The Hengwrt ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.
Page  26

Here bigynneth the knyghtes tale.

¶ Iamque domos patria Scithice post aspera gentis prelia laurigero.
Whilom / as olde stories tellen vs
Ther was a duc þat highte Theseus
Of Atthenes / he was lord and gouernour
And in his tyme / swich a conquerour
That gretter was ther noon vnder the sonne
fful many a riche contree / hadde he wonne
What with his wysdom / and his chiualrye
He conquered / al the regne of femenye
That whilom / was ycleped Scithia [folio 13a]
And wedded / the queene ypolita
And broghte hire hom with hym / in his contree
With muchel glorie / and greet solempnitee
And eek / hir yonge suster Emelye
And thus with victorie / and with melodye
Lete I this noble duc to Atthenes ryde
And al his hoost. in armes hym bisyde
¶ And certes / if it nere to long to heere
I wolde haue toold / fully the manere
How / wonnen was the regne of ffemenye
By Theseus / and by his Chiualrye
And of the grete bataille / for the nones
Bitwixen Atthenes / and Amazones
And how assegeged was ypolita
The faire hardy queene of Scithia
And of the feste / þat was at hir weddynge
And of the tempest at hir hom comynge
But al that thyng / I moot as now forbere
I haue god woot / a large feeld to ere
And wayke / been the oxen in my plogh
The remenant of the tale / is long ynogh
I wol nat letten eek / noon of this route Page  27
Lat euery felawe / telle his tale aboute
And lat se now / who shal the souper Wynne
And ther I lefte / I wol ayein bigynne*. [[A break in the MS. with]]

Incipit narracio.

This duc / of Whom I make mencion
Whanne he was come / almoost to the town
In al his wele / and in his mooste pryde
He was war / as he caste his eye asyde
Wher þat ther kneled / in the heighe weye
A compaignye of ladyes / tweye and tweye
Ech after oother / clad in clothes blake
But swich a cry and swich a wo they make
That in this world / nys creature lyuynge
That herde / swich another waymentynge
And of this cry / they nolde neuere stenten [folio 13b]
Til they / the reynes of his brydel henten
¶ What folk been ye / þat at myn hom comynge
Perturben so my feste / with cryynge
Quod Theseus / haue ye so greet envie
Of myn honour / that thus compleyne and crye
Or who hath yow mysboden / or offended
And telleth me / if it may been amended
And why þat ye / been clothed thus in blak/
The eldeste lady / of hem alle spak
Whan she hadde swowned / with a deedly cheere
That it was routhe / for to seen and heere
¶ She seyde / lord / to whom ffortune hath yiuen
Victorie / and as a Conquerour to lyuen
Noght greueth vs youre glorie / and youre honour
But we biseken / mercy and socour
Haue mercy on oure wo / and oure distresse
Som drope of pitee / thurgh thy gentillesse
Vp on vs wrecched wommen / lat thow falle
ffor certes lord / ther is noon of vs alle
That she ne hath been / a duchesse / or a queene
Now be we caytyues / as it is wel seene
Thanked be ffortune / and hir false wheel Page  28
That noon estaat assureth to been weel
Now certes lord / to abiden youre presence
Heere in this temple / of the goddesse clemence
We haue been waytynge / al this fourtenyght
Now help vs lord / syth it is in thy myght
¶ I wrecche / which þat wepe and waille thus
Was whilom wyf / to kyng Cappaneus
That starf at Thebes / cursed be the day
And alle we / þat been in this array
And maken / al this lamentacioun
We losten alle oure housbondes / at that town
Whil þat the sege / ther aboute lay
And yet now / the olde Creon weylaway
That lord is now / of Thebes the Citee
ffulfild of Ire / and of Iniquitee
He for despit / and for his tyrannye
To doon / the dede bodyes vileynye
Of alle oure lordes / whiche þat been slawe [folio 14a]
Hath alle the bodyes / on an heepe ydrawe
And wol nat suffren hem / by noon assent
Neyther to been yburyed / nor ybrent
But maketh houndes / ete hem in despit
And with that word / with outen moore respit
They fillen gruf and cryden pitously
Haue / on vs wrecched wommen / som mercy
And lat oure sorwe / synken in thyn herte
¶ This gentil duc doun from his courser sterte
With herte pitous / whan he herde hem speke
Hym thoughte / þat his herte wolde breke
Whan he saugh hem / so pitous / and so maat
That whilom weren / of so greet estaat
And in hise armes / he hem alle vp hente
And hem conforteth / in ful good entente
And swoor his ooth / as he was trewe knyght
He wolde doon / so ferforthly his myght
Vp on the tiraunt Creon / hem to wreke Page  29
That al the peple of Grece / sholde speke
How Creon was / of Theseus yserued
As he þat hadde his deeth / ful wel disserued
And right anoon / with outen moore abood
His baner he desplayeth / and forth rood
To Thebesward / and al his oost bisyde
No neer Atthenes / wolde he go ne ryde
Ne take his ese / fully half a day
But onward in his wey / that nyght he lay
And sente anoon / ypolita the queene
And Emelye / hir yonge suster sheene
Vn to the town of Atthenes / to dwelle
And forth he ryt ther nys namoore to telle
¶ The rede statue of Mars / with spere and targe
So shyneth / in his white Baner large
That alle the feeldes / glitren vp and doun
And by his Baner / born was his penoun
Of gold ful ryche / in which ther was ybete
The Mynotaur / which þat he wan in Crete
¶ Thus ryt this duc. thus ryt this conquerour
And in his oost / of Chiualrye the flour
Til þat he cam to Thebes / and alighte [folio 14b]
ffaire in a feeld / ther as he thoghte fighte
¶ But shortly / for to speken of this thyng
With Creon / which þat was of Thebes kyng
He faught and slow hym manly / as a knyght
In pleyn bataille / and putte the folk to flyght
And by assaut he wan the Citee after
And rente adoun / bothe wal / and sparre / and rafter
And to the ladyes / he restored agayn
The bones / of hir freendes / þat were slayn
To doon obsequies / as was tho the gyse
But it weere al to long for to deuyse
The grete clamour / and the waymentynge
That the ladyes made / at the brennynge
Of the bodies / and the grete honour Page  30
That Theseus / the noble Conquerour
Dooth to the ladys / whan they from hym wente
But shortly / for to telle is myn entente
¶ Whan þat this worthy duc this Theseus
Hath Creon slayn / and wonne Thebes thus
Stille in that feeld / he took al nyght his reste
And dide with al the / contree / as hym leste
¶ To ransake in the taas / of bodies dede
Hem for to strepe / of harneys / and of wede
The pilours / diden bisynesse / and cure
After the bataille / and disconfiture
And so bifel / in the taas they founde
Thurgh girt with many a greuous blody wownde
Two yonge knyghtes / liggynge by and by
Bothe in oon armes / wroght ful richely
Of whiche two / Arcita highte that oon
And that oother knyght highte Palamon
Nat fully quyk / ne fully deed they weere
But by hir Cote armures / and by hir geere
The heraudes / knewe hem best in special
As they þat weren / of the blood roial
Of Thebes / and of sustren two yborn
Out of the taas / the pilours han hem torn
And han hem caryed / softe vn to the tente
Of Theseus / and he ful soone hem sente
To Atthenes / to dwellen in prison [folio 15a]
Perpetuelly / he nolde no raunson
¶ And whan this worthy duc / hath thus ydoon
He took his oost / and hom he ryt anoon
With laurer corouned / as a conquerour
And there he lyueth / in ioye / and in honour
Terme of his lyf / what nedeth wordes mo
And in a tour / in angwissh and in wo
Dwellen this Palamon / and eek Arcite
ffor euere moore / ther may no gold hem quyte
¶ This passeth yeer by yeer / and day by day Page  31
Til it fil ones / in a morwe of May
That Emelye / þat fairer was to seene
Than is the lilie / vp on his stalke greene
And fressher than the May / with floures newe
ffor with the Rose colour stroof hir hewe
I noot which was / the fairer of hem two
Er it were day / as was hir wone to do
She was arysen / and al redy dight
ffor May wol haue / no slogardye a nyght
The seson pryketh / euery gentil herte
And maketh it out of his sleep to sterte
And seith arys / and do thyn obseruance
This maketh Emelye / haue remembrance
To doon honour to May / and for to ryse
Yclothed was she fressh / for to deuyse
Hir yelow heer / was broyded in a tresse
Bihynde hir bak a yerde long I gesse
And in the gardyn / at the sonne vp riste
She walketh vp and doun / and as hir liste
She gadreth floures / party white and rede
To make a subtil gerland for hir hede
And as an Aungel / heuenysshly she soong
¶ The grete tour / þat was so thikke and strong
Which of the Castel / was the chief dongeon
Ther as the knyghtes / weren in prison
Of whiche I tolde yow / and tellen shal
Was euene ioynant / to the gardyn wal
Ther as this Emelye / hadde hir pleyyng
Bright was the sonne / and cleer / in that mornyng
And Palamon / this woful prisoner [folio 15b]
As was his wone / by leue of his Gailler
Was risen / and romed in a chambre an heigh
In which / he al the noble Citee seigh
And eek the gardyn / ful of braunches greene
Ther as / the fresshe Emelye the sheene
Was in hir walk / and romed vp and down Page  32
This sorweful prisoner / this Palamon
Gooth in the chambre / romyng to and fro
And to hym self / compleynyng of his wo
That he was born / ful ofte he seyde allas
And so bifel / by auenture / or cas
That thurgh a wyndow / thikke of many a barre
Of Iren greet and square as any sparre
He caste his eye / vp on Emelya
And ther with al he bleynte / and cryde .A.
As thogh / he stongen weere / vn to the herte
¶ And with that cry / Arcite anoon vp sterte
And seyde cosyn myn / what eyleth thee
That art so pale / and deedly on to see
Why cridestow / who hath thee doon offence
ffor goddes loue / tak al in pacience
Oure prison / for it may noon oother be
ffortune hath yeuen vs this aduersitee
Som wikked aspect or disposicion
Of Saturne / by som constellacion
Hath yeuen vs this / al thogh we hadde it sworn
So stood the heuene / whan þat we were born
We mote endure it this is the short and playn
This Palamon answerde / and seyde agayn
¶ Cosyn for sothe / of this opinion
Thow hast a vayn ymaginacion
This prison / caused me noght to crye
But I was hurt right now / thurgh out myn Iye
In to myn herte / that wol my bane be
The fairnesse / of that lady þat I se
Yond in the gardyn / romen to and fro
Is cause / of al my cryyng and my wo
I noot wher she be womman / or goddesse
But Venus / is it soothly as I gesse
And ther with al / on knees down he fil [folio 16a]
And seyde / Venus if it be thy wil
Yow in this gardyn / thus to transfigure Page  33
Bifore me / sorweful wrecched creature
Out of this prison / help þat we may scape
And if so be / my destynee be shape
By eterne word / to dyen in prison
Of oure lynage / haue som compassion
That is so lowe ybroght by tirannye
¶ And with that word / Arcite gan espye
Where as this lady / romed to and fro
And with that sighte / hir beautee hurte hym so
That if þat Palamon / was wounded soore
Arcite is hurt. as muche as he / or moore
And with a syk /. he seyde pitously
The fresshe beautee / sleeth me sodeynly
Of hire / þat rometh in the yonder place
And but I haue / hir mercy / and hir grace
That I may seen hire / at the leeste weye
I nam but deed / ther nys namoore to seye
¶ This Palamon / whan he tho wordes herde
Despitously he loked / and answerde
Wheither seistow this / in ernest or in pley
¶ Nay quod Arcite / in ernest by my fey
God help me so / me list ful yuele pleye
This Palamon / gan knytte his browes tweye
¶ It were to thee quod he / no greet honour
ffor to be fals / ne for to be traytour
To me / that am thy cosyn and thy brother
Ysworn ful depe / and ech of vs til oother
That neuere / for to dyen in the peyne
Til þat the deeth / departe shal vs tweyne
Neither of vs / in loue to hyndre oother
Ne in noon oother caas / my leeue brother
But þat thow sholdest trewely forthre me
In euery caas / and I shal forthren thee
This was thyn ooth / as myn also certeyn
I woot right wel / thow darst it nat withseyn
Thus artow of my conseil / out of doute Page  34
And now / thow woldest falsly been aboute
To loue my lady / whom I loue and serue [folio 16b]
And euere shal / til þat myn herte sterue
Now certes false Arcite / thow shalt nat so
I loued hire first and tolde thee my wo
As to my conseil / and my brother sworn
To forthre me / as I haue told biforn
ffor which / thow art ybounden / as a knyght
To helpe me / if it laye in thy myght
Or ellis artow fals / I dar wel sayn
This Arcite / ful proudly spak agayn
¶ Thow shalt quod he / be rather fals than I.
And thow art fals / I telle thee outrely
ffor paramour / I loued hire first er thow
What wiltow seyn / thow woost nat yet now
Wheither she be a womman / or goddesse
Thyn is / affeccion of holynesse
And myn is loue / as to a creature
ffor which / I tolde thee myn auenture
As to my cosyn / and my brother sworn
I pose / that thow louedest hire biforn
Wostow nat wel / the olde clerkes sawe
That who shal / yeue a louere any lawe //*. [Quis legem det amantibus.]
Loue is a gretter lawe / by my pan
Than may be yeue / to any erthely man
And therfore / posityf lawe / and swich decree
Is broke al day for loue / in ech degree
A man moot nedes loue / maugree his heed
He may nat fleen it / thogh he sholde be deed
Al be she mayde / wydwe / or ellis wyf
And eek it is nat likly / al thy lyf
To stonden in hir grace / namoore shal .I.
ffor wel thow woost thy self verraily
That thow and I / been dampned to prison
Perpetuelly / vs gayneth no raunson
We stryue / as dide the houndes for the boon Page  35
They foghte alday / and yet hir part was noon
Ther cam a kyte / whil þat they were so wrothe
That bar awey the boon / bitwix hem bothe
And therfore / at the kynges court my brother
Ech man for hym self / ther is noon oother
Loue if thee lest. for I loue / and ay shal [folio 17a]
And soothly / leue brother this is al
Heere in this prison / moote we endure
And euerich of vs / take his auenture
¶ Greet was the stryf / and long bitwix hem tweye
If þat I hadde leyser for to seye
But to theffect / it happed on a day
To telle it yow / as shortly as I may
A worthy duc. þat highte Parotheus
That felawe was / vn to duc Theseus
Syn thilke day / þat they were children lyte
Was come to Atthenes / his felawe to visite
And for to pleye / as he was wont to do
ffor in this world / he loued no man so
And he loued hym / as tendrely agayn
So wel they loued / as olde bookes sayn
That whan þat oon was deed / soothly to telle
His felawe wente / and soghte hym down in helle
But of that storie / list me noght to write
Duc Perotheus / loued wel Arcite
And hadde hym knowe at Thebes / yeer oy yere
And finally / at requeste and prayere
Of Perotheus / with outen any raunson
Duc Theseus / hym leet out of prison
ffrely to goon / wher þat hym liste ouer al
In swich a gyse / as I yow tellen shal
This was the forward / pleynly for tendite
Bitwixe Theseus / and hym Arcite
That if so weere þat Arcite weere yfounde
Euere in his lyf / by day / or nyght or stounde
In any contree / of this Theseus Page  36
And he weere caught. it was acorded thus
That with a swerd / he sholde lese his heed
Ther nas noon oother / remedye ne reed
But taketh his leue / and homward he hym spedde
Lat hym be war / his nekke lyth to wedde
¶ How greet a sorwe / suffreth now Arcite
The deeth he feeleth / thurgh his herte smyte
He wepeth / wayleth / cryeth pitously
To sleen hym self / he wayteth pryuely
He seyde allas / the day þat I was born [folio 17b]
Now is my prison / worse than biforn
Now is me shape / eternally to dwelle
Noght in purgatorie / but in helle
Allas / þat euere knew I Parotheus
ffor ellis / hadde I dwelled with Theseus
Yfettred in his prison eueremo
Thanne hadde I been in blisse / and nat in wo
Oonly the sighte of hire / whom þat I serue
Thogh þat I neuere / hir grace may disserue
Wolde haue suffised / right ynogh for me
¶ O deere cosyn / Palamon / quod he
Thyn is the victorie / of this auenture
fful blisfully in prison maystow dure
In prison? / nay certes / but in paradys
Wel hath ffortune / yturned thee / the dys
That hast the sighte of hire / and I thabsence
ffor possible is / syn thow hast hire presence
And art a knyght a worthy and an able
That by som caas / syn ffortune is chaungeable
Thow mayst to thy desir / som tyme atteyne
But I / that am exiled and bareyne
Of alle grace / and in so greet despeyr
That ther nys Erthe / water / fyr / ne Eyr
Ne creature / that of hem maked is
That may me helpe / or do confort in this
Wel oghte I sterue / in wanhope / and distresse Page  37
ffarwel my lyf / my lust and my gladnesse
¶ Allas why pleynen folk so / in commune
On purueiance of god / or of ffortune
That yeueth hem ful ofte / in many a gyse
Wel bettre / than they kan hem self deuyse
¶ Som man desireth / for to haue richesse
That cause is ofte / of his moerdre / or gret siknesse
And som man wolde / out of his prison fayn
That in his hous / is of his meynee slayn
Infinite harmes / been in this matere
We woot nat what thyng þat we prayen heere
We fare as he / þat dronke is as a Mous
A dronke man woot wel / he hath an hous
But he noot / which the righte wey is thider [folio 18a]
And to a dronke man / the wey is slider
And certes / in this world / so faren we
We seken faste / after felicitee
But we goon wrong ful ofte trewely
Thus may we seyn alle / and nameliche .I.
That wende / and hadde a greet opinion
That if I myghte / scapen fro prison
Thanne hadde I been in ioye / and parfit heele
Ther now / I am exiled fro my wele
Syn þat / I may nat seen yow Emelie
I nam but deed / ther nys no remedie
¶ Vp on that oother syde Palamon
Whan þat he wiste / Arcite was agon
Swich sorwe he maketh / þat the grete tour
Resowneth / of his yowlyng and clamour
The pure fettres / of his shynes grete
Were / of his bittre salte teeris wete
Allas quod he / Arcita cosyn myn
Of al oure stryf / god woot the fruyt is thyn
Thow walkest now / in Thebes at thy large
And of my wo / thow yeuest litel charge
Thow maystt syn thow hast wisdom / and manhede Page  38
Assemblen / al the folk of oure kynrede
And make a werre / so sharp / on this Citee
That by som auenture / or som tretee
Thow mayst haue hire / to lady and to wyf
ffor whom / þat I moste nedes lese my lyf
ffor as by wey / of possibilitee
Sith thow art at thy large / of prison free
And art a lord / greet is thyn auantage
Moore than is myn / that sterue here in a cage
ffor I moot wepe / and waille whil I lyue
With al the wo / þat prison may me yeue
And eek with peyne / þat loue me yeueth also
That doubleth / al my torment and my wo
Ther with / the fyr of Ialousie vp sterte
With Inne his brest and hente hym by the herte
So woodly / þat he lyk was to byholde
The Boxtree / or the Asshen dede / and colde
¶ Thanne seyde he / o crewel goddes / þat gouerne [folio 18b]
This world / with byndyng of youre word eterne
And writen / in the table of Atthamant
Youre parlement /. and youre eterne grant
What is man kynde / moore vn to yow holde
Than is the sheepe / þat rowketh in the folde
ffor slayn is man / right as another beest
And dwelleth eek in prison and arrest
And hath siknesse / and greet aduersitee
And ofte tymes / giltlees pardee
¶ What gouernance / is in this prescience
That giltlees / tormenteth Innocence
And yet encreeceth this / al my penance
That man is bounden / to his obseruance
ffor goddes sake / to letten of his wille
Ther as a beest may al his lust fulfille
And whan a beest is deed / it hath no peyne
But man after his deeth / moot wepe and pleyne
Thogh in this world / he haue care and wo Page  39
With outen doute / it moot stonden so
The answere of this / lete I to diuynys
But wel I woot þat in this world / greet pyne is
¶ Allas / I se a serpent or a theef
That many a trewe man / hath doon mescheef
Goon at his large / and where hym lust may turne
But I moot been in prison / thurgh Saturne
And eek thurgh Juno / Ialous / and eek wood
That hath destroyed / wel neigh al the blood
Of Thebes / with his waste walles wyde
And Venus / sleeth me / on that oother syde
ffor Ialousie / and feere / of hym Arcite
¶ Now wol I stynte / of Palamon alite
And lete hym / in his prison stille dwelle
And of Arcita / forth I wol yow telle
¶ The Somer / and the nyghtes longe
Encreecen / double wise / the peynes stronge
Bothe of the louere / and the prisoner
I noot which hath / the sorwefuller myster
ffor soothly for to seyn / this Palamon
Perpetuelly / is dampned to prison
In cheynes / and in fettres / to been deed [folio 19a]
And Arcite / is exiled / vp on his heed
ffor euere mo / as out of that contree
Ne neueremo / ne shal his lady see
¶ Yow loueris / axe I now / this question
Who hath the worse / Arcite / or Palamon
That oon may seen his lady / day by day
But in prison / moot he dwelle alwey
That oother where hym list may ride or go
But seen his lady / shal he neuere mo
Now demeth as yow list ye þat kan
ffor I wol telle forth / as .I. bigan Page  40
¶ Whan þat Arcite / to Thebes comen was
fful ofte a day / he swelte / and seyde allas
ffor seen his lady / shal he neuere mo
And shortly / to concluden al his wo
So muchel sorwe / hadde neuere creature
That is or shal / whil þat the world may dure
¶ His sleepe / his mete / his drynke / is hym biraft
That leene he weex / and drye as is a shaft
Hise eyen holwe / and grisly to biholde
His hewe falow / and pale as asshen colde
And solitarie he was / and euere alloone
And waillynge al the nyght. makynge his moone
And if he herde / soong or Instrument
Thanne wolde he wepe / he myghte nat be stent
So feble eek were his spiritz / and so lowe
And chaunged so / þat no man koude knowe
His speche / nor his voys / thogh men it herde
And in his gere / for al the world he ferde
Nat oonly / lyk the loueris maladye
Of Hereos / but rather lyk Manye*. [Mania]
Engendred / of humour malencolyk
Biforn his Celle fantastyk
And shortly / turned was / al vp so down
Bothe habit and eek disposicioun
Of hym / this woful louere daun Arcite
¶ What sholde I al day / of his wo endite
Whanne he endured hadde / a yeer / or two
This cruel torment and this peyne and wo
At Thebes in his contree / as I seyde [folio 19b]
Vp on a nyght in sleep / as he hym leyde
Hym thoughte / how þat the wynged god Mercurye
Biforn hym stood / and bad hym to be murye
His slepy yerde / in honde he bar vp righte
An hat he wered / vp on his herys brighte Page  41
Arrayed was this god / as he took keepe
As he was / whan þat Argus took his sleepe
And seyde hym thus / to Atthenes shaltow wende
Ther is thee shapen / of thy wo an ende
¶ And with that word / Arcite wook and sterte
Now trewely / how sore þat me smerte
Quod he / to Atthenes right now wol I fare
Ne for the drede of deeth / shal I nat spare
To se my lady / þat I loue and serue
In hir presence / I recche nat to sterue
¶ And with that word / he caughte a greet Mirour
And saugh / þat chaunged was al his colour
And saugh his visage / al in another kynde
And right anoon / it ran hym in his mynde
That sith his face / was so disfigured
Of maladie / the which he hadde endured
He myghte wel / if þat he bar hym lowe
Lyue in Atthenes / eueremoore vnknowe
And seen his lady / wel ny / day by day
And right anoon / he chaunged his array
And cladde hym / as a poure laborer
And al allone / saue oonly a Squyer
That knew his pryuetee / and al his cas
Which was disgised / pourely as he was
To Atthenes / is he goon / the nexte way
And to the Court he wente vp on a day
And at the gate / he profreth his seruyse
To drugge and drawe / what so men wol deuyse
¶ And shortly / of this matere / for to seyn
He fil in office / with a Chambreleyn
The which / þat dwellyng was with Emelye
ffor he was wys / and koude soone espye
Of euery seruant which þat serueth here
Wel koude he / hewen wode / and water bere
ffor he was yong. and myghty for the nones [folio 20a]
And ther to / he was strong and byg of bones Page  42
To doon / what any wight kan hym deuyse
A yeer / or two / he was in this seruyse
Page of the chambre / of Emelie the brighte
And Philostrate / he seyde þat he highte
¶ But half so wel biloued a man / as he
Ne was ther neuere in Court of his degree
He was so gentil / of condicion
That thurgh out al the Court was his renon
They seiden / þat it were a charitee
That Theseus / wolde enhauncen his degree
And putten hym / in worshipful seruyse
Ther as he myghte / his vertu exercise
And thus with Inne a while / his name is spronge
Bothe of his dedes / and his goode tonge
That Theseus / hath taken hym so ner
That of his chambre / he made hym a Squier
And gaf hym gold / to mayntene his degree
And eek men broghte hym / out of his contree
ffro yeer to yeer / ful pryuely his rente
But honestly / and sleighly / he it spente
That no man wondred / how þat he it hadde
And thre yeer in this wise / his lyf he ladde
And bar hym so / in pees / and ek in werre
Ther was no man / that Theseus hath derre
And in this blisse / lete I now Arcite
And speke I wole / of Palamon alite
¶ In derknesse / and horrible / and strong prison
This seuen yeer / hath seten Palamon
fforpyned / what for wo / and for distresse
Who feeleth / double soor / and heuynesse
But Palamon / that loue destreyneth so
That wood out of his wit he gooth for wo
And eek ther to / he is a prisoner
Perpetuelly / nat oonly for a yer
Who koude ryme / in englissh proprely
His martirdom / for sothe it am noght I Page  43
Ther fore I passe / as lightly / as I may
¶ It fil / þat / in that Seuenthe yeer of May
The thridde nyght. as olde bokes seyn [folio 20b]
That al this storie / tellen moore pleyn
Were it by auenture / or destynee
As whan a thyng is shapen / it shal be
That soone after the mydnyght Palamon
By helpyng of a freend / brak his prison
And fleeth the Citee / faste as he may go
ffor he hadde yeue / his Gailler drynke so
Of a Clarree / maad of certeyn wyn
With Nercotikes / and opye / of Thebes fyn //*. [Opium Thebaicum.]
That al that nyght. thogh þat men wolde hym shake
The Gailler sleepe / he myghte noght awake
¶ And thus he fleeth / as faste as euere he may
The nyght was short and faste by the day
That nedes cost he moste hym seluen hyde
And til a groue / faste ther bisyde
With dreedful foot thanne stalketh Palamon
ffor shortly / this was his opynyon
That in that groue / he wolde hym hyde al day
And in the nyght thanne wolde he take his way
To Thebesward / his freendes for to preye
On Theseus / to helpe hym to werreye
And shortly / outher he wolde lese his lyf
Or wynnen Emelie / vn to his wyf
This is theffect and his entente pleyn
¶ Now wol I turne / to Arcite ageyn
That litel wiste / how neigh þat was his care
Til þat ffortune / hadde broght hym / in the snare
¶ The bisy larke / messager of day
Salueth in hir song the morwe gray
And firy Phebus / riseth vp so brighte
That al the Orient. laugheth of the lighte
And with his stremes / dryeth in the greues
The siluer dropes / hangynge on the leues Page  44
And Arcita / that in the Court roial
With Theseus / Squyer principal
Is risen / and looketh on the murye day
And for to doon / his obseruance to May
Remembrynge / on the point of his desir
He on a Courser / startlynge as the fir
Is riden in to the feldes / hym to pleye [folio 21a]
Out of the Court. were it a myle / or tweye
And to the groue / of which þat I yow tolde
By auenture / his wey he gan to holde
To maken hym / a gerland of the greues
Were it of wodebynde / or hawethorn leues
And loude he soong. ayein the sonne shene
May / with alle thy floures / and thy grene
Wel come be thow / faire fresshe May
In hope / þat I som grene gete may
And from his courser / with a lusty herte
In to the groue / ful hastily he sterte
And in a path / he rometh vp and doun
Ther as by auenture / this Palamon
Was in a bussh / þat no man myghte hym se
ffor soore afered / of his deeth was he
No thyng knew he / þat it was Arcite
God woot he wolde haue trowed it ful lite
But sooth is seyd / go sithen many yeris
That feeld hath eyen / and the wode hath erys
It is ful fair / a man to bere hym euene
ffor alday meeten men / at vnset steuene
fful litel woot Arcite / of his felawe,
That was so neigh / to herknen al his sawe
ffor in the bussh / he sitteth now ful stille
¶ Whan þat Arcite / hadde romed al his fille
And songen al the roundel lustily
In to a studie / he fil sodeynly
As doon thise louerys / in hir queynte gerys
Now in the crope / now down in the brerys Page  45
Now vp / now down / as boket in a welle
Right as the friday / soothly for to telle
Now it shyneth / now it reyneth faste
Right so / kan gery Venus ouercaste
The hertes of hir folk. right as hir day
Is gerful / right so chaungeth she array
Selde is the friday / al the wike ylike
¶ Whan þat Arcite hadde songe / he gan to syke
And sette hym down / with outen any moore
Allas quod he / that day / þat I was bore
How longe Iuno / thurgh thy crueltee [folio 21b]
Woltow werreyen / Thebes the Citee
Allas / ybroght is to confusion
The blood roial / of Cadme and Amphion
¶ Cadmus / which þat was the firste man
That Thebes bulte / and first bigan
And of the Citee / first was crowned kyng
Of his lynage am I / and his of-spryng
By verray ligne / as of the stok roial
And now I am / so caytyf and so thral
That he þat is / my mortal enemy
I serue hym / as his Squyer pourely
And yet dooth Iuno / me wel moore shame
ffor I dar noght biknowe myn owen name
But ther as I was wont to highte Arcite
Now highte I Philostrate / noght worth a myte
¶ Allas thow felle Mars / allas Juno
Thus hath youre Ire / oure lynage al fordo
Saue oonly me / and wrecchid Palamon
That Theseus / martireth in prison
And ouer al this / to sleen me outrely
Loue hath his firy dart so brennyngly
Ystiked / thurgh my trewe careful herte
That shapen was my deeth / erst than my sherte
Ye sleen me with youre eyen / Emelye
Ye been the cause / wherfore þat .I. dye Page  46
Of al the remenant of myn oother care
Ne sette I noght. the mountaunce of a tare
So þat I koude doon aught. to youre plesaunce
And with that word / he fil down in a traunce
A longe tyme / and afterward he vp sterte
¶ This Palamon / that thoughte / þat thurgh his herte
He felte a coold swerd / sodeynly glyde
ffor Ire he quook. no lenger wolde he byde
And whan þat he had herd / Arcites tale
As he were wood / with face deed and pale
He stirte hym vp / out of the buskes thikke
And seyde Arcite / false traytour wikke
Now artow hent that louest my lady so
ffor whom þat I haue / al this peyne and wo
And art my blood / and to my conseil sworn [folio 22a]
As I ful ofte / haue toold thee her biforn
And hast byiaped here / duc Theseus
And falsly / chaunged hast thy name thus
I wol be deed / or ellis thow shalt dye
Thow shalt noght / loue my lady Emelye
But I wol loue hire oonly / and namo
ffor I am Palamon / thy mortal foo
And thogh þat I / no wepne haue in this place
But out of prison / am astert by grace
I drede noght þat outher thow shalt dye
Or thow ne shalt noght louen Emelye
Chees which thow wolt or thow shalt noght asterte
¶ This Arcite / with ful despitous herte
Whan he hym knew / and hadde his tale herd
As fiers as leon / pulled out his swerd
And seyde thus / by god þat sitteth aboue
Nere it þat thow art syk and wood for loue
And eek þat thow / no wepne hast in this place
Thow sholdest neuere / out of this groue pace
That thow ne sholdest dyen of myn hond
ffor I diffye / the seuretee and the bond Page  47
Which þat thow seist þat I haue maad to thee
What verray fool / thynk wel þat loue is free
And I wol loue hire / maugree al thy myght
¶ But for as muche / as thow art a worthy knyght
And wilnest to darreyne hire by bataille
Haue here my trouthe / tomorwe I nyl nat faille
With outen wityng of any oother wight
That here / I wol be founden / as a knyght
And bryngen harneys / right ynogh for thee
And chees the beste / and leef the worste to me
And mete and drynke / this nyght wol I brynge
Ynogh for thee / and clothes for thy beddynge
And if so be / þat thow my lady wynne
And sle me in this wode / ther I am Inne
Thow mayst wel haue thy lady / as for me
¶ This Palamon answerde / I graunte it thee
And thus they been departed / til amorwe
Whan ech of hem / hadde leyd his feith to borwe
O Cupide / out of alle charitee [folio 22b]
O regne / that wolde no felawe haue to thee
fful sooth is seyd / þat loue ne lordshipe
Wol noght his thankes / haue no felaweshipe
Wel fynden that Arcite and Palamon
¶ Arcite / is riden anoon / vn to the town
And on the morwe / er it were dayes lyght
fful priuely / two harneys hath he dyght
Bothe suffisaunt and mete to darreyne
The bataille in the feeld / bitwix hem tweyne
And on his hors / allone / as he was born
He carieth al this harneys / hym biforn
And in the groue / at tyme and place yset
This Arcite / and this Palamon been met
¶ To chaungen / gan the colour in hir face
Right as the hunterys / in the regne of Trace
That stonden at the gappe / with a spere
Whanne hunted is / the leon or the Bere Page  48
And hereth hym / come russhynge in the greues
And breketh / bothe bowes / and the leues
And thynketh / here cometh my mortal enemy
With oute faille / he moot be deed / or .I.
ffor outher / I moot sleen hym / at the gappe
Or he moot sle me / if þat me myshappe
So ferden they / in chaungyng of hir hewe
As fer / as euerich / oother of hem knewe
¶ Ther nas no good day / ne no saluynge
But streight with outen word / or rehersynge
Euerich of hem / heelp for to armen oother
As frendly / as he weere / his owene brother
And after that / with sharpe speres stronge
They foynen / ech at oother / wonder longe
Thou myghtest wene / þat this Palamon
In his fightynge were a wood leon
And as a crewel Tygre / was Arcite
As wilde boores / gonnen they to smyte
That frothen / whit as foom / for Ire wood
Vp to the Anclees / foghte they in hir blood
And in this wise / I lete hem fightyng dwelle
And forth I wole / of Theseus yow telle
¶ The destynee / Ministre general [folio 23a]
That executeth / in the world ouer al
The purueiance / that god hath seyn biforn
So stroong it is / þat thogh the world hadde sworn
The contrarie of a thyng by ye / or nay
Yet som tyme / it shal fallen on a day
That falleth nat eft / with Inne a thousand yeer
ffor certeinly / oure appetites heer
Be it of werre / or pees / or hate / or loue
Al is this ruled / by the sighte aboue
¶ This mene I now / by myghty Theseus
That for to hunten / is so desirus
And namely / at the grete hert in May
That in his bed / ther daweth hym no day Page  49
That he nys clad / and redy for to ryde
With hunte and horn / and houndes hym bisyde
ffor in his huntyng hath he swich delit
That it is / al his ioye and appetit
To been hym self / the grete hertes bane
ffor after Mars / he serueth now Diane
¶ Cleer was the day / as I haue told er this
And Theseus / with alle ioye and blys
With his ypolita / the faire queene
And Emelie / clothed al in greene
On huntyng be they riden roially
And to the groue / that stood ful faste by
In which ther was an hert as men hym tolde
Duc Theseus / the streighte wey hath holde
And to the launde / he rideth hym ful right
ffor thider was the hert wont haue his flight
And ouer a brook / and so forth on his weye
This duc wol han a cours at hym / or tweye
With houndes swiche / as þat hym list comaunde
And whan this duc. was come vn to the launde
Vnder the sonne he looketh / and anon
He was war / of Arcite and Palamon
That foghten breme as it were boles two
The brighte swerdes / wenten to and fro
So hidously / that with the leeste strook
It semed / as it wolde felle an ook
But what they weere / no thyng he ne woot [folio 23b]
This duc his courser / with the spores smoot
And at a stert he was bitwix hem two
And pulled out a swerd / and cryed Hoo
Namoore / vp on peyne / of lesyng of youre heed
By myghty Mars / he shal anon be deed
That smyteth any strook / þat I may seen
But telleth me / what myster men ye been
That been so hardy / for to fighten heer
With outen Iuge / or oother officer Page  50
As it weere in a lystes roially
¶ This Palamon / answerde hastily
And seyde / sire / what nedeth wordes mo
We haue the deeth disserued / bothe two
Two woful wrecches been we / two caytyues
That been encombred / of oure owene lyues
And as thow art a rightful lord and Iuge
Ne yif vs / neither mercy ne refuge
But slee me first. for seinte charitee
But slee my felawe eek / as wel as me
Or slee hym first. for thogh thow knowe it lite
This is thy mortal foo / this is Arcite
That fro thy lond / is banysshed on his heed
ffor which / he hath deserued to be deed
ffor this is he / þat cam vn to thy yate
And seyde / þat he highte Philostrate
Thus hath he iaped thee / ful many a yeer
And thow . hast maked hym / thy chief Squyer
And this is he / þat loueth Emelye
ffor sith the day is come / þat I shal dye
I make pleynly / my confession
That I am / thilke woful Palamon
That hath thy prison / broken wikkedly
I am thy mortal foo / and it am I
That loueth so hoote / Emelye the brighte
That I wol dyen / present in hir sighte
Wherfore I axe deeth / and my Iuwise
But slee my felawe / in the same wise
ffor bothe haue we / deserued to be slayn
¶ This worthy duc answerde anoon agayn
And seyde / this is a short conclusion [folio 24a]
Youre owene mouth / by youre confession
Hath dampned yow / and I wol it recorde
It nedeth noght to pyne yow with the corde
Ye shul be deed / by myghty Mars the rede
¶ The queene anoon / for verray wommanhede Page  51
Gan for to wepe / and so dide Emelye
And alle the ladies / in the compaignye
Greet pitee was it / as it thoughte hem alle
That euere swich a chaunce / sholde falle
ffor gentil men they weere / of greet estaat
And no thyng but for loue / was this debaat
And sawe / hir blody wowndes / wide and soore
And alle cryden / bothe lasse and moore
Haue mercy lord / vp on vs wommen alle
And on hir bare knees / adown they falle
And wolde haue kist his feet ther as he stood
Til at the laste / aslaked was his mood
ffor pitee / renneth soone in gentil herte
And thogh he first for Ire quook and sterte
He hath considred / shorthly in a clause
The trespas of hem bothe / and eek the cause
And al thogh þat his Ire / hir gilt accused
Yet in his reson / he hem bothe excused
¶ As thus / he thoghte wel þat euery man
Wol helpe hym self in loue / if þat he kan
And eek / deliuere hym self / out of prison
And eek / his herte hadde compassion
Of wommen / for they wepten euere in oon
And in his gentil herte / he thoghte anoon
And softe vn to hym / self he seyde fy
Vp on a lord / that wol haue no mercy*. [¶ nota]
But be a leon / bothe in word / and dede
To hem / that been in repentaunce and drede
As wel / as to a proud despitous man
That wol mayntene / that he first bigan
That lord / hath litel of discrecion
That in swich caas / kan no dyuysion
But weyeth pryde / and humblesse / after oon
And shortly / whan his Ire is thus agoon
He gan to loken vp / with eyen lighte [folio 24b]
And spak thise same wordes / al on highte Page  52
¶ The god of loue / a benedicitee
How myghty / and how greet a lord is he
Agayns his myght. ther gayneth none obstacles
He may be clepid a god / for his miracles
ffor he kan maken / at his owene gyse
Of euerich herte / as þat hym list deuyse
¶ Lo here / this Arcite / and this Palamon
That quitly were / out of my prison
And myghte haue lyued in Thebes roially
And witen / I am hir mortal enemy
And þat hir deeth / lyth in my myght also
And yet hath loue / maugree hir eyen two
Broght hem hyder / bothe for to dye
Now looketh / is nat that an heigh folye
¶ Who may been a fool / but if he loue
Bihoold for goddes sake / þat sit aboue
Se how they blede / be they noght wel arrayed
Thus hath hir lord / the god of loue ypayed
Hir wages / and hir fees / for hir seruyse
And yet they wenen to be ful wyse
That seruen loue / for aught þat may bifalle
But this is yet the beste game of alle
That she / for whom / they haue this Iolitee
Kan hem ther fore / as muche thank as me
She woot namoore / of al this hoote fare
By god / than woot a cokkow of an hare
But al moot been assayed / hoot and coold
A man moot been a fool / or yong or oold
I woot it by my self / ful yoore agoon
ffor in my tyme / a seruant was I oon
And ther fore / syn I knowe of loues peyne
And woot how soore / it kan a man distreyne
As he þat hath been caught ofte in his laas
I yow foryeue / al hoolly this trespas
At requeste of the queene / þat kneeleth heere
And eek of Emelye / my suster deere Page  53
And ye shal bothe anoon / vn to me swere
That neuere mo / ye shal my contree dere
Ne make werre vp on me / nyght nor day [folio 25a]
But been my freendes / in al that ye may
I yow foryeue / this trespas euerydel
And they hym sworen / his axing faire and wel
And hym of lordshipe / and of mercy preyde
And he hem graunteth grace / and thanne he seyde
¶ To speke of roial lynage / and richesse
Thogh þat she weere a queene / or a princesse
Ech of yow bothe / is worthy doutelees
To wedden whan tyme is / but nathelees
I speke / as for my suster Emelye
ffor whom / ye haue this stryf and Ialousye
Ye woot your self. she may nat wedden two
Atones / thogh ye fighten eueremo
That oon of yow / al be hym looth / or lief
He moot go pipen / in an yuy leef
This is to seyn / she may nat now haue bothe
Al be ye nevere so Ialous / ne so wrothe
And for thy / I yow putte in this degree
That ech of yow / shal haue his destynee
As hym is shape / and herkneth in what wyse
Lo here youre ende / of that I shal deuyse
¶ My wyl is this / for plat conclusion
With outen any replicacion
If that yow liketh / take it for the beste
That euerich of yow / shal goon where hym leste
ffrely / with outen raunson / or daunger
And this day fifty wykes / fer ne neer
Euerich of yow / shal brynge an hundred knyghtes
Armed for listes / vp at alle rightes
Al redy / to darreyne hire by bataille
And this bihoote I yow / with outen faille
Vp on my trouthe / and as I am a knyght
That wheither of yow bothe / þat hath myght Page  54
This is to seyn / þat wheither he or thou
May with his hundred / as I spak of now
Sleen his contrarie / or out of lystes dryue
Thanne shal I yeue / Emelye to wyue
To whom þat ffortune / yeueth so fair a grace
The lystes / shal I maken in this place
And god so wisly / on my soule rewe [folio 25b]
As I shal / euene Iuge been and trewe
Ye shul noon oother ende / with me maken
That oon of yow ne / shall be deed / or taken
And if yow thynketh / this is well ysayd
Sey youre auys / and holdeth yow apayd
This is youre ende / and youre conclusion
¶ Who looketh lightly now / but Palamon
Who spryngeth vp for ioye / but Arcite
Who koude telle / or who koude it endite
The ioye / that is maked in the place
Whan Theseus / hath doon so fair a grace
But doun on knees / wente euery maner wight
And thonken hym / with al hir herte and myght
And namely the Thebans ofte sythe
And thus with good hope / and herte blythe
They take hir leeue / and homward gonne they ryde
To Thebes / with olde walles wyde
Explicit prima pars

Incipit pars secunda.

I trowe / men wolde deme it necligence
If I foryete / to tellen the despence
Of Theseus / that gooth so bisily
To maken vp the lystes / roially
That swich a noble Theatre / as it was
I dar wel seyn / in this world ther nas
The circuit a myle was aboute
Walled of stoon / and dyched al with oute
Round was the shape / in manere of compas Page  55
fful of degrees / the heighte of sixty paas
That whan a man / was set on o degree
He letted noght his felawe for to see
¶ Estward ther stood a gate / of Marbul whit
Westward / right swich another / in the oposit
And shortly to concluden / swich a place
Was noon in erthe / as in so lite a space
ffor in the lond / ther was no crafty man [folio 26a]
That Geometrye / or Ars metrik kan
Ne purtreyour / ne keruere of ymages
That Theseus / ne yaf mete and wages
The Theatre / for to maken and deuyse
And for to doon / his ryte and sacrifise
He Estward hath / vp on the gate aboue
In worship of venus / goddesse of loue
Doon maad an Auter / and an oratorie
And on the westward / in memorie
Of Mars / he maked hath right swich another
That coste largely / of gold a fother
And Northward / in a touret on the wal
Of Alabastre whit and reed Coral
An oratorie / riche for to see
In worshipe / of Diane of chastitee
Hath Theseus / doon wroght in noble Wise
¶ But yet hadde I forgeten / to deuyse
The noble keruyng / and the purtreitures
The shape / the contenance / and the figures
That weren / in thise oratories thre
¶ ffirst / in the temple of Venus / maystow se
Wroght on the wal / ful pitous to biholde
The broken slepes / and the sykes colde
The sacred teerys / and the waymentynge
The firy strokes / of the desirynge
That loues seruantz / in this lyf enduren
The othes / that hir couenantz assuren
Plesance / and hope / desir / foolhardynesse Page  56
Beautee and youthe / baudrye / richesse
Charmes and force / lesynges / flaterye
Despense / bisynesse / and Ialousye
That wered / of yelowe gooldes a gerland
And a Cokkow / sittyng on hir hand
ffestes / Instrumentz / caroles / daunces
Lust and array / and alle the circumstaunces
Of loue / whiche þat I rekned / and rekne shal
By ordre / weren peynted on the wal
And mo than / I kan make of mencion
ffor soothly / al the Mount of Citheron
Ther Venus / hath hir principal dwellynge [folio 26b]
Was shewed on the wal / in purtreyynge
With al the gardyn / and the lustynesse
Nat was foryeten / the porter ydelnesse
Ne Narcisus the faire / of yoore agon
Ne yet / the folie / of kyng Salomon
Ne yet the grete strengthe of Ercules
Thenchantementz / of Medea and Circes
Ne of Turnus / with the hardy fiers corage
The ryche Cresus / caytif in seruage
¶ Thus may ye seen / þat wisdom ne richesse
Beautee / ne sleighte / strengthe hardynesse
Ne may with Venus / maken champartie
ffor as hir lust the world than may she gye
Lo all this folk / so caught were in hir laas
Til they for wo / ful ofte seyde allas
Suffiseth heere ensamples / oon or two
And though / I koude rekne a thousand mo
¶ The statue of Venus / glorious for to see*. [ad vid]
Was naked / fletyng in the large See*. [.i. mare]
And fro the nauele doun / al couered was
With wawes grene / and brighte as any glas
A Citole in hir right hand / hadde she
And on hir heed / ful semely for to se
A rose gerland / fressh / and wel smellynge Page  57
Aboue hir heed / hir dowues flikerynge
Biforn hire stood / hir sone Cupido
Vp on his shuldres / wynges hadde he two
And blynd he was / as it is ofte seene
A bowe he bar / and Arwes brighte and keene
¶ Why sholde I nat as wel / eek telle yow al
The purtreyture / þat was vp on the wal
With Inne the temple / of myghty Mars the rede
Al peynted was the wal / in lengthe and brede
Lyk to the eestres / of the grisly place
That highte the grete temple / of Mars in Trace
In thilke colde / frosty Region
Ther as Mars / hath his souereyn mansion
¶ ffirst on the wal / was peynted a fforest
In which ther dwelleth / neither man ne best
With knotty / knarry / bareyne trees olde [folio 27a]
Of stubbes sharpe / and hidouse to biholde
In which / ther ran a rombul / in a swough
As thogh a storm / sholde bresten euery bough
And downward on an hil / vnder a bente
Ther stood the temple / of Mars armypotente.
Wroght al of burned steel / of which the entree
Was long and streyt and gastly for to see
And ther out cam a rage / and swich a veze*. [.i. impetus]
That it made / al the gate for to rese
The Northren light in at the dores shoon
ffor wyndow on the wal / ne was ther noon
Thurgh which men myghten / any light discerne
The dore was al / of Athamant eterne
Yclenched / ouerthwart and endelong/
With Iren togh / and for to make it strong
Euery piler / the temple to sustene
Was tonne greet of Iren bright and shene
¶ Ther say I first. the dirke ymagynynge
Of felonye / and al the compassynge
The cruel Ire / reed as any gleede Page  58
The pike purs / and eek the pale drede
The smylere / with the knyf vnder the cloke
The shipne brennyng / with the blake smoke
The treson / of the mordryng in the bed
The open werre / with woundes al bibled
Contek / with blody knyf and sharpe manace
Al ful of chirkyng was that sory place
¶ The sleere of hym self / yet saugh I ther
His herte blood / hath bathed al his heer
The nayl ydryuen / in the shode a nyght
The colde deeth / with mouth gapyng vp right
Amyddes of the temple / sat meschaunce
With disconfort and sory contenaunce
¶ Yet saugh I woodnesse / laughyng in his rage
Armed compleynt out hees / and fiers outrage
The caroyne in the bussh / with throte ycorue
A thousand slayn / and noght of qualm ystorue
The tiraunt with the praye / by force yraft
The town destroyed / ther was no thyng laft
¶ Yet saugh I brent. the shippes hoppesteres [folio 27b]
The hunte strangled / with the wilde beres
The sowe freten the child / right in the Cradel
The Cook yscalded / for al his longe ladel
¶ Naught was forgeten / by the Infortune of Marte
The Cartere / ouer ryden / with his Carte
Vnder the wheel / ful lowe he lay adown
Ther were also / of Martes deuysioun
The Barbour / and the Bochier and the Smyth
That forgeth sharpe swerdes / on his styth
¶ And al aboue / depeynted in a tour
Saugh I Conquest sittyng in greet honour
With the sharpe swerd / ouer his heed
Hangynge / by a subtil twynes threed
¶ Depeynted was / the slaghtre of Iulius
Of grete Nero / and of Anthonius
Al be / þat thilke tyme / they were vnborn Page  59
Yet was hir deeth / depeynted ther biforn
By manacynge of Mars / right by figure
So was it shewed / in that purtreyture
As is depeynted / in the Sertres aboue
Who shal be slayn / or ellis deed for loue
Suffiseth oon ensample / in stories olde
I may nat rekne hem alle / thogh I wolde
¶ The Statue of Mars / vp on a Carte stood
Armed / and loked grym / as he were wood
And ouer his heed / ther shynen two figures
Of sterres / þat been clepyd in Scriptures
That oon Puella / that oother Rubeus
This god of armes / was arrayed thus
A wolf ther stood / bifore hym at his feet
With eyen rede / and of a man he eet
With subtil pencel / was depeynted this storie
In redoutynge of Mars / and of his glorie
¶ Now to the temple / of Diane the chaste
As shortly as I kan / I wol me haste
To telle yow / al the discripsioun
Depeynted been the walles / vp and doun
Of huntyng and of shamefast chastitee
Ther saw .I. / how woful Calistopee
Whan þat Diane / agreued was with here [folio 28a]
Was turned / fro a womman / til a Bere
And after was she maad / the lode sterre*. [// Vrsa maior]
Thus was it peynted / I kan seye yow no ferre
Hir sone is eek a sterre / as men may see
Ther saw I Dane / yturned to a tree
I mene nat / the goddesse diane
But Penneus doghter / which þat highte Dane
¶ Ther saw I Attheon / an hert ymaked
ffor vengeaunce / þat he saw Diane al naked
I seigh / how þat hise houndes haue hym caught
And freten hym / for þat they knewe hym naught
¶ Yet peynted was / a litel ferther moor Page  60
How Atthalante / hunted the wilde boor
And Meleagree / and many another mo
ffor which Diane / wroghte hym care and wo
Ther saw .I. many another wonder storie
The whiche / me list nat drawen to memorie
¶ This goddesse on hert ful hye seet
With smale houndes / al aboute hir feet
And vnder nethe hir feet. she hadde a moone
Wexinge it was / and sholde wanye soone
In gaude grene / hir statue yclothed was
With bowe in honde / and arwes in a cas
Hir eyen caste she / ful lowe adown
Ther Pluto / hath his dirke Regioun
A womman trauailyng was hir biforn
But for hir child / so longe was unborn
fful pitously / lucina gan she calle
And seyde help / for thow mayst best of alle
Wel koude he peynte lyfly / that it wroghte
With many a floryn / he the hewes boghte
¶ Now been thise listes maad / and Theseus
That at his grete cost arrayed thus
The temples / and the Theatre euery del
Whan it was doon / hym liked wonder wel
But stynte I wole / of Theseus alite
And speke of Palamon / and of Arcite
¶ The day approcheth / of hir retournynge
That euerich / sholde an hundred knyghtes brynge
The bataille to darreyne / as I yow tolde [folio 28b]
And til Atthenes / hir couenant for to holde
Hath euerich of hem / broght a hundred knyghtes
Wel armed for the werre / at alle rightes
And sikerly / ther trowed many a man
That neuere sithen / þat the world bigan
As for to speke / of knyghthod of hir hond
As fer / as god hath maked see and lond
Nas of so fewe / so noble a compaignye Page  61
ffor euery wight þat loued chiualrye
And wolde his thankes / han a passant name
Hath prayd / that he myghte been of that game
And wel was hym / þat ther to chosen was
ffor if ther fille / tomorwe swich a cas
Ye knowen wel / þat euery lusty knyght/
That loueth paramours / and hath his myght
Were it in Engelond / or ellis where
They wolde hir thankes / wilnen to be there
To fighten for a lady / benedicitee
It were a lusty sighte / for to see
¶ And right so / ferden they with Palamon
With hym ther wenten / knyghtes many oon
Som wol ben armed / in an haubergeon
And in a Brestplate / and in a light gypon
And som wol haue / a piere plates large
And som wol haue / a Pruce sheeld / or a targe
Som wol been armed / on his legges weel
And haue an Ax / and som a Maas of steel
Ther nys no newe gyse / þat it nas oold
Armed were they / as I haue yow toold
Euerich / after his opinyon
¶ Ther maystow seen / comynge with Palamon
Lygurge hym self the grete kyng of Trace
Blak was his beerd / and manly was his face
The cercles of his eyen / in his heed
They gloweden / bitwixen yelow and reed
And lyk a griffon / loked he aboute
With keempe herys / on his browes stoute
His lymes grete / his brawnes / harde and stronge
Hys shuldres brode / hise armes rounde and longe
And as the gyse was / in his contree [folio 29a]
fful hye / vp on a Chaar of gold stood he
With foure white Boles / in the trays
In stide of Cotearmure / ouer his harnays
With nayles yelwe / and brighte as any gold Page  62
He hadde a Berys Skyn / colblak / for old
His longe heer / was kembed bihynde his bak
As any Rauenes fetthere / it shoon for blak
A wrethe of gold / greet of huge wighte
Vp on his heed / and ful of stones brighte
Of fyne Rubyes / and of dyamauntz
Aboute his Chaar / they wente white Alauntz
Twenty and mo / as grete as any Steer
To hunten at the leon / and the deer
And folwed hym / with mosel faste ybounde
Colered of gold / and turrettes filed rounde
An hundred lordes / hadde he in his route
Armed ful wel / with hertes stierne and stoute
¶ With Arcita / in stories as men fynde
The grete Emetrius / the kyng of Inde
Vp on a Steede bay / trapped in steel
Couered in a clooth of gold / dyapred weel
Cam ridynge / lyk the god of Armes Mars
His cote armure / was of clooth of Tars
Couched with perlys white / and rounde and grete
His sadel was / of brend gold newe ybete
A Mantelet vp on his shulder hangynge
Bretful of Rubies reede / as fyr sparklynge
His crispe heer / lyk rynges was yronne
And that was yelow / and glitred as the sonne
His nose was heigh / hise eyen bright Citryn
His lyppes rounde / his colour was sangwyn
A fewe fraknes / in his face yspreynd
Bitwixen yelow / and som del blak ymeynd
And as a leon / he his lookyng caste
Of .xxv. yeer / his age I caste
His beerd / was wel bigonne for to sprynge
His voys / was as a trompe thonderynge
Vp on his heed / he wered of laurer grene
A gerland fressh / and lusty for to seene
Vp on his hand / he bar for his deduyt [folio 29b] Page  63
An Egle tame / as any lilie whyt
An hundred lordes / hadde he with hym there
Al armed saue hir heddes / in al hir gere
fful richely / in alle manere thynges
ffor trusteth wel / þat dukes / Erles / kynges
Were gadred / in this noble compaignye
ffor loue / and for encrees of chiualrye
Aboute this kyng ther ran on euery part
fful many a tame leon and leopart
¶ And in this wise / thise lordes alle and some
Been on the Sonday / to the Citee come
Aboute pryme / and in the town alight
¶ This Theseus / this duc this worthy knyght
Whan he hadde broght hem / in to his Citee
And Inned hem / euerich at his degree
He festeth hem / and dooth so gret labour
To esen hem / and doon hem al honour
That yet men wenen / þat no mannes wit
Of noon estaat ne koude amenden it/
¶ The Mynstralcye / the seruyce / at the feeste
The grete yiftes / to the meeste and leeste
The ryche array / of Theseus Paleys
Ne who sat first or last vp on the deys
What ladyes fairest been / and best daunsynge
Or which of hem / kan daunse best and synge
Ne who moost feelyngly / speketh of loue
What haukes sitten / on the perche aboue
What houndes lyggen / on the floor adown
Of al this / make I now no mencioun
But al theffect that thynketh me the beste
Now comth the point and herkneth if yow leste
¶ The Sonday nyght er day bigan to sprynge
Whan Palamon / the larke herde synge
Al thogh it nere nat day / by houres two
Yet soong the larke / and Palamon right tho
With holy herte / and with an heigh corage Page  64
He roos / to wenden on his pilgrymage
Vn to the blisful / Scitherea benygne
I mene Venus / honurable and digne
And in hir hour / he walketh forth a paas [folio 30a]
Vn to the lystes / ther hir temple was
And down he kneleth / and with humble cheere
And herte soor / he seyde as ye shal heere
¶ ffaireste of faire / o lady myn Venus
Doghter of Ioue / and spouse to Vulcanus
Thow gladere / of the mount of Cytheron
ffor thilke loue / thow haddest to Adoon
Haue pitee / of my bittre teerys smerte
And taak myn humble prayere at thyn herte
¶ Allas I ne haue no langage to telle
Theffecte. ne the tormentz of myn helle
Myn herte / may myne harmes nat biwreye
I am so confus / þat I kan noght seye
But mercy lady bright þat knowest wele
My thoght and seest what harmes þat I feele
Considre al this / and rewe vp on my soore
As wisly / as I shal for euere moore
Emforth my myght thy trewe seruant be
And holden werre / alwey with chastitee
That make I myn avow / so ye me helpe
I kepe noght of armes for to yelpe
Ne I ne axe noght / tomorwe / to haue victorie
Ne renoun in this cas / ne veyne glorie
Of prys of armes / blowen vp and down
But I wolde haue / fully possessioun
Of Emelye / and dye in thy seruyse
ffynd thow the manere / how / and in what wyse
I recche nat but it may bettre be
To haue victorie of hem / or they of me
So þat I haue / my lady in myn armes
ffor thogh so be / þat Mars is god of armes
Youre vertu is so greet in heuene aboue Page  65
That if yow list I shal wel haue my loue
¶ Thy temple / wol I worshipe euere mo
And on thyn Auter / wher I ryde or go
I wol doon sacrifice / and fyres beete
And if ye wol noght so / my lady sweete
Thanne praye I thee / to morwe with a spere
That Arcita / me thurgh the herte bere
Thanne rekke I noght whan I haue lost my lyf [folio 30b]
Thogh þat Arcita / wynne hire to his wyf
This is theffect and ende of my prayere
Yif me my loue / thow blisful lady deere
¶ Whan the orison was doon / of Palamon
His sacrifice he dide / and that anon
fful pitously / with alle circumstances
Al telle I nat as now / his obseruances
But at the laste / the Statue of Venus shook
And made a signe / wher by þat he took
That his prayere / accepted was that day
ffor thogh the signe / shewed a delay
Yet wiste he wel / þat graunted was his boone
And with glad herte / he wente hym hoom ful soone
¶ The thridde hour in equal / þat Palamon
Bigan / to Venus temple / for to gon
Vp roos the soone / and vp roos Emelye
And to the temple of Diane / gan hye
Hir maydens / þat she thider with hire ladde
fful redily with hem / the fyr they hadde
Thencens / the clothes / and the remenant al
That to the sacrifice / longen shal
The hornes ful of Mede / as was the gyse
Ther lakked noght to doon hir sacrifise
¶ Smokynge the temple / ful of clothes faire
This Emelye / with herte debonaire
Hir body wessh / with water of a welle
But hou she dide hir ryte / I dar nat telle
But it be / any thyng in general Page  66
And yet it were a game / to heren al
To hym þat meneth wel / it nere no charge
But it is good / a man be at his large
¶ Hir brighte heer was kembed / vntressed al
A corone / of a grene ook cerial
Vp on hir heed was set ful fair and meete
Two fyres / on the Auter gan she beete
And dide hir thynges / as men may biholde
In Stace of Thebes / and othere bokes olde
Whan kyndled was the fyr / with pitous cheere
Vn to Diane / she spak / as ye may heere
¶ O chaste goddesse / of the wodes grene [folio 31a]
To whom / bothe heuene / and erthe / and See*. [.i. mare] is seene
Queene of the regne of Pluto / derk and lowe
Goddesse of maydenes / þat myn herte hast knowe
fful many a yeer / and woost what I desire
As keepe me / fro thy vengeance and thyn Ire
That Attheon / aboghte crewelly
Chaste goddesse / wel wostow þat I
Desire / to been a mayden / al my lyf
Ne neuere wol I be / no loue / ne wyf
I am thow woost yet of thy compaignye
A mayde / and loue huntyng and venerye
And for to walken / in the wodes wilde
And noght to been a wyf / and be with childe
Noght wol I knowe / compaignye of man
Now help me lady / sith ye may and kan
ffor tho thre formes / þat thow hast in thee
And Palamon / þat hath swich loue to me
And eek Arcite / þat loueth me so soore
This grace I praye thee / with oute moore
As seend[e] loue and pees / bitwix hem two
And fro me / turn awey / hir hertes so
That al hir hote loue / and hir desir
And al hir bisy torment and hir fyr
Be queynt and turned in another place Page  67
And if so be / thow wolt noght do me grace
Or if my destynee / be shape so
That I shal nedes / haue oon of hem two
As seend me hym / þat moost desireth me
Bihoold goddesse / of clene chastitee
The bittre teerys / þat on my chekes falle
Syn thow art mayde / and kepere of vs alle
My maydenhode thow kepe / and wel conserue
And whil I lyue / a mayde I wol thee serue
¶ The fyres brenne / vp on the Auter cleere
Whil Emelie / is thus in hir prayere
But sodeynly / she seigh a sighte queynte
ffor right anon / oon of the fyres queynte
And quyked agayn / and after that anon
That oother fyr was queynt and al agon
And as it queynte / it made a whistlynge [folio 31b]
As doon thise weete brondes / in hir brennynge
And at the brondes ende / out ran anoon
As it were / blody dropes many oon
ffor which / so soore agast was Emelye
That she was wel neigh mad / and gan to crye
ffor she ne wiste / what it signyfied
But oonly for the feere / thus hath she cryed
And weepe / þat it was pitee for to heere
¶ And ther with al / Diane gan appeere
With bowe in honde / right as an hunteresse
And seyde doghter / stynt thyn heuynesse
Among the goddes hye / it is affermed
And by eterne word / writen and confermed
Thou shalt be wedded / vn to oon of tho
That han for thee / so muche care and wo
But vn to which of hem / I may noght telle
ffare wel / for I ne may no lenger dwelle
The fires / which þat on myn Auter brenne
Shul thee declaren / er þat thow go henne
Thyn auenture of loue / as in this cas Page  68
And with that word / the Arwes in the Caas
Of the goddesse / clateren faste and rynge
And forth she wente / and made a vanysshynge
ffor which / this Emelye astoned was
And seyde / what amounteth this allas
I putte me / in thy proteccion
Diane / and in thy disposicion
And hoom she gooth anoon / the nexte weye
This is theffect ther nys namoore to seye
¶ The nexte houre of Mars / folwynge this
Arcite / vn to the temple walked is
Of fierse Mars / to doon his sacrifise
With alle the rytes / of his payen wise
With pitous herte / and heigh deuocion
Right thus to Mars / he seyde his orison
¶ O stronge god / þat in the regnes colde
Of Trace / honoured art and lord yholde
And hast in euery regne / and euery lond
Of armes / al the brydel in thyn hond
And hem fortunest as thee list deuyse [folio 32a]
Accepte of me / my pitous sacrifise
If so be / þat my youthe may disserue
And þat my myght be worthy for to serue
Thy godhede / þat I may be oon of thyne
Thanne praye I thee / to rewe vp on my pyne
ffor thilke peyne / and thilke hote fyr
In which / thow whilom brendest for desir
Whan þat thow vsedest the beautee
Of faire yonge / fresshe Venus free
And haddest hire in armes at thy wille
Al though thee ones / on a tyme mysfille
Whan Vulcanus / hadde caught thee in his laas
And foond thee lyggyng by his wyf allas
ffor thilke sorwe / þat was in thyn herte
Haue routhe as wel / vp on my peynes smerte
I am yong / and vnkonnyng as thow woost/ Page  69
And as I trowe / with loue offended moost
That euere was / any lyues creature
ffor she þat dooth me / al this wo endure
Ne reccheth neuere / wher I synke or fleete
And wel I woot er she me mercy heete
I moot with strengthe / wynne hire in the place
And wel I woot with outen help and grace
Of thee / ne may my strengthe noght auaille
Thanne help me lord / tomorwe in my bataille
ffor thilke fyr / þat whilom brende thee
As wel as thilke fyr / now brenneth me
And do þat I tomorwe / may haue victorie
Myn be the trauaille / and thyn be the glorie
Thy souereyn temple / wol I moost honouren
Of any place / and alwey moost labouren
In thy plesaunce / and in thy craftes stronge
And in thy temple / I wol my baner honge
And alle the armes / of my compaignye
And euere mo / vn til þat day I dye
Eterne fyr / I wol bifore thee fynde
And eek to this auow / I wol me bynde
My berd / myn heer / þat hangeth long adown
That neuere yet ne felte offensioun
Of Rasour / nor of Shere / I wol thee yiue [folio 32b]
And been thy trewe seruant whil I lyue
Now lord haue routhe / vp on my sorwes soore
Yif me the victorie / I axe thee namoore
¶ The prayere stynt of Arcita the stronge
The rynges / on the temple dore þat honge
And eek the dores / clatereden ful faste
Of which Arcita / som what hym agaste
The fires brende / vp on the Auter brighte
That it gan al the temple for to lighte
A swete smel / anoon the ground vp yaf
And Arcita / anoon his hand vp haf
And moore encens / in to the fyr he caste Page  70
With othere rytes mo / and at the laste
¶ The statue of Mars / bigan his hauberk rynge
And with that sown / he herde a murmurynge
fful lowe and dym / and seyde thus / Victorie
ffor which / he yaf to Mars / honour and glorie
¶ And thus with ioye / and hope / wel to fare
Arcite anoon / vn to his In is fare
As fayn as fowel / is of the brighte sonne
¶ And right anoon / swich stryf ther is bigonne
ffor thilke grauntyng in the heuene aboue
Bitwixe Venus / the goddesse of loue
And Mars / the sterne god armipotente
That Iuppiter / was bisy it to stente
Til þat the pale / Saturnus the colde
That knew so manye / of auentures olde
ffoond in his olde experience / an art
That he ful soone / hath plesed euery part
As sooth is seyd / elde hath greet auantage
In elde / is bothe wisdom and vsage
Men may the olde atrenne and nat atrede
Saturne anoon / to stynten stryf and drede
Al be it / þat it is agayn his kynde
Of al this stryf he kan remedie fynde
¶ My deere doghter Venus / quod Saturne
My cours / that hath so wyde for to turne
Hath moore power / than woot any man
Myn is the drenchyng in the See so wan
Myn is the prison / in the derke cote [folio 33a]
Myn is the stranglyng and hangyng by the throte
The murmur / and the cherles rebellynge
The groynyng and the pryuee empoysonynge
I do vengeance / and pleyn correccion
Whil I dwelle / in the signe of the leon
Myn is the ruyne / of the heighe halles
The fallyng of the toures / and of the walles
Vp on the Mynour / or the Carpenter Page  71
I slow Sampson / shakyng the piler
And myne be / the maladies colde
The derke tresons / and the castes olde
My lookyng is the fader of pestilence
Now weep namoore / I shal doon diligence
That Palamon / that is thyn owene knyght
Shal haue his lady / as thow hast hym hight
Thogh Mars shal helpe his knyght yet nathelees
Bitwixe yow / ther moot be som tyme pees
Al be ye noght of o complexion
That causeth al day / swich diuision
I am thyn Aiel / redy at thy wille
Weepe now namoore / I wol thy lust fulfille
¶ Now wol I stynten / of the goddes aboue
Of Mars / and of Venus / goddesse of loue
And telle yow / as pleynly as I kan
The grete effect . for which þat I bigan*. [[No gap in the MS.]]
¶ Greet was the feeste / in Atthenes that day
And eek the lusty seson / of that May
Made euery wight to been in swich plesaunce
That al that monday / Iusten they and daunce
And spenden it in Venus heigh seruyse
And by the cause / þat they sholde ryse
Erly / for to seen the grete sight
Vn to hir reste / wente they at nyght
And on the morwe / whan the day gan sprynge
Of hors and harneys / noyse and claterynge
Ther was in hostelryes / al aboute
And to the paleys / rood ther many a route
Of lordes / vp on steedes and palfreys
Ther maistow seen / deuysynge of harneys
So vnkouth / and so ryche / and wroght so weel [folio 33b]
Of Goldsmythrye / of Broudyng and of steel Page  72
The sheldes brighte / testers / and trappures
Goldhewen helmes / hauberkes / cote armures
Lordes in parementz / on hir coursers
Knyghtes of retenue / and eek Squyers
Nailynge the speres / and the helmes bokelynge
Gyggynge of sheeldes / with layners lasynge
Ther as nede is / they were no thyng ydel
The fomy steedes / on the golden brydel
Gnawynge / and faste the Armurers also
With fyle and hamer / prykyng to and fro
Yemen on foote / and communes many oon
With shorte staues / thikke as they may goon
Pipes / trompes / Nakers / Claryounes
That in the bataille / blowen blody sownes
The paleys ful of peples / vp and down
Heer thre / ther ten / holdynge hir questioun
Deuynynge / of thise Thebans knyghtes two
Somme seyde thus / somme seyden it shal be so
Somme helden with hym / with the blake berd
Somme with the balled / somme with the thikke herd
Somme seyde / he looked grym / and he wolde fighte
He hath a Sparth / of .xx. pound of wighte
Thus was the halle / ful of deuynynge
Longe after / þat the sonne gan to sprynge
¶ The grete Theseus / þat of his sleepe awaked
With mynstralcye / and noyse þat was maked
Held yet the chambres / of his paleys ryche
Til þat the Theban knyghtes / bothe yliche
Honoured /. weren in to the paleys fet
¶ Duc Theseus / is at a wyndow set
Arrayed / right as he weere a god in Trone
The peple preeseth / thiderward ful soone
Hym for to seen / and doon heigh reuerence
And eek / to herkne his heste / and his sentence
¶ An heraud on a Scaffold / made an .oo.
Til al the noyse / of the peple was ydo Page  73
And whan he say the peple / of noyse al stille
Thus shewed he / the myghty dukes wille
¶ The lord hath / of his heighe discrecion [folio 34a]
Considred / þat it were destruccion
To gentil blood / to fighten in the gyse
Of mortal bataille / now in this emprise
Wher fore / to shapen / þat they shal noght dye
He wole / his firste purpos modifie
¶ No man ther fore / vp on peyne / of los of lyf
No manere shot ne polax / ne short knyf
In to the lystes sende / or thider brynge
Ne short swerd for to stoke / with point bitynge
No man ne drawe / ne bere it by his syde
Ne no man / shal vn to his felawe ryde
But o cours / with a sharp ygrounde spere
ffoyne if hym list on foote / hym self to were
And he þat is at meschief / shal be take
And noght slayn / but be broght vn to the stake
That shal been ordeyned / on eyther syde
But thider he shal bi force / and ther abyde
And if so falle / the Chiefteyn be take
On outher syde / or ellis sleen his make
No lenger / shal the tourneying laste
God spede yow / go forth and ley on faste
With long swerd / and with mace / fighteth your fille
Go now youre wey / this is the lordes wille
¶ The voys of peple / touched the heuene
So loude cryde they / with loude steuene
God saue swich a lord / that is so good
He wilneth / no destruccion of blood
¶ Vp goon the trompes / and the melodye
And to the lystes / ryt the compaignye
By ordinance / thurgh out the Citee large
Hanged with clooth of gold / and noght with sarge
¶ fful lyk a lord / this noble duc gan ryde
Thise two Thebans / vp on eyther syde Page  74
And after rood the queene / and Emelye
And after that another compaignye
Of oon and oother / after hire degree
And thus they passen / thurgh out the Citee
And to the lystes / coome they bityme
It nas nat of the day / yet fully pryme
¶ Whan set was Theseus / ful ryche and hye [folio 34b]
Ypolita the queene / and Emelye
And othere ladyes / in degrees aboute
Vn to the setes / preeseth al the route
And westward / thrugh the gates vnder Marte*. [.i. sub Marte]
Arcite / and eek the hundred of his parte
With baner reed / is entred right anon
¶ And in that selus moment Palamon
Is vnder Venus / Estward in the place
With baner whit / and hardy cheere and face
In al the world / to seken vp and down
So euene / with outen variacioun
Ther nere / swiche compaignyes tweye
ffor ther was noon so wys / þat koude seye
That any hadde / of oother auantage
Of worthynesse / ne of estaat ne age
So euene / were they chosen for to gesse
And in two renges / faire they hem dresse
¶ Whan þat hir names / rad were euerichon
That in hir nombre / gyle were ther noon
Tho were the gates shet and cryd was loude
Do now youre deuoir / yonge knyghtes proude
¶ The heraudes / lefte hir prikyng vp and down
Now ryngen trompes loude / and Clarioun
Ther is namoore to seyn / but west and Est
In goon the speres / ful sadly in the arest
In gooth the sharpe spore / in to the syde
Ther seen men / who kan Iuste / and who kan ryde
Ther shyueren shaftes / vp on sheeldes thikke
He feeleth / thurgh the herte spoon the prykke Page  75
Vp spryngeth speres / twenty foot on highte
Out goon the swerdes / as the siluer brighte
The helmes they tohewen / and to-shrede
Out brest the blood / with sterne stremys rede
With myghty maces / the bones they tobreste
He thurgh the thikkest of the throng gan threste
Ther stomblen steedes stronge / and doun gooth al
He rolleth vnder foot as dooth a bal
He foyneth on his feet with his tronchoun
And he hym hurteth / with his hors adoun
He thurgh the body is hurt and sithen ytake [folio 35a]
Maugree his heed / and broght vn to the Stake
As forward was / right there he moste abyde
Another / lad is on that oother syde
¶ And som tyme / dooth hem Theseus to reste
Hem to refresshe / and drynken if hem leste
fful ofte a-day / haue thise Thebans two
Togydre ymet and wroght his felawe wo
Vnhorsed hath ech oother / of hem tweye
Ther nas no tygre / in the vale of Galgopheye
Whan þat hir whelp is stole / whan it is lyte
So cruel on the hunte / as is Arcite
ffor Ialous herte / vp on this Palamon
Ne in Belmarye / ther nys so fel leon
That hunted is / or for his hunger wood
Ne of his praye / desireth so the blood
As Palamon / to sleen his foo Arcite
The Ialous strokes / on hir helmes byte
Out renneth blood / on bothe hir sydes rede
¶ Som tyme an ende ther is / of euery dede
ffor er the sonne / vn to the reste wente
The stronge kyng Emetrius / gan hente
This Palamon / as he faught with Arcite
And made his swerd / depe in his flessh to byte
And by the force of twenty / is he take
Vnyolden / and ydrawen to the stake Page  76
And in the rescous / of this Palamon
The stronge kyng lygurge / is born adoun
And kyng Emetrius / for al his strengthe
Is born out of his sadel / a swerdes lengthe
So hitte hym Palamon / er he were take
But al for noght he was broght to the stake
His hardy herte / myghte hym helpe naught
He moste abyde / whan þat he was caught
By force / and eek by composicion
¶ Who sorweth now / but woful Palamon
That moot namoore / goon agayn to fighte
And whan þat Theseus / hadde seen this sighte
Vn to the folk / that foghten thus echon
He cryde / hoo namoore / for it is doon
I wol be trewe Iuge / and nat partye [folio 35b]
Arcite of Thebes / shal haue Emelye
That by his fortune / hath hire faire ywonne
Anon ther is a noyse of peple bigonne
ffor ioye of this / so loude and heigh with alle
It semed / þat the lystes sholde falle
¶ What kan now faire Venus / doon aboue
What seith she now / what dooth this queene of loue
But wepeth so / for wantyng of hir wille
Til þat hir teerys / in the lystes fille
She seyde / I am ashamed doutelees
¶ Saturnus seyde / doghter hoold thy pees
Mars hath his wyl / his knyght hath al his boone
And by myn heed / thow shalt been esed soone
¶ The trompours / with the loude Mynstralcye
The heraudes / þat ful loude yelle and crye
Been in hir wele / for ioye of daun Arcite
But herkneth me / and stynteth noyse a lite
Which a myracle / ther bifel anon
¶ This fierse Arcite / hath of his helm ydon
And on a Courser / for to shewe his face
He priketh / endelong the large place Page  77
Lookyng vpward / vp on this Emelye
And she agayn / hym caste a freendly eye
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
And she was al his cheere / as in his herte
Out of the ground / a furye Infernal sterte
ffrom Pluto sent at requeste of Saturne
ffor which his hors / for feere gan to turne
And leep asyde / and foundred as he leepe
And er þat Arcite / may taken keepe
He pighte hym / on the pomel of his heed
That in the place / he lay as he were deed
His brest to brosten / with his Sadel bowe
As blak he lay / as any col / or crowe
So was the blood / yronnen in his face
Anon he was yborn out of the place
With herte soor / to Theseus Paleys
Tho was he coruen / out of his harneys
And in a bed ybroght ful faire and blyue
ffor he was yet in memorie and alyue
And alwey cryinge / after Emelye [folio 36a]
¶ Duc Theseus / with al his compaignye
Is comen hoom / to Atthenes his Citee
With alle blisse / and greet solempnytee
Al be it þat this auenture was falle
He nolde noght disconforten hem alle
¶ Men seyde eek Arcite / shal nat dye
He shal been heelyd / of his maladye
And of another thyng / they were as fayn
That of hem alle / was ther noon yslayn
Al were they soore yhurt and namely oon
That with a Spere / was thirled the brest boon
¶ To oothere woundes / and to broken armes
Somme hadden salues / and somme hadden charmes
ffermacyes of herbes and eek saue
They dronken / for they wolde hir lymes haue Page  78
ffor which this noble duc / as he wel kan
Conforteth / and honoureth euery man
And made reuel / al the longe nyght
Vn to the straunge lordes / as was right
¶ Ne ther was holden to disconfitynge
But as a Iustes / or a tourneyinge
ffor soothly / there was no disconfiture
ffor fallyng . nys nat but an auenture
Ne to been had by force vn to the stake
Vnyolden / and with twenty knyghtes take
A persone allone / with outen mo
And haryed forth / by arm / foot / and to
And eek his steede / dryuen forth with staues
With footmen / bothe yemen and eek knaues
It nas arretted hym / no vileynye
Ther may no man / clepe it cowardye
¶ ffor which anoon / Duc Theseus leet crye
To stynten / al rancour and enuye
The gre / as wel of oo syde as of oother
And eyther syde ylyk as otheres brother
And yaf hem yiftes / after hir degree
And fully heeld a feeste / dayes three
And conueyed / the kynges worthily
Out of his toun / a iournee largely
And hoom wente euery man / the righte way [folio 36b]
Ther was namoore / but fare wel haue good day
Of this bataille / I wol namoore endite
But speke of Palamon / and of Arcite*. [[A break in the MS. with]]
¶ Explicit secunda pars

¶ Incipit pars tercia & vltima

Swelleth the brest of Arcite / and the soore
Encreese that his herte / moore and moore
The clothered blood / for any lechecraft
Corrupteth / and is in his bouk / ylaft
That neyther veyne blood / ne ventusynge
Ne drynke of herbes / may been his helpynge
The vertu expulsyf / or animal
ffro thilke vertu / clepyd natural Page  79
Ne may the venym / voyden ne expelle
The pipes of his longes / gan to swelle
And euery lacerte / in his brest adown
Is shent with venym and corrupcioun
Hym gayneth neither / for to gete his lyf
Vomyt vpward / ne downward laxatyf
Al is to brosten / thilke regioun
Nature / hath no dominacioun
And certeinly / ther nature wol nat werche
ffare wel Phisyk . go ber the man to cherche
This al and som / þat Arcita moot dye
ffor which / he sendeth after Emelye
And Palamon / þat was his cosyn deere
Thanne seyde he thus / as ye shal after heere
¶ Nat may the woful spirit in myn herte
Declare a point of alle my sorwes smerte
To yow my lady / þat I loue moost
But I byquethe / the seruice of my goost
To yow / abouen euery creature
Syn þat my lyf / may no lenger dure
Allas the wo / allas the peynes stronge
That I for yow haue suffred / and so longe
Allas the deeth / allas myn Emelye [folio 37a]
Allas / departyng of oure compaignye
Allas myn hertes queene / allas my wif
Myn hertes lady / endere of my lyf
What is this world / what axeth men to haue
Now with his loue / now in his colde graue
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.]
¶ I haue heer / with my cosyn Palamon
Had stryf and rancour / many a day gon
ffor loue of yow / and for my Ialousye
And Iuppiter / so wys my soule gye Page  80
To speken / of a seruaunt proprely
With circumstaunces alle / trewely
That is to seyn / trouthe / honour / knyghthede
Wisdom / humblesse / estaat / and heigh kynrede
ffredom / and al / that longeth to that art
So Iuppiter / haue of my soule part
As in this world / right now ne knowe I non
So worthy to been loued / as Palamon
That serueth yow / and wol doon al his lyf
And if þat euere / ye shal been a wyf
fforyet nat Palamon / the gentil man
And with that word / his speche faille gan
ffor from his feet vp to his brest was come
The coold of deeth / þat hadde hym ouercome
And yet moore ouer / for in his armes two
The vital strengthe / is lost and al ago
Oonly the Intellect with oute moore
That dwelled in his herte / syk and soore
Gan faillen / whan the herte felte deeth
Dusked hise eyen two / and fayled breeth
But on his lady / yet caste he his eye
His laste word / was mercy Emelye
His spirit chaunged hous / and wente ther
As I cam neuere / I kan nat tellen wher
Therfore I stynte / I nam no dyuynystre
Of soules / fynde I nat in this Registre
Ne me ne lyst thilke opynyons to telle
Of hem / thogh þat they writen wher they dwelle
Arcite is coold / ther Mars his soule gye
Now wol I speken / forth of Emelye
¶ Shrighte Emelye / and howleth Palamon [folio 37b]
And Theseus / his suster took anon
Swownynge / and baar hire fro the corps away
What helpeth it to tarien forth the day
To tellen how she weepe / bothe eue and morwe
ffor in swich caas / wommen haue swich sorwe Page  81
Whan þat hir housbondes / been from hem ago
That for the moore part they sorwen so
Or ellis fallen / in swich a maladye
That at the laste / certeinly they dye
¶ Infinite / been the sorwes and the teerys
Of olde folk . and folk of tendre yeerys
In all the town for the deeth of this Theban
ffor hym ther wepeth bothe child a[nd] man
So greet wepyng was ther noon certayn
Whan Ector was broght al fressh yslayn
To Troye / allas the pitee þat was ther
Cracchynge of chekes / rentyng eek of heer
Why woldestow be deed / thise wommen crye
And haddest gold ynow / and Emelye
¶ No man / myghte gladen Theseus
Sauyng his olde fader Egeus
That knew / this worldes transmutacioun
As he hadde seyn it chaungen / bothe vp and down
Ioye after wo / and wo after gladnesse
And shewed hem / ensample and lyknesse
¶ Right as ther deyed neuere man / quod he*. [Argumentum.]
That he ne lyued in erthe / in som degree
Right so / ther lyued neuere man he seyde
In al this world / þat som tyme he ne deyde
This world nys but a thurghfare / ful of wo
And we been pilgrymes / passynge to and fro
Deeth is an ende / of euery worldly soore
And ouer al this / yet seyde he muchel moore
To this effect ful wysly / to enhorte
The peple / that they sholde hem reconforte
¶ Duc Theseus / with al his bisy cure
Caste now / wher that the sepulture
Of goode Arcite / may best ymaked be
And eek moost honurable / in his degree
And at the laste / he took conclusion [folio 38a]
That ther / as first Arcite and Palamon Page  82
Hadden for loue / the bataille hem bitwene
That in the selue groue / swoote and grene
Ther as he hadde / hise amorouse desires
His compleinte / and for loue his hote fyres
He wolde make a fyr / in which the office
ffuneral / he myghte al acomplice
And leet anoon comaunde / to hakke and hewe
The okes olde / and leyen hem on a rewe
In colpons / wel arrayed for to brenne
Hise officers / with swifte feet they renne
And ryde anoon / at his comandement
And after this / Theseus hath ysent
After a Beere / and it al ouerspradde
With clooth of gold / the richeste þat he hadde
And of the same suyte / he cladde Arcite
Vp on his handes / his gloues white
Eek on his heed / a coroune of laurer greene
And in his hand / a swerd ful bright and keene
He leyde hym bare the visage / on the beere
Ther with he weepe / þat pitee was to heere
And for the peple / sholde seen hym alle
Whan it was day / he broghte hym to the halle
That roreth / of the cryyng and the sown
Tho cam / this woful Theban Palamon
With flotry berd / and ruggy asshy heerys
In clothes blake / ydropped al with teerys
And passyng othere / of wepyng Emelye
The rufulleste / of al the compaignye
In as muche / as the seruyce sholde be
The moore noble / and ryche in his degree
Duc Theseus / leet forth thre steedes brynge
That trapped weren in steel al gliterynge
And couered with the armes / of daun Arcite
Vp on thise steedes / grete and whyte
Ther seten folk / of which oon baar his sheeld
Another his spere / vp on his hondes heeld Page  83
The thridde bar with hym / his bowe Turkeys
Of brend gold / was the caas / and eek the harneys
And ryden forth a paas / with sorweful cheere [folio 38b]
Toward the groue / as ye shul after heere
The nobleste of the Grekys / þat ther were
Vp on hir shuldres / carieden the beere
With slak[e] paas / and eyen rede and weete
Thurgh out the Citee / by the maister streete
That sprad was al with blak and wonder hye
Right of the same / is the strete ywrye
Vp on the right hand / wente olde Egeus
And on that oother syde / Duc Theseus
With vessels in hir hand / of gold ful fyn
As ful of hony / melk / and blood and wyn
Eek Palamon / with ful greet compaignye
And after that / cam woful Emelye
With fyr in hande / as was that tyme the gyse
To do the office / of funeral seruyse
¶ Heigh labour / and greet apparaillynge
Was at the seruyce / and the fyr makynge
That with his grene tope / the heuene raughte
And twenty fadme of brede / the armes straughte
This is to seyn / the bowes / were so brode
Of stree first ther was leyd many a lode
But how the fyr was maked vp on highte
Ne eek the names / how the trees highte
As ook / ffyrre / Birch / Asp / Alder / holm / popler
Wylow / Elm / Plane / Assh / Box / Chestayn / lynde / laurer
Mapul / Thorn / Beech / hasyl / Ew / Whippultree
How they were feld / shal nat been told for me
Ne how the goddes / ronnen vp and doun
Desherited / of hir habitacioun
In which they woneden / in reste and pees
Nymphes / ffawnes / and Amadrides
Ne how the beestes / and the bryddes alle
ffledden / for fered / whan the wode was falle Page  84
Ne how the ground / agast was of the lyght
That was nat wont to seen the sonne bright
Ne how the fyr / was couched first with stree
And thanne with drye stikkes / clouen a three
And thanne with grene wode / and spicerye
And thanne with clooth of gold / and with perrye
And gerlandes hangynge / ful of many a flour [folio 39a]
The Mirre / thencens / with al so greet sauour
Ne how Arcite / lay among al this
Ne what richesse / aboute the body is
Ne how that Emelye / as was the gyse
Putte in the fyr / of funeral seruyse
Ne how she swowned / whan men made the fyr
Ne what she spak ne what was hir desir
Ne what Iuels / men in the fyr caste
Whan þat the fyr was greet and brente faste
Ne how somme caste hir sheeld / and somme hir spere
And of hir vestimentz / whiche þat they were
And coppes fulle of Milk / and wyn and blood
In to the fyr / þat brente as it were wood
Ne how the Grekys / with An huge route
Thries ryden / al the fyr aboute
Vp on the left hand / with a loud shoutynge
And thries / with hir speres claterynge
And thries / how the ladyes gonne crye
And how þat lad / was homward Emelye
Ne how Arcite / is brent to Asshen colde
Ne how that lychwake / was yholde
Al thilke nyght ne how the grekys pleye
The wake pleyes / ne kepe I noght to seye
Who wrastleth best naked / with oille enoynt
Ne who þat baar hym best in no disioynt
I wol nat tellen al / how [that] they goon
Hoom til Atthenes / whan the pleye is doon
But shortly to the poynt than wol I wende
And maken / of my longe tale an ende Page  85
¶ By proces / and by lengthe of certeyn yerys
Al stynt is / the moornynge and the terys
Of Grekys / by oon general assent
Thanne semed me / ther was a parlement
At Atthenes / vp on a certeyn point and caas
Among the whiche pointes / y-spoken was
To haue / with certeyn contrees alliance
And haue fully / of Thebans obeisance
ffor which this noble Theseus anon
Leet senden / after gentil Palamon
Vnwist of hym / what was the cause and why [folio 39b]
But in his blake clothes / sorwefully
He cam at his comandement / in hye
Tho sente Theseus / for Emelye
¶ Whan they were set and hust was al the place
And Theseus / abiden hath a space
Er any word / cam from his wise brest/
His eyen sette he ther as was his lest
And with a sad visage / he siked stille
And after that right thus he seyde his wille
¶ The firste moeuere / of the cause aboue*. [Nota]
Whan he first made / the faire cheyne of loue
Greet was theffect and heigh was his entente
Wel wiste he why / and what ther of he mente
ffor with that faire cheyne of loue he boond
The fyr / the Eyr / the water / and the loond
In certeyn boundes / þat they may nat flee
That same Prince / and that moeuere quod he
Hath stabliced / in this wrecched world adoun
Certeine dayes / and duracioun
To al / that is engendred / in this place
Ouer the which day / they may nat pace
Al mowe they yet / tho dayes abregge
Ther nedeth / noon auctoritee to allegge
ffor it is proued / by experience
But þat me list declaren my sentence Page  86
Thanne may men wel / by this ordre discerne
That thilke moeuere / stable is and eterne
Wel may men knowe / but it be a fool
That euery part . is diryued from his hool
ffor nature / hath nat taken his bigynnyng
Of no partie / or of cantel of a thyng
But of a thyng . that parfit is and stable
Descendynge so / til it be corrumpable
And ther fore / for his wise purueiaunce
He hath / so wel biset his ordinaunce
That specis of thynges / and progressions
Shullen enduren / by successions
And noght eterne / with outen any lye
This maistow vnderstonde / and seen at Iye
¶ Loo the ook / that hath so long a norisshynge [folio 40a]
ffro the tyme / that it first gynneth sprynge
And hath so long a lyf / as ye may see
Yet at the laste / wasted is the tree
¶ Considreth eek / how þat the harde stoon
Vnder oure foot on which we ryde and goon
It wasteth / as it lyth by the weye
The brode Ryuer / som tyme wexeth dreye
The grete townes / se we wane and wende
Thanne se ye / þat al this thyng hath ende
Of man and womman / se we wel also
That nedeth / in oon of thise termes two
This is to seyn / in youthe / or ellis age
He moot be deed / the kyng as shal a page
Som in his bed / som in the depe see
Som in the large feeld / as ye may se
Ther helpeth noght al gooth that ilke weye
Thanne may I seyn / þat al this thyng moot deye
What maketh this? but Iuppiter the kyng
That is Prince / and cause of alle thyng
Conuertyng / al vn to his propre welle
ffrom which he is diryued sooth to telle Page  87
And heer agayns / no creature on lyue
Of no degree / auailleth for to stryue
¶ Thanne is it wisdom / as it thynketh me
To maken vertu / of necessitee
And take it wel / þat we may nat eschue
And nameliche / that to vs alle is due
And who so gruccheth oght he dooth folye
And rebel is / to hym þat al may gye
And certeinly / a man hath moost honour
To dyen / in his excellence and flour
Whan he is siker / of his goode name
Thanne hath he doon / his freend ne hym no shame
And gladder oghte / his freend been of his deeth
Whan with honour / yolden is vp his breeth
Than whan his name / apalled is for age
ffor al forgeten is his vasselage
Thanne is it best as for a worthy fame
To dyen / whan he is best of name
¶ The contrarie of al this / is wilfulnesse
Why grucchen we / why haue we heuynesse
That goode Arcite / of chiualrie flour [folio 40b]
Departed is / with duetee / and with honour
Out of this foule prison / of this lyf
Why gruccheth heere / his cosyn and his wyf/
Of his welfare / þat loueth hem so weel
Kan he hem thank? nay good woot neuer a deel
That bothe his soule / and eek hem self offende
And yet they mowe / hir lustes nat amende
¶ What may I conclude / of this longe serye
But after wo / I rede vs to be merye
And thanken Iuppiter / of al his grace
And er we / departen from this place
I rede we make / of sorwes two
O parfit Ioye / lastynge euere mo
And loketh now / wher moost sorwe is her Inne
Ther wol I first amenden and bigynne Page  88
¶ Suster quod he / this is my ful assent
With al thauys / heer of my parlement
That gentil Palamon / youre owene knyght
That serueth yow / with wyl and herte myght
And euere hath doon / syn ye first hym knewe
That ye shal of youre grace vp on hym rewe
And taken hym / for housbond and for lord
Leen me youre hond / for this is oure acord
Lat se now / of youre wommanly pitee
He is / a kynges brother sone pardee
And thogh he were / a poure Bachiler
Syn he hath serued yow / so many a yeer
And had for yow / so greet aduersitee
It moste been considred / leueth me
ffor gentil mercy / oghte to passen right
¶ Thanne seyde he thus / to Palamon the knyght
I trowe / ther nedeth litel sermonyng
To make yow / assente to this thyng
Com neer / and taketh youre lady by the hond
Bitwixe hem / was maad anon the bond
That highte matrymoigne / or mariage
By al the conseil / and the Baronage
And thus / with alle blisse / and melodye
Hath Palamon / ywedded Emelye
And god / that al this world hath wroght [folio 41a]
Sende hym his loue / that hath it deere aboght
ffor now is Palamon / in alle wele
Lyuynge in blisse / in richesse / and in heele
And Emelye / hym loueth so tendrely
And he / hir serueth so gentilly
That was ther no word hem bitwene
Of Ialousie / or any oother teene
Thus endeth Palamon / and Emelye
And god saue / al this faire compaignye Amen.
¶ Here is ended the Knyghtes tale.