what shulde I take kepe hem for to please
but if it were my profyte / and myn ease
I sette hem so a worke / bi my fay
that many a night / thei songen welaway
the Bacoun was not fette for hem I trowe]*. [[Arch. Seld. B. 14 ex|tract stops]]
That some men haue in Essexe at Dunmowe [folio 107a] *. [for 102]
I gouerned hem so wel after my lawe
That iche of hem ful blisful was and fawe /
To bringe me gay þinges fro þe feyre
They were ful glad whan I spak to hem faire*. [[This line is by another hand.]]
ffor god it woot I chidde hem spytously
Now herkneþ how I bar me proprely
ye wyse wyues þat can vnderstande
Thus schulde ye speke and bere hem wrong on hande
ffor half so boldely þer can no man
Swere and lye as a womman can
I seye not þis by wyues þat ben wise /
But it be whan þat þey hem mysavyse /
A wise wijf schal if þat sche can hire good
Bere him on hond þat þe kow is wood
And take witnesse of hir owne mayde /
Of hire assent but herkeþ how I sayde /
Sire olde kaynard is þis þin array
Why is my neyheboures wijf so gay
Sche is honoured ouer al wher sche goþ
I sitte at hom I haue no þrifty cloþ
What dostow at my neyhebores hous
Is sche so fair art þou so amerous Page  220 [6-text p 341]
What roune ȝe wiþ oure mayde benedicite
Sire olde lechour let þy iapes be /
And if I haue a gossibb or a freende
Wiþoute gilte ȝe chide as a feende
If þat I walke or pleye vnto his hous
þou comest home as drunken as a mous
And prechest on þi benche wiþ euel preef
þou seist to me it is a gret meschief
To wedde a pouer womman for costage
And if þat sche be riche of gret parage
þanne seistow þat it is a tormentrie /
To suffre hire pryde and hire malencolie /
And if þat sche be fair þou verray knaue /
Thow seist þat euery holour wol hir haue / [folio 107b]
Sche may no while in chastite abyde
That is assayed vppon eche syde
Thou seist some folk desire vs for richesse
Some for oure schapp and some for oure fayrnesse
And some for sche can oþer synge or daunce
þus saistow wernard god ȝiue þe meschance
Some for here hondes and here armes smale
Thus goþ al to þe deuel by þy tale/
þou seist men may not kepe a castel walle
It may so longe assailed ben ouer alle /
And if þat sche be foule þou seist þat sche
Coueiteþ euery man þat sche may see
ffor as a spaynel sche wol on him lepe
Til þat sche fynde som man þat wol hir chepe
Ne non so grey goos goþ þer in þe lake
As seist þou þat wol be wiþouten make
And seist it is an hard þing for to weelde
A wight þat noman wille his þankes helde
Thus seistow lorel whan þou gost to bedde
And þat no wys man needeþ for to wedde
And noman þat entendiþ to þe heuene
Wiþ wilde þunder dent and fyre leuene / Page  221 [6-text p 342]
Mote þy wicked necke be to-broke
þou seist þat droppyng houses and eek smoke
And chydyng wyues maken men to fle
Out of here owne houses a benedicite
What eyleþ swich an olde man for to chyde
Thou seist we wyues wille oure vices hyde
Til we be faste and þanne we wille hem schewe
Wel may þis be a prouerbe of a schrewe
Thou seist þat Oxen assen hors and houndes
They ben assayed at diuerse stoundes
Bacynes lauours or þat men hem bye
Spoones stooles and swich housbondrye
And so ben cloþes pottes and oþer arrayes
But of wommen aren maked non assayes [folio 108a] *. [for 103]
Til þei ben wedded olde dotard schrewe
And seist how þanne we wil oure vices schewe
Thou seist also þat it displeses me
But if þou wille preyse my beaute
And but þou poure alwey vpon my face
And clepe me faire dame in euery place
And but þou make a feste on þat ilke day
That I was born and make me freische and gay
And but þou do to my norys honour
And to my chambre wiþinne my bour
And to my fadres folk and his allyes
Thus seist þou olde barel ful of lyes
And yit of oure apprentys Iankyn
ffor his crispe heer schynynge so gold fyn
And for he squyeres me boþe vp and doun
yet hastow þought and fals suspecion
I wil him nought þough þou were deed to morwe
But telle me þis why hydest þou with sorwe
Thy keyes of þi cheste away fro me /
It is my good as wel as þin parde
What wenestow make an ydyot of oure dame /
Now by þat lord þat called is seint Iame Page  222 [6-text p 343]
þou schalt not boþe þough þou were wood
Be maister of my body and my good
That oon þou schalt forgo maugre þin eyȝen
What helpeþ it on me enquere and spyen
I trowe þough þou woldest loke me in þi cheste
þou scholdest seie wyf go where þe leste
Take youre disporte I wol not leue no tales
I knowe ȝow for a good wyf dame Alis
We loue no man þat takeþ keepe or charge
Where þat we go we wole be at oure large
Of alle men blessed mote he be
The wise astrologien dann ptholome
That seiþ þis prouerbe in his almageste
Of alle men his wisdam is hyeste [folio 108b]
That rekkeþ not who haþ þe world in hande
By þis prouerbe þou schalt wel vnderstande
haue þou ynough what þar þe rekke or kare
how meryly þat oþer folkes fare
ffor certes olde dotard by youre leue
ye schulle haue queynte right ynough at eue
he is to gret a nygard þat wol warne
A man to light a candel at his lantarne
he schal haue neuer þe lesse light/ parde
haue þou ynough þe þar not pleyne þe
þou seist also þat if þou make vs gay
Wiþ cloþing or with precious array
That it is peril of oure chastite
And ȝit with wordes þou most enforce me /
And seie þise wordes in þe apostels name
In habyt made with chastite and schame
ye wommen schulle apparaille you quod he/
And nat in tressed heer and gay perre
As perle ne wiþ golde ne cloþes riche
After þi texte ne after þi rubriche
I wol not werke as mochil as a gnatt
þou saydest als þat I was like a catt Page  223 [6-text p 344]
But who so wolde senge a cattes skyn
þanne wolde þe catt wel dwellen in his In
And if þe cattes skyn be slike and gay
Sche nel not dwelle in house half a day
But forþ sche wille or ony day be dawed
To schewe hire skyn and go a caterwrawed
þis is to say if I be gay sir schrewe
I wil renne out my borel for to schewe
Sire olde fool what helpeþ þe to spien
They þou prey argus with his þousand yhen*. [argus habuit mille oculos.]
To be my warde corps as he can best
In feiþ he schal not kepe me but if me lest
yet couþe I make his berd so mote I þee
þou seist eek þat þer ben þinges þree [folio 109a] *. [for 104]
þe whiche þinges troublen al þis Erþe
And þat no wight may endure þe ferþe
O leue sire schrewe ihesu schorte þi lijf
yet prechest þou and seist an hateful wijf
y-rekned is for oon of þis meschances
Ben þer non oþer maner resemblances
þat ye may likene ȝoure parables to
But if a sely wijf be on of þo
And likenest wommannes loue to helle
To bareyne lond þer water may not dwelle
þou likenest it/ also to wilde fyre
The more it brenneth þe more it haþ desire
To consume eny þing þat brende wolde be
Thou seist þat right as wormes schende a tree
Right so a wyf destroyeþ hir housebonde
This knowen þey þat ben to wyues bonde
lordynges right þus ȝe han vnderstande
Bar I stifly myn olde housbondes on hande
þat þus þey seyden in here drunkenesse
And eek þat he hadde suspecion and Ielousnesse
On Iankyn and on my nefe also
O lord þe peyne I dede hem and þe woo Page  224 [6-text p 345]
fful gilteles by goddes sweete pyne
ffor as an hors I couþe boþe byte and whyne
I couþe pleyne and I was in þe gilte
Or elles ofte tyme I hadde ben spilte
Who so þat first to mylle comþ ferst grynte
I pleyned first so was oure werre stynte
þey were ful glade to excusen hem ful blyue /
Of þing which þei agilte neuer here lyue
Of wenches wolde I beren hem on honde
Whan þat for sike þey might vnneþe stonde
yet tykeled I his herte for þat he
Wende I hadde of him so gret chiertee
I swore þat al my walkynge be night
Was for to aspye wenches þat he dighte [folio 109b]
vnder þat colour hadde I many a myrþe
ffor alle such witte is ȝiue vs in oure birþe
Desceipte wepyng spynnyng god haþ ȝiue
To womman kyndely whil þat þei may lyue*. [¶ ffallere flere nere dedit deus in muliere]
And þus of o þing I auaunte me
At þe ende I hadde þe beste in eche degre
By sleighte or force or by som maner þing
As by continuel murmur and grucching
Namely a bedde hadde þey meschaunce
Ther wolde I chide and do hem no plesaunce
I wolde no lenger in þe bedde abyde
If þat I felte his arm ouer my syde
Til he hadde made his raunsom vnto me
Thanne wolde I suffre him do his nycete
And þerfore euery man þis tale I telle
Wynne who so may al are for to selle
Wiþ empty hande men may non haukes lure
ffor wynnyng wolde I al his lust endure
And make me a feyned appetyt
And ȝit in bakon hadde I neuer delit/
That maked me þat euer I wolde him chyde
ffor þough þe pope hadde sete him besyde Page  225 [6-text p 346]
I wolde nouȝt spare him at his oughne bord
ffor by my trouþe I quitte him word for word
As helpe me verrey god omnipotent
þough I right now schulde make my testament
I ne owe him a word þat it nys quitte
I brought it so aboute by my witte
That he muste ȝiue it vp as for þe beste /
Or elles hadde we neuere ben in reste
ffor þough he loked as a leoun
ȝet scholde he faile of his conclusion
Thenne wolde I seye now goode leef take keepe /
how mekely lokeþ wilkyn oure scheepe
Com ner my spouse lat me ba þi cheeke
ȝe schulle be al pacient and meeke [folio 110a] *. [for 105]
And han a sweete spiced conscience /
Syn ȝe so preche of Iobis pacience
Suffreþ alwey syn ȝe so wel can preche
And but ȝe do certein we schul ȝou teche
That it is fair to haue a wyf in pees
On of vs moot bowen doutelees
And siþþe a man is more resonable
Than woman is sire ȝe moste be suffrable /
What eyleþ ȝou to grucche þus and grone
Is it for ȝe wolde haue my queynte allone
Whi tak it al / lo haue it euery del
Petir I schrewe ȝou but ȝe loue me wel
ffor If I wolde selle my bele chose
I couþe walke as freissche as a rose
But I wil kepe it for ȝour owne toþ
ȝe be to blame by god I seye ȝou soþ
Suche maner wordes hadde we on honde
Now wol I speke of my ferþe housbonde /
¶ My ferþe housbond was a reuelour
This is to seye he hadde a paramour
And I was yong and ful of Ragerie
Styborne and strong and ioly as a pye Page  226 [6-text p 347]
lord how couþe I daunce to an harpe smale /
And synge ywys as eny nyghtyngale /
Whan I hadde dronke a draughte of sweete wyn
Meteling þe foule cherle þe swyn
That with a staf byraft his wif hir lyf
ffor sche drank wyn þough I hadde ben his wijf
Ne schulde he nought han daunted me fro drynke
And after wyn on venus most I þinke
ffor also syker as colde engendreþ hayl
A likerous mouþ moste han a likerous tail
In womman violent is no defence
This knowen lecchoures by experience
But lord crist whan þat it remembreþ me /
vpon my ȝouþe and my Iolyte [folio 110b]
It tykeleþ me about myn herte roote
vnto þis day it doþ myn herte boote
þat I haue had my world as in my tyme
But age allas þat al wol envenyme
haþ me byraft my beaute and my piþ
lat go far wel þe deuel go þer-wiþ
The flour is gon þer is nomore to telle
The bren as I best can now moot I selle
But ȝet to be right mery wol I fonde /
Now forþ to telle of my ferþe housbonde
I seye I hatte in herte gret despyt
That he of eny oþer hadde delyt
But he was quyte by god and by sent Iose
I made him of þe same woode a crose
Not of my body in no foul manere
But certeinly I made folk such cheere
That in his owne grece I made him frye
ffor angery and for verray Ialousie /
By god in erþe I was his purgatorie
ffor which I hope his soule be in glorie /
ffor god it wot he sat ful ofte and song
Whan þat his scho ful bitterly him wrong Page  227 [6-text p 348]
ffor þer was non sauf god and he þat wiste
In many wise where I him twiste
he deyed whan I cam fro Ierusalem
And liþ y-graue vnder þe Roode beem
Al nys his tombe not so curious
As was þe sepulcre of him Darius
Which þat appelles wroughten subtilly
It nys but waste to burye him preciously
lat him far wel god ȝiue his soule reste
he is now in his graue and in his cheste
¶ Now of my fyfþe housbonde wil I telle
God late neuer his soule come in helle /
And ȝit was he to me þe moste schrewe /
That feele I on my ribbes al by rewe [folio 111a] *. [for 106]
And euere schal vnto myn endyng day
But in a bed he was so freissh and gay
And þer-wiþ-al so wel couþe he me glose /
Whan þat he wolde han my bele chose /
þat þough he hadde me bete on euery boon
he couþe wynne agayn my loue anon
I trowe I loued him þe bet for he
Was of his loue daungerous to me
We wymmen han if þat I schal not lye
In þis manere a queinte fantasye
Wayte what þing we may nought lightly haue
Ther-after wole we crye alday and craue /
fforbede vs þing and þat desyren we
Prees on vs faste and þanne wil we flee /
Wiþ daunger outen we alle oure chaffare
Gret prees at market makeþ deere ware /
And to gret cheep is holde / at litel pris
This knoweþ euery womman þat is wys
My .ve. housbonde god his soule blesse
Which þat I took for loue and no richesse /
he som tyme was a clerk of Oxenforde
And hadde left scole and wente at hom to borde Page  228 [6-text p 349]
Wiþ my gossybb dwellyng in oure toun
God haue hire soule hir name was alisoun
Sche knew myn herte and al my priuyte /
Bettre þan oure parissche prest so mote I þee /
To hire bywreyed I my counseil al
ffor hadde myn housbonde pyssed on a wal
Or don a þing þat schulde haue cost his lyf
To hire and to anoþer worþy wyf
And to my neece which I loue wel
I wolde han told his counseill euerydell
And so I dede ful ofte god it woot
That made his face often reed and hoot
ffor verray schame and blamed himself for he
hadde told to me so gret a pryuyte [folio 111b]
And so it felle þat ones in a lente
So ofte tyme vnto my gossib wente /
ffor euer ȝit I loued to be gay
And for to walke in march aueril and may
ffrom hous to hous to herkne sondry tales
That Iankyn clerk and my gossibb dame alis
And I my self in to þe feldes wente
myn housbond was at london al þat lente
I hadde þe bettre leysir for to pleye
And for to see and eek for to be seye
Of lusty folk what wist I wher my grace
Was schapen for to be or in what place
þerfore made I my visitacions
To vigilies and to processions
To prechyng eek and to þis pilgrimages
To pleyes of myracles and of mariages
And wered vpon my gaye skarlet gytes
This wormes ne þise moþþes ne þise mytes
vppon my peril frete hem neuer a del
And wostow why for þey were vsed wel
¶ Now wol I tellen forþ what happed me
I seye þat in þe feeldes walked we Page  229 [6-text p 350]
Til trewely we hadde such dalyance
þis clerk and I þat of my purueiaunce
I spak to him and seyde how þat he
If I were wydow schulde wedde me
ffor certeynly I seye for no bobaunce /
þat was I neuer ȝit wiþoute purueance
Of mariage ne of oþer þinges eeke
I holde a mouses witte nat worþ a leek
þat haþ but oon hole for to stirten to
And if þat faile þan is al y-do
[I bar him on honde / he had enchaunted me*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14. No other Oxford MS has these lines.—G. Parker.]]
my dame taughte me / that subtilte
and eke I seide / I mette of him al night
he wolde haue shamed me / as I lay vpright
and al my bed was ful / of verry blood
but yit I hope / that ye shul do me good
for blood bitokeneth gold / as me was taughte
and al was fals / for I dremed right naughte
but as I folwed ay / my dames lore
als wel of that / as of other thinges more]*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14. extract stops]]
But now sire lat me see what I schal seyn
A ha. by god I haue my tale agayn
Whan þat my ferþe housbonde was on bere
I wepe algate and made sory chere [folio 112a] *. [for 107]
As wyues mooten for it is vsage /
And with my keuercheeff couered my visage
But for þat I was purueyed of a make /
I weep but smale and þat I vndertake
To chirche was myn housbond y-born on morwe
With neghebours þat for him made sorwe
And Iankyn oure clerk was on of þo
As help me god whan þat I seih him go
After þe beere me þought he hadde a paire
Of legges and of feet so cleene and faire
That al myn herte I yaf vnto his holde
he was I trowe twenty wynter olde Page  230 [6-text p 351]
And I was fourty if I schal seye soþ
But yet I hadde alwey a coltes toþ
Gat toþed I was and þat bycam me wel
I hadde þe printe of seint venus sel
As help me god I was a lusty oon
And fair and riche and ȝong and wel bygon
And trewely as myn housbond tolde me
I hadde þe beste queynte þat/ mighte be
[for certis I am al fully Venerian*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14. Only this Oxf. MS has these lines. Barlow 20 omits ll. 605-8 too.—G. P.]]
in feling / and myn herte is Marcian
Venus me yaff my lust / my likerousnes
and Mars yaff me / my sturdy hardynes]
Myn ascendent was Taur and Mars þerinne
Allas allas þat euer loue was synne /
I folwed ay myn inclinacion
By vertue of my constellacion ·
That made me I couþe not wiþdrawe
My chambre of venus from a good felawe
[yit haue I Mars is marke / vppon my face*. [[MS Arch. Seld. B. 14. Laud 600 also has these lines. 619-226, but no other Oxford MS has them.—G. P.]]
and also in another prevy place
for god so wis be / my sauacioun
I loued neuere / bi no discressioun
but euere folwed / myn appetite
al were he long / shorte / blak or white
I toke no kepe / so that he liked me
how pore he was / ne eke of what degre]
What schulde I seye but at þe monþes ende
This Ioly clerk Iankyn þat was so heende /
haþ wedded me with gret solempnite
And to him ȝaf I al þe lond and fee /
That euere was me ȝiuen þer byfore
But afterward repentede me ful sore
he nolde suffre no þing of my lest
By god he smot me onys on þe lest
ffor þat I rente out of his book a leef
That of þat strook my eeren woxen deef [folio 112b] Page  231 [6-text p 352]
¶ Stiborne I was as is a leonesse /
And of my tonge a verray Iangleresse /
And walke I wolde as I hadde don biforn
ffrom hous to hous al þough he hadde it sworn
ffor wiþ ful often tyme he wolde preche
And me olde romance gestes teche
how he simplicius Gallus lefte his wijf
And hire forsook for terme of his lijf
Not but for openhede he hir say
Lokyng out at his dore on a day
Anoþer Romayn tolde he me by name
That for his wyf was at a Somer game /
Wiþoute his wytyng he forsook hire eeke
And þanne wolde he vpon his bible seeke
That ilke prouerbe of ecclesiaste
Wher he comaūndeþ and forbedeþ faste
Man schal not suffre his wyf to roule aboute
þan wolde he seye right þus wiþouten doute
Who so þat buldeth his hous al of salwes*. [nota bene]
And prikeþ his blynde hors ouer þe falwes
And suffreþ his wijf go for to seeken halwes
Is worþy for to be hanged on þe galwes
But al for nought I sette nat an hawe
Of his prouerbes ne of his olde lawe
Ne I wolde not of him corrected be /
I hate him þat my vice telleþ me
And so don mo god woot of vs þan I
This made him with me wood al outerly
I nolde not forbere him in no caas
Now wil I seie ȝou soþ by seint Thomas
Why þat I rent out of his book a leef
ffor which he smot me þat I was deef
he hadde a book þat gladly night and day
ffor his disporte he wolde rede alway
he clepede valery and Theofraste
At which book he lowh alwey ful faste [folio 113a] *. [for 108]Page  232 [6-text p 353]
And eek þer was som tyme a clerk in Rome /
A Cardinal þat highte seint Ierome
That made a book aȝein Iouynian
In which book eeke þer was Terculan
Crisippus Trocula and helowys
That was abbesse nat fer fro Parys
And eek þe parables of Salomon
Ovides art and bokes many oon
And alle þise were bounde in oo volume
And euery night and day was his custume
Whan he hadde leysyr and vacacioun
ffrom oþer worldly occupacion
To reden in þis book of wikked wyues
he knew of hem mo legendes and lyues
Than ben of goode wyues in þe bible /
ffor trusteþ wel it is an impossible
That ony clerk wole speken good of wyues
But if it be of holy seintes lyues
Ne of non oþer wommen neuer þe mo
Who peynted þe lyoun tel me who
By god if wommen hadden writen stories
As clerkes han wiþinne here oratories
They wolde haue writen of men more wickednesse
Than alle þe marke of adam may redresse
The children of mercurie and venus
Ben in here werkynge contrarious
Mercurie loueþ wisdam and science /
And venus loueþ ryot and dispence /
And for here diuerse disposicion
Eche falleþ in oþres exaltacion
As þus god wot mercurie is desolat
In Piscis. where venus is exaltat
And venus falleþ þer mercurie is reised
Ther-fore no womman of no man is preysed
The clerk whan he is olde and may not do
To Venus werk nought worþ his olde scho [folio 113b] Page  233 [6-text p 354]
Than sitte he doun and writ in his dotage /
That wommen con not keepe here mariage
But now to purpos why I tolde þe
That I was beten for a book pardee
Vppon a night Iankyn þat was oure syre
Redde on his book as he sat by þe fyre
Of Eua first þat for hire wickednesse
Was al mankynde brought to wrecchednesse
[for which Ihesu crist / him silff was sleyne
that bought vs with his herte blood ageyne
lo here expresse of recorde / may ye fynde
that woman was the loos / of al mankynde [MS Arch. Seld. B. 14 folio 92b] *. [[Laud MS 739 omits 716-720.]]]
Tho redde he me how Sampson lost his heris
Slepyng his lemman kit it wiþ hir scheris
Thurgh which treson lost he boþe his eyen
Tho redde he me if þat I schal not lyen
Of ercules and of his deyanire /
That caused him to sette himself a fyre
No þing for-gat he þe penance and woo
That Socrates hadde with his wyues tuo
how þat ancipa caste pisse on his heed
This seely man sat stille as he were deed
he wyped his heed no more durste he seyn
But or þat þundir stynte comeþ a reyn
Of Phasipha þat was þe queen of Grete /
ffor schrewednesse him þought þe tale swete
ffy spek nomore it is a grisly þing
Of hire horrible lust and hire likyng
Of Clitermistra for hire leccherie
That falsly made hir housbonde for to dye
he redde it wiþ wel good deuocion
he tolde me for what occasion
Amphiorax at Thebes lost his lyf
Myn housbond had a legend of his wijf
Eriphilem þat for an ouche of golde
haþ pryuyly vnto þe Grekes tolde Page  234 [6-text p 355]
Wher þat hir housbond hid him in a place
ffor which he hadde at Thebes sory grace
Of lyma tolde he me and of lucye
They boþe made here housbondes for to dye [folio 114a] *. [for 109]
That on for loue þat oþer was for hate
lyma hire housebonde on euen late
Enpoysoned hadde for sche was his foo
Lucia likerous loued hir housbonde so
That for he scholde vppon hir alwey þinke
Sche yaf him such a loue maner drynke
That he was deed er it was by þe morwe
And þus algates housbondes han sorwe
Than tolde he me how oon latumyus
Compleigned to his felaw arius
That in his gardyn growed such a tree
On which he seyde þat his wyues þre
hanged hemselue for hertes dispitous
O leeue broþer quod þis arious
ȝif me a plante of þat blisful tree
And in my gardyn planted schal it be/
Of later date of wyues haþ he redde
That han slayne here housbondes in þe bedde
And leet hir lecchour dight hir al þe night
Whan þat þe corps lay in þe floor vpright
And some han dryuen nayles in here brayn
Whil þat þey sleepe and þus þey han hem slayn
Some han ȝiuen poyson in here drynke
He spak more harme þan herte may beþynke
And þer-wiþ-al he knew of mo prouerbes
þan in þis worlde þer growen gresse or herbes*. [¶ Solo melius est habitare]
Bet is quod he þin habitacion
Be with a leoun or a foul dragon
Than with a womman vsyng for to chyde
Bet is quod he heihe in þe roof abyde
Than wiþ an angry wyf doun in an hous
They ben so wicked and contrarious Page  235 [6-text p 356]
þey hateþ þat here housbondes loueþ ay
he seyde a womman cast hir schame away
Whan sche cast of hir smok and forþermo
A fair womman but sche be chast also [folio 114b]
Is lyk a goldryng on a sowes nose
Who wolde wene or wolde suppose
þe woo þat in myn herte was and pyne
And whan I saugh he wolde neuer fyne
To reden on þis cursed book al night
Al sodeinly þre leues haue I plight
Out of his book right as he red and eeke
I with my fest so took him on þe cheeke
þat in oure fire he fille bakward adoun
And he vpstirte as doþ a wood leoun
And with his fest he smot me on þe heed
þat in þe floor I lay as I were deed
And whan he saugh how stille þat I lay
he was agast and wolde han fledde away
Til atte laste out of my swowe I brayde
O hast þou slayn me false þeef I sayde
And for my lond þus hastow moerdred me /
Or I be deed ȝit wol I kisse þe
And neer he come and kneled faire adoun
And seyde deere suster alisoun
As help me god I schal þe neuer smyte
þat I haue doon it is þiself to wyte
fforȝiue it me and þat I þe beseke /
And ȝit eftsones I hitte him on þe cheeke /
And seyde þeef þus mochel am I wreke
Now wil I dye I may no lenger speke
But at þe laste / wiþ mochel care and woo
We felle acorded by vs seluen tuo
he ȝaf me al þe brydel in myn hond
To haue þe gouernance of hous and lond
And of his tunge and of his hand also/
And made him brenne his book anon right þo Page  236 [6-text p 357]
And whan þat I hadde geten vnto me
By maistrie al þe souerainte
þan he seyde myn owne trewe wyf*. [leaf 114, back, at bottom of the page]
Do as þou list þe terme of alle þy lif /*. [leaf 101 b. for 110]
kepe þin honour and keep eek myn estate /
After þat day we hadde neuer debate /
God help me so I was to him as kynde
As eny wijf from Denmark in to ynde
And al so trewe and so was he to me /
I pray to god þat sitte in mageste
So blisse his soule for his mercy deere
Now wol I telle my tale if ȝe wol heere
¶ Here endeþ þe prologe of þe gode wif of Baþe

[The Wrangle between the Summoner and Friar.]

The frere lowh whan he haþ herd al þis
Now dame quod he so haue I ioye or blis
This is a long preamble of a tale
And whan þis somnour herde þe freere gale /
Lo quod þe somnour goddes armes tuo
A freere wille entremette him euermo
lo goode men a flye and eek a freere
Wille falle in euery dissche and eek/ matiere /
What spekest þou of preambulacion
What amble or trotte or pees or go sit doun
Thou lettest/ oure disport in þis manere /
ȝe woltow so þou sompnour quod þe ffrere /
Now by my fay I schal er þat I go
Telle of a Somnour such a tale or tuo
That alle þe folk schulle laughen in þis place
Now elles frere I beschrewe þy face
Quod þis somnour and I byschrewe me /
But if I telle þe tales tuo or þre
Of freres or I come to Sydyngborne
þat I schal make þin herte for to morne Page  237 [6-text p 358]
ffor wel I wot þy pacience is gon
Oure hoste cryde pees and þat anon
And seyde lat þe womman telle hir tale /
Ye faren as folk þat dronken ben of ale
Do dame telle forþ youre tale and þat is beste
Al redy sire quod sche right as yow leste
[*. [MS cut away. lf 101b, bk]If I have licens o]f þis worþi frere
[*. [MS cut away. lf 101b, bk]Yis dame telle] forþ þi tale I wol here