The Hengwrt ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.
Page  378





The Nonne;, [folio 165b] *. [[head-line]]

THe Ministre / and the norice vn to vices
Which that men clepeth in englissh ydelnesse
That porter at the gate is / of delices
To eschuen / and by hir contrarie hire oppresse
That is to seyn / by leueful bisynesse
Wel oghte we / to doon al oure entente
Lest that the feend / thurgh ydelnesse vs hente
¶ ffor he / that with his thousand cordes slye
Continuelly / vs wayteth to biclappe
Whan he may man / in ydelnesse espye
He kan so lightly / cacche hym in his trappe
Til that a man / be hent right by the lappe
He nys nat war / the feend hath hym in honde
Wel oghte vs werche / and ydelnesse withstonde
¶ And thogh men dradden / neuere for to dye
Yet seen men wel / by reson doutelees
That ydelnesse / is roten slogardye
Of which ther neuere comth / no good nencrees
And seen that Slouthe / hir holdeth in a lees
Oonly for to slepe / and ete and drynken
And to deuouren / al that othere swynken Page  379 [6-text p 528]
¶ And for to putte vs / from swich ydelnesse
That cause is / of so greet confusion
I haue here doon / my feithful bisynesse
After the legende / in translacion
Right of thy glorious lyf/ and passion
Thow with thy gerland / wroght of rose & lilie
Thee mene I / mayde and martir Seinte Cecilie
And thow / that flour of virgines art alle*. [Inuocacio ad mariam.]
Of whom that Bernard / list so wel to write
To thee / at my bigynnyng I first calle
Thow confort of vs wrecches / do mendite
Thy maydens deeth / that wan thurgh hir merite
The eternal lyf/ and of the feend victorie
As man may after / reden in hir Storie
¶ Thow mayde and moder / doghter of thy sone [folio 166a]
Thow welle of mercy / synful soules cure
In whom that god / for bountee chees to wone
Thow humble and heigh / ouer euery creature
Thow nobledest so ferforth oure nature
That no desdaign / the makere hadde of kynde
His sone / in blood & flessh / to clothe & wynde
¶ With Inne the Cloistre blisful / of thy sydis
Took mannes shape / the eternal loue and pees
That of the tryne compas / lord and gyde is
Whom erthe and see / and heuene out of relees
Ay heryen / and thow virgyne wemmeles
Bar of thy body / and dweltest mayde pure
The creatour / of euery creature Page  380 [6-text p 529]
Assembled is in thee Magnificence
With mercy / goodnesse / and swich pitee
That thow that art the sonne of excellence
Nat oonly / helpest hem þat prayen thee
But ofte tyme / of thy benygnytee
fful frely / er that men / thyn helpe biseche
Thow goost biforn / and art hir lyues leche
Now help thow meke / and blisful faire mayde
Me flemed wrecche / in this desert of galle
Thynk on the womman Cananee / that sayde
That whelpes eten / somme of the crommes alle
That from hir lordes table / been yfalle
And thogh that I / vnworthy sone of Eue
Be synful / yet accepte my bileue
¶ And for that feith is deed / with outen werkis
So for to werken / yif me wit and space
That I be quyt/ from thennes / that moost derk is
O thow / that art so fair / and ful of grace
Be myn Aduocate / in that heighe place
Ther as with outen ende / is songe Osanne
Thow cristes moder / doghter deere of Anne
[*. [Rats.] [folio 166b] An]d of thy light my soule in prison lighte
That troubled is / by the contagion
Of my body / and also by the wighte
Of erthely lust and fals affeccion
O. hauene / o. refut o. sauacion
Of hem / that been in sorwe and in distresse
Now help / for to my werk I wol me dresse Page  381 [6-text p 530]
¶ Yet praye ich yow / þat reden that I write
fforyeue me / that I do no diligence
This ilke storie / subtilly tendite
ffor bothe haue I / the wordes and sentence
Of hym / that at the Seintes reuerence
The storie wroot and folwen hir legende
And pray yow / that ye wol my werk amende
(13) [THE TALE.]
First wolde I yow / the name of Seinte Cecilie*. [Interpretacio nominis Cecilie quam ponit fra|ter lacobus· Ia|nuensis in le|genda. aurea.]
Expowne / as men may in hir storie se
It is to seyn on englissh / heuenes lilie
ffor pure chastnesse / of virginitee
Or for she whitnesse hadde of honestee
And grene of conscience / and of good fame
The swote sauour lilie / was hir name
¶ Or Cecile is to seyn / the wey to blynde
ffor she ensample was / by good techynge
Or ellis Cecile / as I writen fynde
Is ioyned / by a manere conioignynge
Of heuene / and lia / and here in figurynge
The heuene is set for thoght of holynesse
And lia / for hir lastynge bisynesse
¶ Cecile may eek be seyd in this manere
Wantynge of blyndnesse / for hir grete light
Of Sapience / and for hir thewes clere
Or ellis lo / this maydenes name bright
Of heuene and leos comth / for which by right
Men myghte hire wel / the heuene of peple calle
Ensample of goode / and wise werkes alle Page  382 [6-text p 531]
¶ For leos / peple in englissh is to seye [folio 167a]
And right as men may / in the heuene see
The sonne and moone / and sterres euery weye
Right so men goostly / in this mayden free
Sayen / of feith / the magnanymytee
And eek the cleernesse hool of Sapience
And sondry werkes / brighte of excellence
¶ And right so / as thise Philosophres write
That heuene is swift and round / & eek brennynge
Right so / was faire Cecile the white
fful swift and bisy / euere in good werkynge
And round & hool / in good perseuerynge
And brennyng/ euere in charite / ful brighte
Now haue I yow declared / what she highte
This mayde bright Cecilie / as hir lyf seith*. [Cecilia virgo clarissima.]
Was come of Romayns / and of noble kynde*. gregorius in registro [Epist.] libro .10. Ad Eulogium patriarcham scribit/. Indicamus prætere[a] quia grauem hic interpretum difficultatem patimur/ dum enim non sunt qui sensum de sensu exprimant/ set transferre semper verborum proprietatem volunt omnem ductorum sensum confundunt/ &cetera. [Mignè, Patro|logia, vol. 77, col. 1099.]]
And from hir Cradel / vp fostred in the feith
Of crist and baar his gospel in hir mynde
She neuere cessed / as I writen fynde
Of hir prayere / and god to loue and drede
Bisekyng hym / to kepe hir maydenhede
¶ And whan this mayden sholde / vn til a man
Ywedded be / that was ful yong of age
Which that ycleped was Valerian
And day was comen / of hir mariage
She ful deuout and humble in hir corage
Vnder hir robe of gold / that sat ful faire
Hadde next hir flessh / yclad hire in an haire Page  383 [6-text p 532]
¶ And whil that the Organs / maden melodie
To god allone / in hir herte / thus soong she
O·lord my soule / and eek my body gye
Vnwemmed / lest that I confounded be
And for his loue / that deyde vp on the tree
Euery seconde / and thridde day she faste
Ay biddyng in hir orisons ful faste
[*. [Rats.] [folio 167b] Th]e nyght cam / and to bedde moste she gon
With hire housbonde / as ofte is the manere
And priuely / to hym she seyde anon
O swete / and wel biloued spouse deere
Ther is a conseil / and ye wolde it heere
Which that right fayn / I wolde vn to yow seye
So that ye swere / ye shul it nat biwreye
¶ Valerian gan faste / vn to hir swere
That for no cas / ne thyng þat myghte be
He sholde neuere mo biwreyen here
And thanne at erst/ to hym seyde she
I haue an Aungel / which that loueth me
That with gret loue / wher so I wake or slepe
Is redy ay / my body for to kepe
¶ And if that he / may feelen out of drede
That ye me touche / or loue in vileynye
He right anon / wol sleen yow with the dede
And in youre youthe / thus ye shullen dye
And if that ye / in clene loue me gye
He wol yow loue as me / for youre clennesse
And shewe to yow / his ioye and his brightnesse Page  384 [6-text p 533]
¶ This Valerian / corrected as god wolde
Answerde agayn / if I shal trusten thee
Lat me that Aungel seen / and hym biholde
And if that it/ a verray Aungel be
Thanne wol I doon / as thow hast prayed me
And if thow loue another man / for sothe
Right with this swerd / than wol I sle yow bothe
¶ Cecile answerde / right in this wise
If that yow list the Aungel shal ye se
So that ye trowe on crist and yow baptise
Goth forth to Via Apia. quod she
That fro this town / ne stant but Milys thre
And to the poure folkes / that ther dwellen
Sey hem right thus / as that I shal yow tellen
¶ Telle hem / that I Cecile / yow to hem sente [folio 168a]
To shewen yow / the goode Vrban the olde
ffor secree nedes / and for good entente
And whan that ye / Seint Vrban han biholde
Telle hym the wordes / whiche I to yow tolde
And whan that he / hath purged you fro synne
Thanne shal ye seen that Aungel / er we twynne
¶ This Valerian / is to the place gon
And right as hym was taught by his lernynge
He foond / this holy olde Vrban anon
Among the Seintes buryels lotynge*. [.i. latitantem.]
And he anon / with outen tariynge
Dide his message / and whan that he it tolde
Vrban for ioye / hise handes gan vp holde Page  385 [6-text p 534]
¶ The teerys from hise eyen / leet he falle
Almyghty lord / o Ihesu crist quod he
Sowere of chaast conseil / hierde of vs alle
The fruyt of thilke seed / of chastitee
That thow hast sowe in Cecilie / taak to thee
Lo lyk a bisy bee / with outen gyle
Thee serueth ay / thyn owne thral Cecile
¶ ffor thilke spouse / that she took but now
fful lyk a fiers leon /. she sendeth heere
As meke / as euere was any lamb to yow
And with that word / anon ther gan appeere
An old man / clad in white clothes cleere
That hadde a book with lettre of gold in honde
And gan / biforn Valerian to stonde
¶ Valerian as deed / fil doun for drede
Whan he hym say / and he vp hente hym tho
And on his book right thus he gan to rede
O. lord / o. feith / o. god with oute mo
O. cristendom / and fader of alle also
Abouen alle / and oueral euery where
Thise wordes / al with gold ywriten were
[*. [Rats.] [folio 168b] W]han this was rad / thanne seyde this olde man
Leuestow this thyng or no / sey ye / or nay
I leue al this thyng quod Valerian
ffor sother thyng than this / I dar wel say
Vnder the heuene / no wight thynke may
Tho vanysshed this olde man / he nyste where
And pope*. [[blotted out]] Vrban / hym cristned right there Page  386 [6-text p 535]
¶ Valerian goth hom / and fynt Cecilie
In with his chambre / with an Aungel stonde
This Aungel hadde / of Roses and of lilie
Corones two / the whiche he bar in honde
And first to Cecile / as I vnderstonde
He yaf that oon / and after gan he take
That oother / to Valerian hir make
¶ With body clene / and with vnwemmed thoght
Kepeth ay wel / thise corones quod he
ffro Paradys / to yow / haue I hem broght
Ne neuere mo / ne shal they roten be
Ne lese hir swote sauour / trusteth me
Ne neuere wight shal seen hem with his eye
But he be chaast / and hate vileynye
¶ And thow Valerian / for thow so soone
Assentedest to good conseil also
Sey what thee list and thow shalt han thy boone
I haue a brother / quod Valerian tho
That in this world / I loue no man so
I pray yow / that my brother may han grace
To knowe the trouthe / as I do in this place
¶ The Aungel seyde / god liketh thy requeste
And bothe / with the palm of martirdom
Ye shullen come / vn to his blisful feste
And with that word / Tiburce his brother coom
And whan that he / the sauour vndernoom
Which þat the Roses / and the lilies caste
With Inne his herte / he gan to wondre faste Page  387 [6-text p 536]
¶ And seyde / I wondre this tyme of the yere [folio 169a]
Whennes / that swote sauour / cometh so
Of Rose and lilies / that I smelle heere
ffor thogh I hadde hem / in myne handes two
The sauour myghte in me / no depper go
The swete smel / that in myn herte I fynde
Hath chaunged me / al in another kynde
¶ Valerian seyde / two corones han we
Snow white and Rose reed / þat shynen clere
Which þat thyne eyen / han no myght to se
And as thow smellest hem / thurgh my prayere
So shaltow seen hem / leue brother deere
If it so be / thow wolt/ with outen slouthe
Bileue aright and knowen verray trouthe
¶ Tiburce answerde / seystow this to me
In soothnesse / or in dreem I herkne this
In dremes quod Valerian / han we be
Vn to this tyme / brother myn ywys
But now at erst/ in trouthe oure dwellyng is
How wostow this quod Tiburce / in what wyse
Quod Valerian / that shal I thee deuyse
¶ The Aungel of god / hath me the trouthe ytaught
Which thow shalt seen / if that thow wolt reneye
The ydoles / and be clene / and ellis naught
And of the myracle / of thise corones tweye
Seint Ambrose / in his preface / list to seye
Solempnely / this noble doctour deere
Commendeth it and seith in this manere Page  388 [6-text p 537]
¶ The palme of martirdom / for to receyue
Seinte Cecile / fulfild of goddes yifte
The world / and eek hir chambre gan she weyue
Witnesse Tiburces / and Cecilies shrifte
To whiche / god of his bountee wolde shifte
Corones two / of floures wel smellynge
And made his Aungel / hem the corones brynge
[*. [Rats.] [folio 169b] Th]e mayde hath broght men / to blisse aboue
The world hath wist what it is worth certeyn
Deuocion / of chastitee to loue
Tho shewed hym Cecile / al open and pleyn
That alle ydoles / nys but a thyng in veyn
ffor they been dowmbe / and ther to they been deue
And charged hym / hise ydoles for to leue
¶ Who so þat troweth nat this / a beest he is
Quod tho Tiburce / if that I shal nat lye
And she gan kisse his brest that herde this
And was ful glad / he koude trouthe espye
This day I take thee / for myn allye
Seyde this blisful / faire mayde deere
And after that she seyde as ye may heere
¶ Lo right so / as the loue of Crist quod she
Made me thy brotheres wyf / right in that wise
Anon for myn allie / heere take I thee
Syn that thow wolt/ thyne ydoles despise
Go with thy brother now / and thee baptise
And make thee clene / so þat thow mowe biholde
The Aungeles face / of which thy brother tolde Page  389 [6-text p 538]
¶ Tiburce answerde / and seyde brother deere
ffirst tel me whider that I shal / and to what man
To whom quod he / com forth with right good cheere
I wol thee lede / vn to the pope*. [[pope blotted out, and Bissop written over it.]] Vrban
Til Vrban / brother myn Valerian
Quod tho Tiburce / woltow me thider lede
Me thynketh / that it were a wonder dede
¶ Ne menestow nat Vrban / quod he tho
That is so ofte / dampned to be deed
And woneth in halkes / alwey to & fro
And dar nat ones / putte forth his heed
Men sholde hym brennen / in a fyr so reed
If he were founde / or þat men myghte hym spye
And we also / to bere hym compaignye
¶ And whil we seken / thilke diuinytee [folio 170a]
That is yhyd / in heuene priuely
Algate / ybrend in this world shul we be
To whom Cecile / answerde boldely
Men myghten dreden / wel and skilfully
This lyf to lese / myn owene deere brother
If thys were lyuyng oonly / and noon oother
¶ But ther is bettre lyf / in oother place
That neuere shal be lost ne drede thee noght
Which goddes sone / vs tolde thurgh his grace
That fadres sone / hath alle thynges wroght
And al that wroght is / with a skilful thoght
The goost that fro the fader / gan procede
Hath souled hem / with outen any drede Page  390 [6-text p 539]
¶ By word and by myracle / he goddes sone
Whan he was / in this world / declared heere
That ther was oother lyf / ther men may wone
To whom answerde Tiburce / o suster deere
Ne seydestow right now / in this manere
Ther nys but o god / lord in sothfastnesse
And now of thre / how maystow bere witnesse
¶ That shal I telle quod she / er I go
Right as a man / hath sapiences thre
Memorie / engyn / and intellect also
So in o beynge / of diuinytee
Thre persones / may ther right wel be
Tho gan she hym / ful bisily to preche
Of cristes come / and of his peynes teche
¶ And manye pointes / of his passion
How goddes sone / in this world was withholde
To doon mankynde / pleyn remission
That was ybounde / in synne / and cares colde
Al this thyng she vn to Tiburce tolde
And after this / Tiburce in good entente
With Valerian / to pope*. [[pope blotted out, and byssop written over it.]] Vrban he wente
[*. [Rats.]Th]at thanked*. [vrbanus] god / and with glad herte and light
He cristned hym / and made hym in that place
Parfit in his lernyng goddes knyght
And after this / Tiburce gat swich grace
That euery day / he say in tyme and space
The Aungel of god / and euery maner boone
That he god axed / it was sped ful soone Page  391 [6-text p 540]
¶ It were ful hard / by ordre for to seyn
How many wondres / Ihesus for hem wroghte
But at the laste / to tellen short/ and pleyn
The sergeantz / of the town of Rome hem soghte
And hem biforn Almache / the Prefect broghte
Which hem opposed / and knew al hir entente
And to the ymage of Iubiter / hem sente
¶ And seyde / who so wol nat sacrifise
Swape of his heed / this is my sentence heer
Anon thise martirs / that I yow deuyse
Oon Maximus / that was an Officer
Of the Prefectes / and his Corniculer
Hem hente / and whan he forth the Seintes ladde
Hym self he weep / for pitee that he hadde
¶ Whan Maximus / hadde herd the Seintes loore
He gat hym / of the tormentours leue
And ladde hem to his hous / with oute moore
And with hir prechyng er that it were eue
They gonnen / fro the tormentours to reue
And fro Maxime / and fro his folk echone
The false feith / to trowe in god allone
¶ Cecile cam / whan it was woxen nyght
With preestes / that hem cristned alle yfeere
And afterward / whan day was woxen light
Cecile hym seyde / with a ful stedefast cheere
Now cristes owene knygntes / leue and deere
Cast al awey / the werkes of derknesse
And armeth yow / in armure of brightnesse Page  392 [6-text p 541]
¶ Ye han for sothe / ydoon a greet bataille [folio 171a]
Youre cours is doon / youre feith han ye conserued
Goth to the corone of lyf/ that may nat faille
The rightful Iuge / which that ye han serued
Shal yeue it yow / as ye han it disserued
And whan this thyng was seyd / as I deuyse
Men ledde hem forth / to doon the sacrifise
¶ But whan they weren / to the place broght
To tellen shortly / the conclusioun
They nolde encense / ne sacrifice right noght
But on hir knees / they setten hem adoun
With humble herte / and sad deuocioun
And losten / bothe hir heuedes / in the place
Hir soules wenten / to the kyng of grace
¶ This Maximus / that say this thyng bityde
With pitous teerys / tolde it anon right
That he hir soules / saugh to heuene glyde
With Aungeles / ful of cleernesse / and of light
And with his word / conuerted many a wight
ffor which Almachius / dide hym so bete
With whippe of leed / til he his lyf gan lete
¶ Cecile hym took / and buryed hym anon
By Tiburce and Valerian softely
With Inne hir buryyng place / vnder the stoon
And after this / Almachius hastily
Bad hise Ministres / fecchen openly
Cecilie / so þat she myghte in his presence
Doon sacrifice / and Iubiter encense Page  393 [6-text p 542]
¶ But they conuerted / at hir wise loore
Wepten ful sore / and yauen ful credence
Vn to hir word / and cryden moore & moore
Crist goddes sone / with outen difference
Is verray god / this is al oure sentence
That hath so good a seruant / hym to serue
This with o voys / we trowen / thogh we sterue
[*. [Rats.] [folio 171b] Alm]achius / that herde of this doynge
Bad fecchen Cecilie / that he myghte hir se
And alderfirst lo / this was his axynge
What maner womman / artow. quod he
I am a gentil womman born / quod she
I axe thee quod he / thogh it the greue
Of thy religion / and of thy bileue
¶ Ye han bigonne / youre question folily
Quod she / that wolden two answeres conclude
In o demande / ye axed lewedly
Almachie answerde / vn to that similitude
Of whennes comth / thyn answeryng so rude
Of whennes quod she / whan that she was freyned
Of conscience / and of good feith vnfeyned
¶ Almachius seyde / ne takestow noon hede
Of my power / and she answerde hym / this
Youre myght quod she / ful litel is to drede
ffor euery / mortal mannes power nys
But lyk a bladdre / ful of wynd ywis
ffor with a nedles point whan it is blowe
May al the boost of it be leyd ful lowe Page  394 [6-text p 543]
¶ fful wrongfully / bigonne thow quod he
And yet in wrong is al thy perseuerance
Wostow nat how / oure myghty princes free
Han thus comanded / and maad ordinance
That euery cristen wight shal han penance
But if that he / his cristendom withseye
And goon al quyt if he wol it reneye
¶ Youre Prynces erren / as youre nobleye dooth
Quod tho Cecile / and with a wood sentence
Ye make vs gilty / and is nat sooth
ffor ye þat knowen wel / oure Innocence
ffor as muche / as we doon a reuerence
To crist and for we bere a cristen name
Ye putte on vs / a cryme / & eek a blame·
¶ But we that knowen / thilke name so [folio 172a]
ffor vertuous / we may it nat withseye
Almache answerde / chees oon of thise two
Do sacrifice / or cristendom reneye
That thow mowe now / escapen by that weye
At which / this holy / blisful faire mayde
Gan for to laughe / and to the Iuge she sayde
¶ O Iuge confus / in thy nycetee
Wiltow / that I reneye Innocence
To maken me / a wikked wight quod she
Lo / he dissimuleth heere in audience
He stareth and woodeth / in his aduertence
To whom Almachius / vnsely wrecche
Ne wostow nat how fer my myght may strecche Page  395 [6-text p 544]
¶ Han noght oure myghty princes / to me yeuen
Ye bothe power / and auctoritee
To maken folk / to dyen or to lyuen
Why spekestow so prowdly / thanne to me
I speke noght but stedefastly quod she
Nat proudly / for I seye / as for my syde
We haten dedly / thilke vice of pryde
¶ And if thow drede nat a sooth to here*. [audire]
Thanne wol I shewe / al openly by right
That thow hast maad / a ful greet lesyng here*. [hic]
Thow seist thy princes / han thee yeuen myght
Bothe for to sleen / and for to quyken a wight
Thow that ne mayst but oonly lyf byreue
Thow hast noon oother power / ne no leue
¶ But thow mayst seyn / thy princes han thee maked
Ministre of deeth / for if thow speke of me
Thow lyest for thy power is ful naked
Do wey thy boldnesse / seyde Almachius tho
And sacrifice / to oure goddes / er thow go
I recche nat what wrong that thow me profre
ffor I kan suffre it/ as a Philosophre
[But*. [Rats.] [folio 172b] ] thilke wronges / may I nat endure
[*. [Rats.]T]hat thow spekest of oure goddes here quod he
Cecilie answerde / o nyce creature
Thow seydest no word / syn thow spak to me
That I ne knew ther-with thy nycetee
And that thow were / in euery maner wise
A lewed Officer / a veyn Iustise Page  396 [6-text p 545]
¶ Ther lakketh no thyng to thyne outter eyen*. [exterioribus oculis]
That thow nart blynd / for thyng þat we seen alle
That is a stoon / that men may wel espien
That ilke stoon / a god thow wolt it calle
I rede thee / lat thyn hand vp on it falle
And taste it wel / and stoon thow shalt it fynde
Syn that thow seest nat / with thyne eyen blynde
¶ It is a shame / that the peple shal
So scornen thee / and laughe at thy folye
ffor comenly / men woot it wel ouer al
That myghty god / is in hise heuenes hye
And thise ymages / wel thow mayst espye
To thee / ne to hem self / mowe noght profite
ffor in effect they be nat worth a myte
¶ Thise / and swiche othere / seyde she
And he weex wrooth / and bad men sholde hir lede
Hoom til hir hous / and in hir hous quod he
Bren hire / right in a Bath of flambes rede
And as he bad / right so was doon the dede
ffor in a Bath / they gonne hire faste shetten
And nyght and day / greet fyr they vnder betten
¶ The longe nyght and eek a day also
ffor al the fyr / and eek the Bathes hete
She sat al coold / and feeled no wo
It made hir nat o drope for to swete
But in that Bath / hir lyf she moste lete
ffor he Almachius / with a ful wikke entente
To sleen hire in the Bath / his sonde sente Page  397 [6-text p 546]
¶ Thre strokes in the nekke / he smoot hire tho [folio 173a]
The tormentour / but for no maner chaunce
He myghte noght smyte al hir nekke atwo
And for ther was / that tyme an ordinaunce
That no man / sholde doon man swich penaunce
The ferthe strook to smyten / softe or soore
This tormentour / ne dorste do namoore
¶ But half deed / with hir nekke ycoruen there
He lefte hir lye / and on his wey he went
The cristen folk whiche þat aboute hire were
With shetes / han the blood ful faire yhent
Thre dayes / lyued she in this torment
And neuere cessed / hem the feith to teche
That she hadde fostred / hem she gan to preche
¶ And hem she yaf / hir moebles / and hir thyng
And to the Pope*. [[Pope croet out, and byssop written over it.]] Vrban / bitook hem tho
And seyde / I axed þis of heuene kyng
To han respit thre dayes / and namo
To recommende to yow / er that I go
Thise soules / lo / and þat I myghte do werche
Here of myn hous / perpetuelly a cherche
¶ Seint Vrban / with hise deknes pryuely
The body fette / and buryed it by nyghte
Among hise othere Seintes honestly
Hir hous / the chirche of Seinte Cecilie highte
Seint Vrban halwed it/ as he wel myghte
In which / in to this day / in noble wyse
Men doon to crist and to his seinte seruyse.
¶ Here is ended / the Nonnes tale.